Araştırma Makalesi
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Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi

Yıl 2018, , 158 - 166, 30.06.2018


YABBY gen ailesi bitki transkripsiyon faktörlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Eucalyptus grandis bitkisinde in siliko olarak YABBY gen ailesinin
üyelerini genom çapında belirlemek ve karakterize etmektir. Bu çalışmada
çeşitli in siliko
yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Ökaliptus genomunda 6 Egra-YABBY proteini
tespit edilmiştir. Bu proteinler 18.39 ile 32.38 kDa ağırlığına sahip olup, 168-290 arasında değişen amino asitten oluşmuştur. İzoelektrik noktaları 5.54 (Egra-YABBY- 2) ile 9.92 (Egra-YABBY- 6) arasındadır. Egra-YABBY genleri arasında
tahmini belirlenen ekzonların sayısı en düşük 6, en yüksek 7 olarak elde edilmiştir. Filogenetik analizler sonucunda Egra- YABBY proteinleri ile Arabidopsis thaliana ve Vitis vinifera
türlerinin proteinleri 5 ana grupta (FIL, INO, CRC, YAB2 ve YAB5) kümelenmiştir. Egra-YABBY-4/Egra-YABBY-5 genleri
arasında segmental duplikasyon tespit edilmiştir. Egra-YABBY genlerinin ifade profilleri bu genlerin
farklı dokularda ifade olduğunu ortaya çıkarmış ve bitkinin gelişim süresince çeşitli fizyolojik işlevlerde görev alabildiklerini de göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, ökaliptus bitkisinde YABBY gen ailesinin
moleküler temellerinin daha fazla anlaşılması için potansiyel biyoteknolojik kaynak ve ilave bilgiler sağlayacaktır.


  • Alvarez, J., Smyth, D.R., 2002. Crabs claw and spatula genes regulate growth and pattern formation during gynoecium development in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 163(1): 17- 41.
  • Andrade, M.C., Perek, M., Pereira, F.B., Moro, M., Tambarussi, E.V., 2018. Quantity, organization, and distribution of chloroplast microsatellites in all species of Eucalyptus with available plastome sequence. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 18(1): 97-102.
  • Anonymous, 2018a. Phytozome Database. https:// (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018b. Hidden Markov Model (HMM). (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018c. Decrease Redundancy Tool. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018d. HMMER. (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018e. ProtParam. http://web. (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018f. Plant Genome Duplication Database. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018g. CIMMiner (Erişim tarihi: 01.03.2018).
  • Bailey, T.L., Williams, N., Misleh, C., Li, W.W., 2006. MEME: Discovering and analyzing DNA and protein sequence motifs. Nucleic Acids Research, 34: W369-W373.
  • Bartholmes, C., Hidalgo, O., Gleissberg, S., 2012. Evolution of the YABBY gene family with emphasis on the basal eudicot Eschscholzia californica (Papaveraceae). Plant Biology, 14(1): 11-23.
  • Bowman, J.L., Smyth, D.R., 1999. CRABS CLAW, a gene that regulates carpel and nectary development in Arabidopsis, encodes a novel protein with zinc finger and helix-loop-helix domains. Development, 126(11): 2387-2396.
  • Chen, Q.Y., Atkinson, A., Otsuga, D., Christensen, T., Reynolds, L., Drews, G.N., 1999. The Arabidopsis filamentous flower gene is required for flower formation. Development, 126(12): 2715-2726.
  • Crooks, G.E., Hon, G., Chandonia, J.M., Brenner, S.E., 2004. WebLogo: A sequence logo generator. Genome Research, 14(6): 1188-1190. Eckardt, N.A., 2010. YABBY genes and the development and origin of seed plant leaves. Plant Cell, 22(7): 2103-2103.
  • Guo, A., Zhu, Q., Chen, X., Luo, J., 2007. GSDS: a gene structure display server. Yi Chuan= Hereditas, 29(8): 1023-1026.
  • Han, H.Q., Liu, Y., Jiang, M.M., Ge, H.Y., Chen, H.Y., 2015. Identification and expression analysis of YABBY family genes associated with fruit shape in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Genetics and Molecular Research, 14(2): 7079-7091.
  • Huang, Z.J., Van Houten, J., Gonzalez, G., Xiao, H., Van der Knaap, E., 2013. Genome-wide identification, phylogeny and expression analysis of SUN, OFP and YABBY gene family in tomato. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 288(3-4): 111-129.
  • İnal, B., Büyük, I., İlhan, E., Aras, S., 2017. Genome- wide analysis of Phaseolus vulgaris C2C2-YABBY transcription factors under salt stress conditions. 3 Biotech, 7(5): 302.
  • Juretic, N., Hoen, D.R., Huynh, M.L., Harrison, P.M., Bureau, T.E., 2005. The evolutionary fate of MULE-mediated duplications of host gene fragments in rice. Genome Research, 15(9): 1292- 1297.
  • Lee, T.H., Tang, H.B., Wang, X.Y., Paterson, A.H., 2013. PGDD: A database of gene and genome duplication in plants. Nucleic Acids Research, 41(D1): 1152-1158.
  • Leister, D., 2004. Tandem and segmental gene duplication and recombination in the evolution of plant disease resistance genes. Trends in Genetics, 20(3): 116-122.
  • Letunic, I., Bork, P., 2011. Interactive tree of life v2: Online annotation and display of phylogenetic trees made easy. Nucleic Acids Research, 39: W475- W478.
  • Liu, H.L., Xu, Y.Y., Xu, Z.H., Chong, K., 2007. A rice YABBY gene, OsYABBY4, preferentially expresses in developing vascular tissue. Development Genes and Evolution, 217(9): 629-637.
  • Myburg, A.A., Grattapaglia, D., Tuskan, G.A., Hellsten, U., Hayes, R.D., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Lindquist, E., Tice, H., Bauer, D., Goodstein, D.M., Dubchak, I., Poliakov, A., Mizrachi, E., Kullan, A.R.K., Hussey, S.G., Pinard, D., Van der Merwe, K., Singh, P., Van Jaarsveld, I., Silva, O.B., Togawa, R.C., Pappas, M.R., Faria, D.A., Sansaloni, C.P., Petroli, C.D., Yang, X.H., Ranjan, P., Tschaplinski, T.J., Ye, C.Y., Li, T., Sterck, L., Vanneste, K., Murat, F., Soler, M., Clemente, H.S., Saidi, N., Cassan-Wang, H., Dunand, C., Hefer, C.A., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Kersting, A.R., Vining, K., Amarasinghe, V., Ranik, M., Naithani, S., Elser, J., Boyd, A.E., Liston, A., Spatafora, J.W., Dharmwardhana, P., Raja, R., Sullivan, C., Romanel, E., Alves-Ferreira, M., Lheim, C.K., Foley, W., Carocha, V., Paiva, J., Kudrna, D., Brommonschenkel, S.H., Pasquali, G., Byrne, M., Rigault, P., Tibbits, J., Spokevicius, A., Jones, R.C., Steane, D.A., Vaillancourt, R.E., Potts, B.M., Joubert, F., Barry, K., Pappas, G.J., Strauss, S.H., Jaiswal, P., Grima-Pettenati, J., Salse, J., Van de Peer, Y., Rokhsar, D.S., Schmutz, J., 2014. The genome of Eucalyptus grandis. Nature, 510(7505): 356-362.
  • Orashakova, S., Lange, M., Lange, S., Wege, S., Becker, A., 2009. The CRABS CLAW ortholog from California poppy (Eschscholzia californica, Papaveraceae), EcCRC, is involved in floral meristem termination, gynoecium differentiation and ovule initiation. Plant Journal, 58(4): 682-693.
  • Quevillon, E., Silventoinen, V., Pillai, S., Harte, N., Mulder, N., Apweiler, R., Lopez, R., 2005. InterProScan: Protein domains identifier. Nucleic Acids Research, 33(suppl_2): W116-W120.
  • Sawa, S., Watanabe, K., Goto, K., Kanaya, E., Morita, E.H., Okada, K., 1999. Filamentous flower, a meristem and organ identity gene of Arabidopsis, encodes a protein with a zinc finger and HMG- related domains. Genes and Development, 13(9): 1079-1088.
  • Siegfried, K.R., Eshed, Y., Baum, S.F., Otsuga, D., Drews, G.N., Bowman, J.L., 1999. Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis. Development, 126(18): 4117-4128.
  • Suyama, M., Torrents, D., Bork, P., 2006. PAL2NAL: robust conversion of protein sequence alignments into the corresponding codon alignments. Nucleic Acids Research, 34: W609-W612.
  • Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., Kumar, S., 2011. MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Using Maximum Likelihood, Evolutionary Distance, and Maximum Parsimony methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(10): 2731-2739.
  • Thompson, J.D., Gibson, T.J., Plewniak, F., Jeanmougin, F., Higgins, D.G., 1997. The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25(24): 4876-4882.
  • Toriba, T., Harada, K., Takamura, A., Nakamura, H., Ichikawa, H., Suzaki, T., Hirano, H.Y., 2007. Molecular characterization the YABBY gene family in Oryza sativa and expression analysis of OsYABBY1. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 277(5): 457-468.
  • Trapnell, C., Roberts, A., Goffl, O., Pertea, G., Kim, D., Kelley, D.R., Pimentel, H., Salzberg, S.L., Rinn, J.L., Pachter, L., 2013. Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNAseq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks. Nature Protocols, 7(3): 562-578.
  • Villanueva, J.M., Broadhvest, J., Hauser, B.A., Meister, R.J., Schneitz, K., Gasser, C.S., 1999. Inner no outer regulates abaxial–adaxial patterning in Arabidopsis ovules. Genes and Development, 13(23): 3160-3169.
  • Voorrips, R.E., 2002. MapChart: Software for the graphical presentation of linkage maps and QTLs. Journal of Heredity, 93(1): 77-78.
  • Yang, Z.H., 2007. PAML 4: Phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24(8): 1586-1591. Yang, Z.E., Gong, Q., Wang, L.L., Jin, Y.Y., Xi, J.P., Li, Z., Qin, W.Q., Yang, Z.R., Lu, L.L., Chen, Q.J., Li, F.G., 2018. Genome-wide study of YABBY genes in upland Cotton and their expression patterns under different stresses. Frontiers in Genetics, 9: 33.
  • Zheng, Y., Jiao, C., Sun, H.H., Rosli, H.G., Pombo, M.A., Zhang, P.F., Banf, M., Dai, X.B., Martin, G.B., Giovannoni, J.J., Zhao, P.X., Rhee, S.Y., Fei, Z.J., 2016. iTAK: A program for genome-wide prediction and classification of plant transcription factors, transcriptional regulators, and protein kinases. Molecular Plant, 9(12): 1667-1670.

Genome-Wide Analysis of Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transcription Factors

Yıl 2018, , 158 - 166, 30.06.2018


YABBY gene family is one of the plant transcription factors. The aim of this study was to characterize and define the YABBY gene family members in silico,
in Eucalyptus grandis genome. In this study, various in silico methods was used. A total of 6 Egra-YABBY proteins were discovered in Eucalyptus grandis
genome. The molecular weight and length of these proteins ranged from 18.39 kDa to 32.38 kDa and based from 168 to 290 amino acids. Isoelectric points (pIs) of YABBY proteins
were between 5.54 (Egra-YABBY- 2) and 9.92 (Egra-YABBY- 6). The estimated number of exons found among the Egra-YABBY genes was the lowest of 6 and the highest of 7. The results
of the phylogenetic analysis showed that YABBY proteins
of Eucalyptus grandis, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Vitis vinifera
were clustered into 5 main groups (FIL, INO, CRC, YAB2 ve YAB5). Segmental duplication was detected
between the Egra-YABBY-4/Egra-YABBY-5  genes.  Expression profiles of Egra-YABBY genes have revealed that these genes are expressed
in different tissues and can function
in a variety of physiological processes during plant development. The results of this study will provide
potential biotechnological resources and additional information for further understanding of the molecular bases of the YABBY gene family
in the eucalyptus plant.


  • Alvarez, J., Smyth, D.R., 2002. Crabs claw and spatula genes regulate growth and pattern formation during gynoecium development in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 163(1): 17- 41.
  • Andrade, M.C., Perek, M., Pereira, F.B., Moro, M., Tambarussi, E.V., 2018. Quantity, organization, and distribution of chloroplast microsatellites in all species of Eucalyptus with available plastome sequence. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 18(1): 97-102.
  • Anonymous, 2018a. Phytozome Database. https:// (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018b. Hidden Markov Model (HMM). (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018c. Decrease Redundancy Tool. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018d. HMMER. (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018e. ProtParam. http://web. (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018f. Plant Genome Duplication Database. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2018).
  • Anonymous, 2018g. CIMMiner (Erişim tarihi: 01.03.2018).
  • Bailey, T.L., Williams, N., Misleh, C., Li, W.W., 2006. MEME: Discovering and analyzing DNA and protein sequence motifs. Nucleic Acids Research, 34: W369-W373.
  • Bartholmes, C., Hidalgo, O., Gleissberg, S., 2012. Evolution of the YABBY gene family with emphasis on the basal eudicot Eschscholzia californica (Papaveraceae). Plant Biology, 14(1): 11-23.
  • Bowman, J.L., Smyth, D.R., 1999. CRABS CLAW, a gene that regulates carpel and nectary development in Arabidopsis, encodes a novel protein with zinc finger and helix-loop-helix domains. Development, 126(11): 2387-2396.
  • Chen, Q.Y., Atkinson, A., Otsuga, D., Christensen, T., Reynolds, L., Drews, G.N., 1999. The Arabidopsis filamentous flower gene is required for flower formation. Development, 126(12): 2715-2726.
  • Crooks, G.E., Hon, G., Chandonia, J.M., Brenner, S.E., 2004. WebLogo: A sequence logo generator. Genome Research, 14(6): 1188-1190. Eckardt, N.A., 2010. YABBY genes and the development and origin of seed plant leaves. Plant Cell, 22(7): 2103-2103.
  • Guo, A., Zhu, Q., Chen, X., Luo, J., 2007. GSDS: a gene structure display server. Yi Chuan= Hereditas, 29(8): 1023-1026.
  • Han, H.Q., Liu, Y., Jiang, M.M., Ge, H.Y., Chen, H.Y., 2015. Identification and expression analysis of YABBY family genes associated with fruit shape in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Genetics and Molecular Research, 14(2): 7079-7091.
  • Huang, Z.J., Van Houten, J., Gonzalez, G., Xiao, H., Van der Knaap, E., 2013. Genome-wide identification, phylogeny and expression analysis of SUN, OFP and YABBY gene family in tomato. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 288(3-4): 111-129.
  • İnal, B., Büyük, I., İlhan, E., Aras, S., 2017. Genome- wide analysis of Phaseolus vulgaris C2C2-YABBY transcription factors under salt stress conditions. 3 Biotech, 7(5): 302.
  • Juretic, N., Hoen, D.R., Huynh, M.L., Harrison, P.M., Bureau, T.E., 2005. The evolutionary fate of MULE-mediated duplications of host gene fragments in rice. Genome Research, 15(9): 1292- 1297.
  • Lee, T.H., Tang, H.B., Wang, X.Y., Paterson, A.H., 2013. PGDD: A database of gene and genome duplication in plants. Nucleic Acids Research, 41(D1): 1152-1158.
  • Leister, D., 2004. Tandem and segmental gene duplication and recombination in the evolution of plant disease resistance genes. Trends in Genetics, 20(3): 116-122.
  • Letunic, I., Bork, P., 2011. Interactive tree of life v2: Online annotation and display of phylogenetic trees made easy. Nucleic Acids Research, 39: W475- W478.
  • Liu, H.L., Xu, Y.Y., Xu, Z.H., Chong, K., 2007. A rice YABBY gene, OsYABBY4, preferentially expresses in developing vascular tissue. Development Genes and Evolution, 217(9): 629-637.
  • Myburg, A.A., Grattapaglia, D., Tuskan, G.A., Hellsten, U., Hayes, R.D., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Lindquist, E., Tice, H., Bauer, D., Goodstein, D.M., Dubchak, I., Poliakov, A., Mizrachi, E., Kullan, A.R.K., Hussey, S.G., Pinard, D., Van der Merwe, K., Singh, P., Van Jaarsveld, I., Silva, O.B., Togawa, R.C., Pappas, M.R., Faria, D.A., Sansaloni, C.P., Petroli, C.D., Yang, X.H., Ranjan, P., Tschaplinski, T.J., Ye, C.Y., Li, T., Sterck, L., Vanneste, K., Murat, F., Soler, M., Clemente, H.S., Saidi, N., Cassan-Wang, H., Dunand, C., Hefer, C.A., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Kersting, A.R., Vining, K., Amarasinghe, V., Ranik, M., Naithani, S., Elser, J., Boyd, A.E., Liston, A., Spatafora, J.W., Dharmwardhana, P., Raja, R., Sullivan, C., Romanel, E., Alves-Ferreira, M., Lheim, C.K., Foley, W., Carocha, V., Paiva, J., Kudrna, D., Brommonschenkel, S.H., Pasquali, G., Byrne, M., Rigault, P., Tibbits, J., Spokevicius, A., Jones, R.C., Steane, D.A., Vaillancourt, R.E., Potts, B.M., Joubert, F., Barry, K., Pappas, G.J., Strauss, S.H., Jaiswal, P., Grima-Pettenati, J., Salse, J., Van de Peer, Y., Rokhsar, D.S., Schmutz, J., 2014. The genome of Eucalyptus grandis. Nature, 510(7505): 356-362.
  • Orashakova, S., Lange, M., Lange, S., Wege, S., Becker, A., 2009. The CRABS CLAW ortholog from California poppy (Eschscholzia californica, Papaveraceae), EcCRC, is involved in floral meristem termination, gynoecium differentiation and ovule initiation. Plant Journal, 58(4): 682-693.
  • Quevillon, E., Silventoinen, V., Pillai, S., Harte, N., Mulder, N., Apweiler, R., Lopez, R., 2005. InterProScan: Protein domains identifier. Nucleic Acids Research, 33(suppl_2): W116-W120.
  • Sawa, S., Watanabe, K., Goto, K., Kanaya, E., Morita, E.H., Okada, K., 1999. Filamentous flower, a meristem and organ identity gene of Arabidopsis, encodes a protein with a zinc finger and HMG- related domains. Genes and Development, 13(9): 1079-1088.
  • Siegfried, K.R., Eshed, Y., Baum, S.F., Otsuga, D., Drews, G.N., Bowman, J.L., 1999. Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis. Development, 126(18): 4117-4128.
  • Suyama, M., Torrents, D., Bork, P., 2006. PAL2NAL: robust conversion of protein sequence alignments into the corresponding codon alignments. Nucleic Acids Research, 34: W609-W612.
  • Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., Kumar, S., 2011. MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Using Maximum Likelihood, Evolutionary Distance, and Maximum Parsimony methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(10): 2731-2739.
  • Thompson, J.D., Gibson, T.J., Plewniak, F., Jeanmougin, F., Higgins, D.G., 1997. The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25(24): 4876-4882.
  • Toriba, T., Harada, K., Takamura, A., Nakamura, H., Ichikawa, H., Suzaki, T., Hirano, H.Y., 2007. Molecular characterization the YABBY gene family in Oryza sativa and expression analysis of OsYABBY1. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 277(5): 457-468.
  • Trapnell, C., Roberts, A., Goffl, O., Pertea, G., Kim, D., Kelley, D.R., Pimentel, H., Salzberg, S.L., Rinn, J.L., Pachter, L., 2013. Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNAseq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks. Nature Protocols, 7(3): 562-578.
  • Villanueva, J.M., Broadhvest, J., Hauser, B.A., Meister, R.J., Schneitz, K., Gasser, C.S., 1999. Inner no outer regulates abaxial–adaxial patterning in Arabidopsis ovules. Genes and Development, 13(23): 3160-3169.
  • Voorrips, R.E., 2002. MapChart: Software for the graphical presentation of linkage maps and QTLs. Journal of Heredity, 93(1): 77-78.
  • Yang, Z.H., 2007. PAML 4: Phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24(8): 1586-1591. Yang, Z.E., Gong, Q., Wang, L.L., Jin, Y.Y., Xi, J.P., Li, Z., Qin, W.Q., Yang, Z.R., Lu, L.L., Chen, Q.J., Li, F.G., 2018. Genome-wide study of YABBY genes in upland Cotton and their expression patterns under different stresses. Frontiers in Genetics, 9: 33.
  • Zheng, Y., Jiao, C., Sun, H.H., Rosli, H.G., Pombo, M.A., Zhang, P.F., Banf, M., Dai, X.B., Martin, G.B., Giovannoni, J.J., Zhao, P.X., Rhee, S.Y., Fei, Z.J., 2016. iTAK: A program for genome-wide prediction and classification of plant transcription factors, transcriptional regulators, and protein kinases. Molecular Plant, 9(12): 1667-1670.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article

Emre İlhan 0000-0002-8404-7900

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA İlhan, E. (2018). Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(2), 158-166.
AMA İlhan E. Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi. TÜTAD. Haziran 2018;5(2):158-166. doi:10.19159/tutad.408654
Chicago İlhan, Emre. “Eucalyptus Grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Haziran 2018): 158-66.
EndNote İlhan E (01 Haziran 2018) Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 5 2 158–166.
IEEE E. İlhan, “Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi”, TÜTAD, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 158–166, 2018, doi: 10.19159/tutad.408654.
ISNAD İlhan, Emre. “Eucalyptus Grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 5/2 (Haziran 2018), 158-166.
JAMA İlhan E. Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi. TÜTAD. 2018;5:158–166.
MLA İlhan, Emre. “Eucalyptus Grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 158-66, doi:10.19159/tutad.408654.
Vancouver İlhan E. Eucalyptus grandis YABBY Transkripsiyon Faktörlerinin Genom Bazında Analizi. TÜTAD. 2018;5(2):158-66.


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