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Yıl 2015, Sayı: 16, 139 - 154, 01.03.2015


Bu çalışma, onyedinci ve onsekizinci yüzyıllarda Kırım HanlığıMahkemelerinde yabancıların taraf olduğu davaları ele almaktadır.Derinlemesine analize tabi tutulan üç dava, yalnızca Kırım’daki yargısistemi ve yerel halkın yabancılara karşı tutumlarını değil, aynı zamandaKırım’daki yargı sistemi kendisi hakkında da önemli bilgileri ortayakoymaktadır. Bu üç davaya ait veriler, üç farklı kaynakta muhafazaedilmiştir. Bunlar, mahkeme kayıtları, Kırım’da faaliyet gösteren Katolikmisyonerlerin yazışmaları ve Avrupalı tüccarların seyahat yazılarıdır.Dolayısıyla, bu çalışma yalnızca onyedinci yüzyıl başlarında Kırım’daesir edilen bir Polonya-Litvanya Tatarının, 1630’larda ahlaka aykırıdavranışlar sergilemekle suçlanan bir Dominiken misyonerinin ve1760’larda Kara Su’da soyulan bir Alman tüccarının etkileyicihikayelerini anlatmakla kalmayıp, farklı kaynakların erken-moderndönem Kırım hakkındaki araştırmalarda kullanılabileceğini degöstermektedir


  • ABRAHAMOWICZ, Zygmunt, “Lipka” The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. 5, Brill, Leiden-Boston 1986, pp. 765-767
  • BENNIGSEN, Alexandre at al. (eds.), Le Khanate de Crimée dans les Archives du Musée du Palais de Topkapı, ed. et al., Mouton Éditeur, Paris 1978.
  • BRONIEWSKI Marcin, Tartariae Descriptio, Coloniae 1595.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Giovanni Giuliani da Lucca O.P. Forschungen zu seinem Leben und zu seinen Schriften”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 37, 1967, pp. 353–468.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Die ‘Beschreibung des Schwarzen Meeres und der Tatarei’ des Emidio Portelli d’Ascoli O.P.”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 42, 1972, pp. 199–249.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Missionen in Randzonen der Weltgeschichte: Krim,Kaukasien und Georgien” in: Sacra Congregationis De Propaganda Fide Memoria Rerum 1622–1972, ed. Josef Metzler, vol. 1, part 1: 1622–1700, Herder, Rome 1971, pp. 650–679.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Missionen im Halbrund der Länder zwischen Schwarzem Meer, Kaspisee und Persischem Golf: Krim, Kaukasien Georgien und Persien”, in: Sacra Congregationis De Propaganda Fide Memoria Rerum 1622–1972, ed. Josef Metzler, vol. 2: 1700–1815, Herder, Rome 1971, pp. 421–462.
  • GLIWA, Andrzej, Kraina upartych niepogód. Zniszczenia wojenne na obszarze ziemi przemyskiej w XVII wieku [The Land of Persistent Bad Weather. War Damage in Przemyśl Land in the 17th Century], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, Przemyśl 2013.
  • Khaivoronski, Oleksa, Poveliteli dvukh materikov [The Conquerors of the Two Continents], vol. 2: Krymskie khany pervoi poloviny XVII stoletia v bor’be za samostoiatel’nost’ i edinovlastie [The Struggle of the Crimean Khans from the First Half of the 17th Century for Independence and Sovereignty], Majsternia Knyhy,. KievBaghchasaray, 2009.
  • IVANICS, Maria, Posol’stva krymskikh Tatar pri Venskom dvore v 1598- 1682 gg. [Diplomatic Missions of the Crimean Tatars to the Habsburg Court in the Years 1598-1682] in: Turcica et Ottomanica. Sbornik statei v chest’ M.C. Meiera [Turcica et Ottomanica. The studies in honor of M. C. Meier], Vostochnaja literatura RAN, Moscow 2006, pp. 226-236.
  • KLEEMANN, Nicolas, Voyage de Vienne à Belgrade et à Kilianova, dans le pays des Tartares Budziacs & Nogais dans la Crimée, & de Kaffa à Constantinople, au travers de la mer Noire, avec le retour à Vienne, par Trieste : fait dans les années 1768, 1769 et 1770, Neuchâtel 1780.
  • KOŁODZIEJCZYK, Dariusz, The Crimean Khanate and PolandLithuania International Diplomacy on the European Periphery (15th–18th Century). A Study of Peace Treaties Followed by Annotated Documents. Brill, Leiden-Boston 2011.
  • KONOPACKI, Artur, Życie Religijne Tatarów na ziemiach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI-XIX wieku [Religiosity of the Tatars from the Great Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-19th centuries]. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw 2010.
  • KRÓLIKOWSKA, Natalia, Law and Division of Power in the Crimean Khanate. A Study on the Reign of Murad Giray (1678-1683), PhD defended at the University of Warsaw, 2010.
  • KRÓLIKOWSKA, Natalia, “Status społeczny, warunki życia i religijność niewolników z ziem Rzeczypospolitej na Krymie w XVII w.”[Social Standing, Living Conditions and Religiosity of Slaves from the territory of the Commonwealth in the Crimea in the 17th Century], Przegląd Historyczny, (104) 2014, no 4, 545-563
  • LAVROV, Aleksandr, Captivity, slavery and gender: Muscovite female captives in the Crimean Khanate and in the Ottoman empire in: Eurasian Slavery, Ransom and Abolition in World History, 1200- 1860, ed. C. Witzenrath, Ashgate, Surrey-Burlington 2015, pp. 309-319.
  • LOENERTZ, Raymond, ”Le origini della missione secentesca dei Domenicani in Crimea”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 5, 1935, pp. 261–288.
  • MATTHEE, Rudi, “Poverty and Perseverance: The Jesuit Mission of Isfahan and Shamakhi in Late Safavid Iran”, Al–Qantara 36, 2015, no. 2, p. 463–501.
  • MATUZ, Joseph, ”Qalga”, Turcica 2 (1970), pp. 101-129.
  • MICHALON LITWIN, De moribus Tartarorum, Litvanorum et Moschorum, fragmina decem, Basileae 1615.
  • MONIUSZKO, Adam, Changes in the Legal Culture of Lithuanian Tatars from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century in: Crossing Legal Culture, eds. L. B. Varela, P. G. Vega, A. Spinosa, Meidenbauer, München 2009, s. 187-201.
  • OCHMAŃSKI, Jerzy, Michalon Litwin i jego traktat “O zwyczajach Tatarów, Litwinów i Moskwicinów z połowy XVI wieku [Michalon Litwin and his treatise On customs of the Tatars, Lithuanians, and Muscovites] in: idem, Dawna Litwa [The Ancient Lithuania], Wydawnictwo Pojezierze, Olsztyn 1986, pp. 134-157.
  • POŁCZYŃSKI, Michael, Seljuks on the Baltic: Polish-Lithuanian Muslim Pilgrims in the Court of Ottoman Sultan Süleyman, “Journal of Early Modern History” 19 (2015), pp. 1-29.
  • DE TOTT, François, Memories of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars, London 1785.


Yıl 2015, Sayı: 16, 139 - 154, 01.03.2015


The present paper discusses the issue of foreigners appearingin front of the Crimean Khans’ courts in the seventeenth and eighteenthcenturies. In-depth analysis of three case studies shed light not only onthe attitude of the Crimean judicial administration and local inhabitantstowards strangers, but also reveal important information on the judicialsystem itself. Data on the three cases are preserved in three differenttypes of sources, i.e. in the Crimean court registers, in thecorrespondence of the Catholic missionaries ministering in the Crimeaand in a travel account written by a European merchant. Thus, thepresent study not only presents the fascinating stories of a PolishLithuanian Tatar enslaved in the Crimea at the beginning of the 17thcentury, of a Dominican missionary accused of immoral conduct in the1630s and of a German merchant robbed in Kara Su in the 1760s, butalso demonstrates how various types of sources can be used byresearchers on the Early Modern Crimea


  • ABRAHAMOWICZ, Zygmunt, “Lipka” The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. 5, Brill, Leiden-Boston 1986, pp. 765-767
  • BENNIGSEN, Alexandre at al. (eds.), Le Khanate de Crimée dans les Archives du Musée du Palais de Topkapı, ed. et al., Mouton Éditeur, Paris 1978.
  • BRONIEWSKI Marcin, Tartariae Descriptio, Coloniae 1595.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Giovanni Giuliani da Lucca O.P. Forschungen zu seinem Leben und zu seinen Schriften”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 37, 1967, pp. 353–468.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Die ‘Beschreibung des Schwarzen Meeres und der Tatarei’ des Emidio Portelli d’Ascoli O.P.”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 42, 1972, pp. 199–249.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Missionen in Randzonen der Weltgeschichte: Krim,Kaukasien und Georgien” in: Sacra Congregationis De Propaganda Fide Memoria Rerum 1622–1972, ed. Josef Metzler, vol. 1, part 1: 1622–1700, Herder, Rome 1971, pp. 650–679.
  • ESZER, Ambrosius, ”Missionen im Halbrund der Länder zwischen Schwarzem Meer, Kaspisee und Persischem Golf: Krim, Kaukasien Georgien und Persien”, in: Sacra Congregationis De Propaganda Fide Memoria Rerum 1622–1972, ed. Josef Metzler, vol. 2: 1700–1815, Herder, Rome 1971, pp. 421–462.
  • GLIWA, Andrzej, Kraina upartych niepogód. Zniszczenia wojenne na obszarze ziemi przemyskiej w XVII wieku [The Land of Persistent Bad Weather. War Damage in Przemyśl Land in the 17th Century], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, Przemyśl 2013.
  • Khaivoronski, Oleksa, Poveliteli dvukh materikov [The Conquerors of the Two Continents], vol. 2: Krymskie khany pervoi poloviny XVII stoletia v bor’be za samostoiatel’nost’ i edinovlastie [The Struggle of the Crimean Khans from the First Half of the 17th Century for Independence and Sovereignty], Majsternia Knyhy,. KievBaghchasaray, 2009.
  • IVANICS, Maria, Posol’stva krymskikh Tatar pri Venskom dvore v 1598- 1682 gg. [Diplomatic Missions of the Crimean Tatars to the Habsburg Court in the Years 1598-1682] in: Turcica et Ottomanica. Sbornik statei v chest’ M.C. Meiera [Turcica et Ottomanica. The studies in honor of M. C. Meier], Vostochnaja literatura RAN, Moscow 2006, pp. 226-236.
  • KLEEMANN, Nicolas, Voyage de Vienne à Belgrade et à Kilianova, dans le pays des Tartares Budziacs & Nogais dans la Crimée, & de Kaffa à Constantinople, au travers de la mer Noire, avec le retour à Vienne, par Trieste : fait dans les années 1768, 1769 et 1770, Neuchâtel 1780.
  • KOŁODZIEJCZYK, Dariusz, The Crimean Khanate and PolandLithuania International Diplomacy on the European Periphery (15th–18th Century). A Study of Peace Treaties Followed by Annotated Documents. Brill, Leiden-Boston 2011.
  • KONOPACKI, Artur, Życie Religijne Tatarów na ziemiach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI-XIX wieku [Religiosity of the Tatars from the Great Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-19th centuries]. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw 2010.
  • KRÓLIKOWSKA, Natalia, Law and Division of Power in the Crimean Khanate. A Study on the Reign of Murad Giray (1678-1683), PhD defended at the University of Warsaw, 2010.
  • KRÓLIKOWSKA, Natalia, “Status społeczny, warunki życia i religijność niewolników z ziem Rzeczypospolitej na Krymie w XVII w.”[Social Standing, Living Conditions and Religiosity of Slaves from the territory of the Commonwealth in the Crimea in the 17th Century], Przegląd Historyczny, (104) 2014, no 4, 545-563
  • LAVROV, Aleksandr, Captivity, slavery and gender: Muscovite female captives in the Crimean Khanate and in the Ottoman empire in: Eurasian Slavery, Ransom and Abolition in World History, 1200- 1860, ed. C. Witzenrath, Ashgate, Surrey-Burlington 2015, pp. 309-319.
  • LOENERTZ, Raymond, ”Le origini della missione secentesca dei Domenicani in Crimea”, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 5, 1935, pp. 261–288.
  • MATTHEE, Rudi, “Poverty and Perseverance: The Jesuit Mission of Isfahan and Shamakhi in Late Safavid Iran”, Al–Qantara 36, 2015, no. 2, p. 463–501.
  • MATUZ, Joseph, ”Qalga”, Turcica 2 (1970), pp. 101-129.
  • MICHALON LITWIN, De moribus Tartarorum, Litvanorum et Moschorum, fragmina decem, Basileae 1615.
  • MONIUSZKO, Adam, Changes in the Legal Culture of Lithuanian Tatars from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century in: Crossing Legal Culture, eds. L. B. Varela, P. G. Vega, A. Spinosa, Meidenbauer, München 2009, s. 187-201.
  • OCHMAŃSKI, Jerzy, Michalon Litwin i jego traktat “O zwyczajach Tatarów, Litwinów i Moskwicinów z połowy XVI wieku [Michalon Litwin and his treatise On customs of the Tatars, Lithuanians, and Muscovites] in: idem, Dawna Litwa [The Ancient Lithuania], Wydawnictwo Pojezierze, Olsztyn 1986, pp. 134-157.
  • POŁCZYŃSKI, Michael, Seljuks on the Baltic: Polish-Lithuanian Muslim Pilgrims in the Court of Ottoman Sultan Süleyman, “Journal of Early Modern History” 19 (2015), pp. 1-29.
  • DE TOTT, François, Memories of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars, London 1785.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA68ZY83YR
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Natalia Królikowska-jedlıńska Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Królikowska-jedlıńska, Natalia. “ONYEDİNCİ VE ONSEKİZİNCİ YÜZYILLARDA KIRIM HANLARININ MAHKEMELERİNDE YABANCILAR”. Uluslararası Suçlar Ve Tarih, sy. 16 (Mart 2015): 139-54.