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#Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 10, 85 - 105, 01.06.2016


Meksika’da, kendini “Meksika Baharı” olarak ilan eden #YoSoy132 Hareketi, ülkenin taraflı medyasına karşı bir siyasal ve toplumsal hareket şeklinde ortaya çıkmıştır. 2012 Başkanlık Seçimlerinden önce, konuşma yapmak üzere Ibero-Amerikan Üniversitesi’ne giden Partido Revolucionario Institutional’in adayı Enrique Peña Nieto, 2006’da, Atenco’daki ayaklanmalar sırasında, tecavüzler, ölümler ve tutuklamalarla sonuçlanan polis şiddetindeki rolü nedeniyle üniversitenin öğrencileri tarafından protesto edilmiştir. Medyanın üniversitede yaşananları taraflı olarak yayınlaması üzerine, üniversite dışından geldikleri iddia edilen 131 öğrenci sosyal medyada yayınladıkları bir video ile kendilerinin üniversitenin öğrencisi olduklarını kanıtlamışlardır. Anlaşılır biçimde,#YoSoy132 Hareketi birçok iletişim ve sosyal medya sosyolojisi çalışmasına konu olmuştur. Ne var ki, hareketin öncelikli hedefi Meksika’nın modern tarihi boyunca gözlenen ve ülkeyi 1929’dan 2000’e kadar aralıksız olarak yöneten PRI’nin politikalarıyla eşleştirilmiş devlet şiddetidir. Bu nedenle #YoSoy132, devlet şiddetine dokunmadan ve ayrıca bunların kolektif toplumsal hafıza üzerindeki etkilerini göz önünde bulundurmadan anlaşılamaz. Çalışma, bu doğrultuda, #YoSoy132’u tarihsel ve toplumsal bağlamına yerleştirmek suretiyle ve devlet şiddeti özelinde yapılacak bir yeni okumayla analiz etmek niyetindedir


  • Alonso, J. (2013). “Cómo escapar de la cárcel de lo electoral: el Movimiento #YoSoy132”, Desacatos, 42: 17-40.
  • Álvarez Béjar, A. (2008). “20. Yüzyılda Meksika: Emperyalist Zincirin En Güçlü
  • Halkası mı?”, Çev. Aylin Topal, içinde: Aylin Topal (Der.), Latin Amerika’yı Anlamak: Neoliberalizm, Direniş ve Sol, Yordam Kitap: İstanbul: 172-201. Animalpolitico (2012a), “Lo que debes llevar para ser el 132”:
  • Animalpolitico (2012b), “Yo Soy 132: Declaratoria y pliego petitorio”
  • Aviña, A. (2016), “Mexico’s Long Dirty War”, NACLA Report on the Americas, 48 (2): 149.
  • Bartra, A. ve Otero, G. (2008). “Movimientos indígenas campesinos en México: la lucha por la tierra, la autonomía y la democracia”,Recuperando la tierra: El resurgimiento de movimientos ruralesen África, Asia y América Latina,Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
  • Bayley, D. (1985).Patterns of Policing, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • Bolaños, C. (2012). “#YoSoy132 presenta lista de 106 detenidos”, El Universal, 1
  • Aralık 2012. Çevrimiçi:
  • CadenaTres (2012). “Yuriria platicó con Arturo Escobar, coordinador del PVE, acerca de en la Ibero con EPN”, Çevrimiçi
  • CNN México (2012a), “La Visita de Peña Nieto, Motivo de Abuechos de Estudiantes en la Ibero”. Çevrimiçi: divide-a-estudiantes-en-universidad-iberoamericana
  • CNN México (2012b), “131 Alumnos de la Ibero Muestran Sus Credenciales Para
  • ‘Desmentir’ al PRI”. Çevrimiçi: de-la-ibero-muestran-sus-credenciales-para-desmentir-al-pri
  • Combes, H. ve Fillieule, O. (2011).“De La Répression Considerée Dans Ses Rapports àL’Activité Protestataire”, Revue Française de Science Politique, 61: 1047-1072.
  • Conn, C. (2016). “Mexico remembers: 2006 Atenco tragedy when police raped, killed”
  • Telesur, 3 Mayıs, Çevrimiçi:
  • When-Police-Raped-Killed--20160503-0041.html
  • Cramer, C. (2006). Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing, London: Hearst & Co.
  • Crane, N.(2014).“A picture is worth 1,000 words: PerformingStateRepression in theZocalo, Mexico City, October 2”, Focus on Geography, 139-140.
  • Crane, N. (2015). “Politics Squeezed through a police-state, Policing and vinculación in post-1968 Mexico City”, Political Geography, 47: 1-10.
  • Del Valle, Y. (2015). “Mexico’s Re-colonization: Unstrained Violence, Rule of Law and the Creation of a New Order”, Política Comşn, Vol. 7.
  • Della Porta, D. ve Reiter, H. (1998). The Policing of Protest in Western Democracies. İçinde
  • D Della Porta ve H Reiter (der).The Policing of Mass Demonstrations in Contemporary Democracies, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1-34. Della Porta D. ve Zamponi, L. (2013). Protest and Policing on October 15th Global Day of
  • Action: the Italian Case, Policing and Society, 23 (1), 65-80. Di John, J. (2008). “Conceptualizing The Causes and Consequences of Failed States: A
  • Critical Review of the Literature”, Crisis States Working Papers Series 2, 25. Dominguez, Jorge I, Greene Kenneth F, Lawson, Chapell H ve Moreno, A. (der.) (2015). Mexico’s Evolving Democracy A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections
  • Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Galván, R. (2012). “Ibero, boicot contra EPN: Emilio Antonio Gamboa”, Çevrimiçi:
  • García, R. G. ve Treré, E. (2014). “The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico”, The International Journal of Research Into New
  • Media Technologies, 2014: 1-15.
  • Herrera, Y. (2015). “El sentido de la omisión: Sobre la impunidad en el México contemporáneo”, Política Comşn, Vol. 7.
  • Hmed, C. (2015). “Répression d‘État et situation révolutionnaire en Tunisie (2010- )”, Vingtièmesiècle. Revue d’histoire, 128, Ekim-Aralık: 77-90.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (2011). Tuhaf Zamanlar, Çev. Saliha Nilüfer, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Ignatieff, M. (2002). 'Intervention and State Failure', Dissent, 115-124.
  • Imagenes en Rebeldia (2012), “GRAN DISCURSO #YoSoy132. 1er Asamblea.
  • MEMORIA Y CONSCIENCIA. Mesa 14. Ciudad Universitaria”: King, J. (2006). “Exploring the Ameliorating Effects of Democracy on Political
  • Repression: Cross-national Evidence”, içinde C. Davenport (Der). Paths to State Repression: Human Rights Violations and Contentious Politics, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield. Kline, H F. (2013). “Colombia: Lawlessness, Drug Trafficking, and Carving”, içinde R
  • I. Rotberg (Der). State Failure and State Wekaness in a Time of Terror, Brooking Institution Press, 161-183. Paul, C.; Clarke, C. P. & Serena, C. (2014). Mexico is not Colombia: Alternative
  • Historical Analogies for Responding to the Challenge of Violent Drug-Trafficking Organizations, RAND Corporation: Washington. Rotberg, R. (2003). State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror. Washington
  • D.C.: Brookings Institute Press. Serra, G. (2013a). “Was Mexico’s 2012 Election Undemocratic?: Assessing the Fraud Accusations”, CIDE, 259: 1-18.
  • Serra, G. (2013b). “The 2012 Election in Mexico: Campaigns, Results and Conflict”, CIDE, 250: 1-20.
  • Siméant, J.(2013). “Protester/ Mobiliser/ Ne pas Consentir: sur quelques avatars de la sociologie des mobilisations appliquée au continent africain”, Revue Internationale de
  • Politique Comparée, 20, 125-143. Talcott, M. (2010). “As Neoliberal Crises Persist, Indigenous-Led Movements Resist
  • Examining The Current Social and Political-Economic Conjuncture In Southern Mexico”, içinde: R. A. Dello ve D. Fasenfest (Der.), Social Change, Resistance and Social Practices, Leiden& Boston: Brill: 131-148. Topal, A. (2008). “Türkiye’den Latin Amerika’ya Bakmak: Tarihsel Arka Plan”, içinde
  • Aylin Topal (Der.), Latin Amerika’yı Anlamak: Neoliberalizm, Direniş ve Sol, Yordam Kitap: İstanbul: 21-46. Treré, E. (2013). “#YoSoy132: la experiencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales en
  • México y el papel de las redes sociales desde una perspectiva crítica”, Educación Social, 55: 112-121. Vanguardia (2012). “Fue un puñado de los jovenes intolerantes en la Ibero: Coldwell”, Çevrimiçi: 1284876.html
  • Wacquant, L. (2009). Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social
  • Insecurity, Duke University Press. Warp (2012), “Contexto Historico, Principios Generales y Plan de Accion de YoSoy132”
  • Generales-y-Plan-de-Accion-de-YoSoy132 Weber, M. (1992).Politik als Beruf. Stuttgart: Reclam
  • Weber, M. (1987). Sosyoloji Yazıları. İstanbul: Hürriyet Vakfı.
  • Welp, Y. (2015). “Cuando todo lo sólido se desvanece en Twitter: Análisis del movimiento social #YoSoy132 (México 2012)”, PostData, 2: 417-439.
  • Williams, G.(2011). The Mexican Exception: Sovereignty, Police and Democracy, New
  • York: Palgrave Macmillan. YouTube (2012). “¡ASESINO, FUERA Reclaman Atenco A Peña Nieto en la Ibero” (Video). Çevrimiçi
  • Zamora Lomeli, C B.(2011). “Hier c’était pour la terre, aujourd’hui pour la liberté.
  • Processus et configurations du front des peuples pour la défense de la terre (FPDT) de San Salvador Atenco”, Problèmes d’Amerique Latine, 81, 3, 11-32. Zartman, W. (1995). Collapsed States, Boulder: Lynne Rienner


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 10, 85 - 105, 01.06.2016


The #YoSoy132 Movement in Mexico, self-proclaimed as the ‘Mexican Spring’, emerged as a political and social movement against the biased media of the country. Before the presidential elections of 2012, in his visit to Ibero-American University to deliver a speech, the candidate of the Partido Revolucionario Institutional PRI , Enrique Peña Nieto, was protested by university students on his role in the civil unrest of Atenco in 2006 in which police brutality ended up with rapes, deaths, and detainees. Due to biased transmission of the incidents that took place at the university, 131 students who were claimed as outsiders published a video on social media, proving that they were university students for real. Understandably, the #YoSoy132 Movement has been subject to many studies of communication and social media sociology. However, the primary target of the movement was the state violence observed in the modern history of Mexico which has been equated to policies of the PRI that relentlessly ruled the country from 1929 to 2000. In this respect, the #YoSoy132 cannot be understood without taking the state violence and their effects on collective social memory into consideration. Accordingly, in this study, with the aim of putting the #YoSoy132 into its historical and societal context, this dimension of the movement will be analyzed


  • Alonso, J. (2013). “Cómo escapar de la cárcel de lo electoral: el Movimiento #YoSoy132”, Desacatos, 42: 17-40.
  • Álvarez Béjar, A. (2008). “20. Yüzyılda Meksika: Emperyalist Zincirin En Güçlü
  • Halkası mı?”, Çev. Aylin Topal, içinde: Aylin Topal (Der.), Latin Amerika’yı Anlamak: Neoliberalizm, Direniş ve Sol, Yordam Kitap: İstanbul: 172-201. Animalpolitico (2012a), “Lo que debes llevar para ser el 132”:
  • Animalpolitico (2012b), “Yo Soy 132: Declaratoria y pliego petitorio”
  • Aviña, A. (2016), “Mexico’s Long Dirty War”, NACLA Report on the Americas, 48 (2): 149.
  • Bartra, A. ve Otero, G. (2008). “Movimientos indígenas campesinos en México: la lucha por la tierra, la autonomía y la democracia”,Recuperando la tierra: El resurgimiento de movimientos ruralesen África, Asia y América Latina,Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
  • Bayley, D. (1985).Patterns of Policing, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • Bolaños, C. (2012). “#YoSoy132 presenta lista de 106 detenidos”, El Universal, 1
  • Aralık 2012. Çevrimiçi:
  • CadenaTres (2012). “Yuriria platicó con Arturo Escobar, coordinador del PVE, acerca de en la Ibero con EPN”, Çevrimiçi
  • CNN México (2012a), “La Visita de Peña Nieto, Motivo de Abuechos de Estudiantes en la Ibero”. Çevrimiçi: divide-a-estudiantes-en-universidad-iberoamericana
  • CNN México (2012b), “131 Alumnos de la Ibero Muestran Sus Credenciales Para
  • ‘Desmentir’ al PRI”. Çevrimiçi: de-la-ibero-muestran-sus-credenciales-para-desmentir-al-pri
  • Combes, H. ve Fillieule, O. (2011).“De La Répression Considerée Dans Ses Rapports àL’Activité Protestataire”, Revue Française de Science Politique, 61: 1047-1072.
  • Conn, C. (2016). “Mexico remembers: 2006 Atenco tragedy when police raped, killed”
  • Telesur, 3 Mayıs, Çevrimiçi:
  • When-Police-Raped-Killed--20160503-0041.html
  • Cramer, C. (2006). Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing, London: Hearst & Co.
  • Crane, N.(2014).“A picture is worth 1,000 words: PerformingStateRepression in theZocalo, Mexico City, October 2”, Focus on Geography, 139-140.
  • Crane, N. (2015). “Politics Squeezed through a police-state, Policing and vinculación in post-1968 Mexico City”, Political Geography, 47: 1-10.
  • Del Valle, Y. (2015). “Mexico’s Re-colonization: Unstrained Violence, Rule of Law and the Creation of a New Order”, Política Comşn, Vol. 7.
  • Della Porta, D. ve Reiter, H. (1998). The Policing of Protest in Western Democracies. İçinde
  • D Della Porta ve H Reiter (der).The Policing of Mass Demonstrations in Contemporary Democracies, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1-34. Della Porta D. ve Zamponi, L. (2013). Protest and Policing on October 15th Global Day of
  • Action: the Italian Case, Policing and Society, 23 (1), 65-80. Di John, J. (2008). “Conceptualizing The Causes and Consequences of Failed States: A
  • Critical Review of the Literature”, Crisis States Working Papers Series 2, 25. Dominguez, Jorge I, Greene Kenneth F, Lawson, Chapell H ve Moreno, A. (der.) (2015). Mexico’s Evolving Democracy A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections
  • Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Galván, R. (2012). “Ibero, boicot contra EPN: Emilio Antonio Gamboa”, Çevrimiçi:
  • García, R. G. ve Treré, E. (2014). “The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico”, The International Journal of Research Into New
  • Media Technologies, 2014: 1-15.
  • Herrera, Y. (2015). “El sentido de la omisión: Sobre la impunidad en el México contemporáneo”, Política Comşn, Vol. 7.
  • Hmed, C. (2015). “Répression d‘État et situation révolutionnaire en Tunisie (2010- )”, Vingtièmesiècle. Revue d’histoire, 128, Ekim-Aralık: 77-90.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (2011). Tuhaf Zamanlar, Çev. Saliha Nilüfer, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Ignatieff, M. (2002). 'Intervention and State Failure', Dissent, 115-124.
  • Imagenes en Rebeldia (2012), “GRAN DISCURSO #YoSoy132. 1er Asamblea.
  • MEMORIA Y CONSCIENCIA. Mesa 14. Ciudad Universitaria”: King, J. (2006). “Exploring the Ameliorating Effects of Democracy on Political
  • Repression: Cross-national Evidence”, içinde C. Davenport (Der). Paths to State Repression: Human Rights Violations and Contentious Politics, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield. Kline, H F. (2013). “Colombia: Lawlessness, Drug Trafficking, and Carving”, içinde R
  • I. Rotberg (Der). State Failure and State Wekaness in a Time of Terror, Brooking Institution Press, 161-183. Paul, C.; Clarke, C. P. & Serena, C. (2014). Mexico is not Colombia: Alternative
  • Historical Analogies for Responding to the Challenge of Violent Drug-Trafficking Organizations, RAND Corporation: Washington. Rotberg, R. (2003). State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror. Washington
  • D.C.: Brookings Institute Press. Serra, G. (2013a). “Was Mexico’s 2012 Election Undemocratic?: Assessing the Fraud Accusations”, CIDE, 259: 1-18.
  • Serra, G. (2013b). “The 2012 Election in Mexico: Campaigns, Results and Conflict”, CIDE, 250: 1-20.
  • Siméant, J.(2013). “Protester/ Mobiliser/ Ne pas Consentir: sur quelques avatars de la sociologie des mobilisations appliquée au continent africain”, Revue Internationale de
  • Politique Comparée, 20, 125-143. Talcott, M. (2010). “As Neoliberal Crises Persist, Indigenous-Led Movements Resist
  • Examining The Current Social and Political-Economic Conjuncture In Southern Mexico”, içinde: R. A. Dello ve D. Fasenfest (Der.), Social Change, Resistance and Social Practices, Leiden& Boston: Brill: 131-148. Topal, A. (2008). “Türkiye’den Latin Amerika’ya Bakmak: Tarihsel Arka Plan”, içinde
  • Aylin Topal (Der.), Latin Amerika’yı Anlamak: Neoliberalizm, Direniş ve Sol, Yordam Kitap: İstanbul: 21-46. Treré, E. (2013). “#YoSoy132: la experiencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales en
  • México y el papel de las redes sociales desde una perspectiva crítica”, Educación Social, 55: 112-121. Vanguardia (2012). “Fue un puñado de los jovenes intolerantes en la Ibero: Coldwell”, Çevrimiçi: 1284876.html
  • Wacquant, L. (2009). Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social
  • Insecurity, Duke University Press. Warp (2012), “Contexto Historico, Principios Generales y Plan de Accion de YoSoy132”
  • Generales-y-Plan-de-Accion-de-YoSoy132 Weber, M. (1992).Politik als Beruf. Stuttgart: Reclam
  • Weber, M. (1987). Sosyoloji Yazıları. İstanbul: Hürriyet Vakfı.
  • Welp, Y. (2015). “Cuando todo lo sólido se desvanece en Twitter: Análisis del movimiento social #YoSoy132 (México 2012)”, PostData, 2: 417-439.
  • Williams, G.(2011). The Mexican Exception: Sovereignty, Police and Democracy, New
  • York: Palgrave Macmillan. YouTube (2012). “¡ASESINO, FUERA Reclaman Atenco A Peña Nieto en la Ibero” (Video). Çevrimiçi
  • Zamora Lomeli, C B.(2011). “Hier c’était pour la terre, aujourd’hui pour la liberté.
  • Processus et configurations du front des peuples pour la défense de la terre (FPDT) de San Salvador Atenco”, Problèmes d’Amerique Latine, 81, 3, 11-32. Zartman, W. (1995). Collapsed States, Boulder: Lynne Rienner
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ayfer Genç Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Onur Ağkaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 10

Kaynak Göster

APA Genç Yılmaz, A., & Ağkaya, O. (2016). #Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(10), 85-105.
AMA Genç Yılmaz A, Ağkaya O. #Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2016;5(10):85-105.
Chicago Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer, ve Onur Ağkaya. “#Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, sy. 10 (Haziran 2016): 85-105.
EndNote Genç Yılmaz A, Ağkaya O (01 Haziran 2016) #Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 10 85–105.
IEEE A. Genç Yılmaz ve O. Ağkaya, “#Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti”, Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 10, ss. 85–105, 2016.
ISNAD Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer - Ağkaya, Onur. “#Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/10 (Haziran 2016), 85-105.
JAMA Genç Yılmaz A, Ağkaya O. #Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;5:85–105.
MLA Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer ve Onur Ağkaya. “#Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 10, 2016, ss. 85-105.
Vancouver Genç Yılmaz A, Ağkaya O. #Yosoy132 Ve Meksika’da Devlet Şiddeti. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;5(10):85-105.