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Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma

Yıl 2017, , 296 - 301, 31.10.2017


Rheum ribes L.
tıbbi öneme sahip çok yıllık yabani bir bitki türüdür. Bu çalışmada,
in vitro koşullarda büyütülmüş 7 günlük fidelerden
alınan farklı eksplant tipleri (hipokotil ve kotiledon),
(IBA) (0.0
ve 1.0 mg L
-1) ve 6-Benzilaminopurin (BAP) (0.0, 1.0 ve 2.0 mg L-1) kombinasyonları
ilave edilmiş MS (
and Skoog
) besin ortamında kültüre alınmıştır. Araştırma
sonucunda sürgün ve kallus oluşumu yönünden hipokotil eksplantlarının kotiledon
eksplantlarından daha başarılı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Hipokotil eksplantlarında,
eksplant başına en yüksek sürgün sayısı
(4.0 adet eksplant-1) 2mg L-1 BAP ve 1 mg L-1
IBA ilavesi yapılmış MS ortamından (MS6) elde edilirken, kallus oluşum oranı
açısından ise MS4 (MS + 1 mg L
-1 BAP + 1 mg L-1 IBA) (% 88.8)
ve MS6 (MS + 2 mg L
-1 BAP + 1 mg L-1 IBA) (% 83.3)
ortamlarının daha başarılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alan, R., Padem, H., 1989. Erzurum yöresinde sebze olarak kullanılan yabani otlardan ışkın, uzun yemlik, madımak, tel pancarı ile ebegümeci üzerine araştırmalar. Gıda, 14(5): 281-287.
  • Cullen, J., 1966. Rheum L. In: P.H. Davis (Ed), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburg University Pres, Edinburg, pp. 268-269.
  • Dhandapani, M., Kim, D.H., Hong, S.B., 2008. Efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis from the explants of Catharanthus roseus. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 44(1): 18-25.
  • Guo, B., Gao, M., Liu, C.Z., 2007. In vitro propagation of an endangered medicinal plant Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. Plant Cell Reports, 26(3): 261-265.
  • Farzami Sepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., 2002. Effects of nutritional factors on the formation of anthraquinones in callus cultures of Rheum ribes L.. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 68(2): 171-175.
  • Farzami Sepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., 2005. Formation of catechin in callus cultures and micropropagation of Rheum ribes L. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(10): 1346-1350.
  • Irvani, N., Solouki, M., Omidi, M., Zare, A.R., Shahnazi, S., 2010. Callus induction and plant regeneration in Dorem ammoniacum D., an endangered medicinal plant. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 100(3): 293-299.
  • Kozak, D., Salata, A., 2011. Effect of cytokinins on in vitro multiplication of rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticuin L.) karpow lipskiego' shoots and ex vitro acclimatization and growth. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus, 10(4): 75-87.
  • Lal, N., Ahuja, P. S., 1993. Assessment of liquid culture procedures for in vitro propagation of Rheum emodi. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 34(2): 223-226.
  • Malik, S., Sharma, N., Sharma, U.K., Singh, N.P., Bhushan, S., Sharma, M., Sinha, A.K., Ahuja, P.S., 2010. Qualitative andq uantitative analysis of anthraquinone derivatives in rhizomes of tissue culture-raised Rheum emodi Wall. plants. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167(9): 749-756.
  • Martin, K.P., 2002. Rapid propagation of Holostemma ada-kodien Schult., a rare medicinal plant, through axillary bud multiplication and indirect organogenesis. Plant Cell Reports, 21(2): 112-117.
  • Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15(43): 473-497.
  • Munzuroğlu, Ö., Karataş, F., Gür, N., 2000. A study of the levels of vitamins A, E and C and selenium in rhubarb (Rheum ribes L.). Turkish Journal of Biology, 24(3): 397-404.
  • Paunescu, A., Hololobiuc, I., 2005. Preliminary researches concerning micropropagation of some endemic plants from Romanian flora. Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 32: 103-108.
  • Sahrawat, A.K., Chand, S., 2002. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from root segments of Psoralea corylifolia L., an endangered medicinally important plant. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 38(1): 33-38.
  • Rashid, S., Kaloo, Z.A., Singh, S., Bashir, I., 2014. Callus induction and shoot regeneration from rhizome explants of Rheum webbianum Royle- a threatened medicinal plant growing in Kashmir Himalaya. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(5): 515-518.
  • Tabata, M., Sezik, E., Honda, G., Yesilada, E., Fuki, H., Goto, K., Ikeshiro, Y., 2000. Traditional medicine in Turkey III. Folk medicine in East Anatolia, Van and Bitlis provinces. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 32: 3-12.
  • Tabin, S., Kamili, A.N., Gupta, R.C., 2016. Novel study on in vitro culture of Rheum spiciforme Royle: An endangered medicinal plant of Gurez valley. International Journal of Current Research, 8(4): 28971-28979.
  • Thomas, T.D, Jacob, A., 2004. Direct somatic embryogenesis of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., an endangered medicinal herb. Journal of Plant Biotechnology, 6(3): 193-197.
  • Thomas, T.D., Maseena, E.A., 2006. Callus induction and plant regeneration in Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. an important medicinal plant. Scientia Horticulturae, 108(3): 332-336.
  • Wang, J.L., Wang, J., Liu, K., Xiao, X., Gong, W.Z., Lu, Y., Liu, M.F., Xu, D.T., 2010. An efficient plant regeneration system with in vitro flavonoid accumulation for Hylotelephium tatarinowii (Maxim.) H. Ohba. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 46(5): 445-450.
  • Wang, J., Lu, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, K., Song, Y., Bi., K., 2011. An efficient callus proliferation protocol and rhaponticin accumulation of Rheum franzenbachii Munt., a medicinal plant. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20(2): 252-257.

Research on Regeneration Via Tissue Culture on Wild Rhubarb (Rheum ribes L.)

Yıl 2017, , 296 - 301, 31.10.2017


Rheum ribes L. is a perennial wild medicinal plant. In this study, the different explants types (hypocotyl and
cotyledon) taken from 7-days-old plantlets were cultured in MS (Murashige and Skoog) media supplemented with 0.0, 1.0
and 2.0 mg L-1 of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) with 0.0 and 1.0 mg L-1 of Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Hypocotyl explants
were found to be more successful than cotyledon explants in terms of shoot and callus formation. The highest number of
shoots per explant (4.0 shoot explant-1
) was obtained from MS medium supplemented with 2 mg L-1 BAP and 1 mg L-1 IBA
(MS6) from the hypocotyl explants. In terms of the rate of callus formation (%), MS4 (MS + 1 mg L-1 BAP + 1 mg L-1 IBA)
(88.8%) and MS6 medium (MS + 2 mg L-1 BAP + 1 mg L-1 IBA) (83.3%) were found to be more successful than the
hypocotyl explants.


  • Alan, R., Padem, H., 1989. Erzurum yöresinde sebze olarak kullanılan yabani otlardan ışkın, uzun yemlik, madımak, tel pancarı ile ebegümeci üzerine araştırmalar. Gıda, 14(5): 281-287.
  • Cullen, J., 1966. Rheum L. In: P.H. Davis (Ed), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburg University Pres, Edinburg, pp. 268-269.
  • Dhandapani, M., Kim, D.H., Hong, S.B., 2008. Efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis from the explants of Catharanthus roseus. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 44(1): 18-25.
  • Guo, B., Gao, M., Liu, C.Z., 2007. In vitro propagation of an endangered medicinal plant Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. Plant Cell Reports, 26(3): 261-265.
  • Farzami Sepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., 2002. Effects of nutritional factors on the formation of anthraquinones in callus cultures of Rheum ribes L.. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 68(2): 171-175.
  • Farzami Sepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., 2005. Formation of catechin in callus cultures and micropropagation of Rheum ribes L. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(10): 1346-1350.
  • Irvani, N., Solouki, M., Omidi, M., Zare, A.R., Shahnazi, S., 2010. Callus induction and plant regeneration in Dorem ammoniacum D., an endangered medicinal plant. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 100(3): 293-299.
  • Kozak, D., Salata, A., 2011. Effect of cytokinins on in vitro multiplication of rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticuin L.) karpow lipskiego' shoots and ex vitro acclimatization and growth. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus, 10(4): 75-87.
  • Lal, N., Ahuja, P. S., 1993. Assessment of liquid culture procedures for in vitro propagation of Rheum emodi. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 34(2): 223-226.
  • Malik, S., Sharma, N., Sharma, U.K., Singh, N.P., Bhushan, S., Sharma, M., Sinha, A.K., Ahuja, P.S., 2010. Qualitative andq uantitative analysis of anthraquinone derivatives in rhizomes of tissue culture-raised Rheum emodi Wall. plants. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167(9): 749-756.
  • Martin, K.P., 2002. Rapid propagation of Holostemma ada-kodien Schult., a rare medicinal plant, through axillary bud multiplication and indirect organogenesis. Plant Cell Reports, 21(2): 112-117.
  • Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15(43): 473-497.
  • Munzuroğlu, Ö., Karataş, F., Gür, N., 2000. A study of the levels of vitamins A, E and C and selenium in rhubarb (Rheum ribes L.). Turkish Journal of Biology, 24(3): 397-404.
  • Paunescu, A., Hololobiuc, I., 2005. Preliminary researches concerning micropropagation of some endemic plants from Romanian flora. Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 32: 103-108.
  • Sahrawat, A.K., Chand, S., 2002. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from root segments of Psoralea corylifolia L., an endangered medicinally important plant. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 38(1): 33-38.
  • Rashid, S., Kaloo, Z.A., Singh, S., Bashir, I., 2014. Callus induction and shoot regeneration from rhizome explants of Rheum webbianum Royle- a threatened medicinal plant growing in Kashmir Himalaya. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 3(5): 515-518.
  • Tabata, M., Sezik, E., Honda, G., Yesilada, E., Fuki, H., Goto, K., Ikeshiro, Y., 2000. Traditional medicine in Turkey III. Folk medicine in East Anatolia, Van and Bitlis provinces. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 32: 3-12.
  • Tabin, S., Kamili, A.N., Gupta, R.C., 2016. Novel study on in vitro culture of Rheum spiciforme Royle: An endangered medicinal plant of Gurez valley. International Journal of Current Research, 8(4): 28971-28979.
  • Thomas, T.D, Jacob, A., 2004. Direct somatic embryogenesis of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., an endangered medicinal herb. Journal of Plant Biotechnology, 6(3): 193-197.
  • Thomas, T.D., Maseena, E.A., 2006. Callus induction and plant regeneration in Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. an important medicinal plant. Scientia Horticulturae, 108(3): 332-336.
  • Wang, J.L., Wang, J., Liu, K., Xiao, X., Gong, W.Z., Lu, Y., Liu, M.F., Xu, D.T., 2010. An efficient plant regeneration system with in vitro flavonoid accumulation for Hylotelephium tatarinowii (Maxim.) H. Ohba. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 46(5): 445-450.
  • Wang, J., Lu, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, K., Song, Y., Bi., K., 2011. An efficient callus proliferation protocol and rhaponticin accumulation of Rheum franzenbachii Munt., a medicinal plant. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20(2): 252-257.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article

Burcu Tuncer

Büşra Günsan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuncer, B., & Günsan, B. (2017). Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(3), 296-301.
AMA Tuncer B, Günsan B. Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma. TÜTAD. Ekim 2017;4(3):296-301. doi:10.19159/tutad.323431
Chicago Tuncer, Burcu, ve Büşra Günsan. “Yabani Ravent (Rheum Ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü Ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 4, sy. 3 (Ekim 2017): 296-301.
EndNote Tuncer B, Günsan B (01 Ekim 2017) Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 4 3 296–301.
IEEE B. Tuncer ve B. Günsan, “Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma”, TÜTAD, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 296–301, 2017, doi: 10.19159/tutad.323431.
ISNAD Tuncer, Burcu - Günsan, Büşra. “Yabani Ravent (Rheum Ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü Ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 4/3 (Ekim 2017), 296-301.
JAMA Tuncer B, Günsan B. Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma. TÜTAD. 2017;4:296–301.
MLA Tuncer, Burcu ve Büşra Günsan. “Yabani Ravent (Rheum Ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü Ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 296-01, doi:10.19159/tutad.323431.
Vancouver Tuncer B, Günsan B. Yabani Ravent (Rheum ribes L.)’in Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Araştırma. TÜTAD. 2017;4(3):296-301.


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