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Investigation of the Relationship Between Somatotype Structures and Respiratory Functions of Ski-mountaineering National Athletes

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 328 - 337, 31.12.2024


Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between somatotype structures and respiratory functions of national ski-mountaineering athletes.
Methods: Nine male athletes (age 19.66±2.12 years, height 175.3±5.19 cm, body weight 68.55±2.69 kg) and four female athletes (age 17.25±0.95 years, height 164±8.58 cm, body weight 57±4,24 kg) participated in the study. Height, body weight, skinfold thickness, width and circumference measurements were taken. The somatotype structures of the athletes were determined by Heath-Carter method and pulmonary function measurements were determined by digital spirometer. Descriptive analysis, t-test, and Spearman correlation analysis were used to analyze the data.
Results: As a result of the analysis, the mean somatotype structure of male athletes was 3−5−2 (Endomorphic−Mesomorphic) and the mean somatotype structure of female athletes was 4−4−3 (Mesomorphic-Endomorphic). The pulmonary function test results of the athletes were within the normal range and showed higher performance than expected. It was determined that the FVC and MEF25% values of the athletes whose somatotype structures were ectomorphic-mesomorphic were higher than the endomorph-ectomorphic ones and there was a significant difference between them. In addition, there was a negative correlation between FVC and endomorphic somatotype structures and body fat percentages of the athletes. No significant correlation was found in other variables.
Conclusion: The lung function of the athletes was healthy and strong, and somatotype structures especially affected their vital capacity and airways. The FEV1/FVC values of the athletes were lower than expected, shows that the athletes in our study group had a narrowing and obstructive condition in the large airways.


  • Akınoğlu, B., Kocahan, T., & Özkan, T. (2019). The relationship between peripheral muscle strength and respiratory function and respiratory muscle strength in athletes. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 15(1), 44. https://doi:10.12965//jer.1836518.259.
  • Aktas, B. S. (2024). The analysis of the relationship between respiratory functions and body compositions of alpine discipline and cross-country skiing athletes. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 10(1), 34-40.
  • Akin, G. (2001). Anthropometry and Ergonomics. İnkansa publishing house.
  • Atan, T., Akyol, P., & Çebi, M. (2013). Comparison of respiratory functions of athletes engaged in different individual sports branches. Dicle Tip Dergisi, 40(2), 192.
  • Bayios, I., Bergeles, N.K., Apostolidis, N.G., Noutsos, K.S., & Koskolou, M.D. (2006). Anthropometric, body composition and somatotype differences of Greek elite female basketball, volleyball and handball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 271-280.
  • Branigan, H., & Jenns, K. (2006). A complete guide to ski touring and ski mountaineering. Author House.
  • Carter, L. J., & Heath, B. H. (1990). Somatotyping. Development and applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Presss. 1-11.
  • Cheng, Y. J., Macera, C. A., Addy, C. L., Sy, F. S., Wieland, D., & Blair, S. N. (2003). Effects of physical activity on exercise tests and respiratory function. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(6), 521-528.
  • Diaz, E., Ruiz, F., Hoyos, I., Zubero, J., Gravina, L., Gil, J., et al. (2010). Cell damage, antioxidant status, and cortisol levels related to nutrition in ski mountaineering during a two-day race. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 9(2), 338.
  • Duc, S., Cassirame, J., & Durand, F. (2011). Physiology of ski mountaineering racing. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(11), 856-863.
  • Durand, F., Kippelen, P., Ceugniet, F., Gomez, V. R., Desnot, P., Poulain, M. et al. (2005). Undiagnosed exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in ski-mountaineers. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(03), 233-237.
  • Durmic, T., Lazovic, B., Djelic, M., Lazic, J. S., Zikic, D., Zugic, V., et al. (2015). Sport-specific influences on respiratory patterns in elite athletes. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 41, 516-522.
  • Dündar, S. T., Akcan, I. O., & Ağgön, E. (2023). Investigation of Some Physical Parameters and Aerobic-Anaerobic Power Outputs in Mountain Skiers. Research in Sport Education and Sciences, 25(1), 1-6.
  • Fasel, B., Praz, C., Kayser, B., & Aminian, K. (2016). Measuring spatio-temporal parameters of uphill ski-mountaineering with ski-fixed inertial sensors. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(13), 3052-3055.
  • Fornasiero, A., Savoldelli, A., Boccia, G., Zignoli, A., Bortolan, L., Schena, F. et al. (2018). Physiological factors associated with ski-mountaineering vertical race performance. Sport Sciences for Health, 14, 97-104.
  • Hyatt, R. E., Cowl, C. T., Bjoraker, J. A., & Scanlon, P. D. (2009). Conditions associated with an abnormal nonspecific pattern of pulmonary function tests. Chest, 135(2), 419-424.
  • House, S., Johnston, S., & Jornet, K. (2019). Training for the Uphill Athlete: A Manual for Mountain Runners and Ski Mountaineers. Patagonia Books.
  • Gaston, A. F., Marti Peiro, A., Hapkova, I., & Durand, F. (2019). Exploring physiological parameters in ski mountaineering during world cup races. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 19(3), 275-288.
  • Karaduman, E. (2020). The relationship between respiratory functions and respiratory muscle strength of athletes in different branches. Doctoral Thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University Graduate School of Education Department of Coaching Education, Mersin.
  • Karasar, N. (2017). Scientific research method: concepts, principles, techniques. Nobel Publishing.
  • Katic, R., Blazevic, S., Krstulovic, S., & Mulic, R. (2005). Morphological structures of elite Karateka and their impact on technical and fighting efficiency. Collegium Anthropologicum, 29(1), 79-84.
  • Kaminsky, D. A., & Irvin, C. G. (Eds.). (2018). Pulmonary Function Testing: Principles and Practice. Springer.
  • Lazovic, B., Mazic, S., Suzic-Lazic, J., Djelic, M., Djordjevic-Saranovic, S., Durmic, T. et al. (2015). Respiratory adaptations in different types of sport. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 19(12).
  • Massidda, M., Toselli, S., Brasili, P., & Caló, M. C. (2013). Somatotype of elite Italian gymnasts. Collegium Anthropologicum, 37(3), 853-857.
  • Marseglia, G. L., Cirillo, I., Vizzaccaro, A., Klersy, C., Tosca, M. A., La Rosa M, et al. (2007). Role of forced expiratory flow at 25- 75% as an early marker of small airways impairment in subjects with allergic rhinitis. Allergy Asthma Proc, 28(1), 74-8.
  • Neogi, A., Chakraborty, C., Chatterjee, S. & Dey, S. K. (2018). Anthropometric profiles and pulmonary function parameters of male Football & Hockey players according to their specific playing position: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 7(3), 10-23.
  • Oke, K. I., & Agwubike, E. O. (2015). Body composition and pulmonary functional correlates in Nigerian male amateur boxers. Sports Medicine Journal/Medicina Sportivâ, 11(2).
  • Ozer, K. (1993). Anthropometry Morphologic Planning in Sports. Kazancı Publishing.
  • Özkurt, S., Bostancı, M., Altın, R., Özşahin, A., & Akdağ, B. (2000). Smoking prevalence, nicotine dependence and pulmonary function tests in medical faculty employees. Journal of Tuberculosis and Thorax, 48(2), 140-147.
  • Pastre, J., Plantier, L., Planes, C., Borie, R., Nunes, H., Delclaux, C. et al. (2015). Different K CO and VA combinations exist for the same DL CO value in patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 15, 1-4.
  • Papadopoulou, S. K., Gouvianaki, A., Grammatikopoulou, M. G., Maraki, Z., Pagkalos, I. G., Malliaropoulos, N., et al. (2012). Body composition and dietary intake of elite cross-country skiers’ members of the greek national team. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 3(4), 257.
  • Praz, C., Léger, B., & Kayser, B. (2014). Energy expenditure of extreme competitive mountaineering skiing. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114, 2201-2211.
  • Psotta, R., Sviráková, D., Bunc, V., Šeflová, I., Hrásky, P. & Martin, J. (2009). Aerobic fitness, running performance and body composition of Czech elite male summer biathletes. Fitness Society of India, 5(1), 41-49.
  • Quanjer, P. H., Brazzale, D. J., Boros, P. W., & Pretto, J. J. (2013). Implications of adopting the Global Lungs Initiative 2012 all-age reference equations for spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 42(4), 1046-1054.
  • Randáková, R. (2005). Effect of regular training on body composition and physical performance in young cross-country skaters: as compared to normal controls. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica, 35(1).
  • Raschka, C. (2019). Somatotypes in skiing. Papers on Anthropology, 28(2), 89-102.
  • Raschka, C., & Ruf, S. (2022). Body composition and nutrition in skiing. Papers on Anthropology, 31(2), 39-57.
  • Schenk, K., Faulhaber, M., Gatterer, H., Burtscher, M., & Ferrari, M. (2011). Ski mountaineering competition: Fit for it? Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 21(2), 114-118.
  • Singh D.V., Vinayak, A., & Sethi, P.K. (2019). Comparison of physically active and inactive males on breathing variables. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 4(2), 546-550.
  • Sterkowicz-Przybycień, K., Sterkowicz, S., & Żarów, R. (2011). Somatotype, body composition and proportionality in polish top greco-roman wrestlers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 28, 141-154.
  • Stewart, A., Marfell-Jones, M., Olds, T., & De Ridder, H. (2011). International standards for anthropometric assessment. New Zeland: International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry.
  • Tamer, K. (2000). Measurement of Physical Physiological Performance in Sport. Bağırgan Publishing House.
  • Taeymans, J., Clijsen, R., Rinderer, S., Hebbelinck, M., & Cabri, J. (2008). Somatotyping of swiss team skialpinism athletes. (Eds.: J. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araujo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz, & A. Veloso). Proceedings of the 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Portugal (pp. 353-354). Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Univesidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisboa.
  • Ulubay, G., Dilektaşlı, A. G., Börekçi, Ş., Yıldız, Ö., Kıyan, E., Gemicioğlu, B., & Saryal, S. (2019). Turkish Thoracic Society Consensus Report: Interpretation of Spirometry: Turkish Thoracic Society Spirometry Evaluation Consensus Report. Turkish thoracic journal, 20(1), 69. 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2018.180175
  • Uzun, A., Akyüz, M., Taş, M., & Aydos, L. (2010). Investigation of the Relationship of Respiratory Parameters with Some Anthropometric Characteristics in Young Elite Wrestlers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(1), 10-17.
  • Volken, M., Schell, S., & Wheeler, M. (2007). Backcountry skiing: Skills for ski touring and ski mountaineering. The mountaineers book.
  • Wagner, C. M., Röhrs, D., Sandbakk, Ø., Katz, A., Wittke, A., & Keiner, M. (2024). Performance-Determining Variables of a Simulated Skimo Sprint Competition in Elite Junior Skimo Athletes. Applied Sciences, 14(5), 1882.
  • Zorba, E., & Ziyagil, M. A. (1995). Body Composition and Measurement Methods. Trabzon: Gen Printing Advertising Ltd. Şti.

Dağ Kayağı Milli Sporcuların Somatatip Yapıları ve Solunum Fonksiyonları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 328 - 337, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu araştırma, dağ kayağı milli sporcuların somatotip yapıları ile solunum fonksiyonları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırmaya, Türkiye Dağ kayağı milli takımı hazırlık kampı’nda yer alan 9 erkek sporcu (yaş 19,66±2,12 yıl, boy 175,3±5,19 cm. vücut ağırlığı 68,55±2,69 kg) ile 4 kadın sporcu (yaş 17,25±0,95 yıl, boy 164±8,58cm, vücut ağırlığı 57±4,24 kg) gönüllü olarak katıldı. Araştırmaya katılan sporcuların boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı, deri kıvrım kalınlığı, genişlik ve çevre ölçümleri alındı. Sporcuların somatotip yapıları Heath-Carter yöntemi ile, solunum fonksiyon ölçümleri ise dijital spirometre ile belirlendi. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 26.0 paket program kullanılarak analiz edildi. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz, t-Testi ve Spearman korelasyon analizleri yapıldı.
Bulgular: Analiz sonucunda erkek sporcuların ortalama somatotip yapıları 3−5−2 (Endomorfik−Mezomorf), kadın sporcuların ortalama somatotip yapıları ise 4−4−3 (Mezomorfi−Endomorfi) olarak tespit edildi. Sporcuların solunum fonksiyon testi sonuçları normal aralıkta ve beklenenden yüksek performans gösterdiği belirlendi. Sporcuların somatotip yapıları ektomorfik−mezomorfi olanların zorlu vital kapasite (FVC) ve zorlu ekspirasyon akımı %25 (MEF25%) değerlerinin endomorf−ektomorf olanlara göre daha yüksek olduğu ve aralarında anlamlı farklılık olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca sporcuların endomorf somatotip yapıları ve vücut yağ yüzdeleri ile zorlu vital kapasiteleri (FVC) arasında negatif korelasyon tespit edildi. Araştırmada diğer degişkenlerde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır.
Sonuç: Sporcuların akciğer fonksiyonları sağlıklı ve güçlü olduğu ve somatotip yapıların özellikle vital kapasitelerini ve hava yollarını etkilediğini göstermiştir. Sporcuların obstrüktif ve restriktif akciğer (FEV1/FVC) değerlerinin tahmin edilenden daha düşük olduğu bu durum araştırma grubumuzdaki sporcuların büyük hava yollarında daralma ve obstrüktif bir durum olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Akınoğlu, B., Kocahan, T., & Özkan, T. (2019). The relationship between peripheral muscle strength and respiratory function and respiratory muscle strength in athletes. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 15(1), 44. https://doi:10.12965//jer.1836518.259.
  • Aktas, B. S. (2024). The analysis of the relationship between respiratory functions and body compositions of alpine discipline and cross-country skiing athletes. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 10(1), 34-40.
  • Akin, G. (2001). Anthropometry and Ergonomics. İnkansa publishing house.
  • Atan, T., Akyol, P., & Çebi, M. (2013). Comparison of respiratory functions of athletes engaged in different individual sports branches. Dicle Tip Dergisi, 40(2), 192.
  • Bayios, I., Bergeles, N.K., Apostolidis, N.G., Noutsos, K.S., & Koskolou, M.D. (2006). Anthropometric, body composition and somatotype differences of Greek elite female basketball, volleyball and handball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 271-280.
  • Branigan, H., & Jenns, K. (2006). A complete guide to ski touring and ski mountaineering. Author House.
  • Carter, L. J., & Heath, B. H. (1990). Somatotyping. Development and applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Presss. 1-11.
  • Cheng, Y. J., Macera, C. A., Addy, C. L., Sy, F. S., Wieland, D., & Blair, S. N. (2003). Effects of physical activity on exercise tests and respiratory function. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(6), 521-528.
  • Diaz, E., Ruiz, F., Hoyos, I., Zubero, J., Gravina, L., Gil, J., et al. (2010). Cell damage, antioxidant status, and cortisol levels related to nutrition in ski mountaineering during a two-day race. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 9(2), 338.
  • Duc, S., Cassirame, J., & Durand, F. (2011). Physiology of ski mountaineering racing. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(11), 856-863.
  • Durand, F., Kippelen, P., Ceugniet, F., Gomez, V. R., Desnot, P., Poulain, M. et al. (2005). Undiagnosed exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in ski-mountaineers. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(03), 233-237.
  • Durmic, T., Lazovic, B., Djelic, M., Lazic, J. S., Zikic, D., Zugic, V., et al. (2015). Sport-specific influences on respiratory patterns in elite athletes. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 41, 516-522.
  • Dündar, S. T., Akcan, I. O., & Ağgön, E. (2023). Investigation of Some Physical Parameters and Aerobic-Anaerobic Power Outputs in Mountain Skiers. Research in Sport Education and Sciences, 25(1), 1-6.
  • Fasel, B., Praz, C., Kayser, B., & Aminian, K. (2016). Measuring spatio-temporal parameters of uphill ski-mountaineering with ski-fixed inertial sensors. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(13), 3052-3055.
  • Fornasiero, A., Savoldelli, A., Boccia, G., Zignoli, A., Bortolan, L., Schena, F. et al. (2018). Physiological factors associated with ski-mountaineering vertical race performance. Sport Sciences for Health, 14, 97-104.
  • Hyatt, R. E., Cowl, C. T., Bjoraker, J. A., & Scanlon, P. D. (2009). Conditions associated with an abnormal nonspecific pattern of pulmonary function tests. Chest, 135(2), 419-424.
  • House, S., Johnston, S., & Jornet, K. (2019). Training for the Uphill Athlete: A Manual for Mountain Runners and Ski Mountaineers. Patagonia Books.
  • Gaston, A. F., Marti Peiro, A., Hapkova, I., & Durand, F. (2019). Exploring physiological parameters in ski mountaineering during world cup races. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 19(3), 275-288.
  • Karaduman, E. (2020). The relationship between respiratory functions and respiratory muscle strength of athletes in different branches. Doctoral Thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University Graduate School of Education Department of Coaching Education, Mersin.
  • Karasar, N. (2017). Scientific research method: concepts, principles, techniques. Nobel Publishing.
  • Katic, R., Blazevic, S., Krstulovic, S., & Mulic, R. (2005). Morphological structures of elite Karateka and their impact on technical and fighting efficiency. Collegium Anthropologicum, 29(1), 79-84.
  • Kaminsky, D. A., & Irvin, C. G. (Eds.). (2018). Pulmonary Function Testing: Principles and Practice. Springer.
  • Lazovic, B., Mazic, S., Suzic-Lazic, J., Djelic, M., Djordjevic-Saranovic, S., Durmic, T. et al. (2015). Respiratory adaptations in different types of sport. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 19(12).
  • Massidda, M., Toselli, S., Brasili, P., & Caló, M. C. (2013). Somatotype of elite Italian gymnasts. Collegium Anthropologicum, 37(3), 853-857.
  • Marseglia, G. L., Cirillo, I., Vizzaccaro, A., Klersy, C., Tosca, M. A., La Rosa M, et al. (2007). Role of forced expiratory flow at 25- 75% as an early marker of small airways impairment in subjects with allergic rhinitis. Allergy Asthma Proc, 28(1), 74-8.
  • Neogi, A., Chakraborty, C., Chatterjee, S. & Dey, S. K. (2018). Anthropometric profiles and pulmonary function parameters of male Football & Hockey players according to their specific playing position: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 7(3), 10-23.
  • Oke, K. I., & Agwubike, E. O. (2015). Body composition and pulmonary functional correlates in Nigerian male amateur boxers. Sports Medicine Journal/Medicina Sportivâ, 11(2).
  • Ozer, K. (1993). Anthropometry Morphologic Planning in Sports. Kazancı Publishing.
  • Özkurt, S., Bostancı, M., Altın, R., Özşahin, A., & Akdağ, B. (2000). Smoking prevalence, nicotine dependence and pulmonary function tests in medical faculty employees. Journal of Tuberculosis and Thorax, 48(2), 140-147.
  • Pastre, J., Plantier, L., Planes, C., Borie, R., Nunes, H., Delclaux, C. et al. (2015). Different K CO and VA combinations exist for the same DL CO value in patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 15, 1-4.
  • Papadopoulou, S. K., Gouvianaki, A., Grammatikopoulou, M. G., Maraki, Z., Pagkalos, I. G., Malliaropoulos, N., et al. (2012). Body composition and dietary intake of elite cross-country skiers’ members of the greek national team. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 3(4), 257.
  • Praz, C., Léger, B., & Kayser, B. (2014). Energy expenditure of extreme competitive mountaineering skiing. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114, 2201-2211.
  • Psotta, R., Sviráková, D., Bunc, V., Šeflová, I., Hrásky, P. & Martin, J. (2009). Aerobic fitness, running performance and body composition of Czech elite male summer biathletes. Fitness Society of India, 5(1), 41-49.
  • Quanjer, P. H., Brazzale, D. J., Boros, P. W., & Pretto, J. J. (2013). Implications of adopting the Global Lungs Initiative 2012 all-age reference equations for spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 42(4), 1046-1054.
  • Randáková, R. (2005). Effect of regular training on body composition and physical performance in young cross-country skaters: as compared to normal controls. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica, 35(1).
  • Raschka, C. (2019). Somatotypes in skiing. Papers on Anthropology, 28(2), 89-102.
  • Raschka, C., & Ruf, S. (2022). Body composition and nutrition in skiing. Papers on Anthropology, 31(2), 39-57.
  • Schenk, K., Faulhaber, M., Gatterer, H., Burtscher, M., & Ferrari, M. (2011). Ski mountaineering competition: Fit for it? Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 21(2), 114-118.
  • Singh D.V., Vinayak, A., & Sethi, P.K. (2019). Comparison of physically active and inactive males on breathing variables. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 4(2), 546-550.
  • Sterkowicz-Przybycień, K., Sterkowicz, S., & Żarów, R. (2011). Somatotype, body composition and proportionality in polish top greco-roman wrestlers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 28, 141-154.
  • Stewart, A., Marfell-Jones, M., Olds, T., & De Ridder, H. (2011). International standards for anthropometric assessment. New Zeland: International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry.
  • Tamer, K. (2000). Measurement of Physical Physiological Performance in Sport. Bağırgan Publishing House.
  • Taeymans, J., Clijsen, R., Rinderer, S., Hebbelinck, M., & Cabri, J. (2008). Somatotyping of swiss team skialpinism athletes. (Eds.: J. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araujo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz, & A. Veloso). Proceedings of the 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Portugal (pp. 353-354). Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Univesidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisboa.
  • Ulubay, G., Dilektaşlı, A. G., Börekçi, Ş., Yıldız, Ö., Kıyan, E., Gemicioğlu, B., & Saryal, S. (2019). Turkish Thoracic Society Consensus Report: Interpretation of Spirometry: Turkish Thoracic Society Spirometry Evaluation Consensus Report. Turkish thoracic journal, 20(1), 69. 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2018.180175
  • Uzun, A., Akyüz, M., Taş, M., & Aydos, L. (2010). Investigation of the Relationship of Respiratory Parameters with Some Anthropometric Characteristics in Young Elite Wrestlers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(1), 10-17.
  • Volken, M., Schell, S., & Wheeler, M. (2007). Backcountry skiing: Skills for ski touring and ski mountaineering. The mountaineers book.
  • Wagner, C. M., Röhrs, D., Sandbakk, Ø., Katz, A., Wittke, A., & Keiner, M. (2024). Performance-Determining Variables of a Simulated Skimo Sprint Competition in Elite Junior Skimo Athletes. Applied Sciences, 14(5), 1882.
  • Zorba, E., & Ziyagil, M. A. (1995). Body Composition and Measurement Methods. Trabzon: Gen Printing Advertising Ltd. Şti.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Uygunluk
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Burak Kural 0000-0002-0678-0189

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kural, B. (2024). Investigation of the Relationship Between Somatotype Structures and Respiratory Functions of Ski-mountaineering National Athletes. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences - IJSETS, 10(4), 328-337.