Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 193 - 212, 01.12.2016
E. Hosseinzadeh
H. Hassanpour
M. Arefi
M. Aman
- Bazaraa,M.S., Jarvis,J.J. and Sherali,H., (2005), Linear Programming and Network Flows, John Wiley and Sons , New York.
- Celmins,A., (1987), Least squares model fitting to fuzzy vector data, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 22, 245-269.
- Coppi,R., D’Urso,P., Giordani,P. and Santoro,A., (2006), Least squares estimation of a linear regression model with LR fuzzy response, Comput Stat & Data Analysis, 51, 267-286.
- Chen,Y.S., (2001), Outliers detection and confidence interval modification in fuzzy regression, FuzzySets and Systems, 119, 259-272.
- Diamond,P., (1988), Fuzzy Least squares, Information Sciences, 46, 141-157.
- D’Urso,P., (2003), Linear regression analysis for fuzzy/crisp input and fuzzy/crisp output data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 42(12), 47-72.
- Guo,P. and Tanaka,T., (2006), Dual models for possibilistic regression analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(1), 253-266.
- Hamrawi,H. and Coupland,S., (2009), Type-2 fuzzy arithmetic using alpha-planes, in Fuzzy Systems.IFSA International Congress on, Portugal , 606-611.
- Hamrawi,H. and Coupland,S., (2010), Measures of Uncertainty for Type-2 Fuzzy Sets, Conference:Computational Intelligence (UKCI), 2010 UK Workshop on .Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2009), A goal programming approach for fuzzy linear regression with non-fuzzy input and fuzzy output data, APJOR, 26, 587-604.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2011), A goal programing approach to fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy input-output data, Soft Computing, 15, 1569-1580.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2010), Fuzzy linear regression model with crisp coefficients: A goal programing approach, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 7, 19-39.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2009), A note on evaluation of fuzzy linear regression models by comparing membership functions, 6(2), 1-6.
- Hojati,M., Bector,C.R. and Smimou,K. (2005), A simple method for computation of fuzzy linear regression, EJOR, 166, 172-184.
- Hosseinzadeh,E., Hassanpour,H. and Arefi,M., (2015), A weighted goal programming approach to fuzzy linear regression with crisp inputs and type-2 fuzzy outputs, Soft Computing, 19, 1143-1151.
- Hung,W.L. and Yang,M.S., (2006), An omission approach for detecting outliers in fuzzy regression models, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157, 3109-3122.
- Kao,C. and Chyu,C.L., (2002), A fuzzy linear regression model with better explanatory power, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 126, 401-409.
- Karnik,N. and Mendel,J., (2001), Operations on type-2 fuzzy set, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122(2), 327-348.
- Kacprzyk,J. and Fedrizzi,M., (1992), Fuzzy Regression Analysis, Physica verlag, Heidelberg/ Om- nitech Press, Warsaw.
- Kelkinnama,M. and Taheri,S.M., (2012), Fuzzy least-absolutes regression using shape preserving op- erations, Information Sciences, 214, 105-120.
- Kocadagli,O., (2013), A novel nonlinear programming approach for estimating capm beta of an asset using fuzzy regression, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 858-865.
- Mendel,J.M., (2007), Advances in type-2 fuzzy sets and systems, Information Sciences, 177, 84-110.
- Mendel,J.M., (2001), Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems: Introduction and New Directions, Prentice- Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Mendel,J.M., (2007), Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems: an overview, IEEE Comput Intell Mag, 2(2), 9-20.
- Mendel,J.M. and John,R., (2002), Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple, IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Sys- tems, 10(2), 117-127.
- Mendel,J.M. and Liu,F., On New Quasi Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems, IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, Hong Kong, China, June 2008.
- Mizumoto,M. and Tanaka,K., (1976), Some properties of fuzzy sets of type2, Information and Control, 31, 312-340.
- Modarres,M., Nasrabadi,E. and Nasrabadi,M.M., (2005), Fuzzy linear regression models with least square errors, Applied Mathematics and Computation,163, 977-989.
- Mohammadi,J.S. and Taheri,M., (2004), Pedomodels tting with fuzzy least squares regression, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1(2), 45-61.
- Nasrabadi,M.M. and Nasrabadi,E., (2004), A mathematical-programming approach to fuzzy linear regression analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 155(3), 873-881.
- Page,A.L., Miller,R.H. and Keeney,D.R., Methods of soil analysis: Part2, Chemical and Microbiolog- ical Properties (2nded.), American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA, (1982).
- Peters,G., (1994), Fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy intervals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 63, 45-55.
- Poleshchuk,O. and Komarov,E., (2012), A fuzzy linear regression model for interval type-2 fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), 1-5.
- Rabiei,M.R., Arghami,N.R., Taheri,S.M. and Sadeghpour,B., (2013), Fuzzy regression model with interval-valued fuzzy input-output data, Fuzzy Systems, IEEE International Conference on, 1-7.
- Ramli,A.A., Watada,J. and Pedrycz,W., (2011), Real-time fuzzy regression analysis: A convex hull approach, EJOR, 210(3), 606-617.
- Tanaka,H., (1987), Fuzzy data analysis by possibilistic linear models, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24, 363-375.
- Tanaka,H., Hayashi,I. and Watada,J., (1989), Possibilistic linear regression analysis for fuzzy data, EJOR, 40, 389-396.
- Wang,H.F. and Tsaur,R.C., (2000), Resolution of fuzzy regression model, EJOR, 126 (3), 637-650.
- Wang,N., Zhang,W.X. and Mei,C.L., (2007), Fuzzy nonparametric regression based on local linear smoothing technique, Information Sciences, 177, 3882-3900.
- Wasserman,L., (2006), All of Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Texts in Statistics, Springer, NewYork.
- Yao,C.C. and Yu,P.T., (2006), Fuzzy regression based on a symmetric support vector machines, Ap- plied Mathematics and Computation, 182(1), 175-193.
- Zadeh,L.A., (1975), Concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning-I, Information Sciences, 8, 199-249.
- Zadeh,L.A., (1978), Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28.
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 193 - 212, 01.12.2016
E. Hosseinzadeh
H. Hassanpour
M. Arefi
M. Aman
This study attempts to develop a regression model when both input data and output data are quasi type-2 fuzzy numbers. To estimate the crisp parameters of the regression model, a linear programming model is proposed based on goal programming. To handle the outlier problem, an omission approach is proposed. This approach examines the behavior of value changes in the objective function of proposed model when observations are omitted. In order to illustrate the proposed model, some numerical examples are presented. The applicability of the proposed method is tested on a real data set on soil science. The predictive performance of the model is examined by cross-validation.
- Bazaraa,M.S., Jarvis,J.J. and Sherali,H., (2005), Linear Programming and Network Flows, John Wiley and Sons , New York.
- Celmins,A., (1987), Least squares model fitting to fuzzy vector data, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 22, 245-269.
- Coppi,R., D’Urso,P., Giordani,P. and Santoro,A., (2006), Least squares estimation of a linear regression model with LR fuzzy response, Comput Stat & Data Analysis, 51, 267-286.
- Chen,Y.S., (2001), Outliers detection and confidence interval modification in fuzzy regression, FuzzySets and Systems, 119, 259-272.
- Diamond,P., (1988), Fuzzy Least squares, Information Sciences, 46, 141-157.
- D’Urso,P., (2003), Linear regression analysis for fuzzy/crisp input and fuzzy/crisp output data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 42(12), 47-72.
- Guo,P. and Tanaka,T., (2006), Dual models for possibilistic regression analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(1), 253-266.
- Hamrawi,H. and Coupland,S., (2009), Type-2 fuzzy arithmetic using alpha-planes, in Fuzzy Systems.IFSA International Congress on, Portugal , 606-611.
- Hamrawi,H. and Coupland,S., (2010), Measures of Uncertainty for Type-2 Fuzzy Sets, Conference:Computational Intelligence (UKCI), 2010 UK Workshop on .Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2009), A goal programming approach for fuzzy linear regression with non-fuzzy input and fuzzy output data, APJOR, 26, 587-604.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2011), A goal programing approach to fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy input-output data, Soft Computing, 15, 1569-1580.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2010), Fuzzy linear regression model with crisp coefficients: A goal programing approach, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 7, 19-39.
- Hasanpour,H., Maleki,H.R. and Yaghoobi,M.A., (2009), A note on evaluation of fuzzy linear regression models by comparing membership functions, 6(2), 1-6.
- Hojati,M., Bector,C.R. and Smimou,K. (2005), A simple method for computation of fuzzy linear regression, EJOR, 166, 172-184.
- Hosseinzadeh,E., Hassanpour,H. and Arefi,M., (2015), A weighted goal programming approach to fuzzy linear regression with crisp inputs and type-2 fuzzy outputs, Soft Computing, 19, 1143-1151.
- Hung,W.L. and Yang,M.S., (2006), An omission approach for detecting outliers in fuzzy regression models, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157, 3109-3122.
- Kao,C. and Chyu,C.L., (2002), A fuzzy linear regression model with better explanatory power, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 126, 401-409.
- Karnik,N. and Mendel,J., (2001), Operations on type-2 fuzzy set, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122(2), 327-348.
- Kacprzyk,J. and Fedrizzi,M., (1992), Fuzzy Regression Analysis, Physica verlag, Heidelberg/ Om- nitech Press, Warsaw.
- Kelkinnama,M. and Taheri,S.M., (2012), Fuzzy least-absolutes regression using shape preserving op- erations, Information Sciences, 214, 105-120.
- Kocadagli,O., (2013), A novel nonlinear programming approach for estimating capm beta of an asset using fuzzy regression, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 858-865.
- Mendel,J.M., (2007), Advances in type-2 fuzzy sets and systems, Information Sciences, 177, 84-110.
- Mendel,J.M., (2001), Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems: Introduction and New Directions, Prentice- Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Mendel,J.M., (2007), Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems: an overview, IEEE Comput Intell Mag, 2(2), 9-20.
- Mendel,J.M. and John,R., (2002), Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple, IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Sys- tems, 10(2), 117-127.
- Mendel,J.M. and Liu,F., On New Quasi Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems, IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, Hong Kong, China, June 2008.
- Mizumoto,M. and Tanaka,K., (1976), Some properties of fuzzy sets of type2, Information and Control, 31, 312-340.
- Modarres,M., Nasrabadi,E. and Nasrabadi,M.M., (2005), Fuzzy linear regression models with least square errors, Applied Mathematics and Computation,163, 977-989.
- Mohammadi,J.S. and Taheri,M., (2004), Pedomodels tting with fuzzy least squares regression, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1(2), 45-61.
- Nasrabadi,M.M. and Nasrabadi,E., (2004), A mathematical-programming approach to fuzzy linear regression analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 155(3), 873-881.
- Page,A.L., Miller,R.H. and Keeney,D.R., Methods of soil analysis: Part2, Chemical and Microbiolog- ical Properties (2nded.), American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA, (1982).
- Peters,G., (1994), Fuzzy linear regression with fuzzy intervals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 63, 45-55.
- Poleshchuk,O. and Komarov,E., (2012), A fuzzy linear regression model for interval type-2 fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), 1-5.
- Rabiei,M.R., Arghami,N.R., Taheri,S.M. and Sadeghpour,B., (2013), Fuzzy regression model with interval-valued fuzzy input-output data, Fuzzy Systems, IEEE International Conference on, 1-7.
- Ramli,A.A., Watada,J. and Pedrycz,W., (2011), Real-time fuzzy regression analysis: A convex hull approach, EJOR, 210(3), 606-617.
- Tanaka,H., (1987), Fuzzy data analysis by possibilistic linear models, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24, 363-375.
- Tanaka,H., Hayashi,I. and Watada,J., (1989), Possibilistic linear regression analysis for fuzzy data, EJOR, 40, 389-396.
- Wang,H.F. and Tsaur,R.C., (2000), Resolution of fuzzy regression model, EJOR, 126 (3), 637-650.
- Wang,N., Zhang,W.X. and Mei,C.L., (2007), Fuzzy nonparametric regression based on local linear smoothing technique, Information Sciences, 177, 3882-3900.
- Wasserman,L., (2006), All of Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Texts in Statistics, Springer, NewYork.
- Yao,C.C. and Yu,P.T., (2006), Fuzzy regression based on a symmetric support vector machines, Ap- plied Mathematics and Computation, 182(1), 175-193.
- Zadeh,L.A., (1975), Concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning-I, Information Sciences, 8, 199-249.
- Zadeh,L.A., (1978), Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28.