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Comparison of the Return Performances of Participation and Conventional Investment Funds in Turkey

Yıl 2024, , 133 - 174, 31.12.2024


Interest in investment funds has rapidly increased, especially after the COVID pandemic period. Investors who are seeking alternative investment instruments and relatively low in financial literacy have turned to different types of investment funds. The development and widespread adoption of mobile banking have played an important role in this, particularly. In addition to these developments, the field of participation finance in Turkey has also gained momentum rapidly. Particularly, investors who want to invest their savings but are sensitive to conventional financial instruments have turned to participation finance instruments they perceive as alternative. Nowadays, many brokerage firms provide services with investment funds catering to this audience.
This study compares 6 Participation and 18 Conventional investment funds that were continuously active during the period from July 2016 to November 2023, in terms of risk-adjusted returns before, during, and after the COVID pandemic, using different criteria. The study results indicate that participation funds can compete with conventional funds. This result demonstrates that participation funds constitute a significant alternative to conventional funds in a country like Turkey where participation finance is rapidly developing.


  • Abdullah, F., Hassan, T., & Mohamad, S. (2007). Investigation of performance of Malaysian Islamic unit trust funds: Comparison with conventional unit trust funds. Managerial Finance, 33(2), 142-153.
  • Agussalim, M., Limakrisna, N., & Ali, H. (2017). Mutual funds performance: conventional and Sharia product. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(4), 150-156.
  • Akel, V. (2007). Türkiye’deki A Ve B Tipi Yatırım Fonları Performansının Devamlılığının Parametrik Ve Parametrik Olmayan Yöntemlerle Değerlendirilmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2).
  • Aksu, M. ve Aytekin, S. (2020). Türkiye’de kurulan İslami ve geleneksel yatırım fonlarının karşılaştırmalı performans analizi. Yeni Ekonomik Trendler ve İş Fırsatları, 816–826
  • Al Rahahleh, N., & Bhatti, M. I. (2017). Mutual fund performance in Saudi Arabia: Do locally focused equity mutual funds outperform the Saudi Market. Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University.
  • Ashraf, D. (2013). Performance evaluation of Islamic mutual funds relative to conventional funds: Empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(2), 105-121.
  • Boo, Y. L., Ee, M. S., Li, B., & Rashid, M. (2017). Islamic or conventional mutual funds: Who has the upper hand? Evidence from Malaysia. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 42, 183-192.
  • Climent, F., Mollá, P., & Soriano, P. (2020). The investment performance of US Islamic mutual funds. Sustainability, 12(9), 3530.
  • Elfakhani, S. (2023). Islamic, ethical, and conventional mutual funds: A comparative study (1990–2022). Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(1), 1-24.
  • Elfakhani, S. M., Hassan, M. K., & Sidani, Y. M. (2007). 16 Islamic mutual funds. Handbook of Islamic banking, 256.
  • Elmanizar, & Aveliasari, E. (2023). Islamic and conventional mutual funds performance by return and risk-adjusted performance. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam, 11(1), 81-100.
  • Farid,A. (2008). The performance of Islamic equity funds: A comparison to conventional, Islamic and ethical benchmarks. Retrieved April, 1, 2010.
  • Güçlü, F., & Şekkeli, F. E. (2020). Türkiye’deki İslami Ve Konvansiyel Hisse Senedi Yatırım Fonlarının Performans Analizi Ve Karşılaştırılması. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4463-4486.
  • Hassan, A., Chachi, A., & Munshi, M. R. (2020). Performance measurement of Islamic mutual funds using DEA method. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(8), 1481-1496.
  • Hasnaoui, H., & Fatnassi, I. (2021). Measuring the selectivity and market timing performance of Islamic mutual funds in the KSA. Accounting, 7(2021), 1067-1072.
  • Hayat, R., & Kraeussl, R. (2011). Risk and return characteristics of Islamic equity funds. Emerging markets review, 12(2), 189-203.
  • Henriksson, R. D., & Merton, R. C. (1981). On market timing and investment performance. II. Statistical procedures for evaluating forecasting skills. Journal of business, 513-533.
  • Hoepner, A. G., Rammal, H. G., & Rezec, M. (2011). Islamic mutual funds’ financial performance and international investment style: evidence from 20 countries. The European Journal of Finance, 17(9-10), 829-850.
  • Islamic Financial Services Industry. (2023). Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI) Stability Report Jensen, M. C. (1968). The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964. The Journal of finance, 23(2), 389-416.
  • Katılım Finans, Türkiye Katılım Finans Sektörü Görünümü
  • Khatkhatay, M. H., & Nisar, S. (2007). Shariah compliant equity investments: An assessment of current screening norms. Islamic Economic Studies, 15(1).
  • Kuzubas, T. U., Saltoğlu, B., Sert, A., & Yüksel, A. (2019). Performance evaluation of the Turkish pension fund system. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 3(1), 18-33.
  • Mansor, F., & Bhatti, M. I. (2011). Risk and return analysis on performance of the Islamic mutual funds: evidence from Malaysia. Global Economy and Finance Journal, 4(1), 19-31.
  • Masry, A. E. & Mosalamy, D. A. E, & (2016). A Comparative Study of the Performance of Saudi Mutual Funds.
  • Merdad, H., Hassan, M. K., & Alhenawi, Y. (2010). Islamic versus conventional mutual funds performance in Saudi Arabia: a case study. SSRN. MKK, Merkezi Kayıt Kuruluşu
  • Mirza, N., Rizvi, S. K. A., Saba, I., Naqvi, B., & Yarovaya, L. (2022). The resilience of Islamic equity funds during COVID-19: Evidence from risk adjusted performance, investment styles and volatility timing. International Review of Economics & Finance, 77, 276-295.
  • Modigliani, F., & Modigliani, L. (1997). Risk-adjusted performance. Journal of portfolio management, 23(2), 45-54.
  • Naveed, F., Khawaja, I., & Maroof, L. (2020). Are Islamic mutual funds exposed to lower risk compared to their conventional counterparts? Empirical evidence from Pakistan. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 12(1), 69-87.
  • Rafay, A., Gilani, U., & Izhar, M. (2017). Investigating the performance of Islamic mutual funds: evidence from an
  • Emerging economy. Rafay, A., Gilani, UJ, & Izhar, MA (2017). Investigating the Performance of Islamic Mutual Funds: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. City University Research Journal, 7(2), 234-241.
  • Reddy, K., Mirza, N., Naqvi, B., & Fu, M. (2017). Comparative risk-adjusted performance of Islamic, socially responsible and conventional funds: Evidence from United Kingdom. Economic Modelling, 66, 233-243
  • Sharpe, W. F. (1966). Mutual fund performance. The Journal of business, 39(1), 119-138.
  • Sortino, F. A., & Price, L. N. (1994). Performance measurement in a downside risk framework. the Journal of Investing, 3(3), 59-64.
  • Tlemsani, I., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & Matthews, R. (2023). Portfolio replication: Islamic vs conventional. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(1), 1-20.
  • Treynor, J., & Mazuy, K. (1966). Can mutual funds outguess the market. Harvard business review, 44(4), 131-136.
  • Yesuf, A. J., & Aassouli, D. (2020). Exploring synergies and performance evaluation between Islamic funds and socially responsible investment (SRIs) in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Heliyon, 6(8).
  • Zouaoui, M. (2019). Selectivity and market timing ability of fund managers: Comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional HSBC Saudi mutual funds. International Journal of Financial Studies, 7(48), 1-19.


Yıl 2024, , 133 - 174, 31.12.2024


Yatırım fonlarına ilgi özellikle COVID pandemisi döneminden sonra hızla artmıştır. Alternatif yatırım aracı arayışı içinde olan ve göreceli olarak finansal okuryazarlığı düşük olan yatırımcılar, farklı türlerdeki yatırım fonlarına yönelmişlerdir. Bunda özellikle mobil bankacılığının gelişmesi ve yaygın hale gelmesi de önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Bu gelişmelerin yanında, Türkiye’de katılım finans alanı da hızlı biçimde ivme kazanmıştır. Özellikle tasarruflarını değerlendirmek isteyen ancak konvansiyonel finans araçlarına karşı hassasiyeti olan yatırımcılar, alternatif gördükleri katılım finans araçlarına yönelmişlerdir. Günümüzde birçok aracı kurum, bu kitleye hitap eden yatırım fonlarıyla hizmet vermektedir.

Bu çalışmada Temmuz 2016–Kasım 2023 döneminde sürekli aktif olan 6 Katılım, 18 Konvansiyonel yatırım fonu, farklı kriterler kullanılarak riske göre düzeltilmiş getiri bakımından COVID pandemisi öncesi, COVID pandemisi dönemi ve sonra için karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları katılım fonlarının, konvansiyonel fonlarla rekabet edebildiğini göstermektedir. Bu sonuç Türkiye gibi katılım finansmanın hızla geliştiği bir ülkede katılım fonlarının konvansiyonel fonlara önemli bir alternatif oluşturduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Abdullah, F., Hassan, T., & Mohamad, S. (2007). Investigation of performance of Malaysian Islamic unit trust funds: Comparison with conventional unit trust funds. Managerial Finance, 33(2), 142-153.
  • Agussalim, M., Limakrisna, N., & Ali, H. (2017). Mutual funds performance: conventional and Sharia product. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(4), 150-156.
  • Akel, V. (2007). Türkiye’deki A Ve B Tipi Yatırım Fonları Performansının Devamlılığının Parametrik Ve Parametrik Olmayan Yöntemlerle Değerlendirilmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2).
  • Aksu, M. ve Aytekin, S. (2020). Türkiye’de kurulan İslami ve geleneksel yatırım fonlarının karşılaştırmalı performans analizi. Yeni Ekonomik Trendler ve İş Fırsatları, 816–826
  • Al Rahahleh, N., & Bhatti, M. I. (2017). Mutual fund performance in Saudi Arabia: Do locally focused equity mutual funds outperform the Saudi Market. Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University.
  • Ashraf, D. (2013). Performance evaluation of Islamic mutual funds relative to conventional funds: Empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(2), 105-121.
  • Boo, Y. L., Ee, M. S., Li, B., & Rashid, M. (2017). Islamic or conventional mutual funds: Who has the upper hand? Evidence from Malaysia. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 42, 183-192.
  • Climent, F., Mollá, P., & Soriano, P. (2020). The investment performance of US Islamic mutual funds. Sustainability, 12(9), 3530.
  • Elfakhani, S. (2023). Islamic, ethical, and conventional mutual funds: A comparative study (1990–2022). Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(1), 1-24.
  • Elfakhani, S. M., Hassan, M. K., & Sidani, Y. M. (2007). 16 Islamic mutual funds. Handbook of Islamic banking, 256.
  • Elmanizar, & Aveliasari, E. (2023). Islamic and conventional mutual funds performance by return and risk-adjusted performance. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam, 11(1), 81-100.
  • Farid,A. (2008). The performance of Islamic equity funds: A comparison to conventional, Islamic and ethical benchmarks. Retrieved April, 1, 2010.
  • Güçlü, F., & Şekkeli, F. E. (2020). Türkiye’deki İslami Ve Konvansiyel Hisse Senedi Yatırım Fonlarının Performans Analizi Ve Karşılaştırılması. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4463-4486.
  • Hassan, A., Chachi, A., & Munshi, M. R. (2020). Performance measurement of Islamic mutual funds using DEA method. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(8), 1481-1496.
  • Hasnaoui, H., & Fatnassi, I. (2021). Measuring the selectivity and market timing performance of Islamic mutual funds in the KSA. Accounting, 7(2021), 1067-1072.
  • Hayat, R., & Kraeussl, R. (2011). Risk and return characteristics of Islamic equity funds. Emerging markets review, 12(2), 189-203.
  • Henriksson, R. D., & Merton, R. C. (1981). On market timing and investment performance. II. Statistical procedures for evaluating forecasting skills. Journal of business, 513-533.
  • Hoepner, A. G., Rammal, H. G., & Rezec, M. (2011). Islamic mutual funds’ financial performance and international investment style: evidence from 20 countries. The European Journal of Finance, 17(9-10), 829-850.
  • Islamic Financial Services Industry. (2023). Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI) Stability Report Jensen, M. C. (1968). The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964. The Journal of finance, 23(2), 389-416.
  • Katılım Finans, Türkiye Katılım Finans Sektörü Görünümü
  • Khatkhatay, M. H., & Nisar, S. (2007). Shariah compliant equity investments: An assessment of current screening norms. Islamic Economic Studies, 15(1).
  • Kuzubas, T. U., Saltoğlu, B., Sert, A., & Yüksel, A. (2019). Performance evaluation of the Turkish pension fund system. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 3(1), 18-33.
  • Mansor, F., & Bhatti, M. I. (2011). Risk and return analysis on performance of the Islamic mutual funds: evidence from Malaysia. Global Economy and Finance Journal, 4(1), 19-31.
  • Masry, A. E. & Mosalamy, D. A. E, & (2016). A Comparative Study of the Performance of Saudi Mutual Funds.
  • Merdad, H., Hassan, M. K., & Alhenawi, Y. (2010). Islamic versus conventional mutual funds performance in Saudi Arabia: a case study. SSRN. MKK, Merkezi Kayıt Kuruluşu
  • Mirza, N., Rizvi, S. K. A., Saba, I., Naqvi, B., & Yarovaya, L. (2022). The resilience of Islamic equity funds during COVID-19: Evidence from risk adjusted performance, investment styles and volatility timing. International Review of Economics & Finance, 77, 276-295.
  • Modigliani, F., & Modigliani, L. (1997). Risk-adjusted performance. Journal of portfolio management, 23(2), 45-54.
  • Naveed, F., Khawaja, I., & Maroof, L. (2020). Are Islamic mutual funds exposed to lower risk compared to their conventional counterparts? Empirical evidence from Pakistan. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 12(1), 69-87.
  • Rafay, A., Gilani, U., & Izhar, M. (2017). Investigating the performance of Islamic mutual funds: evidence from an
  • Emerging economy. Rafay, A., Gilani, UJ, & Izhar, MA (2017). Investigating the Performance of Islamic Mutual Funds: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. City University Research Journal, 7(2), 234-241.
  • Reddy, K., Mirza, N., Naqvi, B., & Fu, M. (2017). Comparative risk-adjusted performance of Islamic, socially responsible and conventional funds: Evidence from United Kingdom. Economic Modelling, 66, 233-243
  • Sharpe, W. F. (1966). Mutual fund performance. The Journal of business, 39(1), 119-138.
  • Sortino, F. A., & Price, L. N. (1994). Performance measurement in a downside risk framework. the Journal of Investing, 3(3), 59-64.
  • Tlemsani, I., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & Matthews, R. (2023). Portfolio replication: Islamic vs conventional. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(1), 1-20.
  • Treynor, J., & Mazuy, K. (1966). Can mutual funds outguess the market. Harvard business review, 44(4), 131-136.
  • Yesuf, A. J., & Aassouli, D. (2020). Exploring synergies and performance evaluation between Islamic funds and socially responsible investment (SRIs) in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Heliyon, 6(8).
  • Zouaoui, M. (2019). Selectivity and market timing ability of fund managers: Comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional HSBC Saudi mutual funds. International Journal of Financial Studies, 7(48), 1-19.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Finans ve Yatırım (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hilal Güloğlu 0000-0003-4081-911X

İbrahim Sırma 0000-0002-3756-3654

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Güloğlu, H., & Sırma, İ. (2024). TÜRKİYE’DE KATILIM VE KONVANSİYONEL YATIRIM FONLARININ GETİRİ PERFORMANSLARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Uluslararası Finansal Ekonomi Ve Bankacılık Uygulamaları Dergisi, 5(2), 133-174.