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Effects of Carbohydrate and Sodium Chloride Mouth Rinses on Repeated Sprint Performance

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 71 - 81, 27.09.2022


Aim: The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of oral rinsing of CHO and NaCl on repeated sprint performance in trained athletes.

Methods: Fifteen trained athletes (5 women; 10 men) voluntarily participated in the repeated, single-blind, placebo-controlled and crossover design study. Athletes came to the laboratory with a night fasting four times with an interval of at least 48 hours and participated in the repeated sprint test (10 sec × 6, 40 sec intervals) after 30 minutes of endurance exercise (70% maxVO2). At the 0th, 10th, 20th and 30th minutes of the endurance exercise, it was requested to MR with CHO (6.4% maltodextrin), sodium chloride (6.4%) solution and water (placebo) or no rinsing (control).

Results: As a result of the analyzes performed with 3 × 4 ANOVA, the power output variables obtained by repeated sprint performance [peak power, average power, minimum power (W, W/kg) and fatigue index (%)] and fatigue variables (heart rate, blood lactate level and rate of perceived exertion) between sessions were not found to be significantly different.

Conclusion: From the obtained results, it may be concluded that the method and stimuli used in this study seem insufficient to affect the outcome variables of physical performance.


  • Beaven, C. M., Maulder, P., Pooley, A., Kilduff, L., & Cook, C. (2013). Effects of caffeine and carbohydrate mouth rinses on repeated sprint performance. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme, 38(6), 633–637. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2012-0333
  • Borg, G., Hassmén, P., & Lagerström, M. (1987). Perceived exertion related to heart rate and blood lactate during arm and leg exercise. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 56(6), 679–685. 10.1007/BF00424810
  • Bortolotti H., Pereira L.A., Santos Oliveira R., Serpeloni Cyrino E., & Altimari LR. (2013). Carbohydrate mouth rinse does not improve repeated sprint performance. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 15(6), 639-645. doi:/10.5007 /1980-0037.2013v15n6p639
  • Carter, J. M., Jeukendrup, A. E., & Jones, D.A. (2004). The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on 1-h cycle time trial performance. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 36(12), 2107–2111. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.00001 47585.65709.6f
  • Chambers, E. S., Bridge, M. W., & Jones, D. A. (2009). Carbohydrate sensing in the human mouth: effects on exercise performance and brain activity. The Journal of Physiology, 578(8), 1779-1794. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.164285
  • Cherif, A., Meeusen, R., Ryu, J., Taylor, L., Farooq, A., Kammoun, K., Fenneni, M. A., Aziz, A. R., Roelands, B., & Chamari, K. (2018). Repeated-sprints exercise in daylight fasting: carbohydrate mouth rinsing does not affect sprint and reaction time performance. Biology of sport, 35(3), 237–244. doi:/10. 5114/biolsport.2018.77824
  • Chong E, Guelfi K. J., & Fournier, P. A. (2011). Effect of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on maximal sprint performance in competitive male cyclists. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 14(2), 162-167. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.08.003
  • Chong, E., Guelfi, K. J., & Fournier, P. A. (2014). Combined glucose ingestion and mouth rinsing improves sprint cycling performance. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 24(6), 605–612. 1123/ijsnem.2013-0097
  • Clarke, N. D., Kornilios, E., & Richardson, D. L. (2015). Carbohydrate and caffeine mouth rinses do not affect maximum strength and muscular endurance performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29, 2926–2931. doi:10.1519/JSC. 0000000000000945
  • De Oliveira J. J., Verlengia R., Barbosa C. G. R., Sindorf M. A. G., Da Rocha G. L., Lopes C. R., & Crisp A. H. (2019). Effects of post-activation potentiation and carbohydrate mouth rinse on repeated sprint ability. Journal of human sport exercise, 14(1), 159-169) doi:/10.14198/jhse.2019.141.13
  • De Oliveira J.J., Salles A.H.S., Barbosa C.G.R., Silva J.A.O., Dias R.M., Ribeiro A.G.S.V., … Silva A.S. (2020). Effect of Post Activation Potentiation and Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Repeated Sprint Ability in University Futsal Players. Journal of Exercise Physiology. 29-40.
  • De Pauw, K., Roelands, B., Knaepen, K., Polfliet, M., Stiens, J., & Meeusen, R. (2015). Effects of caffeine and maltodextrin mouth rinsing on P300, brain imaging, and cognitive performance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(6), 776–782. japplphysiol.01050.2014
  • Ding, R., Logemann, J. A., Larson, C. R., & Rademaker, A. W. (2003). The effects of taste and consistency on swallow physiology in younger and older healthy individuals. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research, 46(4), 977–989. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2003/076)
  • Gant, N., Stinear, C. M., & Byblow, W. D. (2010). Carbohydrate in the mouth immediately facilitates motor output. Brain research, 1350, 151-158. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres. 2010.04.004
  • Jeukendrup, A. E., & Chambers, E. S. (2010). Oral carbohydrate sensing and exercise performance. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 13(4), 447–451.
  • Jeukendrup, A. E., Rollo, I., & Carter, J. M. (2013). Carbohydrate mouth rinse: Performance effects and mechanisms. Sports science exchange, 26(118), 1–8. doi: 10.1186/s12970-018-0225-z
  • Karabıyık, H., Karayiğit, R., Yaslı, B.C., Koz, K., & Ersoz, G. (2017). The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on intermittent sprint performance in soccer players. Ortadogu Tıp Dergisi, 9(4), 183-190. doi:/10.21601/ortadogutipdergisi.359888
  • Karuk, H. N., Rudarli Nalcakan, G., & Pekünlü, E. (2021). Effects of carbohydrate and caffeine combination mouth rinse on anaerobic performance of highly trained male athletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 1–11. Advance online publication.
  • Khong, T. K., Selvanayagam, V., & Yusof, A. (2021). Effect of glucose and sodium chloride mouth rinses on neuromuscular fatigue: a preliminary study. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(2), 224–230. doi./10.1080/17461391.2020.1730980
  • Krings, B. M., Peterson, T. J., Shepherd, B. D., McAllister, M. J., & Smith, J. W. (2017). Effects of Carbohydrate Ingestion and Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Repeat Sprint Performance. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 27(3), 204–212. doi:/10.1123/ijsnem.2016-0321
  • Lee, J. M., Bassett, D. R., Jr, Thompson, D. L., & Fitzhugh, E. C. (2011). Validation of the Cosmed Fitmate for prediction of maximal oxygen consumption. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 25(9), 2573–2579, doi:/10.1519 /JSC.0b013e3181fc5c48
  • Phillips, S. M., Findlay, S., Kavaliauskas, M., & Grant, M. C. (2014). The Influence of serial carbohydrate mouth rinsing on power output during a cycle sprint. Journal of sports science & medicine, 13(2), 252–258.
  • Pottier, A., Bouckaert, J., Gilis, W., Roels, T., & Derave, W. (2010). Mouth rinse but not ingestion of a carbohydrate solution improves 1-h cycle time trial performance. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 20(1), 105–111. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2008.00868.x
  • Přibyslavská, V., Scudamore, E. M., Johnson, S. L., Green, J. M., Stevenson Wilcoxson, M. C., Lowe, J. B., & O'Neal, E. K. (2016). Influence of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on running and jumping performance during early morning soccer scrimmaging. European journal of sport science, 16(4), 441–447. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1020345
  • Prinster, A., Cantone, E., Verlezza, V., Magliulo, M., Sarnelli, G., Iengo, M., Cuomo, R., Di Salle, F., & Esposito, F. (2017). Cortical representation of different taste modalities on the gustatory cortex: A pilot study. Plosone, 12(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0190164
  • Rollo, I., Cole, M., Miller, R., & Williams, C. (2010). Influence of mouth rinsing a carbohydrate solution on 1-h running performance. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 42(4), 798–804. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3 181bac6e4
  • Rollo, I., Williams, C., & Nevill, M. (2011). Influence of ingesting versus mouth rinsing a carbohydrate solution during a 1-h run. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 43(3), 468–475. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013 e3181f1cda3
  • Simpson, G. W., Pritchett, R., O'Neal, E., Hoskins, G., & Pritchett, K. (2018). Carbohydrate mouth rinse improves relative mean power during multiple sprint performance. International journal of exercise science, 11(6), 754–763.
  • Tabachnick B.G., Fidell L. S. (2013) Using Multivariate Statistics (sixth ed.) Pearson, Boston Turner, C. E., Byblow, W. D., Stinear, C. M., & Gant, N. (2014). Carbohydrate in the mouth enhances activation of brain circuitry involved in motor performance and sensory perception. Appetite, 80, s.212–219. doi:10.1016/j.appet. 2014.05.020
  • Waldrop, T. G., Eldridge, F. L., Iwamoto, G. A., & Mitchell, J. H. (1996). Central neural control of respiration and circulation during exercise. Comprehensive physiology, 13(289), 333, 380. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00289
  • Washif, J. A., & Beaven, C. M. (2018, May 29–June 2). Effects of a caffeine-carbohydrate mouth rinsing on sprinting kinetics and kinematics in fasted athletes. In Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Conference held at Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Karbonhidrat ve Sodyum Kloridi Ağızda Çalkalamanın Tekrarlı Sprint Performansına Etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 71 - 81, 27.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, antrenmanlı sporcularda oral CHO ve NaCl ile durulamanın tekrarlanan sprint performansı üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır.

Materyal ve Metot: On beş antrenmanlı sporcu (5 kadın; 10 erkek) gönüllü olarak tekrarlanan, tek kör, plasebo kontrollü ve çapraz tasarım çalışmasına katılmışlardır. Sporcular laboratuvara en az 48 saat arayla dört kez gece açlığı ile gelmişler ve 30 dakikalık dayanıklılık egzersizi (%70 maxVO2) sonrasında tekrarlı sprint testine (10 sn x 6, 40 sn aralıklarla) katılmışlardır. Dayanıklılık egzersizinin 0, 10, 20 ve 30. dakikalarında CHO (%6.4 maltodekstrin), sodyum klorür (%6.4) solüsyonu ve su (plasebo) veya durulamasız (kontrol) ile MR istenmiştir.

Bulgular: 3×4 ANOVA ile yapılan analizler sonucunda, tekrarlı sprint performansı ile elde edilen güç çıkış değişkenleri [tepe güç, ortalama güç, minimum güç (W, W/kg) ve yorulma indeksi (%)] ve yorulma değişkenleri (kalp) oranı, kan laktat düzeyi ve algılanan efor oranı) seanslar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmamıştır.
Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlardan, bu çalışmada kullanılan yöntem ve uyaranların fiziksel performansın sonuç değişkenlerini etkilemek için düşük düzeyde etki gösterdiği sonucuna varılabilir.


  • Beaven, C. M., Maulder, P., Pooley, A., Kilduff, L., & Cook, C. (2013). Effects of caffeine and carbohydrate mouth rinses on repeated sprint performance. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme, 38(6), 633–637. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2012-0333
  • Borg, G., Hassmén, P., & Lagerström, M. (1987). Perceived exertion related to heart rate and blood lactate during arm and leg exercise. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 56(6), 679–685. 10.1007/BF00424810
  • Bortolotti H., Pereira L.A., Santos Oliveira R., Serpeloni Cyrino E., & Altimari LR. (2013). Carbohydrate mouth rinse does not improve repeated sprint performance. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 15(6), 639-645. doi:/10.5007 /1980-0037.2013v15n6p639
  • Carter, J. M., Jeukendrup, A. E., & Jones, D.A. (2004). The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on 1-h cycle time trial performance. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 36(12), 2107–2111. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.00001 47585.65709.6f
  • Chambers, E. S., Bridge, M. W., & Jones, D. A. (2009). Carbohydrate sensing in the human mouth: effects on exercise performance and brain activity. The Journal of Physiology, 578(8), 1779-1794. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.164285
  • Cherif, A., Meeusen, R., Ryu, J., Taylor, L., Farooq, A., Kammoun, K., Fenneni, M. A., Aziz, A. R., Roelands, B., & Chamari, K. (2018). Repeated-sprints exercise in daylight fasting: carbohydrate mouth rinsing does not affect sprint and reaction time performance. Biology of sport, 35(3), 237–244. doi:/10. 5114/biolsport.2018.77824
  • Chong E, Guelfi K. J., & Fournier, P. A. (2011). Effect of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on maximal sprint performance in competitive male cyclists. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 14(2), 162-167. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.08.003
  • Chong, E., Guelfi, K. J., & Fournier, P. A. (2014). Combined glucose ingestion and mouth rinsing improves sprint cycling performance. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 24(6), 605–612. 1123/ijsnem.2013-0097
  • Clarke, N. D., Kornilios, E., & Richardson, D. L. (2015). Carbohydrate and caffeine mouth rinses do not affect maximum strength and muscular endurance performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29, 2926–2931. doi:10.1519/JSC. 0000000000000945
  • De Oliveira J. J., Verlengia R., Barbosa C. G. R., Sindorf M. A. G., Da Rocha G. L., Lopes C. R., & Crisp A. H. (2019). Effects of post-activation potentiation and carbohydrate mouth rinse on repeated sprint ability. Journal of human sport exercise, 14(1), 159-169) doi:/10.14198/jhse.2019.141.13
  • De Oliveira J.J., Salles A.H.S., Barbosa C.G.R., Silva J.A.O., Dias R.M., Ribeiro A.G.S.V., … Silva A.S. (2020). Effect of Post Activation Potentiation and Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Repeated Sprint Ability in University Futsal Players. Journal of Exercise Physiology. 29-40.
  • De Pauw, K., Roelands, B., Knaepen, K., Polfliet, M., Stiens, J., & Meeusen, R. (2015). Effects of caffeine and maltodextrin mouth rinsing on P300, brain imaging, and cognitive performance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(6), 776–782. japplphysiol.01050.2014
  • Ding, R., Logemann, J. A., Larson, C. R., & Rademaker, A. W. (2003). The effects of taste and consistency on swallow physiology in younger and older healthy individuals. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research, 46(4), 977–989. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2003/076)
  • Gant, N., Stinear, C. M., & Byblow, W. D. (2010). Carbohydrate in the mouth immediately facilitates motor output. Brain research, 1350, 151-158. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres. 2010.04.004
  • Jeukendrup, A. E., & Chambers, E. S. (2010). Oral carbohydrate sensing and exercise performance. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 13(4), 447–451.
  • Jeukendrup, A. E., Rollo, I., & Carter, J. M. (2013). Carbohydrate mouth rinse: Performance effects and mechanisms. Sports science exchange, 26(118), 1–8. doi: 10.1186/s12970-018-0225-z
  • Karabıyık, H., Karayiğit, R., Yaslı, B.C., Koz, K., & Ersoz, G. (2017). The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on intermittent sprint performance in soccer players. Ortadogu Tıp Dergisi, 9(4), 183-190. doi:/10.21601/ortadogutipdergisi.359888
  • Karuk, H. N., Rudarli Nalcakan, G., & Pekünlü, E. (2021). Effects of carbohydrate and caffeine combination mouth rinse on anaerobic performance of highly trained male athletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 1–11. Advance online publication.
  • Khong, T. K., Selvanayagam, V., & Yusof, A. (2021). Effect of glucose and sodium chloride mouth rinses on neuromuscular fatigue: a preliminary study. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(2), 224–230. doi./10.1080/17461391.2020.1730980
  • Krings, B. M., Peterson, T. J., Shepherd, B. D., McAllister, M. J., & Smith, J. W. (2017). Effects of Carbohydrate Ingestion and Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Repeat Sprint Performance. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 27(3), 204–212. doi:/10.1123/ijsnem.2016-0321
  • Lee, J. M., Bassett, D. R., Jr, Thompson, D. L., & Fitzhugh, E. C. (2011). Validation of the Cosmed Fitmate for prediction of maximal oxygen consumption. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 25(9), 2573–2579, doi:/10.1519 /JSC.0b013e3181fc5c48
  • Phillips, S. M., Findlay, S., Kavaliauskas, M., & Grant, M. C. (2014). The Influence of serial carbohydrate mouth rinsing on power output during a cycle sprint. Journal of sports science & medicine, 13(2), 252–258.
  • Pottier, A., Bouckaert, J., Gilis, W., Roels, T., & Derave, W. (2010). Mouth rinse but not ingestion of a carbohydrate solution improves 1-h cycle time trial performance. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 20(1), 105–111. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2008.00868.x
  • Přibyslavská, V., Scudamore, E. M., Johnson, S. L., Green, J. M., Stevenson Wilcoxson, M. C., Lowe, J. B., & O'Neal, E. K. (2016). Influence of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on running and jumping performance during early morning soccer scrimmaging. European journal of sport science, 16(4), 441–447. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1020345
  • Prinster, A., Cantone, E., Verlezza, V., Magliulo, M., Sarnelli, G., Iengo, M., Cuomo, R., Di Salle, F., & Esposito, F. (2017). Cortical representation of different taste modalities on the gustatory cortex: A pilot study. Plosone, 12(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0190164
  • Rollo, I., Cole, M., Miller, R., & Williams, C. (2010). Influence of mouth rinsing a carbohydrate solution on 1-h running performance. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 42(4), 798–804. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3 181bac6e4
  • Rollo, I., Williams, C., & Nevill, M. (2011). Influence of ingesting versus mouth rinsing a carbohydrate solution during a 1-h run. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 43(3), 468–475. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013 e3181f1cda3
  • Simpson, G. W., Pritchett, R., O'Neal, E., Hoskins, G., & Pritchett, K. (2018). Carbohydrate mouth rinse improves relative mean power during multiple sprint performance. International journal of exercise science, 11(6), 754–763.
  • Tabachnick B.G., Fidell L. S. (2013) Using Multivariate Statistics (sixth ed.) Pearson, Boston Turner, C. E., Byblow, W. D., Stinear, C. M., & Gant, N. (2014). Carbohydrate in the mouth enhances activation of brain circuitry involved in motor performance and sensory perception. Appetite, 80, s.212–219. doi:10.1016/j.appet. 2014.05.020
  • Waldrop, T. G., Eldridge, F. L., Iwamoto, G. A., & Mitchell, J. H. (1996). Central neural control of respiration and circulation during exercise. Comprehensive physiology, 13(289), 333, 380. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00289
  • Washif, J. A., & Beaven, C. M. (2018, May 29–June 2). Effects of a caffeine-carbohydrate mouth rinsing on sprinting kinetics and kinematics in fasted athletes. In Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Conference held at Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği

Onur Yalçın 0000-0001-7982-2194

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçın, O. (2022). Effects of Carbohydrate and Sodium Chloride Mouth Rinses on Repeated Sprint Performance. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences - IJSETS, 8(3), 71-81.