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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 - Türkiye özel sayısı, 31 - 55, 31.08.2023


Ege ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki önemli gerilimlerin Türk-Yunan ilişkilerine damgasını vurduğu bir dönemde, Şubat 2023’te, Türkiye’nin güneyinde büyük depremler meydana geldi. Büyük depremlerden birkaç hafta sonra, Yunanistan’ın Tempe kentinde bir trenin devrilmesi sonucunda ise onlarca sivil hayatını kaybetti. Yunanistan, depremlerin ardından Türkiye’ye yardım eden ilk ülkeler arasında yer aldı. Türkiye de, büyük tren kazası nedeniyle Yunanistan’a başsağlığı dileyerek Atina’nın jestine karşılık verdi. Böylece, iki ülke arasında ilk afet diplomasisi dalgasını tetikleyen 1999 Yunanistan ve Türkiye depremlerinden 24 yıl sonra, 2023’te yeni bir diyalog ve iş birliği fırsatı ortaya çıkmış oldu. 1999 ve 2023’teki iki farklı Türk-Yunan afet diplomasisi dalgasını incelemeyi amaçlayan bu makale, bu süreçlerin afet diplomasisi teorisine uygunluklarını tespit etmeyi amaçlıyor. Ayrıca, iki dalgayı karşılaştırmayı ve benzerlik ve farklılıklara işaret etmeyi hedefliyor. Dahası, makale, felâketin kendisinin yeni diplomatik girişimlere yol açmadığı tezini desteklemeyi amaçlıyor. İki afet diplomasisi dalgasından sonra Türk-Yunan ilişkilerinde görüldüğü üzere, afet diplomasisi taktiksel bir diplomatik hamleden daha fazlasına dönüşmezse ve ülkeler afetlerin sunduğu kısa fırsat penceresini enstrümantalize etmekte acele etmezlerse, biriken sorunların bir kez daha uzun süreli bir iş birliği kurma girişimlerini gölgelemesi beklenebilir.


  • • Akin, Ezgi (2023), “Turkey and Greece maintain post-disaster diplomacy after train crash”, Al-Monitor, 01.03.2023, Date of Accession: 17.05.2023 from
  • • Aksu, Fuat (2001), “Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Détente, the Last Decade”, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 167-201.
  • • Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür & Torun, Zerrin (2022), “Geopolitical Visions in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 114-137.
  • • Aydın, Mustafa (2004), “Contemporary Turkish-Greek Relations: Constraints and Opportunities”, in (eds. by Mustafa Aydın & Kostas Ifantis) Turkish-Greek Relations, Routledge, pp. 41-72.
  • • Clifford, Roy A. (1956), The Rio Grande Flood: A Comparative Study of Border Communities in Disaster, Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.
  • • Comfort, Louise K. (2000), “Disaster: Agent of Diplomacy or Change in International Affairs?”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 1, pp. 277-294.
  • • Cumhuriyet (2022), “Erdoğan: Artık benim için Miçotakis diye birisi yok”, 24.05.2022, Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Drury, A. Cooper & Olson, Richard Stuart (1998), “Disasters and Political Unrest: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 6, no: 3, pp. 153-161.
  • • Dynes, Russell R. & Quarantelli, E. L. (1975), Community Conflict: Its Absence and Its Presence in Natural Disasters, University of Delaware Disaster Research Center.
  • • Economides, Spyros (2005), “The Europeanisation of Greek Foreign Policy”, West European Politics, Vol. 28, no: 2, pp. 471-491.
  • • Evin, Ahmet O. (2005), “The Future of Greek-Turkish Relations”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 5, no: 3, pp. 395-404.
  • • Fiott, Daniel (2018), “Humanitarian Diplomacy”, in The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 1-10.
  • • Gaillard, Jean-Christophe & Clavé, Elsa & Kelman, Ilan (2008), “Wave of peace? Tsunami disaster diplomacy in Aceh, Indonesia”, Geoforum, Vol. 39, no: 1, pp. 511-526.
  • • Glantz, Michael H. (1976), The Politics of Natural Disaster: The Case of the Sahel Drought, Praeger.
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean as an Emerging Crisis Zone: Greece and Cyprus in a Volatile Regional Environment”, Eastern Mediterranean in Uncharted Waters: Perspectives on Emerging Geopolitical Realities, 02.12.2020, pp. 25-30.
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2022), “Between Escalation and Détente: Greek-Turkish Relations in the Aftermath of the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 23, no: 5, pp. 802-820.
  • • Gundogdu, Ayten (2001), “Identities in Question: Greek-Turkish Relations in a Period of Transformation”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, no: 1, March 2001.
  • • Heraclides, Alexis (2002), “Greek-Turkish Relations from Discord to Détente: A Preliminary Evaluation”, The Review of International Affairs, Vol. 1, no: 3, pp. 17-32.
  • • (2023), “Σεισμός Τουρκία: Οι 21 πυροσβέστες της ΕΜΑΚ που μεταβαίνουν στην Τουρκία για βοήθεια [Earthquake Türkiye: The 21 firefighters of the EMAK going to Türkiye to help]”, 06.02.2023, Date of Accession: 20.05.2023 from
  • • Jørgensen, Knud Erik (2023), “Diverging or Converging? European and Turkish Foreign Policy”, in (eds. by Siret Hürsoy) Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership Towards 2023, Ege University Press, pp. 95-114.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2006), “Acting on Disaster Diplomacy”, Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 59, no: 2, pp. 215-240.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2007), “Hurricane Katrina Disaster Diplomacy”, Disasters, Vol. 31, no: 3, pp. 288-309.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2012), Disaster Diplomacy: How Disasters Affect Peace and Conflict, Oxon: Routledge.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2014), “Does Disaster Diplomacy Improve Inter-State Relations?”, E-International Relations, 04.11.2014, Date of Accession: 17.05.2023 from
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2018), “Disaster Diplomacy”, in The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 1-6.
  • • Kelman, Ilan & Koukis, Theo (2000), “Introduction”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 1, pp. 214-214.
  • • Ker-Lindsay, James (2007), Crisis and Conciliation: A Year of Rapprochement between Greece and Türkiye, London & New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • • Kinzer, Stephen (1999), “Earthquakes Help Warm Greek-Turkish Relations”, The New York Times, 13.09.1999, Date of Accession: 20.05.2023 from
  • • Koukis, Theodore & Kelman, Ilan & Ganapati, N. Emel (2016), “Greece–Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy from Disaster Risk Reduction”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 17, August 2016, pp. 24-32.
  • • Kuşku, Eda (2008), “The Shadow of Past Rivalry: Limits of Post-1999 Dynamism in Greco-Turkish Relations”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA), Vol. 2, no: 3.
  • • Marghélis, Aris (2022), “War in Ukraine: what are the stakes for Greece?”, Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Études Stratégiques, 21.07.2022, Date of Accession: 25.05.2023 from
  • • Mavrogenis, Stavros & Kelman, Ilan (2013), “Perceptions of Greece-Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy: Europeanization and the Underdog Culture”, Balkanistica, Vol. 26, pp. 73-104.
  • • Mehmetcik, Hakan & Çelik, Arda Can (2022), “The Militarization of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 24-41.
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Δηλώσεις Δένδια-Τσαβούσογλου: «Να μην περιμένουμε ένα σεισμό για να βελτιώσουμε τις σχέσεις μας» [Dendias-Cavusoglu statements: ‘We should not wait for an earthquake to improve our relations’]”, 12.02.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Η Άγκυρα ψηφίζει την Ελλάδα για το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ [Ankara votes for Greece for the UN Security Council]”, 20.03.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), "Τσαβούσογλου: Ευχετήρια επιστολή στον Ν. Δένδια για την 25η Μαρτίου [Cavusoglu: Congratulatory letter to N. Dendias on March 25]", 25.03.2023, Date of Accession: 23.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Κ. Μητσοτάκης: Θα τείνω χείρα φιλίας στον νέο ηγέτη της Τουρκίας, αλλά δεν είμαι αφελής [Mr Mitsotakis: I will extend a hand of friendship to Türkiye’s new leader, but I am not naive]”, 12.05.2023, Date of Accession: 28.05.2023 from
  • • Nel, Philip & Righarts, Marjolein (2008), “Natural Disasters and the Risk of Violent Civil Conflict”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 52, no: 1, pp. 159-185.
  • • Office of the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic (2022), “Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ Address to the Joint Session of the US Congress”, 17.05.2022, Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Olson, Richard Stuart & Drury, A. Cooper (1997), “Un-Therapeutic Communities: A Cross-National Analysis of Post-Disaster Political Unrest”, International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters, Vol. 15, no: 2, pp. 221-238.
  • • Olson, Richard Stuart & Gawronski, Vincent T. (2010), “From Disaster Event to Political Crisis: A ‘5C+ A’ Framework for Analysis”, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 11, no: 3, pp. 205-221.
  • • Öniş, Ziya & Yilmaz, Şuhnaz (2008), “Greek-Turkish Rapprochement: Rhetoric or Reality?”, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 123, no: 1, pp. 123-149.
  • • Platt, Rutherford H. (2012), Disasters and Democracy: The Politics of Extreme Natural Events, Island Press.
  • • Posta (2023), “Çavuşoğlu ve Dendias Hatay’da: ‘İlişkileri düzeltmek için bir depreme daha ihtiyaç yok’ [Cavusoglu and Dendias in Hatay: ’We don’t need another earthquake to restore relations’]”, 12.02.2023, Date of Accession: 21.05.2023 from
  • • Rachovitsa, Adamantia (2016), “On the Sidelines of the Failed Coup d’État in Türkiye: Can Greece Extradite the Eight Turkish Military Officers to Türkiye”, European Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 6, pp. 645-655.
  • • Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell & Lutmar, Carmela (2022), “Disaster diplomacy: The intricate links between disaster and conflict”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 59, no: 1, pp. 3-11.
  • • Rumelili, Bahar (2003), “Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 9, no: 2, pp. 213-248.
  • • Yeni Şafak (2023), “Bakan Çavuşoğlu Yunanistan’ın ikili ilişkileri pozitif yönde devam ettirmek istediğini belirtti: Sorunları çözmeden mümkün değil”, 05.05.2023, Date of Accession 25.05.2023 from
  • • Schislyaeva, Elena & Evgrafova, Irina & Butakova, Nadezhda & Mishalchenko, Yuri (2022), “The EU - Russia - Türkiye Energy Triangle: Legal and Economic Conditions of Gas Transportation via the TurkStream Pipeline”, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 63, pp. 1984-1990.
  • • Segantini, Lionel (2022), “Engaging Türkiye In the Eastern Mediterranean During A Time of Crisis”, MESinsights, Vol. 13, no: 3, pp. 1-4.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas (2022), The Greek-Turkish Maritime Dispute: Resisting the Future, Springer Nature.
  • • Stivas, Dionysios (2023), “Greece’s Response to the European Refugee Crisis: A Tale of Two Securitizations”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 28, no: 1, pp. 49-72.
  • • The Press Project (2023), “Συλλογή ειδών πρώτης ανάγκης για τους σεισμόπληκτους σε Τουρκία και Συρία [Collection of essentials for the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria]”, 07.02.2023, Date of Accession: 21.05.2023 from
  • • TRT Haber (2023), "Türkiye’den Yunanistan’daki tren kazasında ölenler için taziye mesajı [Condolences from Türkiye for the victims of the train crash in Greece]”, 01.03.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 fromürkiyeden-yunanistandaki-tren-kazasinda-olenler-icin-taziye-mesaji-749772.html.
  • • Tsardanidis, Charalambos (2019), “Greece’s Changing Role in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security, Re-imagining the Eastern Mediterranean Series: PCC Report: 3, Nicosia: PRIO Cyprus Centre.
  • • Vathakou, Eugenia (2007), “The Emergence of a Greek-Turkish Cooperation System as the Result of a ‘Butterfly Effect’”, Etudes Helléniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 15, no: 1, pp. 107-132.
  • • Vathakou, Eugenia (2009), “Greek–Turkish Peace Processes as Autopoietic Systems”, Türkiye’s Accession to the European Union: An Unusual Candidacy, pp. 133-146.
  • • Yim, Eugene S. & Callaway, David W. & Fares, Saleh & Ciottone, Gregory R. (2009), “Disaster Diplomacy: Current Controversies and Future Prospects”, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Vol. 24, no: 4, pp. 291-293.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 - Türkiye özel sayısı, 31 - 55, 31.08.2023


In February 2023, major earthquakes struck the southern part of Türkiye, while significant tensions in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean dominated the Greek-Turkish relations. A few weeks later, dozens of civilians were killed when a train overturned in Tempe, Greece. Greece was among the first countries to aid Türkiye after the earthquakes and Türkiye reciprocated by expressing its condolences to Greece for the great train accident. Thus, 24 years after the 1999 earthquakes in Greece and Türkiye, which triggered the first wave of disaster diplomacy between the two countries, a new opportunity for dialogue and cooperation emerged in 2023. This paper intents to review two waves of Greek-Turkish disaster diplomacy in 1999 and 2023 with the aim of establishing their correspondence to the theory of disaster diplomacy. It also intends to compare two waves and point out similarities and differences. Moreover, the paper intends to argue that disaster itself does not lead to new diplomatic initiatives. As it is evident in the case of Greek-Turkish relations after the two waves of disaster diplomacy, cooperation can help build trust and goodwill between countries. Nevertheless, if disaster diplomacy does not develop into something more than a tactical diplomatic move and if the countries do not rush to instrumentalize the brief window of opportunity offered by the disasters, then the accumulated problems are expected to overshadow the attempts of building a long-lasting cooperation once again.


  • • Akin, Ezgi (2023), “Turkey and Greece maintain post-disaster diplomacy after train crash”, Al-Monitor, 01.03.2023, Date of Accession: 17.05.2023 from
  • • Aksu, Fuat (2001), “Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Détente, the Last Decade”, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 167-201.
  • • Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür & Torun, Zerrin (2022), “Geopolitical Visions in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 114-137.
  • • Aydın, Mustafa (2004), “Contemporary Turkish-Greek Relations: Constraints and Opportunities”, in (eds. by Mustafa Aydın & Kostas Ifantis) Turkish-Greek Relations, Routledge, pp. 41-72.
  • • Clifford, Roy A. (1956), The Rio Grande Flood: A Comparative Study of Border Communities in Disaster, Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.
  • • Comfort, Louise K. (2000), “Disaster: Agent of Diplomacy or Change in International Affairs?”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 1, pp. 277-294.
  • • Cumhuriyet (2022), “Erdoğan: Artık benim için Miçotakis diye birisi yok”, 24.05.2022, Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Drury, A. Cooper & Olson, Richard Stuart (1998), “Disasters and Political Unrest: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 6, no: 3, pp. 153-161.
  • • Dynes, Russell R. & Quarantelli, E. L. (1975), Community Conflict: Its Absence and Its Presence in Natural Disasters, University of Delaware Disaster Research Center.
  • • Economides, Spyros (2005), “The Europeanisation of Greek Foreign Policy”, West European Politics, Vol. 28, no: 2, pp. 471-491.
  • • Evin, Ahmet O. (2005), “The Future of Greek-Turkish Relations”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 5, no: 3, pp. 395-404.
  • • Fiott, Daniel (2018), “Humanitarian Diplomacy”, in The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 1-10.
  • • Gaillard, Jean-Christophe & Clavé, Elsa & Kelman, Ilan (2008), “Wave of peace? Tsunami disaster diplomacy in Aceh, Indonesia”, Geoforum, Vol. 39, no: 1, pp. 511-526.
  • • Glantz, Michael H. (1976), The Politics of Natural Disaster: The Case of the Sahel Drought, Praeger.
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean as an Emerging Crisis Zone: Greece and Cyprus in a Volatile Regional Environment”, Eastern Mediterranean in Uncharted Waters: Perspectives on Emerging Geopolitical Realities, 02.12.2020, pp. 25-30.
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2022), “Between Escalation and Détente: Greek-Turkish Relations in the Aftermath of the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 23, no: 5, pp. 802-820.
  • • Gundogdu, Ayten (2001), “Identities in Question: Greek-Turkish Relations in a Period of Transformation”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, no: 1, March 2001.
  • • Heraclides, Alexis (2002), “Greek-Turkish Relations from Discord to Détente: A Preliminary Evaluation”, The Review of International Affairs, Vol. 1, no: 3, pp. 17-32.
  • • (2023), “Σεισμός Τουρκία: Οι 21 πυροσβέστες της ΕΜΑΚ που μεταβαίνουν στην Τουρκία για βοήθεια [Earthquake Türkiye: The 21 firefighters of the EMAK going to Türkiye to help]”, 06.02.2023, Date of Accession: 20.05.2023 from
  • • Jørgensen, Knud Erik (2023), “Diverging or Converging? European and Turkish Foreign Policy”, in (eds. by Siret Hürsoy) Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership Towards 2023, Ege University Press, pp. 95-114.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2006), “Acting on Disaster Diplomacy”, Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 59, no: 2, pp. 215-240.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2007), “Hurricane Katrina Disaster Diplomacy”, Disasters, Vol. 31, no: 3, pp. 288-309.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2012), Disaster Diplomacy: How Disasters Affect Peace and Conflict, Oxon: Routledge.
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2014), “Does Disaster Diplomacy Improve Inter-State Relations?”, E-International Relations, 04.11.2014, Date of Accession: 17.05.2023 from
  • • Kelman, Ilan (2018), “Disaster Diplomacy”, in The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 1-6.
  • • Kelman, Ilan & Koukis, Theo (2000), “Introduction”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 1, pp. 214-214.
  • • Ker-Lindsay, James (2007), Crisis and Conciliation: A Year of Rapprochement between Greece and Türkiye, London & New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • • Kinzer, Stephen (1999), “Earthquakes Help Warm Greek-Turkish Relations”, The New York Times, 13.09.1999, Date of Accession: 20.05.2023 from
  • • Koukis, Theodore & Kelman, Ilan & Ganapati, N. Emel (2016), “Greece–Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy from Disaster Risk Reduction”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 17, August 2016, pp. 24-32.
  • • Kuşku, Eda (2008), “The Shadow of Past Rivalry: Limits of Post-1999 Dynamism in Greco-Turkish Relations”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA), Vol. 2, no: 3.
  • • Marghélis, Aris (2022), “War in Ukraine: what are the stakes for Greece?”, Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Études Stratégiques, 21.07.2022, Date of Accession: 25.05.2023 from
  • • Mavrogenis, Stavros & Kelman, Ilan (2013), “Perceptions of Greece-Türkiye Disaster Diplomacy: Europeanization and the Underdog Culture”, Balkanistica, Vol. 26, pp. 73-104.
  • • Mehmetcik, Hakan & Çelik, Arda Can (2022), “The Militarization of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 24-41.
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Δηλώσεις Δένδια-Τσαβούσογλου: «Να μην περιμένουμε ένα σεισμό για να βελτιώσουμε τις σχέσεις μας» [Dendias-Cavusoglu statements: ‘We should not wait for an earthquake to improve our relations’]”, 12.02.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Η Άγκυρα ψηφίζει την Ελλάδα για το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ [Ankara votes for Greece for the UN Security Council]”, 20.03.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), "Τσαβούσογλου: Ευχετήρια επιστολή στον Ν. Δένδια για την 25η Μαρτίου [Cavusoglu: Congratulatory letter to N. Dendias on March 25]", 25.03.2023, Date of Accession: 23.05.2023 from
  • • Naftemporiki (2023), “Κ. Μητσοτάκης: Θα τείνω χείρα φιλίας στον νέο ηγέτη της Τουρκίας, αλλά δεν είμαι αφελής [Mr Mitsotakis: I will extend a hand of friendship to Türkiye’s new leader, but I am not naive]”, 12.05.2023, Date of Accession: 28.05.2023 from
  • • Nel, Philip & Righarts, Marjolein (2008), “Natural Disasters and the Risk of Violent Civil Conflict”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 52, no: 1, pp. 159-185.
  • • Office of the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic (2022), “Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ Address to the Joint Session of the US Congress”, 17.05.2022, Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Olson, Richard Stuart & Drury, A. Cooper (1997), “Un-Therapeutic Communities: A Cross-National Analysis of Post-Disaster Political Unrest”, International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters, Vol. 15, no: 2, pp. 221-238.
  • • Olson, Richard Stuart & Gawronski, Vincent T. (2010), “From Disaster Event to Political Crisis: A ‘5C+ A’ Framework for Analysis”, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 11, no: 3, pp. 205-221.
  • • Öniş, Ziya & Yilmaz, Şuhnaz (2008), “Greek-Turkish Rapprochement: Rhetoric or Reality?”, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 123, no: 1, pp. 123-149.
  • • Platt, Rutherford H. (2012), Disasters and Democracy: The Politics of Extreme Natural Events, Island Press.
  • • Posta (2023), “Çavuşoğlu ve Dendias Hatay’da: ‘İlişkileri düzeltmek için bir depreme daha ihtiyaç yok’ [Cavusoglu and Dendias in Hatay: ’We don’t need another earthquake to restore relations’]”, 12.02.2023, Date of Accession: 21.05.2023 from
  • • Rachovitsa, Adamantia (2016), “On the Sidelines of the Failed Coup d’État in Türkiye: Can Greece Extradite the Eight Turkish Military Officers to Türkiye”, European Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 6, pp. 645-655.
  • • Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell & Lutmar, Carmela (2022), “Disaster diplomacy: The intricate links between disaster and conflict”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 59, no: 1, pp. 3-11.
  • • Rumelili, Bahar (2003), “Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 9, no: 2, pp. 213-248.
  • • Yeni Şafak (2023), “Bakan Çavuşoğlu Yunanistan’ın ikili ilişkileri pozitif yönde devam ettirmek istediğini belirtti: Sorunları çözmeden mümkün değil”, 05.05.2023, Date of Accession 25.05.2023 from
  • • Schislyaeva, Elena & Evgrafova, Irina & Butakova, Nadezhda & Mishalchenko, Yuri (2022), “The EU - Russia - Türkiye Energy Triangle: Legal and Economic Conditions of Gas Transportation via the TurkStream Pipeline”, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 63, pp. 1984-1990.
  • • Segantini, Lionel (2022), “Engaging Türkiye In the Eastern Mediterranean During A Time of Crisis”, MESinsights, Vol. 13, no: 3, pp. 1-4.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas (2022), The Greek-Turkish Maritime Dispute: Resisting the Future, Springer Nature.
  • • Stivas, Dionysios (2023), “Greece’s Response to the European Refugee Crisis: A Tale of Two Securitizations”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 28, no: 1, pp. 49-72.
  • • The Press Project (2023), “Συλλογή ειδών πρώτης ανάγκης για τους σεισμόπληκτους σε Τουρκία και Συρία [Collection of essentials for the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria]”, 07.02.2023, Date of Accession: 21.05.2023 from
  • • TRT Haber (2023), "Türkiye’den Yunanistan’daki tren kazasında ölenler için taziye mesajı [Condolences from Türkiye for the victims of the train crash in Greece]”, 01.03.2023, Date of Accession: 22.05.2023 fromürkiyeden-yunanistandaki-tren-kazasinda-olenler-icin-taziye-mesaji-749772.html.
  • • Tsardanidis, Charalambos (2019), “Greece’s Changing Role in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security, Re-imagining the Eastern Mediterranean Series: PCC Report: 3, Nicosia: PRIO Cyprus Centre.
  • • Vathakou, Eugenia (2007), “The Emergence of a Greek-Turkish Cooperation System as the Result of a ‘Butterfly Effect’”, Etudes Helléniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 15, no: 1, pp. 107-132.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Barış Çalışmaları, Uluslararası Siyaset, Uyuşmazlık Çözümü
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nikolaos Stelgias Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0010-4697

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 - Türkiye özel sayısı

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Stelgias, Nikolaos. “MOMENTARY PARTNERS: THE LIMITATIONS OF THE GREEK-TURKISH DISASTER DIPLOMACY IN 2023”. UPA Strategic Affairs 4, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2023): 31-55.