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Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye'deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 119 - 128, 01.06.2013


Research aimed at understanding public attitudes towards homeland security organizations has been quite limited. This paper is an attempt to grasp public trust in the homeland security system of Turkey in combating terrorism at the organizational level. It was revealed that while the level of trust varies significantly by geographical region and educational level, 57.4 percent of all the participants pointed out that they did not trust in the system. In parallel with the literature, a positive and a strong relationship was observed between the public’s performance evaluations of homeland security organizations and the public trust. “Belief in eradicating terrorism” and “commitment wish to contra-terror policies” were also understood to increase as the level of trust in homeland security system increases. This study not only delves into the nature of public distrust in homeland security system but also describes the ways in which this distrust could be repaired. It concludes that serious attention have to be given by security managers to public trust in order to maintain organizational effectiveness by providing public commitment and support to contra-terror policies and practices


  • BOUCKAERT, G. and VAN DE WALLE, S. (2003). Quality of public service delivery and trust in government. In A. Salminen (Ed) Governing networks (pp. 299-318). Brussels: IOS Press.
  • BUTLER, J.K. (1991). “Towards understanding and measuring conditions of trust: evolution of a condition of trust inventory”. Journal of Management, 17(3): 643-663.
  • CHANLEY, V.A., RUDOLPH, T.J. and RAHN, W.M. (2000). “The origins and consequences of public trust in government: A time series analysis”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 64: 239-256.
  • CHRISTENSEN, T. (2003). Trust in Government—The Significance of Modernism, Political Cynicism and Integration. In EGPA Annual Conference, Workshop on Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust in Government: Reassessing Trust in a Reinvented Government, September 3–6, Portugal: Oeiras.
  • COOK, J. and WALL, T. (1980). “New Work attitude measures of trust, organizational commitment and personal need non fulfilment”. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53: 39-52.
  • CREED, W.E.D., and MILES, R.E. (1996). Trust in organisations: A conceptual framework linking organisational forms, managerial philosophies, and the opportunity costs of controls. In R. M. Kramer, & T. R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in organisations: Frontiers of theory and research. (pp.16-38), Thousand Oaks’ SAGE Publications.
  • DEVOS, T., SPIN, D. and SCHWARTZ, S.H. (2002). “Conflicts among Human Values and Trust in Institutions” British Journal of Social Psychology, 41: 481–484.
  • DIRKS, K.T., and FERRIN, D.L. (2001). “The role of trust in organizational settings”, Organization Science, 12(4): 450-467.
  • FUKUYAMA, F. (1995). Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity. New York: Free Press.
  • GALFORD, R. and DRAPEAU, A.S. (2003). “The enemies of trust”. Harvard Business Review, 81(2): 89–93.
  • GIBBS, J.R. (1972). TORI theory and practice. In J. W. Pfeffer, & J Jones (Eds.), The annual handbook for group facilitators . San Francisco: CA: Pfeffer/ Jossey-Bass.
  • GILBERT, A.J., and TANG, T.L.P. (1998). “An examination of organizational trust antecedents”. Public Personnel Management, 27(3): 321-336.
  • HETHERINGTON, M.J. and NUGENT, J.D. (2001). Explaining public support for devolution: The role of political trust. In J. R. Hibbing & E. Theiss-Morse (Eds.) What is it about government that Americans dislike? (pp. 134-151). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
  • HOSMER, L.T. (1995). “Trust: The connecting link between organizational theory and philosophical ethics.” The Academy of Management Review, 20(2): 379– 403.
  • HOY, W.K., and TSCHANNEN-MORAN, M. (1999). “Five faces of trust: An empirical confirmation in urban elementary schools”. Journal of School Leadership, 9: 184-208.
  • INGLEHART, R (1999). Postmodernization brings declining respect for authority but rising support for democracy. In P. Norris (Ed.), Critical citizens: Global support for democratic government (pp. 236-256). Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  • INKPEN, A.C., and CURRAL S.C. (2004). “The coevolution of trust, control, and learning in joint ventures”. Organization Science, 15(5): 586–599.
  • JOHNSON, B.B. (1999).” Exploring dimensionality in the origins of hazard-related trust”. Journal of Risk Research, 2: 325–54.
  • KAMPEN, J.K., MADDENS, B. and VERMUNT, J. (2003). Trust and satisfaction: A case study of the micro-performance theory. In A. Salminen (Ed.), Governing networks (pp. 319-326). Brussels: IOS Press,
  • KORSGAARD, M.A., BRODT, S.E. and WHITENER, E.M. (2002). “Trust in the face of conflict: The role of managerial trustworthy behavior and organizational context”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 312–319.
  • LEVI, M. (1998). A state of trust. In V. Braithwaite & M Levi (Eds) Trust and Governance (pp. 77–101). New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
  • LEWICKI, R.J., and BUNKER, B.B. (1996). Developing and maintaining trust in work relationships. In R. M. Kramer and T. R. Tyler (Eds) Trust in organization: frontiers of theory and research (pp.114-139). California: Sage Publications,
  • MAEDA, Y. and MIYAHARA, M. (2003). “Determinants of trust in industry, government, and citizen’s groups in Japan”. Risk Analysis, 23: 303–310.
  • MAYER, R.C., DAVIS, J.H. and SCHOORMAN, F.D. (1995). “An integrative model of organizational trust”. Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 709-734.
  • MISHRA, A.K. (1996). Organizational responses to crisis: The centrality of trust. In R. M. Kramer & T. R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research (pp. 261– 287). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
  • MISZTAL, B.A. (1996). Trust in modern societies. Cambridge: Polity Press
  • POLLITT, C. and BOUCKAERT, G. (2000). Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • RAMPTON, S. and STAUBER, J. (2001). Trust Us, We’re Experts New York: Penguin Putnam Inc.
  • ROBINSON, S.L. (1996). “Trust and breach of the psychological contract”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 574–599.
  • ROTHSTEIN, B. (2001). “Social Capital in Social Democratic State. The Swedish Model and Civil Society”. Politics and Society, 29(2): 209–240.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., SITKIN, S.B., BURT, R.S., and CAMERER, C. (1998). “Not so different after all: A cross-discipline view of trust”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 393—404.
  • SCHOORMAN, F.D., MAYER, R.C. and DAVIS, J.H. (2007). “An integrative model of organizational trust: Past, present, and future”. Academy of Management Review, 32: 344—354.
  • SCHWARTZ, P. and GIBB, B. (1999). When good companies do bad things: Responsibility and risk in an age of globalization. New York: Wiley
  • SHEPARD, B.H. and SHERMAN, D.M. (1998). “The grammars of trust: a model and general implications”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 422–37.
  • SIMS, H. (2001). Public Confidence in Government and Government Service Delivery. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Management Development.
  • THOMAS, G.F., ZOLIN, R. and HARTMAN, J.L. (2009). “The Central Role of Communication in Developing Trust and Its Effect on Employee Involvement”, Journal of Business Communication, 46: 287-310.
  • TYLER, T. (1998). Trust and democratic governance. In V. Braithwaite and M. Levi (Eds) Trust and Governance (pp. 269–294). New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
  • WARREN, M. (Ed.) (1999). Democracy and trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ZUCKER, L.G. (1986) “Production of trust: Institutional sources of economic structure, 1840-1920”. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8: 53-111.

Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye'deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 119 - 128, 01.06.2013


İç güvenlik örgütlerine toplumun güveni anlamaya yönelik araştırmaların sayısı oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu makale, toplumun Türkiye’nin iç güvenlik sisteminin terörle mücadelesine dair güvenini örgütsel düzeyde anlamaya yönelik bir girişimdir. Bu çalışma sonunda, coğrafi bölgelere ve eğitim düzeyine göre güven düzeyi anlamlı şekilde farklılık gösterse de, katılımcıların %57.4’ünün sisteme güvenmedikleri anlaşılmıştır. Akademik yazına paralel bir şekilde, toplumsal güven ile toplumun iç güvenlik örgütlerinin performans değerlendirmesi arasında pozitif yönde güçlü bir ilişki gözlenmiştir. “Terörü sona erdirme inancı” ve “kontra-terör politikalarına katkı” tutumunun da iç güvenlik sistemine olan güven arttıkça arttığı anlaşılmıştır. Bu çalışma sadece toplumun iç güvenlik sistemine olan güvensizliğini değil, aynı zamanda bu güvensizliğin nasıl giderileceğinin yollarını da göstermektedir. Kontra-terör politika ve uygulamalarına toplumun katılımını ve desteğini sağlayarak örgütsel etkinliği sağlamak için, güvenlik yöneticilerinin toplumsal güvene ciddi önem vermesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır


  • BOUCKAERT, G. and VAN DE WALLE, S. (2003). Quality of public service delivery and trust in government. In A. Salminen (Ed) Governing networks (pp. 299-318). Brussels: IOS Press.
  • BUTLER, J.K. (1991). “Towards understanding and measuring conditions of trust: evolution of a condition of trust inventory”. Journal of Management, 17(3): 643-663.
  • CHANLEY, V.A., RUDOLPH, T.J. and RAHN, W.M. (2000). “The origins and consequences of public trust in government: A time series analysis”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 64: 239-256.
  • CHRISTENSEN, T. (2003). Trust in Government—The Significance of Modernism, Political Cynicism and Integration. In EGPA Annual Conference, Workshop on Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust in Government: Reassessing Trust in a Reinvented Government, September 3–6, Portugal: Oeiras.
  • COOK, J. and WALL, T. (1980). “New Work attitude measures of trust, organizational commitment and personal need non fulfilment”. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53: 39-52.
  • CREED, W.E.D., and MILES, R.E. (1996). Trust in organisations: A conceptual framework linking organisational forms, managerial philosophies, and the opportunity costs of controls. In R. M. Kramer, & T. R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in organisations: Frontiers of theory and research. (pp.16-38), Thousand Oaks’ SAGE Publications.
  • DEVOS, T., SPIN, D. and SCHWARTZ, S.H. (2002). “Conflicts among Human Values and Trust in Institutions” British Journal of Social Psychology, 41: 481–484.
  • DIRKS, K.T., and FERRIN, D.L. (2001). “The role of trust in organizational settings”, Organization Science, 12(4): 450-467.
  • FUKUYAMA, F. (1995). Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity. New York: Free Press.
  • GALFORD, R. and DRAPEAU, A.S. (2003). “The enemies of trust”. Harvard Business Review, 81(2): 89–93.
  • GIBBS, J.R. (1972). TORI theory and practice. In J. W. Pfeffer, & J Jones (Eds.), The annual handbook for group facilitators . San Francisco: CA: Pfeffer/ Jossey-Bass.
  • GILBERT, A.J., and TANG, T.L.P. (1998). “An examination of organizational trust antecedents”. Public Personnel Management, 27(3): 321-336.
  • HETHERINGTON, M.J. and NUGENT, J.D. (2001). Explaining public support for devolution: The role of political trust. In J. R. Hibbing & E. Theiss-Morse (Eds.) What is it about government that Americans dislike? (pp. 134-151). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
  • HOSMER, L.T. (1995). “Trust: The connecting link between organizational theory and philosophical ethics.” The Academy of Management Review, 20(2): 379– 403.
  • HOY, W.K., and TSCHANNEN-MORAN, M. (1999). “Five faces of trust: An empirical confirmation in urban elementary schools”. Journal of School Leadership, 9: 184-208.
  • INGLEHART, R (1999). Postmodernization brings declining respect for authority but rising support for democracy. In P. Norris (Ed.), Critical citizens: Global support for democratic government (pp. 236-256). Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  • INKPEN, A.C., and CURRAL S.C. (2004). “The coevolution of trust, control, and learning in joint ventures”. Organization Science, 15(5): 586–599.
  • JOHNSON, B.B. (1999).” Exploring dimensionality in the origins of hazard-related trust”. Journal of Risk Research, 2: 325–54.
  • KAMPEN, J.K., MADDENS, B. and VERMUNT, J. (2003). Trust and satisfaction: A case study of the micro-performance theory. In A. Salminen (Ed.), Governing networks (pp. 319-326). Brussels: IOS Press,
  • KORSGAARD, M.A., BRODT, S.E. and WHITENER, E.M. (2002). “Trust in the face of conflict: The role of managerial trustworthy behavior and organizational context”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 312–319.
  • LEVI, M. (1998). A state of trust. In V. Braithwaite & M Levi (Eds) Trust and Governance (pp. 77–101). New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
  • LEWICKI, R.J., and BUNKER, B.B. (1996). Developing and maintaining trust in work relationships. In R. M. Kramer and T. R. Tyler (Eds) Trust in organization: frontiers of theory and research (pp.114-139). California: Sage Publications,
  • MAEDA, Y. and MIYAHARA, M. (2003). “Determinants of trust in industry, government, and citizen’s groups in Japan”. Risk Analysis, 23: 303–310.
  • MAYER, R.C., DAVIS, J.H. and SCHOORMAN, F.D. (1995). “An integrative model of organizational trust”. Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 709-734.
  • MISHRA, A.K. (1996). Organizational responses to crisis: The centrality of trust. In R. M. Kramer & T. R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research (pp. 261– 287). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
  • MISZTAL, B.A. (1996). Trust in modern societies. Cambridge: Polity Press
  • POLLITT, C. and BOUCKAERT, G. (2000). Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • RAMPTON, S. and STAUBER, J. (2001). Trust Us, We’re Experts New York: Penguin Putnam Inc.
  • ROBINSON, S.L. (1996). “Trust and breach of the psychological contract”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 574–599.
  • ROTHSTEIN, B. (2001). “Social Capital in Social Democratic State. The Swedish Model and Civil Society”. Politics and Society, 29(2): 209–240.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., SITKIN, S.B., BURT, R.S., and CAMERER, C. (1998). “Not so different after all: A cross-discipline view of trust”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 393—404.
  • SCHOORMAN, F.D., MAYER, R.C. and DAVIS, J.H. (2007). “An integrative model of organizational trust: Past, present, and future”. Academy of Management Review, 32: 344—354.
  • SCHWARTZ, P. and GIBB, B. (1999). When good companies do bad things: Responsibility and risk in an age of globalization. New York: Wiley
  • SHEPARD, B.H. and SHERMAN, D.M. (1998). “The grammars of trust: a model and general implications”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 422–37.
  • SIMS, H. (2001). Public Confidence in Government and Government Service Delivery. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Management Development.
  • THOMAS, G.F., ZOLIN, R. and HARTMAN, J.L. (2009). “The Central Role of Communication in Developing Trust and Its Effect on Employee Involvement”, Journal of Business Communication, 46: 287-310.
  • TYLER, T. (1998). Trust and democratic governance. In V. Braithwaite and M. Levi (Eds) Trust and Governance (pp. 269–294). New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
  • WARREN, M. (Ed.) (1999). Democracy and trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ZUCKER, L.G. (1986) “Production of trust: Institutional sources of economic structure, 1840-1920”. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8: 53-111.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Sefer Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, S. (2013). Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 119-128.
AMA Yılmaz S. Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2013;5(2):119-128.
Chicago Yılmaz, Sefer. “Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma”. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Haziran 2013): 119-28.
EndNote Yılmaz S (01 Haziran 2013) Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 5 2 119–128.
IEEE S. Yılmaz, “Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma”, Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 119–128, 2013.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Sefer. “Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma”. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 5/2 (Haziran 2013), 119-128.
JAMA Yılmaz S. Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;5:119–128.
MLA Yılmaz, Sefer. “Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma”. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 119-28.
Vancouver Yılmaz S. Toplumun İç Güvenlik Sistemine Yönelik Güveni: Toplumun Türkiye’deki Terörle Mücadele Algısına Dair Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;5(2):119-28.