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Enerji Bitkisi Manyok'ın (Manihotes culenta Crantz) Önemi ve Yetiştirilmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 5, 121 - 125, 27.12.2019


Manyok Euphorbiaceac familyasına ait birbitki türüdür. Ana vatanı Brezilya’dır. 2015 verilerine göre dünyada 22.732.193 hektar alanda manyok dikilmekte, verim değeri 15.35 ton/ha ve üretim 296.7 milyon ton olarak gerçekleşmektedir. Dünyada üretilen manyokun %50 si Afrika’da, %30’u Asya’da ve %20’si ise Latin Amerika’dan elde edilmektedir. Manyok yüzyıllardan beri pek çok ülkede bir besin kaynağı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bugün, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde milyonlarca insan tarafından tüketilen ve bazen de bitkisel bir ilaç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Manyokun yumruları enerji açısından oldukça zengindir ve başlıca nişasta ve bazı çözülebilir karbonhidratlar içermektedir, fakat protein açısından fakirdir. Manyok bitkisinden elde edilen yumru, diğer yumrulu ve kökü değerlendirilen bitkilere nazaran daha yüksek oranda kuru madde içerir. Manyok yumruları %30-40 oranında kuru madde içerir. Kuru madde içeriği içerisinde en önemli bileşik nişasta ve şekerdir. Bu da yaklaşık kuru maddenin %90 oluşturmaktadır. Kuru manyokda metabolik enerji 3500-4000 kcal/g. olup mısır ununa benzerdir. FAO manyokun pirinç ve mısırdan sonra en önemli 3. enerji kaynağı olduğunu açıklamıştır. Pek çok ülke bugün manyokun etanol biyoyakıt olarak kullanımı üzerinde önemli araştırmalar yapmaktadır. Çin, 11. 5 yıllık kalkınma planı çerçevesinde 2010 yılına kadar 200 bin tonluk biyodizel üretmeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu da 10 milyon tonluk petrole denktir. Farklı yetiştirme koşullarına, toprak çeşidine ve gübre miktarına adapte olabilen manyok bitkisi, diğer ekinlerin yetişemediği yerlerde bile iyi verim verebilmektedir. Manyok bitkisi Türkiye’de de kurak ve verimsiz arazilerde yetiştirilebilecek önemli bir enerji bitkisidir.


  • Aho, P. 2007. Impact on the world poultry industry of the global shift to biofuels. Poult Sci, 86, 2291–2294.
  • Anonymous, 2009. Cassava. Ministry and Agricultural and Rada E-Newsletter.
  • Ayaşan, T. 2010. Hayvan Beslemede Cassava ve Ürünlerinin Kullanımı. GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010, 27(1), 73-83.
  • Awoyinka, A.F., Abegunde, V.O., Adewusi, S.R., 1995. Nutrient content of young cassava leaves and assessment of their acceptance as a green vegetable in Nigeria. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 47, 21-28.
  • Balagopalan, C., 2002. Cassava utilization in food, feed and industry, in: Hillock RJ, Thresh JM, Bellotti AC (Eds): Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization, pp. 301–318 (Kerala, India).
  • Bokanga, A., 1994. Processing of cassava leaves for human consumption. Acta Hort, 373, 203–207.
  • Chauynarong, N., Elangovan, A.V., Iji, P.A., 2009. The potential of cassava products in diets for poultry. World's Poult Sci J, 65, 23–35.
  • Diaz, B.J., Mondrigon, C.C., Molina, C.R., Saldana, L.A., 1997. Production of cassava whole meal (M. esculenta Crantz) to prepare a feed for growing chicks. I. Chemical and nutritive characterization of leaves, roots and cassava whole meal. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutr, 47, 382–386.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2004. The global cassava development stragety and implementation plan. Proceedings of the validation forum on the global cassava development strategy. 1. Retrieved March.
  • Food Safety Network, 2005. What is cassava. Kanto, U., and Juttupornpong, S., 2005. Advantages ofcassava in animal rations. Cassava in animalnutrition: With reference to Thailand cassava. 99,19-50.
  • Phuc, B.H.N., and Lindberg, J.E., 2000. Ileal digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs fed cassava root meal diet with inclusion of cassava leaves, leucaena leaves and groundnut foliage. Anim Sci, 71, 301-308.
  • Ravidran, V., 1991. Preparation of cassava leaf product and their use as animal feeds. Proceeding of the FAO expert consultation, CIAT, Cali, Columbia, 81-95..
  • Sommart, K., Wanapat, M., Rowlinson, P., Parker, D.S., Climee, P., Panishying, S., 2000. The use of cassava chips as an energy source for lactating dairy cows fed with rice straw. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci, 13 (8): 1094–1101.
  • Wanapat, M., Puramongkon, T., Siphuak, W., 2000. Feeding of cassava hay for lactating dairy cows. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci, 13 (4): 478–482.
  • Wanapat, M., 2003. Manipulation of cassava cultivation and utilization to improve protein to energy biomass for live stock feeding in the tropics. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci. 16, 463–472.
  • Wanapat, M., 2004. The role of cassava hay as animal feed. 2/504.pdf. Accessed: 12 August 2009.

Importance and Cultivation of Energy Plant Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 5, 121 - 125, 27.12.2019


Cassava is a plant species belonging to the family Euphorbiaceac. Motherland of cassava is Brazil. According to 2015 data, cassava is planted in an area of 22.732.193 hectares in the world, yield value is 15.35 tons / ha and production is realized as 296.7 million tons. 50% of the cassava produced in the world is obtained in Africa, 30% in Asia and 20% from Latin America. Cassava has been used as a food source in many countries for centuries. Today, it is consumed by millions of people in developing countries and is sometimes used as a herbal medicine. The cassava's tubers are very energy-rich and contain mainly starch and some soluble carbohydrates, but are poor in protein. The tuber obtained from the cassava plant contains a higher proportion of dry matter than other tuberous and rooted plants. Cassava tubers contain 30-40% dry matter. The most important compound in the dry matter content is starch and sugar. This accounts for about 90% of dry matter. Metabolic energy in dry cassava 3500-4000 kcal / g. is similar to corn flour. FAO explained that cassava is the third most important energy source after rice and corn. Many countries are currently conducting important research on the use of cassava as ethanol biofuel. Under the 11th 5-year development plan, China aimed to produce 200 thousand tons of biodiesel by 2010. This is equivalent to 10 million tons of oil. The cassava plant, which can adapt to different growing conditions, soil type and fertilizer quantity, can give good yield even in places where other crops cannot grow. Cassava is an important crop energy crops can be grown in the arid and unproductivel and in Turkey.


  • Aho, P. 2007. Impact on the world poultry industry of the global shift to biofuels. Poult Sci, 86, 2291–2294.
  • Anonymous, 2009. Cassava. Ministry and Agricultural and Rada E-Newsletter.
  • Ayaşan, T. 2010. Hayvan Beslemede Cassava ve Ürünlerinin Kullanımı. GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010, 27(1), 73-83.
  • Awoyinka, A.F., Abegunde, V.O., Adewusi, S.R., 1995. Nutrient content of young cassava leaves and assessment of their acceptance as a green vegetable in Nigeria. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 47, 21-28.
  • Balagopalan, C., 2002. Cassava utilization in food, feed and industry, in: Hillock RJ, Thresh JM, Bellotti AC (Eds): Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization, pp. 301–318 (Kerala, India).
  • Bokanga, A., 1994. Processing of cassava leaves for human consumption. Acta Hort, 373, 203–207.
  • Chauynarong, N., Elangovan, A.V., Iji, P.A., 2009. The potential of cassava products in diets for poultry. World's Poult Sci J, 65, 23–35.
  • Diaz, B.J., Mondrigon, C.C., Molina, C.R., Saldana, L.A., 1997. Production of cassava whole meal (M. esculenta Crantz) to prepare a feed for growing chicks. I. Chemical and nutritive characterization of leaves, roots and cassava whole meal. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutr, 47, 382–386.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2004. The global cassava development stragety and implementation plan. Proceedings of the validation forum on the global cassava development strategy. 1. Retrieved March.
  • Food Safety Network, 2005. What is cassava. Kanto, U., and Juttupornpong, S., 2005. Advantages ofcassava in animal rations. Cassava in animalnutrition: With reference to Thailand cassava. 99,19-50.
  • Phuc, B.H.N., and Lindberg, J.E., 2000. Ileal digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs fed cassava root meal diet with inclusion of cassava leaves, leucaena leaves and groundnut foliage. Anim Sci, 71, 301-308.
  • Ravidran, V., 1991. Preparation of cassava leaf product and their use as animal feeds. Proceeding of the FAO expert consultation, CIAT, Cali, Columbia, 81-95..
  • Sommart, K., Wanapat, M., Rowlinson, P., Parker, D.S., Climee, P., Panishying, S., 2000. The use of cassava chips as an energy source for lactating dairy cows fed with rice straw. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci, 13 (8): 1094–1101.
  • Wanapat, M., Puramongkon, T., Siphuak, W., 2000. Feeding of cassava hay for lactating dairy cows. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci, 13 (4): 478–482.
  • Wanapat, M., 2003. Manipulation of cassava cultivation and utilization to improve protein to energy biomass for live stock feeding in the tropics. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci. 16, 463–472.
  • Wanapat, M., 2004. The role of cassava hay as animal feed. 2/504.pdf. Accessed: 12 August 2009.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
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Serap Kızıl Aydemir Bu kişi benim

Yeter Çilesiz Bu kişi benim

Muhammad Azhar Nadeem Bu kişi benim

Tolga Karaköy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızıl Aydemir, S., Çilesiz, Y., Nadeem, M. A., Karaköy, T. (2019). Enerji Bitkisi Manyok’ın (Manihotes culenta Crantz) Önemi ve Yetiştirilmesi. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(5), 121-125.