This paper does not have an "Abstract" as it is constructed in the form of dialogue, which is frequently encountered in the Philosophy of Religion studies.
Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy, and Religion," reprinted in Phillip P. Wiener (ed.), Readings in Philosophy of Science (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953)
John Wilson, Language and Christian Belief (London: The Mac-millan Company, 1958)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (New York: The Macmillan Company)
The argument here is particularly directed at the position of Averroes. See especially "A Decisive Discourse on the Delineation of the Relation between Religion and Philosophy," in The Philosophy and Theology of Averroes, trans. Mohammad Jamil-ur-Rehman (Baroda: Gaiekwad's Oriental Series, 1929).
Emil Brunner, Revelation and Reason, tran. by Olive Wyon (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1946), 294 ff.
Soren Kierkegaard, Journals, p. 633. Cited by S. R. Hopper in his essay, "Paradox" in Handbook of Christian Theology (New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1958), p. 262.
Rudolph Otto, The Idea of the Holy, trans. J. W. Harvey (London: Cumberlege, 1950)
Svetasvatara Upanishad, III, 19. trans. Max Müller, in Nicol Macnicol (ed.), Hindu Scriptures (Everyman's Library).
Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy, and Religion," reprinted in Phillip P. Wiener (ed.), Readings in Philosophy of Science (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953)
John Wilson, Language and Christian Belief (London: The Mac-millan Company, 1958)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (New York: The Macmillan Company)
The argument here is particularly directed at the position of Averroes. See especially "A Decisive Discourse on the Delineation of the Relation between Religion and Philosophy," in The Philosophy and Theology of Averroes, trans. Mohammad Jamil-ur-Rehman (Baroda: Gaiekwad's Oriental Series, 1929).
Emil Brunner, Revelation and Reason, tran. by Olive Wyon (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1946), 294 ff.
Soren Kierkegaard, Journals, p. 633. Cited by S. R. Hopper in his essay, "Paradox" in Handbook of Christian Theology (New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1958), p. 262.
Rudolph Otto, The Idea of the Holy, trans. J. W. Harvey (London: Cumberlege, 1950)
Svetasvatara Upanishad, III, 19. trans. Max Müller, in Nicol Macnicol (ed.), Hindu Scriptures (Everyman's Library).