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Resistance to Turnip Mosaic Virus (TuMV) in Brassica Species

Yıl 2020, , 219 - 226, 30.06.2020


Brassicaceae family includes economically important plants such as vegetables, oil plants, and ornamental plants. Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is a virus threatening many economically important brassica crops. Especially, it has a very large host range among Brassica group plants and it can cause infection in 318 plant species from 156 genera. In the comprehensive studies conducted, dominant and recessive genes were identified in B. rapa (retr01, ConTR01, BcTuR3, rnt1, TuRBCH01, retr02, trs, TuMV-R, TuRB01b, TuRB07, TuRBCS01), in B. napus (TuRB01, TuRB02, TuRB03, TuRB04, TuRB05) and B. juncea (TuRBJU01, retr03). Studies conducted have shown that the genetic mechanism of resistance to TuMV is related to the host and pathogen strain. It is important to use the revealed resistance genes in breeding studies for Brassica species to prevent the disease. Identification and mapping of TuMV resistant genes in cabbage (B. oleracea), which is one of the important winter vegetables in the world and especially in Turkey, is required to prevent losses due to TuMV infection in cabbage. Therefore, studies on the resistance mechanism of TuMV in cabbages are needed. With the developments in genetics and molecular biology, it will be important to investigate the relationships between Brassica and TuMV at the molecular level, to understand the mechanism of resistance and to reveal new sources of resistance. This review has been prepared with the aim of bringing information about the genes and resistance mechanisms in Brassica species that have resistance to TuMV.


  • Anonymous, 2018. Production Quantity of Cabbage and other Brassicas. (, (Erişim tarihi: 08.05.2020).
  • Basso, J., Dallaire, P., Charest, P.J., Devantier, Y., Laliberte, J.F., 1994. Evidence for an internal ribosome entry site within the 50 non-translated region of Turnip mosaic potyvirus RNA. Journal of General Virology, 75(11): 3157-3165.
  • Beauchemin, C., Boutet, N., Laliberte, J.F., 2007. Visualization of the interaction between the precursors of Vpg, the viral protein linked to the genome of Turnip mosaic virus, and the translation eukaryotic initiation factor iso 4e in planta. Journal of Virology, 81(2): 775-782.
  • Cao, B.H., Lei, J.J., Xiang, C.B., Chen, G.J., Zeng, G.P., David, O., Zhao, S., Lu, L.L., 2008. The function ıdentification of the candidate disease-resistance gene in cabbage. Agricultural Sciences in China, 7(3): 314-320.
  • Cao, B.H., Song, H.Y., Lei, J.J., Song, M., Yang, Z.H., 2002. Cloning a gene related to resistance to TuMV in cabbage. Acta Genetica Sinica, 29(7): 646-652.
  • Chung, H., Jeong, Y.M., Mun, J.H., Lee, S.S., Chung, W.H., Yu, H.J., 2014. Construction of a genetic map based on high-throughput SNP genotyping and genetic mapping of a TuMV resistance locus in Brassica rapa. Molecular Genetics & Genomics, 289(2): 149-160.
  • Cotton, S., Grangeon, R., Thivierge, K., Mathieu, I., Ide, C., Wei, T., Wang, A., Laliberte, J.F., 2009. Turnip mosaic virus RNA replication complex vesicles are mobile, align with microfilaments, and are each derived from a single viral genome. Journal of Virology, 83(20): 10460-10471.
  • Coutts, B.A., Walsh, J.A., Jones, R.A.C., 2007. Evaluation of resistance to Turnip mosaic virusin Australian Brassica napus genotypes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58(1): 67-74.
  • Çandar, A., Erkan, S., 2011. Bitkilerde viral etmenlere karsı genetik dayanıklılık mekanizmaları. Elektronik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(3): 13-27.
  • Edwardson, J.R., Christie, R.G., 1991. The Potyvirus Group. University of Florida, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Monograph Series, 16: 1244.
  • Fujiwara, A., Inukai, T., Kim, B.M., Masula, C., 2011. Combinations of a host resistance gene and the CI gene of Turnip mosaic virus differentially regulate symptom expression in Brassica rapa cultivars. Archives of Virology, 156(9): 1575-1581.
  • Gao, H., Zeng, Q., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z., Pei, Y., Liu, S., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, X., Song, X., Li, Q., 2016. The development of molecular markers closely linked to TuMV resistance gene TuRBCS01 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis). Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 24(2): 196-205.
  • Haas, M., Bureau, M., Geldreich, A., Yot, P., Keller, M., 2002. Cauliflower mosaic virus: Still in the news. Molecular Plant Pathology, 3(6): 419-429.
  • Hughes, S.L., Green, S.K., Lydiate, D.J., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Resistance to Turnip mosaic virus, in B. rapa, and B. napus, and the analysis of genetic inheritance in selected lines. Plant Pathology, 51(5): 567-573.
  • Hughes, S.L., Hunter, P.J., Sharpe, A.G., Kearsey, M.J., Lydiate, D.J, Walsh, J.A., 2003. Genetic mapping of the novel Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene TuRB03 in Brassica napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107(7): 1169-1173.
  • Hunter, P.J., Jones, J.E., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Involvement of Beet western yellow virus, Cauliflower mosaic virus and Turnip mosaic virusin internal disorders of stored white cabbage. Phytopathology, 92(8): 816-826.
  • Jenner, C.E., Sánchez, F., Nettleship, S.B., Foster, G.D., Ponz, F., Walsh, J.A., 2000. The cylindrical inclusion gene of Turnip mosaic virus encodes a pathogenic determinant to the Brassica resistance gene TuRB01. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 13(10): 1102-1108.
  • Jenner, C.E., Tomimura, K., Ohshima, K., Hughes, S.L., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Mutations in Turnip mosaic virus P3 and cylindrical inclusion proteins are separately required to over come two Brassica napus resistance genes. Virology, 300(1): 50-59.
  • Jenner, C.E., Wang, X., Tomimura, K., Ohshima, K., Ponz, F., Walsh, J.A., 2003. The dual role of the potyvirus P3 protein of Turnip mosaic virus as a symptom and a virulence determinant in brassicas. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 16(9): 777-784.
  • Jin, M., Lee, S.S., Ke, L., Kim, J.S., Seo, M.S., Sohn, S.H., Park, B.S. Bonnema, G., 2014. Identification and mapping of a novel dominant resistance gene, TuRB07 to Turnip mosaic virus in Brassica rapa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127(2): 509-519.
  • Kassem, A., Walsh, JA., 2008. Characterising resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa). Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 26(2): 168-172.
  • Kim, J., Kang, W.H., Hwang, J., Yang, H.B., Dosun, K., Oh, C.S., Kang, B.C., 2014. Transgenic Brassica rapa plants over-expressing eIF(iso) 4E variants show broad-spectrum Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology, 15(6): 615-626.
  • Kim, J., Kang, W.H., Yang, H.B., Park, S., Jang, C.S., Yu, H.Y., Kang, B.C., 2013. Identification of a broadspectrum recessive gene in Brassica rapa and molecular analysis of the eIF4E gene family to develop molecular markers. Molecular Breeding, 32(2): 385-398.
  • Lehmann, P., Jenner, C.E., Kozubek, E., Greenland, A.J., Walsh, J.A., 2003. Coat protein-mediated resistance to Turnip mosaic virus in oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Molecular Breeding, 11(2): 83-94.
  • Li, G., Lv, H., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Li, F., Zhang, H., Qian, W., Fang, Z., Sun, R., 2019. Plant pathology TuMV management for brassica crops through host resistance: Retrospect and prospects. Plant Pathology, 68(6): 1035-1044.
  • Li, G.L., Qian, W., Zhang, S., Zang, S.F., Li, F., Zhang, H., Wu, J., Wang, W.W., Sun, R.F. 2016. Development of gene-based markers for the Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene retr02 in Brassica rapa. Plant Breeding, 135(4): 466-470.
  • Li, Q., Zhang, X., Zeng, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, S., Pei, Y., Wang, S., Liu, X., Xu, W., Fu, W., Zhao, Z., Song, X., 2015. Identification and mapping of a novel Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene TuRBCS01 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.). Plant Breeding, 134(2): 221-225.
  • Ling, L., Yang, J.Y., 1940. A mosaic disease of rape and other cultivated crucifers in China. Phytopathology, 30(4): 338-342.
  • Liu, X.P., Lu, W.C., Liu, Y.K., Wei, S.Q., Xu, J.B., Liu, Z.R., Zhang, H.J., Li, J.L., Ke, G.L., Yao, W.Y., Cai, Y.S., Wu, F.Y., Cao, S.C., Li, Y.H., Xie, S.D., Lin, B.X., Zhang, C.L., 1996. Occurrence and strain differentiation on Turnip mosaic potyvirus and sources of resistance in Chinese cabbage in China. Acta Horticulturae, 407(55): 431-440.
  • Lydiate, D.J., Pilcher, R.L., Higgins, E.E., Walsh, J.A., 2014. Genetic control of immunity to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) pathotype 1 in Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage). Genome, 57(8): 419-425.
  • Ma, J.F., Hou, X.L., Xiao, D., Qi, L., Wang, F., Sun, F., Wang, Q., 2010. Cloning and characterization of the BcTUR3, gene related to resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) from non-heading Chinese cabbage. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 28(4): 588-596.
  • Martin, E., Güler, B., Karabulut, B., Özdemir, A., 2009. Türkiye’de yetişen Cheiranthus cheiri L. (Brassicaceae) türünün karyotip analizi. Türkiye Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 2(1): 13-16.
  • Nellist, C.F., Wei, Q., Jenner, C.E., Moore, J.D., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Briggs, W.H., Barker, G.C., Sun, R., Walsh, J.A., 2014. Multiple copies of eukaryotic translation initiation factors in Brassica rapa facilitate redundancy, enabling diversification through variation in splicing and broad spectrum virus resistance. The Plant Journal, 77(2): 261-268.
  • Nicolas, O., Laliberté, J.F., 1992. The complete nucleotide sequence of turnip mosaic potyvirus RNA. Journal of General Virology, 73(11): 2785- 2793.
  • Niu, X.K., Leung, H., Williams, P.H., 1983. Sources and nature of resistance to downy mildew and Turnip mosaic in Chinese cabbage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences, 108(5): 775-778.
  • Nyalugwe, E.P., Barbetti, M.J., Jones, R.A.C., 2015a. Studies on resistance phenotypes to Turnip mosaic virus, in five species of Brassicaceae, and identification of a virus resistance gene in Brassica juncea. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 141(4): 647-666.
  • Nyalugwe, E.P., Jones, R.A.C., Barbetti, M.J., Kehoe, M.A., 2015b. Biological and molecular variation amongst Australian Turnip mosaic virus isolates. Plant Pathology, 64(5): 1215-1223.
  • Qian, W., Zhang, S.J., Li, F., Zhang, H., Wu, J., Wang, X., Walsh, J.A., Sun, R., 2013. Mapping and candidate-gene screening of the novel Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene retr02 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126(1): 179-188.
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Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık

Yıl 2020, , 219 - 226, 30.06.2020


Brassicaceae familyası sebzeler, yağ bitkileri ve süs bitkileri gibi ekonomik öneme sahip bitkileri içermektedir. Şalgam mozaik virüsü (TuMV), ekonomik açıdan önemli birçok Brassica türünü tehdit eden bir virüstür. Özellikle Brassica grubu bitkileri arasında oldukça geniş bir konukçu dizisine sahip olup 156 cinse bağlı 318 bitki türünde enfeksiyon oluşturabilmektedir. Yürütülen kapsamlı çalışmalarla, Brassica rapa (retr01, ConTR01, BcTuR3, rnt1, TuRBCH01, retr02, trs, TuMV-R, TuRB01b, TuRB07, TuRBCS01), B. napus (TuRB01, TuRB02, TuRB03, TuRB04, TuRB05) ve B. juncea (TuRBJU01, retr03)’da dominant ve resesif genler tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar, TuMV’ye dayanıklığın genetik mekanizması konukçuya ve patojen ırkına bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Ortaya çıkarılan dayanıklılık genlerinin Brassica türlerinde ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılması hastalıkla mücadele açısından oldukça önemlidir. Özellikle dünyada ve Türkiye’de önemli kışlık sebzelerden biri olan lahana (B. oleracea)’da TuMV’ye dayanıklı genlerin tanımlanarak haritalanması TuMV enfeksiyonuna bağlı kayıpların önlenmesi bakımından gereklidir. Bu nedenle lahanalarda TuMV’ye dayanıklılık mekanizmasıyla ilgili çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Genetik ve moleküler biyolojide sağlanan gelişmelerle Brassica ve TuMV arasındaki ilişkinin moleküler düzeyde araştırılması, dayanıklık mekanizmasının anlaşılması ve yeni dayanıklılık kaynaklarının ortaya konması açışıdan önemli olacaktır. Bu derleme TuMV’ye karşı Brassica türlerinde dayanıklılık sağlayan genler ve dayanıklılık mekanizmaları hakkında bilgilerin oraya çıkarılması amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.


  • Anonymous, 2018. Production Quantity of Cabbage and other Brassicas. (, (Erişim tarihi: 08.05.2020).
  • Basso, J., Dallaire, P., Charest, P.J., Devantier, Y., Laliberte, J.F., 1994. Evidence for an internal ribosome entry site within the 50 non-translated region of Turnip mosaic potyvirus RNA. Journal of General Virology, 75(11): 3157-3165.
  • Beauchemin, C., Boutet, N., Laliberte, J.F., 2007. Visualization of the interaction between the precursors of Vpg, the viral protein linked to the genome of Turnip mosaic virus, and the translation eukaryotic initiation factor iso 4e in planta. Journal of Virology, 81(2): 775-782.
  • Cao, B.H., Lei, J.J., Xiang, C.B., Chen, G.J., Zeng, G.P., David, O., Zhao, S., Lu, L.L., 2008. The function ıdentification of the candidate disease-resistance gene in cabbage. Agricultural Sciences in China, 7(3): 314-320.
  • Cao, B.H., Song, H.Y., Lei, J.J., Song, M., Yang, Z.H., 2002. Cloning a gene related to resistance to TuMV in cabbage. Acta Genetica Sinica, 29(7): 646-652.
  • Chung, H., Jeong, Y.M., Mun, J.H., Lee, S.S., Chung, W.H., Yu, H.J., 2014. Construction of a genetic map based on high-throughput SNP genotyping and genetic mapping of a TuMV resistance locus in Brassica rapa. Molecular Genetics & Genomics, 289(2): 149-160.
  • Cotton, S., Grangeon, R., Thivierge, K., Mathieu, I., Ide, C., Wei, T., Wang, A., Laliberte, J.F., 2009. Turnip mosaic virus RNA replication complex vesicles are mobile, align with microfilaments, and are each derived from a single viral genome. Journal of Virology, 83(20): 10460-10471.
  • Coutts, B.A., Walsh, J.A., Jones, R.A.C., 2007. Evaluation of resistance to Turnip mosaic virusin Australian Brassica napus genotypes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58(1): 67-74.
  • Çandar, A., Erkan, S., 2011. Bitkilerde viral etmenlere karsı genetik dayanıklılık mekanizmaları. Elektronik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(3): 13-27.
  • Edwardson, J.R., Christie, R.G., 1991. The Potyvirus Group. University of Florida, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Monograph Series, 16: 1244.
  • Fujiwara, A., Inukai, T., Kim, B.M., Masula, C., 2011. Combinations of a host resistance gene and the CI gene of Turnip mosaic virus differentially regulate symptom expression in Brassica rapa cultivars. Archives of Virology, 156(9): 1575-1581.
  • Gao, H., Zeng, Q., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z., Pei, Y., Liu, S., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, X., Song, X., Li, Q., 2016. The development of molecular markers closely linked to TuMV resistance gene TuRBCS01 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis). Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 24(2): 196-205.
  • Haas, M., Bureau, M., Geldreich, A., Yot, P., Keller, M., 2002. Cauliflower mosaic virus: Still in the news. Molecular Plant Pathology, 3(6): 419-429.
  • Hughes, S.L., Green, S.K., Lydiate, D.J., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Resistance to Turnip mosaic virus, in B. rapa, and B. napus, and the analysis of genetic inheritance in selected lines. Plant Pathology, 51(5): 567-573.
  • Hughes, S.L., Hunter, P.J., Sharpe, A.G., Kearsey, M.J., Lydiate, D.J, Walsh, J.A., 2003. Genetic mapping of the novel Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene TuRB03 in Brassica napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107(7): 1169-1173.
  • Hunter, P.J., Jones, J.E., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Involvement of Beet western yellow virus, Cauliflower mosaic virus and Turnip mosaic virusin internal disorders of stored white cabbage. Phytopathology, 92(8): 816-826.
  • Jenner, C.E., Sánchez, F., Nettleship, S.B., Foster, G.D., Ponz, F., Walsh, J.A., 2000. The cylindrical inclusion gene of Turnip mosaic virus encodes a pathogenic determinant to the Brassica resistance gene TuRB01. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 13(10): 1102-1108.
  • Jenner, C.E., Tomimura, K., Ohshima, K., Hughes, S.L., Walsh, J.A., 2002. Mutations in Turnip mosaic virus P3 and cylindrical inclusion proteins are separately required to over come two Brassica napus resistance genes. Virology, 300(1): 50-59.
  • Jenner, C.E., Wang, X., Tomimura, K., Ohshima, K., Ponz, F., Walsh, J.A., 2003. The dual role of the potyvirus P3 protein of Turnip mosaic virus as a symptom and a virulence determinant in brassicas. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 16(9): 777-784.
  • Jin, M., Lee, S.S., Ke, L., Kim, J.S., Seo, M.S., Sohn, S.H., Park, B.S. Bonnema, G., 2014. Identification and mapping of a novel dominant resistance gene, TuRB07 to Turnip mosaic virus in Brassica rapa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127(2): 509-519.
  • Kassem, A., Walsh, JA., 2008. Characterising resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa). Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 26(2): 168-172.
  • Kim, J., Kang, W.H., Hwang, J., Yang, H.B., Dosun, K., Oh, C.S., Kang, B.C., 2014. Transgenic Brassica rapa plants over-expressing eIF(iso) 4E variants show broad-spectrum Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology, 15(6): 615-626.
  • Kim, J., Kang, W.H., Yang, H.B., Park, S., Jang, C.S., Yu, H.Y., Kang, B.C., 2013. Identification of a broadspectrum recessive gene in Brassica rapa and molecular analysis of the eIF4E gene family to develop molecular markers. Molecular Breeding, 32(2): 385-398.
  • Lehmann, P., Jenner, C.E., Kozubek, E., Greenland, A.J., Walsh, J.A., 2003. Coat protein-mediated resistance to Turnip mosaic virus in oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Molecular Breeding, 11(2): 83-94.
  • Li, G., Lv, H., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Li, F., Zhang, H., Qian, W., Fang, Z., Sun, R., 2019. Plant pathology TuMV management for brassica crops through host resistance: Retrospect and prospects. Plant Pathology, 68(6): 1035-1044.
  • Li, G.L., Qian, W., Zhang, S., Zang, S.F., Li, F., Zhang, H., Wu, J., Wang, W.W., Sun, R.F. 2016. Development of gene-based markers for the Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene retr02 in Brassica rapa. Plant Breeding, 135(4): 466-470.
  • Li, Q., Zhang, X., Zeng, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, S., Pei, Y., Wang, S., Liu, X., Xu, W., Fu, W., Zhao, Z., Song, X., 2015. Identification and mapping of a novel Turnip mosaic virus resistance gene TuRBCS01 in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.). Plant Breeding, 134(2): 221-225.
  • Ling, L., Yang, J.Y., 1940. A mosaic disease of rape and other cultivated crucifers in China. Phytopathology, 30(4): 338-342.
  • Liu, X.P., Lu, W.C., Liu, Y.K., Wei, S.Q., Xu, J.B., Liu, Z.R., Zhang, H.J., Li, J.L., Ke, G.L., Yao, W.Y., Cai, Y.S., Wu, F.Y., Cao, S.C., Li, Y.H., Xie, S.D., Lin, B.X., Zhang, C.L., 1996. Occurrence and strain differentiation on Turnip mosaic potyvirus and sources of resistance in Chinese cabbage in China. Acta Horticulturae, 407(55): 431-440.
  • Lydiate, D.J., Pilcher, R.L., Higgins, E.E., Walsh, J.A., 2014. Genetic control of immunity to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) pathotype 1 in Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage). Genome, 57(8): 419-425.
  • Ma, J.F., Hou, X.L., Xiao, D., Qi, L., Wang, F., Sun, F., Wang, Q., 2010. Cloning and characterization of the BcTUR3, gene related to resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) from non-heading Chinese cabbage. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 28(4): 588-596.
  • Martin, E., Güler, B., Karabulut, B., Özdemir, A., 2009. Türkiye’de yetişen Cheiranthus cheiri L. (Brassicaceae) türünün karyotip analizi. Türkiye Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 2(1): 13-16.
  • Nellist, C.F., Wei, Q., Jenner, C.E., Moore, J.D., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Briggs, W.H., Barker, G.C., Sun, R., Walsh, J.A., 2014. Multiple copies of eukaryotic translation initiation factors in Brassica rapa facilitate redundancy, enabling diversification through variation in splicing and broad spectrum virus resistance. The Plant Journal, 77(2): 261-268.
  • Nicolas, O., Laliberté, J.F., 1992. The complete nucleotide sequence of turnip mosaic potyvirus RNA. Journal of General Virology, 73(11): 2785- 2793.
  • Niu, X.K., Leung, H., Williams, P.H., 1983. Sources and nature of resistance to downy mildew and Turnip mosaic in Chinese cabbage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences, 108(5): 775-778.
  • Nyalugwe, E.P., Barbetti, M.J., Jones, R.A.C., 2015a. Studies on resistance phenotypes to Turnip mosaic virus, in five species of Brassicaceae, and identification of a virus resistance gene in Brassica juncea. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 141(4): 647-666.
  • Nyalugwe, E.P., Jones, R.A.C., Barbetti, M.J., Kehoe, M.A., 2015b. Biological and molecular variation amongst Australian Turnip mosaic virus isolates. Plant Pathology, 64(5): 1215-1223.
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Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme / Review

Abdullah Baltacı 0000-0002-0309-5215

Nuran Cansız Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3093-6275

Mehmet Ali Şevik 0000-0002-8895-7944

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Baltacı, A., Cansız, N., & Şevik, M. A. (2020). Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(2), 219-226.
AMA Baltacı A, Cansız N, Şevik MA. Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık. TÜTAD. Haziran 2020;7(2):219-226. doi:10.19159/tutad.683114
Chicago Baltacı, Abdullah, Nuran Cansız, ve Mehmet Ali Şevik. “Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Haziran 2020): 219-26.
EndNote Baltacı A, Cansız N, Şevik MA (01 Haziran 2020) Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7 2 219–226.
IEEE A. Baltacı, N. Cansız, ve M. A. Şevik, “Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık”, TÜTAD, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 219–226, 2020, doi: 10.19159/tutad.683114.
ISNAD Baltacı, Abdullah vd. “Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 7/2 (Haziran 2020), 219-226.
JAMA Baltacı A, Cansız N, Şevik MA. Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık. TÜTAD. 2020;7:219–226.
MLA Baltacı, Abdullah vd. “Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık”. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 219-26, doi:10.19159/tutad.683114.
Vancouver Baltacı A, Cansız N, Şevik MA. Brassica Türlerinde Şalgam Mozaik Virüsü (TuMV)’ne Dayanıklılık. TÜTAD. 2020;7(2):219-26.


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