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Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 75 - 86, 28.12.2020


Bireyin baş ve boyun bölgesinde gerçekleşen kassal, yapısal işlev ve fonksiyonların sorunsuz bir şekilde meydana getirilebilmesi; yaşamsal, estetik ve psikolojik açıdan son derece önemlidir. Solunum, yutma, çiğneme gibi fonksiyonlardaki normalden sapmaların; maloklüzyona, edinilmiş kraniyofasiyal bozukluğa ve çeşitli hastalıklara neden olabileceği birçok çalışmada bildirilmiştir. Anormal alışkanlıkların etkileri zamanla birikerek iç ve dış kas kuvvetleri arasında bir dengesizlik oluşturabilir ve stomatognatik sistemin normal gelişimini değiştirebilir. Kritik dönemlerde müdahale eksikliği dişlerin pozisyonlarını, çeneler arasındaki ilişkiyi ve şeklini değiştirebilir. Ne yazık ki, duruş ve fonksiyon bozukluklarını ölçmek ve değerlendirmek zordur ve bu durum konunun algılanan önemini azaltmıştır. Temel ortodontik muayeneler genellikle yedi yaşından itibaren önerilir. Bununla birlikte, maloklüzyon ile sonuçlanan dismorfik değişiklikler genellikle daha önceki yıllarda belirginleşir. Fonksiyon bozuklukları giderilmediğinde, ortodontik tedaviyi takiben tekrar maloklüzyon oluşabilir. Oluşabilecek maloklüzyonların ve ortodontik tedavi sonrası relapsın engellenmesi için fonksiyon bozukluklarının teşhisi ve tedavi edilmesi kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu derlemenin amacı, oklüzal (dişlerin kapanış ilişkileri) ve yüz gelişiminde etkili olan oral fonksiyonlar hakkında güncel literatür bilgilerini paylaşarak erken tanı ve tedavi için aileler, diş hekimi, ortodontist ve diğer sağlık çalışanları için farkındalık oluşturmaktır. Emzirme, hava yolu tıkanıklığı, anormal frenulum, ağız solunumu, oral alışkanlıklar, yutma, çiğneme başlıkları altında konu açıklığa kavuşturulacaktır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • 1. Bakke M, Bergendal B, McAllister A, Sjogreen L, Asten P. Development and evaluation of a comprehensive screening for orofacial dysfunction. J Swedish dental journal. 2007;31(2):75-84.
  • 2. D'Onofrio L. Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion. Orthodontics & craniofacial research. 2019;22 Suppl 1:43-8.
  • 3. Garretto AL. Orofacial myofunctional disorders related to malocclusion. The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial Myology. 2001;27:44-54.
  • 4. Dehlink E, Tan H-L. Update on paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea. J Journal of thoracic disease. 2016;8(2):224.
  • 5. Harari D, Redlich M, Miri S, Hamud T, Gross M. The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients. J The Laryngoscope. 2010;120(10):2089-93.
  • 6. Cortese SG, Biondi AM. Relationship between dysfunctions and parafunctional oral habits, and temporomandibular disorders in children and teenagers. J Archivos argentinos de pediatria. 2009;107(2):134-8.
  • 7. Germa A, Clément C, Weissenbach M, Heude B, Forhan A, Martin-Marchand L, et al. Early risk factors for posterior crossbite and anterior open bite in the primary dentition. J The Angle Orthodontist. 2016;86(5):832-8.
  • 8. Elad D, Kozlovsky P, Blum O, Laine AF, Po MJ, Botzer E, et al. Biomechanics of milk extraction during breast-feeding. 2014;111(14):5230-5.
  • 9. Barlow SM, Radder JPL, Radder ME, Radder AK. Central pattern generators for orofacial movements and speech. Handbook of behavioral neuroscience. 19: Elsevier; 2010. p. 351-69.
  • 10. Peres KG, DE OLIVEIRA LATORRE MDRD, Sheiham A, Peres MA, Victora CG, Barros FC. Social and biological early life influences on the prevalence of open bite in Brazilian 6‐year‐olds. J International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2007;17(1):41-9.
  • 11. Romero CC, Scavone-Junior H, Garib DG, Cotrim-Ferreira FA, Ferreira RI. Breastfeeding and non-nutritive sucking patterns related to the prevalence of anterior open bite in primary dentition. J Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2011;19(2):161-8.
  • 12. Limeira AB, Aguiar CM, de Lima B, Siqueira N, Câmara ACJJoDfC. Association between breast-feeding duration and posterior crossbites. 2014;81(3):122-7.
  • 13. Sum FHKMH, Zhang L, Ling HTB, Yeung CPW, Li KY, Wong HM, et al. Association of breastfeeding and three-dimensional dental arch relationships in primary dentition. J BMC Oral Health. 2015;15(1):30.
  • 14. Luz CL, Garib DG, Arouca R. Association between breastfeeding duration and mandibular retrusion: a cross-sectional study of children in the mixed dentition. J American Journal of Orthodontics dentofacial orthopedics. 2006;130(4):531-4.
  • 15. Kajan ZD, Khademi J, Nemati S, Niksolat E. The effects of septal deviation, Concha bullosa, and their combination on the depth of posterior palatal arch in cone-beam computed tomography. J Journal of Dentistry. 2016;17(1):26.
  • 16. Vázquez-Nava F, Quezada-Castillo J, Oviedo-Trevino S, Saldivar-González A, Sánchez-Nuncio H, Beltrán-Guzmán F, et al. Association between allergic rhinitis, bottle feeding, non-nutritive sucking habits, and malocclusion in the primary dentition. J Archives of disease in childhood. 2006;91(10):836-40.
  • 17. Krasny M, Wysocki J, Zadurska M, Skarżyński PH. Relative nasopharyngeal patency index as possible objective indication for adenoidectomy in children with orthodontic problems. J International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2011;75(2):250-5.
  • 18. Valera FC, Travitzki LV, Mattar SE, Matsumoto MrA, Elias AM, Anselmo-Lima WT. Muscular, functional and orthodontic changes in pre school children with enlarged adenoids and tonsils. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2003;67(7):761-70.
  • 19. Guilleminault C, Stoohs R. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children. J Pediatrician. 1990;17(1):46-51.
  • 20. Flores-Mir C, Korayem M, Heo G, Witmans M, Major MP, Major PW. Craniofacial morphological characteristics in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2013;144(3):269-77.
  • 21. Wysocki J, Krasny M, Skarżyński PH. Patency of nasopharynx and a cephalometric image in the children with orthodontic problems. J International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2009;73(12):1803-9.
  • 22. Belmehdi A, Harti KE, Wady WE. Ankyloglossia as an oral functional problem and its surgical management. Dent Med Probl. 2018;55(2):213-6.
  • 23. Vaz AC, Bai PM. Lingual frenulum and malocclusion: An overlooked tissue or a minor issue. Indian J Dent Res. 2015;26(5):488-92.
  • 24. Bresolin D, Shapiro PA, Shapiro GG, Chapko MK, Dassel S. Mouth breathing in allergic children: its relationship to dentofacial development. J American journal of orthodontics. 1983;83(4):334-40.
  • 25. Al Ali A, Richmond S, Popat H, Playle R, Pickles T, Zhurov AI, et al. The influence of snoring, mouth breathing and apnoea on facial morphology in late childhood: a three-dimensional study. BMJ open. 2015;5(9):e009027.
  • 26. Silva M, Manton D. Oral habits--part 2: beyond nutritive and non-nutritive sucking. Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill). 2014;81(3):140-6.
  • 27. Law CS. Oral Habits. Pediatric Dentistry. 6ed ed: Elsevier; 2019. p. 386-93.
  • 28. Proffit WR, Fields HW, Sarver DM. Contemporary orthodontics-e-book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014.
  • 29. Oyamada Y, Ikeuchi T, Arakaki M, Hino R, Ono M, Kobayashi M, et al. Finger sucking callus as useful indicator for malocclusion in young children. Pediatric dental journal. 2016;26(3):103-8.
  • 30. Tanaka OM, Vitral RWF, Tanaka GY, Guerrero AP, Camargo ES. Nailbiting, or onychophagia: a special habit. J American Journal of Orthodontics Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2008;134(2):305-8.
  • 31. Kuch EV, Till MJ, Messer LB. Bruxing and non-bruxing children: a comparison of their personality traits. J Pediatr Dent. 1979;1(3):182-7.
  • 32. Machado E, Dal-Fabbro C, Cunali PA, Kaizer OB. Prevalence of sleep bruxism in children: a systematic review. J Dental press journal of orthodontics. 2014;19(6):54-61.
  • 33. Agarwal SS, Sharma M, Nehra K, Jayan B, Poonia A, Bhattal H. Validation of association between breastfeeding duration, facial profile, occlusion, and spacing: a cross-sectional study. J International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 2016;9(2):162.
  • 34. Giuca MR, Pasini M, Pagano A, Mummolo S, Vanni A. Longitudinal study on a rehabilitative model for correction of atypical swallowing. J Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2008;9(4):170-4.
  • 35. Pietro F. Froggy mouth: a new myofunctional approach to atypical swallowing. J European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2019;20:33.
  • 36. Tecco S, Mummolo S, Marchetti E, Tetè S, Campanella V, Gatto R, et al. sEMG activity of masticatory, neck, and trunk muscles during the treatment of scoliosis with functional braces. A longitudinal controlled study. J Journal of electromyography kinesiology. 2011;21(6):885-92.
  • 37. Kurabeishi H, Tatsuo R, Makoto N, Kazunori F. Relationship between tongue pressure and maxillofacial morphology in Japanese children based on skeletal classification. J Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2018;45(9):684-91.
  • 38. Gopalakrishnan U, Abdullah F, Nafi F, Mahendra L, Madasamy R. Influence of malocclusion on masticatory sounds: A In vivo study. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018;52(6):151-.
  • 39. Kayabekir M, Tuncer M, Türker KS. Çiğnemenin Nörofizyolojisi ve Genel Motor Kontrol ile Etkileşimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi.25(1).
  • 40. Kaya M, Güçlü B, Schimmel M, Akyüz S. Two‐colour chewing gum mixing ability test for evaluating masticatory performance in children with mixed dentition: validity and reliability study. J Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017;44(11):827-34.
  • 41. Öz U, Ciğer S. Çiğneme fonksiyonları ve maloklüzyon. J Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi.23(3):436-40.
  • 42. Lieberman DE, Krovitz GE, Yates FW, Devlin M, Claire MS. Effects of food processing on masticatory strain and craniofacial growth in a retrognathic face. J Journal of human evolution. 2004;46(6):655-77.

Oral Function Disorders and Malocclusion in Children

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 75 - 86, 28.12.2020


Ability to perform muscular activity and structural functions in the head and neck region of the individual without any problem is extremely critical in terms of vital, aesthetics and psychology. It has been reported in many studies that aberration of functions such as breathing, swallowing, chewing may cause malocclusion, acquired craniofacial disorder and various diseases. The cumulative effects of abnormal habits could result in an imbalance between the internal, external muscle forces and eventually may alter the normal development of the stomatognathic system. Unfortunately, the perceived importance of the issue is not enough due to difficulties in measuring and evaluating postural changes and dysfunctions. Basic orthodontic examinations are usually suggested onwards seven years of age. However, dysmorphic changes that result in malocclusion are often apparent years earlier. The diagnosis, treatment of dysfunctions are critical to prevent possible malocclusions and relapse after orthodontic treatment. This review aims to raise awareness for families, dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare professionals for early diagnosis and treatment about oral functions that are effective in facial development and occlusal relationships in the light of current literature. The subject will be clarified under the topics of breastfeeding, airway obstruction, abnormal frenulum, mouth breathing, oral habits, swallowing, chewing.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Bakke M, Bergendal B, McAllister A, Sjogreen L, Asten P. Development and evaluation of a comprehensive screening for orofacial dysfunction. J Swedish dental journal. 2007;31(2):75-84.
  • 2. D'Onofrio L. Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion. Orthodontics & craniofacial research. 2019;22 Suppl 1:43-8.
  • 3. Garretto AL. Orofacial myofunctional disorders related to malocclusion. The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial Myology. 2001;27:44-54.
  • 4. Dehlink E, Tan H-L. Update on paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea. J Journal of thoracic disease. 2016;8(2):224.
  • 5. Harari D, Redlich M, Miri S, Hamud T, Gross M. The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients. J The Laryngoscope. 2010;120(10):2089-93.
  • 6. Cortese SG, Biondi AM. Relationship between dysfunctions and parafunctional oral habits, and temporomandibular disorders in children and teenagers. J Archivos argentinos de pediatria. 2009;107(2):134-8.
  • 7. Germa A, Clément C, Weissenbach M, Heude B, Forhan A, Martin-Marchand L, et al. Early risk factors for posterior crossbite and anterior open bite in the primary dentition. J The Angle Orthodontist. 2016;86(5):832-8.
  • 8. Elad D, Kozlovsky P, Blum O, Laine AF, Po MJ, Botzer E, et al. Biomechanics of milk extraction during breast-feeding. 2014;111(14):5230-5.
  • 9. Barlow SM, Radder JPL, Radder ME, Radder AK. Central pattern generators for orofacial movements and speech. Handbook of behavioral neuroscience. 19: Elsevier; 2010. p. 351-69.
  • 10. Peres KG, DE OLIVEIRA LATORRE MDRD, Sheiham A, Peres MA, Victora CG, Barros FC. Social and biological early life influences on the prevalence of open bite in Brazilian 6‐year‐olds. J International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2007;17(1):41-9.
  • 11. Romero CC, Scavone-Junior H, Garib DG, Cotrim-Ferreira FA, Ferreira RI. Breastfeeding and non-nutritive sucking patterns related to the prevalence of anterior open bite in primary dentition. J Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2011;19(2):161-8.
  • 12. Limeira AB, Aguiar CM, de Lima B, Siqueira N, Câmara ACJJoDfC. Association between breast-feeding duration and posterior crossbites. 2014;81(3):122-7.
  • 13. Sum FHKMH, Zhang L, Ling HTB, Yeung CPW, Li KY, Wong HM, et al. Association of breastfeeding and three-dimensional dental arch relationships in primary dentition. J BMC Oral Health. 2015;15(1):30.
  • 14. Luz CL, Garib DG, Arouca R. Association between breastfeeding duration and mandibular retrusion: a cross-sectional study of children in the mixed dentition. J American Journal of Orthodontics dentofacial orthopedics. 2006;130(4):531-4.
  • 15. Kajan ZD, Khademi J, Nemati S, Niksolat E. The effects of septal deviation, Concha bullosa, and their combination on the depth of posterior palatal arch in cone-beam computed tomography. J Journal of Dentistry. 2016;17(1):26.
  • 16. Vázquez-Nava F, Quezada-Castillo J, Oviedo-Trevino S, Saldivar-González A, Sánchez-Nuncio H, Beltrán-Guzmán F, et al. Association between allergic rhinitis, bottle feeding, non-nutritive sucking habits, and malocclusion in the primary dentition. J Archives of disease in childhood. 2006;91(10):836-40.
  • 17. Krasny M, Wysocki J, Zadurska M, Skarżyński PH. Relative nasopharyngeal patency index as possible objective indication for adenoidectomy in children with orthodontic problems. J International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2011;75(2):250-5.
  • 18. Valera FC, Travitzki LV, Mattar SE, Matsumoto MrA, Elias AM, Anselmo-Lima WT. Muscular, functional and orthodontic changes in pre school children with enlarged adenoids and tonsils. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2003;67(7):761-70.
  • 19. Guilleminault C, Stoohs R. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children. J Pediatrician. 1990;17(1):46-51.
  • 20. Flores-Mir C, Korayem M, Heo G, Witmans M, Major MP, Major PW. Craniofacial morphological characteristics in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2013;144(3):269-77.
  • 21. Wysocki J, Krasny M, Skarżyński PH. Patency of nasopharynx and a cephalometric image in the children with orthodontic problems. J International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2009;73(12):1803-9.
  • 22. Belmehdi A, Harti KE, Wady WE. Ankyloglossia as an oral functional problem and its surgical management. Dent Med Probl. 2018;55(2):213-6.
  • 23. Vaz AC, Bai PM. Lingual frenulum and malocclusion: An overlooked tissue or a minor issue. Indian J Dent Res. 2015;26(5):488-92.
  • 24. Bresolin D, Shapiro PA, Shapiro GG, Chapko MK, Dassel S. Mouth breathing in allergic children: its relationship to dentofacial development. J American journal of orthodontics. 1983;83(4):334-40.
  • 25. Al Ali A, Richmond S, Popat H, Playle R, Pickles T, Zhurov AI, et al. The influence of snoring, mouth breathing and apnoea on facial morphology in late childhood: a three-dimensional study. BMJ open. 2015;5(9):e009027.
  • 26. Silva M, Manton D. Oral habits--part 2: beyond nutritive and non-nutritive sucking. Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill). 2014;81(3):140-6.
  • 27. Law CS. Oral Habits. Pediatric Dentistry. 6ed ed: Elsevier; 2019. p. 386-93.
  • 28. Proffit WR, Fields HW, Sarver DM. Contemporary orthodontics-e-book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014.
  • 29. Oyamada Y, Ikeuchi T, Arakaki M, Hino R, Ono M, Kobayashi M, et al. Finger sucking callus as useful indicator for malocclusion in young children. Pediatric dental journal. 2016;26(3):103-8.
  • 30. Tanaka OM, Vitral RWF, Tanaka GY, Guerrero AP, Camargo ES. Nailbiting, or onychophagia: a special habit. J American Journal of Orthodontics Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2008;134(2):305-8.
  • 31. Kuch EV, Till MJ, Messer LB. Bruxing and non-bruxing children: a comparison of their personality traits. J Pediatr Dent. 1979;1(3):182-7.
  • 32. Machado E, Dal-Fabbro C, Cunali PA, Kaizer OB. Prevalence of sleep bruxism in children: a systematic review. J Dental press journal of orthodontics. 2014;19(6):54-61.
  • 33. Agarwal SS, Sharma M, Nehra K, Jayan B, Poonia A, Bhattal H. Validation of association between breastfeeding duration, facial profile, occlusion, and spacing: a cross-sectional study. J International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 2016;9(2):162.
  • 34. Giuca MR, Pasini M, Pagano A, Mummolo S, Vanni A. Longitudinal study on a rehabilitative model for correction of atypical swallowing. J Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2008;9(4):170-4.
  • 35. Pietro F. Froggy mouth: a new myofunctional approach to atypical swallowing. J European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2019;20:33.
  • 36. Tecco S, Mummolo S, Marchetti E, Tetè S, Campanella V, Gatto R, et al. sEMG activity of masticatory, neck, and trunk muscles during the treatment of scoliosis with functional braces. A longitudinal controlled study. J Journal of electromyography kinesiology. 2011;21(6):885-92.
  • 37. Kurabeishi H, Tatsuo R, Makoto N, Kazunori F. Relationship between tongue pressure and maxillofacial morphology in Japanese children based on skeletal classification. J Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2018;45(9):684-91.
  • 38. Gopalakrishnan U, Abdullah F, Nafi F, Mahendra L, Madasamy R. Influence of malocclusion on masticatory sounds: A In vivo study. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. 2018;52(6):151-.
  • 39. Kayabekir M, Tuncer M, Türker KS. Çiğnemenin Nörofizyolojisi ve Genel Motor Kontrol ile Etkileşimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi.25(1).
  • 40. Kaya M, Güçlü B, Schimmel M, Akyüz S. Two‐colour chewing gum mixing ability test for evaluating masticatory performance in children with mixed dentition: validity and reliability study. J Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017;44(11):827-34.
  • 41. Öz U, Ciğer S. Çiğneme fonksiyonları ve maloklüzyon. J Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi.23(3):436-40.
  • 42. Lieberman DE, Krovitz GE, Yates FW, Devlin M, Claire MS. Effects of food processing on masticatory strain and craniofacial growth in a retrognathic face. J Journal of human evolution. 2004;46(6):655-77.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Şeyma Öztürk Bu kişi benim

Elif Ballıkaya

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, Ş., & Ballıkaya, E. (2020). Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 75-86.
AMA Öztürk Ş, Ballıkaya E. Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. Aralık 2020;3(2):75-86.
Chicago Öztürk, Şeyma, ve Elif Ballıkaya. “Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Malokluzyon”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 75-86.
EndNote Öztürk Ş, Ballıkaya E (01 Aralık 2020) Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 2 75–86.
IEEE Ş. Öztürk ve E. Ballıkaya, “Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon”, Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 75–86, 2020.
ISNAD Öztürk, Şeyma - Ballıkaya, Elif. “Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Malokluzyon”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/2 (Aralık 2020), 75-86.
JAMA Öztürk Ş, Ballıkaya E. Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020;3:75–86.
MLA Öztürk, Şeyma ve Elif Ballıkaya. “Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Malokluzyon”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 75-86.
Vancouver Öztürk Ş, Ballıkaya E. Çocuklarda Oral Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Malokluzyon. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020;3(2):75-86.