Characterization of Multifloral Honeys of Pervari Region with Different Properties
Yıl 2015,
, 40 - 46, 31.03.2015
Mehmet Emre Erez
Osman Karabacak
Lokman Kayci
Mehmet Fidan
Yılmaz Kaya
The quality of honey from Pervari region was almost known by all over the country in Turkey. This study was undertaken to determine (i) physico-chemical parameters, (ii) antimicrobial analysis and (iii) pollen estimation method with expert computer system obtained from three different sites of Pervari region (Siirt/Turkey). For physico-chemical parameters; moisture, free acidity, diastase activity, hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF), invert sugar, ash, commercial glucose and proline analysis were examined. For anti-microbial analysis disc dilution method were studied on six different bacteria species. For pollen analysis; different and new expert computer system was used for comparison of pollen of plants and honey samples. The aim of the study was to evaluate the properties of multi floral honey determined from three different locations in the same region and the way to understand to which plants were visited by the bees with comparing of pollen grains of flowers and honey by using the expert computer system. Honey samples of Pervari region were of acceptable quality based on recommended criteria of Turkish Food Codex and International Honey Commission.
- Abu-Tarboush, H. M., Al-Kahtani, H. A., & El-Sarrage, M. S. (1993). Floral types identifcation and quality evaluation of some honey types. Food Chemistry, 46, 13±17.
- Al-Khalifa, A. S., & Al-Arify, I. A. (1999). Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Saudi honeys. Food Chemistry, 67, 21–25.
- Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) (2000). Official methods of analysis (17th ed.). Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Bambara, S. B. (1991). 'Using pollen to identify honey'. American Bee Journal, 131(4), pp. 242–243.
- Bogdanov, S. (1997). Nature and origin of the antibacterial substances in honey. Lebensmittel Wissenchard und Technology, 30, 748–753.
- Bogdanov, S., Martin, P., & Lullmann, C. (1997). Harmonized methods of the European Honey Commission. Apidologie, 28, 1–59.
- Bogdanov, S., Ruoff, K., & Persano Oddo, L. (2004). Physico-chemical methods for the characterisation of unifloral honeys: A review. Apidologie, 35, S4–S17.
- Bolchi Serini, G., & Salvi, G. (1990). 'I mieli Lombardi: rizultati di analisi palinologiche'. Ape Nostra Amica, 12(1), pp. 6–9.
- Cohen, W. W. (1995) Fast effective rule induction In Machine Learning Proceedings of the T welfth International Conference. Lake Tahoe California_ Morgan
- Davis, P.H., (1988). Flora of Turkey And The East Aegean Islands, , Suppl., Vol. 10, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
- Fernández-Gutiérrez, (2006) A. Advances in the analysis of phenolic compoundsin products derived from bees. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 41, 1220–1234.
- Hermosin, I., Chicon, R. M., & Dolores Cabezudo, M. (2003), 'Free amino acid composition and botanical origin of honey', Food Chemistry, 83, pp. 263–268
- Lazarevic´, K.B. Andric´, F., Trifkovic´, J., TeÅ¡ic Zˇivoslav., Milojkovic´-Opsenica, D., (2012). Characterisation of Serbian unifloral honeys according to their physicochemical parameters. Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 2060–2064.
- Louveaux, J. (1985). Les produits du rucher. In Les abeilles et leur e´levage (pp. 165–199). OPIDA.
- Louveaux, J., Maurizio, A., Vorwohl, G., (1978). “International Commission for bee botany of IUBS, Methods of Melissopalinoloji”, Bee World, 59,139-157
- Mohamed, M. A., Ahmed, A. A., & Mazid, M. M. (1982). Studies on Libyan honeys. Journal of Food Quality, 4, 185±201.
- Molan, P. C. (1992). The antibacterial activity of honey. 1. The nature of the antibacterial activity. Bee World, 73(1), 5–28.
- Piana, L., Oddo, L.P., Bentabol, A., Bruneau, E., Bogdanov, S., & Declerck, C.G. (2004), 'Sensory analysis applied to honey: state of the art', Apidologie, 35, pp. 26-37.
- Sancho, M. T., Muniateugi, S., Hudiboro, J. F., & Simal, J. F. (1992). Aging of honey. Journal of Agricuture and Food Chemistry, 40, 134±138.
- Sato, T., & Miyata, G. (2000). The nutraceutical benefit, part II: honey. Nutrition, 16, 468–469.
- Silici S, Sagdic O, Ekici L (2010). Total phenolic content, antiradical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Rhododendron honeys, Food Chem., 121: 238-243.
- Singh, N., & Bath, P. K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chemistry, 58(1–2), 129–133.
- Singh, N., & Bath, P. K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chemistry, 58, 129±133.
- Szczcesna, T. & Rybak-Chmielewska, H. (1993), 'Analiza py_kowa miodo´w (przeglcË›cad literatury)', Pszczelarstwo, 5, pp. 10–11
- The Council of the European Union, 2002. Council Directive 2001/110/EC of 20 December 2001 relating to honey. Official Journal of the European Communities 1(10), 47–52.
- Tuzen, M., Silici, S., Mendil, D., & Soylak, M. (2007). Trace element levels in honeys from different regions of Turkey. Food Chemistry, 103, 325–330.
- Von der Ohe, W. (1994), 'Unifloral honeys: chemical conversion and pollen reduction', Grana, 33, pp. 292–294.
- Wodehouse, R.P. (1935), Pollen grains. Hafner Publishing Company, New York.
- Yilmaz, H., & Kufrevioglu, I. (2000). Composition of honeys collected from eastern and south-eastern Anatolia and effect of storage on hydroxymethylfurfural content and diastase activity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25, 347–349.
Yıl 2015,
, 40 - 46, 31.03.2015
Mehmet Emre Erez
Osman Karabacak
Lokman Kayci
Mehmet Fidan
Yılmaz Kaya
The quality of honey from Pervari region was almost known by all over the country in Turkey. This study was undertaken to determine (i) physico-chemical parameters, (ii) antimicrobial analysis and (iii) pollen estimation method with expert computer system obtained from three different sites of Pervari region (Siirt/Turkey). For physico-chemical parameters; moisture, free acidity, diastase activity, hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF), invert sugar, ash, commercial glucose and proline analysis were examined. For anti-microbial analysis disc dilution method were studied on six different bacteria species. For pollen analysis; different and new expert computer system was used for comparison of pollen of plants and honey samples. The aim of the study was to evaluate the properties of multi floral honey determined from three different locations in the same region and the way to understand to which plants were visited by the bees with comparing of pollen grains of flowers and honey by using the expert computer system. Honey samples of Pervari region were of acceptable quality based on recommended criteria of Turkish Food Codex and International Honey Commission
- Abu-Tarboush, H. M., Al-Kahtani, H. A., & El-Sarrage, M. S. (1993). Floral types identifcation and quality evaluation of some honey types. Food Chemistry, 46, 13±17.
- Al-Khalifa, A. S., & Al-Arify, I. A. (1999). Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Saudi honeys. Food Chemistry, 67, 21–25.
- Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) (2000). Official methods of analysis (17th ed.). Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
- Bambara, S. B. (1991). 'Using pollen to identify honey'. American Bee Journal, 131(4), pp. 242–243.
- Bogdanov, S. (1997). Nature and origin of the antibacterial substances in honey. Lebensmittel Wissenchard und Technology, 30, 748–753.
- Bogdanov, S., Martin, P., & Lullmann, C. (1997). Harmonized methods of the European Honey Commission. Apidologie, 28, 1–59.
- Bogdanov, S., Ruoff, K., & Persano Oddo, L. (2004). Physico-chemical methods for the characterisation of unifloral honeys: A review. Apidologie, 35, S4–S17.
- Bolchi Serini, G., & Salvi, G. (1990). 'I mieli Lombardi: rizultati di analisi palinologiche'. Ape Nostra Amica, 12(1), pp. 6–9.
- Cohen, W. W. (1995) Fast effective rule induction In Machine Learning Proceedings of the T welfth International Conference. Lake Tahoe California_ Morgan
- Davis, P.H., (1988). Flora of Turkey And The East Aegean Islands, , Suppl., Vol. 10, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
- Fernández-Gutiérrez, (2006) A. Advances in the analysis of phenolic compoundsin products derived from bees. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 41, 1220–1234.
- Hermosin, I., Chicon, R. M., & Dolores Cabezudo, M. (2003), 'Free amino acid composition and botanical origin of honey', Food Chemistry, 83, pp. 263–268
- Lazarevic´, K.B. Andric´, F., Trifkovic´, J., TeÅ¡ic Zˇivoslav., Milojkovic´-Opsenica, D., (2012). Characterisation of Serbian unifloral honeys according to their physicochemical parameters. Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 2060–2064.
- Louveaux, J. (1985). Les produits du rucher. In Les abeilles et leur e´levage (pp. 165–199). OPIDA.
- Louveaux, J., Maurizio, A., Vorwohl, G., (1978). “International Commission for bee botany of IUBS, Methods of Melissopalinoloji”, Bee World, 59,139-157
- Mohamed, M. A., Ahmed, A. A., & Mazid, M. M. (1982). Studies on Libyan honeys. Journal of Food Quality, 4, 185±201.
- Molan, P. C. (1992). The antibacterial activity of honey. 1. The nature of the antibacterial activity. Bee World, 73(1), 5–28.
- Piana, L., Oddo, L.P., Bentabol, A., Bruneau, E., Bogdanov, S., & Declerck, C.G. (2004), 'Sensory analysis applied to honey: state of the art', Apidologie, 35, pp. 26-37.
- Sancho, M. T., Muniateugi, S., Hudiboro, J. F., & Simal, J. F. (1992). Aging of honey. Journal of Agricuture and Food Chemistry, 40, 134±138.
- Sato, T., & Miyata, G. (2000). The nutraceutical benefit, part II: honey. Nutrition, 16, 468–469.
- Silici S, Sagdic O, Ekici L (2010). Total phenolic content, antiradical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Rhododendron honeys, Food Chem., 121: 238-243.
- Singh, N., & Bath, P. K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chemistry, 58(1–2), 129–133.
- Singh, N., & Bath, P. K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chemistry, 58, 129±133.
- Szczcesna, T. & Rybak-Chmielewska, H. (1993), 'Analiza py_kowa miodo´w (przeglcË›cad literatury)', Pszczelarstwo, 5, pp. 10–11
- The Council of the European Union, 2002. Council Directive 2001/110/EC of 20 December 2001 relating to honey. Official Journal of the European Communities 1(10), 47–52.
- Tuzen, M., Silici, S., Mendil, D., & Soylak, M. (2007). Trace element levels in honeys from different regions of Turkey. Food Chemistry, 103, 325–330.
- Von der Ohe, W. (1994), 'Unifloral honeys: chemical conversion and pollen reduction', Grana, 33, pp. 292–294.
- Wodehouse, R.P. (1935), Pollen grains. Hafner Publishing Company, New York.
- Yilmaz, H., & Kufrevioglu, I. (2000). Composition of honeys collected from eastern and south-eastern Anatolia and effect of storage on hydroxymethylfurfural content and diastase activity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25, 347–349.