South Asia is a hotspot, with four nuclear and missile powers sharing borders. In order to promote peace-building
efforts, it is proposed to use sport diplomacy. Taking India-Pakistan conflict as an example, this paper proposes to
change the mindset of future generations by organizing regional summer camps for athletics, squash and cricket
with fifty percent of the time allocated to educating the players about culture, history and geography of the countries
in the region in addition to equipping participants with power skills. Growth-and-Obesity Vector- Roadmaps of all
players are generated as part of their comprehensive psychological and physical examinations combined with
fitness testing at the start and the end of summer camp along with posture and gait training.
American Academy of Pediatrics — Committee on Sports Medicine (1982). Climatic heat stress and the exercising child. Pediatrics, 89 (6), 808, 809
American Academy of Pediatrics — Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness (2000). Climatic heat stress and
the exercising child and adolescent. Pediatrics, 106 (1), 158, 159
Aziz, Q. (1974). Blood and Tears, 1st Ed., Karachi, Pakistan: Publication Division of United Press of Pakistan
Badau, D., Prebeg, G., Dušan, M., Badau, A. (2015). Fitness index and VO2max of physical-education students.
Science, Movement and Health, 15 (2, Supplement), 246-251
Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Atwater, C., Esherick, C. (2018). U. S. sport diplomacy in Latin America and the
Caribbean: a programme evaluation. Journal of Sport for Development, 6 (10), 71-85
Beacom, A. (2000). Sport in international relations: a case for cross-disciplinary investigation. The Sports
Historian, 20 (2), 1-23
Biswas, S., Biswas, A., Bandyopadhyay, N. (2021). Effects of four weeks intervention of yogic practices on cricketspecific-motor fitness. Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education, 4 (5), 125-130
Cárdenas, A. (2013). Peace building through sport? An introduction to sport for development and peace. Journal
of Conflictology, 4 (1), 24-33
Catalán-Eslava, M., González-Víllora, S., Pastor-Vicedo, J. C., Contreras-Jordán, O. R. (2018). Analysis of tactical,
decisional and executional behaviour according to the level of expertise in squash. Journal of Human Kinetics,
61 (1), 227-240
Domingos, C., Alves, C. P., Sousa, E., Rosa, A., Pereira, J. G. (2020). Does neurofeedback training improve
performance in athletics? NeuroRegulation, 7 (1), 8-17
Dao, M., Chin, J. (2021). The Americanization of sport for development and peace: examining American SDP
intern experiences. Journal of Sport for Development, 9 (1), 32-47
English, C. V. (2017). A Qualitative Exploration of the South African Cricket Development Environment. PhD
Dissertation, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Evans, A. B., Blackwell, J., Dolan, P., et al. (2020). Sport in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: towards an
agenda for research in the sociology of sport. European Journal for Sport and Society, 17 (2), 85-95
Genç, D., Temel, C. (2020). Evaluation of physical-education teachers based on students‘ opinions. Uluslararası
Beden Eğitimi Spor ve Teknolojileri Dergisi (International Journal of Physical Education, Sport andTechnologies), 1 (1), 24-33
Henriksen, K., Storm, L. K., Larsen, C. H. (2018). Organizational culture and influence in developing athletes. In:
Sport Psychology for Young Athlete (Ed. Knight, C., Harwood, C., Gould, D.), pp. 216-228, New York, United
States: Routledge
Izuyama, M. Ogawa, S. (2003, March). The nuclear policy of India and Pakistan. NIDS Security Reports, No. 4,
Jones, B. J., Hardy, L., Lawrence, G., et al. (2019). The identification of ―Game Changers‖ in England cricket‘s
developmental pathway for elite spin bowling: a machine-learning approach. Journal of Expertise, 2 (2), 92-
Kaidal, A., Badaki, O. L., Sanusi, A. A. (2014). Sports and conflict prevention; the way forward for global peace.
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 1 (7), 18-21
Kamal, S. A. (2007, August 30). Communication skills in international relations. Golden Jubilee Seminar Series
— Graduate Studies Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University
of Karachi (seminar); abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2008, April 23, 24). Pattern recognition using moiré fringe topography and rasterstereography. In:
Proceedings of International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (IEEE ISBAST 2008), pp.
1-7, Islamabad, Pakistan: Bahria University; full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2009, October 22). Role of information processing in conflict resolution. Golden Jubilee Seminar
Series — Graduate Studies Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations,
University of Karachi (seminar); extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2010a, March 11). Simulation and soft power. Golden Jubilee Seminar Series — Graduate Studies
Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi (seminar);
extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2010b, May 10, 11). An airport-passenger-screening system based on emitted-IR and thermal
radiation. In: The Fifth Symposium on Computational Complexities, Innovations and Solutions (CCIS 2010),
p. 11, Abbotabad, KP, Pakistan: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology; extended abstract#2:
Kamal, S. A. (2010c, September 29). Soft power, smart power and intelligent power. Graduate Studies Discussion
Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi (a seminar in honor
of Joseph Nye); extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2011a, March 31). Intelligent power and conflict resolution. Guest Seminar Series, Lahore, Pakistan:
Department of Political Science, the Quaid-é-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab (seminar); extended
Kamal, S. A. (2011b, May 28). Intelligent power, conflict resolution, complexity and international trade. Guest
Seminar Series, Karachi, Pakistan: City Campus, Institute of Business Administration (seminar); extended
Kamal, S. A. (2014, December 3, 4). Smart-intelligent power and conflict management at state-level. In: The
International Conference on Challenges of Transition in Social Sciences (ICCTSS 2014), p. 32, Karachi,
Pakistan: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Karachi; extended abstract#VII-II:
Kamal, S. A. (2015). Optimal-mass management in obese children. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 12 (3), 381-391; full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2016, April 7). Manual for Obtaining Anthropometric Measurements. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-ePublication, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan, version 9.11, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2017). In search of a definition of childhood obesity. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 14 (1), 49-67; full text:
Additional File 3: Graphical Representation and Color Scheme (p. 3)
Kamal, S. A. (2019, May 23). Some Pictures from the Hikari Kindergarten. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-e-Publication, Karachi, Pakistan, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2020, May 23). Some Pictures of the Nikitin Family. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-e-Publication,
Karachi, Pakistan, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2021). The covariant-enhanced-coupling model of global-elctrocortical activity. International
Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 18 (3), in press; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Ansari, M. J., Sarwar, M., Ansari, S. A., Naz, A. A., Jamil, N. (2021). Percentiles of height and mass
scaled for the Pakistani population: application to determine build of a gymnast. Uluslararası Bozok Sport
Bilimleri Dergisi (Bozok International Journal of Sport Sciences), 2 (1), 33-57, full text:
Additional File 1: Techniques of Anthropometric Measurements (step-by-step procedures for measurements
of height, mass and mid-upper-arm circumference, illustrated through labeled photographs)
Additional File 2: Color Coding used in Growth-and-Obesity Vector-Roadmap 2.6
Additional File 3: Method of Constructing Growth-and-Obesity Vector-Roadmap 2.6
Kamal, S. A., Azeemi, H. I., Khan, S. R. (2017). Psychological testing, physical examination and fitness testing
for primary-school students for participation in gymnastic activities. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences
(Karachi), 8 (2), 15-40; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, S. S. (2014). KJ-regression model to evaluate optimal masses of extreme cases. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (4), 623-648; full text:
Additional File 3: Extended Growth Tables and Charts (from CDC Growth Tables and Charts)
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, N., Khan, S. A. (2011). Growth-and-Obesity Profiles of children of Karachi using boxinterpolation method. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 8 (1), 87-96; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, S. S., Razzaq, U. (2014). Stunting induced by wasting — wasting induced by stunting: a
case study. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (1), 147-153; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2014). Primary-physical-education practices in Pakistan and England: health and safety
perspectives. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (2&3), 401-419 (hand
washing — p. 411; sleep routine — p. 409, 410); full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2015). Hairstyle, footwear and clothing for gymnastic activities in the primary-school
setting. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 6 (3), 29-45; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2018). Overcoming vitamin-D deficiency in male gymnasts during preteen years. The
Sky (International Journal of Physical Education, Health, Sports and Allied Sciences), 2, 60-75; full text:
, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2020a). Association of balanced diet and physical activity with fitness of young children
and their parents. The Shield (Research Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences), 15, 119-147; full
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2020b). Operation of sport academies during and after corona pandemic. Uluslararası
Beden Eğitimi Spor ve Teknolojileri Dergisi (International Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Technologies), 1 (2), 12-29; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A., Aslam, S. (2020). A model football academy for residents of Lyari Town, Karachi,
Pakistan. The Sky (International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences), 4, 5-38; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Rajput, M. K., Ansari, S. A. (2016). Gait analysis of 7-10-year-old children of Karachi from nutritional-status perspective. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 13 (1), 13-25; full
Additional File: Anatomical and Physiological Terms
Kamal, S. A., Raza, S. K., Sarwar, M. (2016). Mathematical modeling of scoliosis indicators in growing children.
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 13 (3), 471-484; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Raza, S. K., Sarwar, M. (2020). Effectiveness of proposed risk indicators in scoliosis case finding.
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 17 (3), 517-530; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Sarwar, M., Razzaq, U. A. (2015). Effective decision making for the presence of scoliosis. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 12 (2), 317-328; full text:
Kaplan-Sayı, A. (2017). Students‘ views about enriched summer camp for high-school students. EURASIA Journal
of Mathematics, Science and technology Education, 13 (11), 7161-7177
Khosla, D. G. (1965). The Murder of the Mahatma, 1st Ed., Mumbai, India: Jaico Publishing House
Lokhande, R. A., Chawan, K. (2018). Prediction of live cricket score and winning. International Journal of Trend
in Research and Development, 5 (14), 91-93
Mahmood, K. (2010). Pakistan-India Relations: A Pakistan Narrative, p. 16, Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT)
Mansoori, M. (2021, February 9). Masalaé Kashmir: hal ka waqt aã gaya (the Kashmir problem: time has come for
solution). Karachi, Pakistan: Jang, p. 11
Marker, J. (2010). Quiet Diplomacy, pp. 129-130, Oxford, United Kingdom & Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University Press
Mirza, M. (2021, May 9). Junubee Asia main bara breakthrough: Pak Bharat taǎlukaãt ki bahaãlee kaé leaé
Kashmiriun ko bhi eǎtémaãd mein léna ho ga (Big breakthrough in South Asia: Kashmiris need to be taken
into confidence for resuming Pakistan-India relationship). Karachi, Pakistan: Jang, p. 12 (Sunday magazine)
Murray, S. R. (2018). Profiling Elite Male Squash Performance using a Situation-Awareness Approach Enabled by
Automatic-Tracking Technology. PhD Dissertation, Middlesex University, London, UK
Newell, W. H. (1955). The Brahman and caste isogamy in North India. The Journal of the Royal Anthropolgical
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 85 (1&2), 101-110
Noorbhai, H. (2020). Biomechanical implications of batting backlift technique in cricket: a collation of current
evidence. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 38 (1), 964-967
Omelan, A. A., Breś, B., Raczkowski, M., Podstawski, R., Polgár, T., Koltai, M. (2018). Summer camps from the
perspective of participants and organizers. Polish Journal of Sport Tourism, 25 (4), 33-38
Perreault, M. E., Gonzalez, S. P. (2021). Generalize over specialize: examining the long-term athlete develop- ment
model to optimize youth athlete development. Strategies (A Journal for Physical and Sport Educa- tors), 34
(3), 11-15
Pidd, H. (2012, July 25). Why India is no place to be a woman? Karachi, Pakistan: DAWN, p. 12: International
Salik, S. (2017). Main Nay Dhaka Doobtay Dekha, Lahore, Pakistan: Al-Faisal Nashirǎan— Urdu edition of Witness to Surrender (Indian interference in East Pakistan — p. 131; Mujeebur Rahman‘s admission — p. 11)
Shah, S., Hazarika, P. J., Hazarika, J. (2017). A Study on performance of cricket players using factor-analysis
approach. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (3), 656-660
Simonson, W. (2020). Vitamin C and coronavirus. Geriatric Nursing, 41 (3), 331-332
Szabo, D. A., Neaglu, N., Ardelean, M., Sopa, I. (2019). Psychomotor evaluation of athlete children. Discobolul
(Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotherapy Journal), 59 (1), 56-69
Tahir, A. (2015). Destiny to Despair, p. 223, Karachi, Pakistan: Paramount Books
Wasim, M., Kamal, S. A., Shaikh, A. (2013). A security system employing edge-based rasterstereography. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 10 (4), 613-630; full text:
Whitley, M. A., Farrell, K., Wolff, E. A., Hillyer, S. J. (2019). Sport for development and peace: surveying
actors in the field. Journal of Sport for Development, 7 (11), 1-15
Williams, B. K., Sanders, R. H., Ryu, J. H., Graham-Smith, P., Sinclair, P. J. (2020). The kinematic differences
between accurate and inaccurate squash forehand drives for athletes of different skill levels. Journal of Sports
Sciences, 38 (10), 1115-1123
Establishing Peace through Sport Activities: Changing Mindset of Youngsters Belonging to Countries having Conflicts
South Asia is a hotspot, with four nuclear and missile powers sharing borders. In order to promote peace-building
efforts, it is proposed to use sport diplomacy. Taking India-Pakistan conflict as an example, this paper proposes to
change the mindset of future generations by organizing regional summer camps for athletics, squash and cricket
with fifty percent of the time allocated to educating the players about culture, history and geography of the countries
in the region in addition to equipping participants with power skills. Growth-and-Obesity Vector- Roadmaps of all
players are generated as part of their comprehensive psychological and physical examinations combined with
fitness testing at the start and the end of summer camp along with posture and gait training.
American Academy of Pediatrics — Committee on Sports Medicine (1982). Climatic heat stress and the exercising child. Pediatrics, 89 (6), 808, 809
American Academy of Pediatrics — Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness (2000). Climatic heat stress and
the exercising child and adolescent. Pediatrics, 106 (1), 158, 159
Aziz, Q. (1974). Blood and Tears, 1st Ed., Karachi, Pakistan: Publication Division of United Press of Pakistan
Badau, D., Prebeg, G., Dušan, M., Badau, A. (2015). Fitness index and VO2max of physical-education students.
Science, Movement and Health, 15 (2, Supplement), 246-251
Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Atwater, C., Esherick, C. (2018). U. S. sport diplomacy in Latin America and the
Caribbean: a programme evaluation. Journal of Sport for Development, 6 (10), 71-85
Beacom, A. (2000). Sport in international relations: a case for cross-disciplinary investigation. The Sports
Historian, 20 (2), 1-23
Biswas, S., Biswas, A., Bandyopadhyay, N. (2021). Effects of four weeks intervention of yogic practices on cricketspecific-motor fitness. Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education, 4 (5), 125-130
Cárdenas, A. (2013). Peace building through sport? An introduction to sport for development and peace. Journal
of Conflictology, 4 (1), 24-33
Catalán-Eslava, M., González-Víllora, S., Pastor-Vicedo, J. C., Contreras-Jordán, O. R. (2018). Analysis of tactical,
decisional and executional behaviour according to the level of expertise in squash. Journal of Human Kinetics,
61 (1), 227-240
Domingos, C., Alves, C. P., Sousa, E., Rosa, A., Pereira, J. G. (2020). Does neurofeedback training improve
performance in athletics? NeuroRegulation, 7 (1), 8-17
Dao, M., Chin, J. (2021). The Americanization of sport for development and peace: examining American SDP
intern experiences. Journal of Sport for Development, 9 (1), 32-47
English, C. V. (2017). A Qualitative Exploration of the South African Cricket Development Environment. PhD
Dissertation, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Evans, A. B., Blackwell, J., Dolan, P., et al. (2020). Sport in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: towards an
agenda for research in the sociology of sport. European Journal for Sport and Society, 17 (2), 85-95
Genç, D., Temel, C. (2020). Evaluation of physical-education teachers based on students‘ opinions. Uluslararası
Beden Eğitimi Spor ve Teknolojileri Dergisi (International Journal of Physical Education, Sport andTechnologies), 1 (1), 24-33
Henriksen, K., Storm, L. K., Larsen, C. H. (2018). Organizational culture and influence in developing athletes. In:
Sport Psychology for Young Athlete (Ed. Knight, C., Harwood, C., Gould, D.), pp. 216-228, New York, United
States: Routledge
Izuyama, M. Ogawa, S. (2003, March). The nuclear policy of India and Pakistan. NIDS Security Reports, No. 4,
Jones, B. J., Hardy, L., Lawrence, G., et al. (2019). The identification of ―Game Changers‖ in England cricket‘s
developmental pathway for elite spin bowling: a machine-learning approach. Journal of Expertise, 2 (2), 92-
Kaidal, A., Badaki, O. L., Sanusi, A. A. (2014). Sports and conflict prevention; the way forward for global peace.
IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 1 (7), 18-21
Kamal, S. A. (2007, August 30). Communication skills in international relations. Golden Jubilee Seminar Series
— Graduate Studies Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University
of Karachi (seminar); abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2008, April 23, 24). Pattern recognition using moiré fringe topography and rasterstereography. In:
Proceedings of International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (IEEE ISBAST 2008), pp.
1-7, Islamabad, Pakistan: Bahria University; full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2009, October 22). Role of information processing in conflict resolution. Golden Jubilee Seminar
Series — Graduate Studies Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations,
University of Karachi (seminar); extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2010a, March 11). Simulation and soft power. Golden Jubilee Seminar Series — Graduate Studies
Discussion Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi (seminar);
extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2010b, May 10, 11). An airport-passenger-screening system based on emitted-IR and thermal
radiation. In: The Fifth Symposium on Computational Complexities, Innovations and Solutions (CCIS 2010),
p. 11, Abbotabad, KP, Pakistan: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology; extended abstract#2:
Kamal, S. A. (2010c, September 29). Soft power, smart power and intelligent power. Graduate Studies Discussion
Group, Karachi, Pakistan: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi (a seminar in honor
of Joseph Nye); extended abstract:
Kamal, S. A. (2011a, March 31). Intelligent power and conflict resolution. Guest Seminar Series, Lahore, Pakistan:
Department of Political Science, the Quaid-é-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab (seminar); extended
Kamal, S. A. (2011b, May 28). Intelligent power, conflict resolution, complexity and international trade. Guest
Seminar Series, Karachi, Pakistan: City Campus, Institute of Business Administration (seminar); extended
Kamal, S. A. (2014, December 3, 4). Smart-intelligent power and conflict management at state-level. In: The
International Conference on Challenges of Transition in Social Sciences (ICCTSS 2014), p. 32, Karachi,
Pakistan: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Karachi; extended abstract#VII-II:
Kamal, S. A. (2015). Optimal-mass management in obese children. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 12 (3), 381-391; full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2016, April 7). Manual for Obtaining Anthropometric Measurements. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-ePublication, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan, version 9.11, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2017). In search of a definition of childhood obesity. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 14 (1), 49-67; full text:
Additional File 3: Graphical Representation and Color Scheme (p. 3)
Kamal, S. A. (2019, May 23). Some Pictures from the Hikari Kindergarten. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-e-Publication, Karachi, Pakistan, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2020, May 23). Some Pictures of the Nikitin Family. The-NGDS-Pilot-Project-e-Publication,
Karachi, Pakistan, full text:
Kamal, S. A. (2021). The covariant-enhanced-coupling model of global-elctrocortical activity. International
Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 18 (3), in press; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Ansari, M. J., Sarwar, M., Ansari, S. A., Naz, A. A., Jamil, N. (2021). Percentiles of height and mass
scaled for the Pakistani population: application to determine build of a gymnast. Uluslararası Bozok Sport
Bilimleri Dergisi (Bozok International Journal of Sport Sciences), 2 (1), 33-57, full text:
Additional File 1: Techniques of Anthropometric Measurements (step-by-step procedures for measurements
of height, mass and mid-upper-arm circumference, illustrated through labeled photographs)
Additional File 2: Color Coding used in Growth-and-Obesity Vector-Roadmap 2.6
Additional File 3: Method of Constructing Growth-and-Obesity Vector-Roadmap 2.6
Kamal, S. A., Azeemi, H. I., Khan, S. R. (2017). Psychological testing, physical examination and fitness testing
for primary-school students for participation in gymnastic activities. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences
(Karachi), 8 (2), 15-40; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, S. S. (2014). KJ-regression model to evaluate optimal masses of extreme cases. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (4), 623-648; full text:
Additional File 3: Extended Growth Tables and Charts (from CDC Growth Tables and Charts)
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, N., Khan, S. A. (2011). Growth-and-Obesity Profiles of children of Karachi using boxinterpolation method. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 8 (1), 87-96; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Jamil, S. S., Razzaq, U. (2014). Stunting induced by wasting — wasting induced by stunting: a
case study. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (1), 147-153; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2014). Primary-physical-education practices in Pakistan and England: health and safety
perspectives. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 11 (2&3), 401-419 (hand
washing — p. 411; sleep routine — p. 409, 410); full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2015). Hairstyle, footwear and clothing for gymnastic activities in the primary-school
setting. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 6 (3), 29-45; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2018). Overcoming vitamin-D deficiency in male gymnasts during preteen years. The
Sky (International Journal of Physical Education, Health, Sports and Allied Sciences), 2, 60-75; full text:
, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2020a). Association of balanced diet and physical activity with fitness of young children
and their parents. The Shield (Research Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences), 15, 119-147; full
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A. (2020b). Operation of sport academies during and after corona pandemic. Uluslararası
Beden Eğitimi Spor ve Teknolojileri Dergisi (International Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Technologies), 1 (2), 12-29; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Khan, S. A., Aslam, S. (2020). A model football academy for residents of Lyari Town, Karachi,
Pakistan. The Sky (International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences), 4, 5-38; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Rajput, M. K., Ansari, S. A. (2016). Gait analysis of 7-10-year-old children of Karachi from nutritional-status perspective. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 13 (1), 13-25; full
Additional File: Anatomical and Physiological Terms
Kamal, S. A., Raza, S. K., Sarwar, M. (2016). Mathematical modeling of scoliosis indicators in growing children.
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 13 (3), 471-484; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Raza, S. K., Sarwar, M. (2020). Effectiveness of proposed risk indicators in scoliosis case finding.
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 17 (3), 517-530; full text:
Kamal, S. A., Sarwar, M., Razzaq, U. A. (2015). Effective decision making for the presence of scoliosis. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Karachi), 12 (2), 317-328; full text:
Kaplan-Sayı, A. (2017). Students‘ views about enriched summer camp for high-school students. EURASIA Journal
of Mathematics, Science and technology Education, 13 (11), 7161-7177
Khosla, D. G. (1965). The Murder of the Mahatma, 1st Ed., Mumbai, India: Jaico Publishing House
Lokhande, R. A., Chawan, K. (2018). Prediction of live cricket score and winning. International Journal of Trend
in Research and Development, 5 (14), 91-93
Mahmood, K. (2010). Pakistan-India Relations: A Pakistan Narrative, p. 16, Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT)
Mansoori, M. (2021, February 9). Masalaé Kashmir: hal ka waqt aã gaya (the Kashmir problem: time has come for
solution). Karachi, Pakistan: Jang, p. 11
Marker, J. (2010). Quiet Diplomacy, pp. 129-130, Oxford, United Kingdom & Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University Press
Mirza, M. (2021, May 9). Junubee Asia main bara breakthrough: Pak Bharat taǎlukaãt ki bahaãlee kaé leaé
Kashmiriun ko bhi eǎtémaãd mein léna ho ga (Big breakthrough in South Asia: Kashmiris need to be taken
into confidence for resuming Pakistan-India relationship). Karachi, Pakistan: Jang, p. 12 (Sunday magazine)
Murray, S. R. (2018). Profiling Elite Male Squash Performance using a Situation-Awareness Approach Enabled by
Automatic-Tracking Technology. PhD Dissertation, Middlesex University, London, UK
Newell, W. H. (1955). The Brahman and caste isogamy in North India. The Journal of the Royal Anthropolgical
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 85 (1&2), 101-110
Noorbhai, H. (2020). Biomechanical implications of batting backlift technique in cricket: a collation of current
evidence. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 38 (1), 964-967
Omelan, A. A., Breś, B., Raczkowski, M., Podstawski, R., Polgár, T., Koltai, M. (2018). Summer camps from the
perspective of participants and organizers. Polish Journal of Sport Tourism, 25 (4), 33-38
Perreault, M. E., Gonzalez, S. P. (2021). Generalize over specialize: examining the long-term athlete develop- ment
model to optimize youth athlete development. Strategies (A Journal for Physical and Sport Educa- tors), 34
(3), 11-15
Pidd, H. (2012, July 25). Why India is no place to be a woman? Karachi, Pakistan: DAWN, p. 12: International
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