Thirty years of unparalleled economic growth has made China a potential superpower, whose power is likely to grow. Despite immense concentration of the Chinese leadership on the economic affairs, China‟s foreign policy has also marked an era of great success. China, in essence, is going global, while forging warm relations with its trading partners in Asia and the outside world. It has abandoned low profile foreign policy and is looking to get a greater share in economic and diplomatic engagements throughout the world. This change may pose a threat to some states, but China‟s rise is peaceful and it is likely to integrate itself further into the liberal economic order while continuously endeavoring to change the balance of power in its favor
Ahmad, R. Q., Khan, D. M. S., & Shoaib, M. (2014). “The Changing Dynamics of the Foreign Policy of China in Contemporary Time”. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations(45), 3-20.