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Sanal Gerçeklik Gözlüğü Kullanımının Dengeye Etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 207 - 213, 15.12.2022


Aim: The aim of the study is to observe the long-term effects of using virtual reality goggles on balance on sedentary individuals.

Methods: A total of 28 sedentary male participants who voluntarily participated in the study were randomly divided into two groups. There are 14 participants in group was chosen as the experimental virtual realty goggles and the other 14 participants group as the control group non-virtual realty goggles. Groups did general strength training 3 days a week for 8 weeks. However, the virtual realty goggles group also did a 15-minute virtual realty goggles workout at the end of each workout training. In order to investigate the differences in balance performances of both groups, a pre-test was conducted and then a post-test was conducted 8 weeks later.
In our study, y-balance test was preferred to measure dynamic balance and flamingo balance test was preferred to measure static balance. Paired simple t-test was used to compare the pre-test and post-test of the groups.

Results: In addition to strength tarining, virtual realty goggles group, revealed a significant difference in the dynamic balance values of the individuals (p<0.05). Although the 8 week strength training by the non-virtual realty goggles group had a positive effect on the dynamic and static balance performances of the participants, no significant difference was found (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The eight-week virtual reality goggles using that the sedantery indivuals will do in addition to their training increase dynamic balance.


  • Akyuz, C., & Camliguney, A. F. (2020). The Impact of 8-Week Deceleration Training on Dynamic Balance Skills of Young Soccer Players. Journal of Educational Issues, 6(1), 383-394.
  • Bakhtiari, R. A. (2012). Evaluation of static and dynamic balance and knee proprioception in young professional soccer players. Annals of Biological Research, 3(6), 2867-2873.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 42(1), 42-46.
  • Brien, M., & Sveistrup, H. (2011). An intensive virtual reality program improves functional balance and mobility of adolescents with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23(3), 258-266.
  • Cho, G. H., Hwangbo, G., & Shin, H. S. (2014). The effects of virtual reality-based balance training on balance of the elderly. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(4), 615-617.
  • Cho, K. H., Lee, K. J., & Song, C. H. (2012). Virtual-reality balance training with a video-game system improves dynamic balance in chronic stroke patients. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 228(1), 69-74.
  • Donohue, K., Sadorf, A., Schmidt, K., & Kieffer, H. (2018). The effects of virtual reality training on balance and stability in female athletes. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference proceedings (Vol. 9, No. 6, p. 31).
  • Emery, C. A., Cassidy, J. D., Klassen, T. P., Rosychuk, R. J., & Rowe, B. H. (2005). Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Physical Therapy, 85(6), 502-514.
  • Gokdemir, K., Cigerci, A. E., Er, F., Suveren, C., & Sever, O. (2012). The comparison of dynamic and static balance performance of sedentary and different branches athletes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(9), 1079-82.
  • Gonçalves, D. F. F., Ricci, N. A., & Coimbra, A. M. V. (2009). Functional balance among community-dwelling older adults: a comparison of their history of falls. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 13, 316-323.
  • Hotchkiss, A., Fisher, A., Robertson, R., Ruttencutter, A., Schuffert, J., & Barker, D. B. (2004). Convergent and predictive validity of three scales related to falls in the elderly. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(1), 100-103.
  • Howe, T. E., Rochester, L., Neil, F., Skelton, D. A., & Ballinger, C. (2011). Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).
  • Kim, J. H., Jang, S. H., Kim, C. S., Jung, J. H., & You, J. H. (2009). Use of virtual reality to enhance balance and ambulation in chronic stroke: a double-blind, randomized controlled study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88(9), 693-701.
  • Kinzey, S. J., & Armstrong, C. W. (1998). The reliability of the star-excursion test in assessing dynamic balance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 27(5), 356-360.
  • Li, A., Montaño, Z., Chen, V. J., & Gold, J. I. (2011). Virtual reality and pain management: current trends and future directions. Pain Management, 1(2), 147-157.
  • Mao, Y., Chen, P., Li, L., & Huang, D. (2014). Virtual reality training improves balance function. Neural Regeneration Research, 9(17), 1628–1634.
  • McKeon, P. O., Ingersoll, C. D., Kerrigan, D. C., Saliba, E. T. H. A. N., Bennett, B. C., & Hertel, J. A. Y. (2008). Balance training improves function and postural control in those with chronic ankle instability. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(10), 1810-1819.
  • Olmsted, L. C., Carcia, C. R., Hertel, J., & Shultz, S. J. (2002). Efficacy of the star excursion balance tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 37(4), 501.
  • Plisky, P. J., Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Kiesel, K. B., Underwood, F. B., & Elkins, B. (2009). The reliability of an instrumented device for measuring components of the star excursion balance test. North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 4(2), 92.
  • Rahman, S. A., & Rahman, A. (2010). Efficacy of virtual reality-based therapy on balance in children with Down syndrome. World Applied Sciences Journal, 10(3), 254-261.
  • Ranjbarzadeh Yamchi, F., Letafatkar, A., & Esmaeilpour, S. (2021). The Effect of 8 Weeks Virtual Reality Training on Static and Dynamic Balance and Performance in Male Athletes with Functional Ankle Instabilit. Physical Treatments-Specific Physical Therapy Journal, 11(1), 45-54.
  • Rendon, A. A., Lohman, E. B., Thorpe, D., Johnson, E. G., Medina, E., & Bradley, B. (2012). The effect of virtual reality gaming on dynamic balance in older adults. Age and Ageing, 41(4), 549-552.
  • Richardson, R. R., & Melanie, T. (2005). Functional balance training using a domed device. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 27(1).
  • Singh, D. K., Rajaratnam, B. S., Palaniswamy, V., Pearson, H., Raman, V. P., & Bong, P. S. (2012). Participating in a virtual reality balance exercise program can reduce risk and fear of falls. Maturitas, 73(3), 239-243.
  • Tsigilis, N., Douda, H., & Tokmakidis, S. P. (2002). Test-retest reliability of the Eurofit test battery administered to university students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95, 1295-1300.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 20(2), 422-428.
  • Yang, W. C., Wang, H. K., Wu, R. M., Lo, C. S., & Lin, K. H. (2016). Home-based virtual reality balance training and conventional balance training in Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 115(9), 734-743.

The Effect of Using Virtual Reality Goggles on Balance

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 207 - 213, 15.12.2022


Amaç: Düzenli spor yapan sedanter bireylerde sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanımının denge performansına etkisini belirlemektir.

Metot: Gönüllü olarak düzenli spor yapan 28 erkek sedanter random olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. On dört katılımcı sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanarak, diğer 14 katılımcı sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanmayarak kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Her iki grup 8 hafta süresince haftada 3 gün kuvvet antrenmanı yapmışlardır. Sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanan grup her antrenmanın sonunda 15 dk sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanmıştır. Her iki grubun dengeleri arasındaki farkı belirlemek için 8 haftalık antrenmanlardan önce ön-test ve sonrasında son-test uygulanmıştır.
Dinamik dengeyi ölçmek için y-denge, static dengeyi ölçmek için flamingo denge testi kullanılmıştır. Grupların ön ve son testlerinin karşılaştırılmasında bağımlı gruplarda t test kullanılmıştır.

Bulgular: Genel kuvvet antrenmanlarına ek olarak, sanal gerçeklik gözlüğünü her antrenman sonrasında 15 dakika kullanan sedanterlerin dinamik dengeleri artmıştır (p<0,05). Sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü kullanmayan kontrolgrubunun ise dinamik ve statik dengelerinde değişim olmamıştır (p>0,05).

Sonuç: Sedanter bireylerin antrenmanlarına ek olarak yapacakları sekiz haftalık sanal gerçeklik gözlüğünü egzersizleri dinamik dengeyi arttırmıştır.


  • Akyuz, C., & Camliguney, A. F. (2020). The Impact of 8-Week Deceleration Training on Dynamic Balance Skills of Young Soccer Players. Journal of Educational Issues, 6(1), 383-394.
  • Bakhtiari, R. A. (2012). Evaluation of static and dynamic balance and knee proprioception in young professional soccer players. Annals of Biological Research, 3(6), 2867-2873.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 42(1), 42-46.
  • Brien, M., & Sveistrup, H. (2011). An intensive virtual reality program improves functional balance and mobility of adolescents with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23(3), 258-266.
  • Cho, G. H., Hwangbo, G., & Shin, H. S. (2014). The effects of virtual reality-based balance training on balance of the elderly. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(4), 615-617.
  • Cho, K. H., Lee, K. J., & Song, C. H. (2012). Virtual-reality balance training with a video-game system improves dynamic balance in chronic stroke patients. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 228(1), 69-74.
  • Donohue, K., Sadorf, A., Schmidt, K., & Kieffer, H. (2018). The effects of virtual reality training on balance and stability in female athletes. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference proceedings (Vol. 9, No. 6, p. 31).
  • Emery, C. A., Cassidy, J. D., Klassen, T. P., Rosychuk, R. J., & Rowe, B. H. (2005). Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Physical Therapy, 85(6), 502-514.
  • Gokdemir, K., Cigerci, A. E., Er, F., Suveren, C., & Sever, O. (2012). The comparison of dynamic and static balance performance of sedentary and different branches athletes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(9), 1079-82.
  • Gonçalves, D. F. F., Ricci, N. A., & Coimbra, A. M. V. (2009). Functional balance among community-dwelling older adults: a comparison of their history of falls. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 13, 316-323.
  • Hotchkiss, A., Fisher, A., Robertson, R., Ruttencutter, A., Schuffert, J., & Barker, D. B. (2004). Convergent and predictive validity of three scales related to falls in the elderly. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(1), 100-103.
  • Howe, T. E., Rochester, L., Neil, F., Skelton, D. A., & Ballinger, C. (2011). Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).
  • Kim, J. H., Jang, S. H., Kim, C. S., Jung, J. H., & You, J. H. (2009). Use of virtual reality to enhance balance and ambulation in chronic stroke: a double-blind, randomized controlled study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88(9), 693-701.
  • Kinzey, S. J., & Armstrong, C. W. (1998). The reliability of the star-excursion test in assessing dynamic balance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 27(5), 356-360.
  • Li, A., Montaño, Z., Chen, V. J., & Gold, J. I. (2011). Virtual reality and pain management: current trends and future directions. Pain Management, 1(2), 147-157.
  • Mao, Y., Chen, P., Li, L., & Huang, D. (2014). Virtual reality training improves balance function. Neural Regeneration Research, 9(17), 1628–1634.
  • McKeon, P. O., Ingersoll, C. D., Kerrigan, D. C., Saliba, E. T. H. A. N., Bennett, B. C., & Hertel, J. A. Y. (2008). Balance training improves function and postural control in those with chronic ankle instability. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(10), 1810-1819.
  • Olmsted, L. C., Carcia, C. R., Hertel, J., & Shultz, S. J. (2002). Efficacy of the star excursion balance tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 37(4), 501.
  • Plisky, P. J., Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Kiesel, K. B., Underwood, F. B., & Elkins, B. (2009). The reliability of an instrumented device for measuring components of the star excursion balance test. North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 4(2), 92.
  • Rahman, S. A., & Rahman, A. (2010). Efficacy of virtual reality-based therapy on balance in children with Down syndrome. World Applied Sciences Journal, 10(3), 254-261.
  • Ranjbarzadeh Yamchi, F., Letafatkar, A., & Esmaeilpour, S. (2021). The Effect of 8 Weeks Virtual Reality Training on Static and Dynamic Balance and Performance in Male Athletes with Functional Ankle Instabilit. Physical Treatments-Specific Physical Therapy Journal, 11(1), 45-54.
  • Rendon, A. A., Lohman, E. B., Thorpe, D., Johnson, E. G., Medina, E., & Bradley, B. (2012). The effect of virtual reality gaming on dynamic balance in older adults. Age and Ageing, 41(4), 549-552.
  • Richardson, R. R., & Melanie, T. (2005). Functional balance training using a domed device. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 27(1).
  • Singh, D. K., Rajaratnam, B. S., Palaniswamy, V., Pearson, H., Raman, V. P., & Bong, P. S. (2012). Participating in a virtual reality balance exercise program can reduce risk and fear of falls. Maturitas, 73(3), 239-243.
  • Tsigilis, N., Douda, H., & Tokmakidis, S. P. (2002). Test-retest reliability of the Eurofit test battery administered to university students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95, 1295-1300.
  • Yaggie, J. A., & Campbell, B. M. (2006). Effects of balance training on selected skills. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 20(2), 422-428.
  • Yang, W. C., Wang, H. K., Wu, R. M., Lo, C. S., & Lin, K. H. (2016). Home-based virtual reality balance training and conventional balance training in Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 115(9), 734-743.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği

Umut Dolu 0000-0002-2220-1861

Filiz Çamlıgüney 0000-0003-0363-3025

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Dolu, U., & Çamlıgüney, F. (2022). The Effect of Using Virtual Reality Goggles on Balance. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences - IJSETS, 8(4), 207-213.