Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 1 - 22, 30.07.2017


The hole drilling process is critical for the assembly of parts manufactured from compact laminate composite.
Unsuitable selected drilling parameters affect the dimensional accuracy of the holes. In this experimental study,
through holes were drilled with three different cutting speed (VC:178, 250 and 350 m/min), three different feed
rate (f:0.07, 0.111 and 0.156 mm/rev) and two different drilling type (Dt: Linear drilling and peck drilling) in dry
drilling process of a compact laminate composite plate using high speed steel drill bits with a diameter of 12
mm. The Taguchi L18 orthogonal array was used to perform drilling of compact laminate composite plates.
Multiple performance optimization of the process parameters was performed using Gray Relational Analysis and
predictive equations were developed via regression analysis. Two process performance parameters namely
dimensional accuracy of hole diameter drilled with new drill bit (Da1) and dimensional accuracy of hole
diameter drilled worn drill bit (Da2) were optimized. The results of this research revealed that the cutting speed
and the feed rate have the most significant effect on the dimensional accuracy of the hole. Optimal levels of drilling parameters are defined as; Vc:178 m/min, f:0.156 mm/rev and Dt:Peck drilling, in the drilling of compact
laminate composites.


  • Ali, H.M., Iqbal, A., Liang L. (2013). A Comparative Study on the Use of Drilling and Milling Processes in Hole Making of GFRP Composite. Sadhana, 38, 4, 743–760.
  • Ameur, M. F., Habak, M., Kenane, M., Aouici, H., Cheikh M. (2017). Machinability Analysis of Dry Drilling of Carbon/Epoxy Composites: Cases of Exit Delamination and Cylindricity Error. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88, 9, 2557-2571.
  • AsdLaminat. "Compact Laminat Teknik Değerler". (01.012.2015).
  • Babu, J., Sunny, T. (2013). Optimization of Process Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites Drilled by An End Mill. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, 1, 1, 16-23.
  • Bağci, E., Ozcelik, B. (2006). Investigation of the Effect of Drilling Conditions on The Twist Drill Temperature during Step-By-Step and Continuous Dry Drilling. Materials and Design, 27, 6, 446–454.
  • Bajpai, P.K., Debnath, K., Singh, I. (2017). Hole Making in Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polylactic Acid Laminates: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 30, 1, 30–46.
  • Durão, L.M.P., Gonçalves, D.J.S., Tavares, J.M.R.S., Albuquerq, V.H.C. (2010). Drilling Tool Geometry Evaluation for Reinforced Composite Laminates. Composite Structures, 92, 1545-1550.
  • Feito, N., Diaz-Álvarez, J., López-Puente, J., Miguelez, M.H. (2016). Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tool Wear and Special Cutting Geometry when Drilling Woven CFRPs. Composite Structures, 138, 285–294.
  • Kentli, A. (2011). Experimental Study on Peck Drilling of GFRP and Prediction of DrillingInduced Damage using ANN. Scientific Research and Essays, 6, 7, 1546-1554.
  • Khashaba, U.A., El-Sonbaty, I.A., Selmy, A.I., Megahed, A.A. (2010). Machinability Analysis in Drilling Woven GFR/Epoxy Composites:Part I–Effect of Machining Parameters. Composites: Part A, 41, 391–400.
  • Kim, D., Beal, A., Kwon, P. (2015). Effect of Tool Wear on Hole Quality in Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic–Titanium Alloy Stacks Using Tungsten Carbide and Polycrystalline Diamond Tools. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138, 3, doi: 10.1115/1.4031052.
  • Krar. F.S., Rapisarda. M., Check. F.A. (1998). Machine Tool and Manufacturing Technology. U.S.A. Delmar Publishers.
  • Krishnaraj, V., Prabukarthi, A., Ramanathan, A., Elanghovan, N., Senthil Kumar, M., Zitoune, R., Davim, J.P. (2012). Optimization of Machining Parameters at High Speed Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) Laminates. Composites: Part B, 43, 1791–1799.
  • Krishnaraj, V., Zitoune, R., Collombet, F. (2012). Study of Drilling of Multi-Material (CFRP/Al) Using Taguchi and Statistical Techniques. Usak University Journal of Material Sciences, 2, 95-109.
  • Kuram, E., Ozcelik, B. (2013). Multi-Objective Optimization Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis for Micro-Milling of Al 7075 Material with Ball Nose End Mill. Measurement, 46, 1849–1864.
  • Madhavan, S., Narayanan, T. L., Anant, K. A. (2011). Influence of Thrust, Torque Responsible for Delamination in Drilling of Glass Fabric–Epoxy/Rigid Polyurethane Foam Sandwich Hybrid Composite. AMAE International Journal on Manufacturing and Material Science, 1, 1, 16-20.
  • Marilena, C.S., Dorel, A., Cristina, M., Daniel, S. (2011). Defects in Composite Material Caused by Drilling in Manufacturing Process. Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 11, 1-2, 27-29.
  • Mervin, A.H., Divakara, S., Raviraj, S., Shivamur, B. (2013). Effect of Process Parameters on Delamination, Thrust Force and Torque in Drilling of Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2, 8, 47-51.
  • Montgomery. D.C. (2013). Design and Analysis of Experiment. New York. Wiley. Puhan, D., Mahapatra, S.S., Sahu, J., Das, L. (2013). A Hybrid Approach for Multi-Response Optimization of Non-Conventional Machining on AlSiCp MMC. Measurement, 46, 9, 3581-3592.
  • Ramesh, B., Elayaperumal, A., Balaji, D.A., Rakesh N. (2013). Optimization of Ovality on Drilling Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites with Coated Tungsten Carbide Tool. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2, 7, 2801-2809.
  • Ramesh, S., Viswanathan, R., Ambika, S. (2016). Measurement and Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear via Grey Relational Analysis, TOPSIS and RSA Techniques. Measurement, 78, 63–72.
  • Roy. R.K. (1990). A Primer on the Taguchi Method. Competitive Manufacturing Series. New York. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Shahrajabian, H., Hadi, M., Farahnakian M. (2012). Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters on Machinability of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 3, 3, 30-36.
  • Taşkesen, A., Kütükde, K. (2013). Experimental Investigation and Multi-Objective Analysis on Drilling of Boron Carbide Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Using Grey Relational Analysis. Measurement, 47, 321–330.
  • Tonshoff, H.L., Spintig, W., Konig, W., Neises, A. (1994). Machining of Holes Developments in Drilling Technology. Annals of the CIRP, 43, 551-560.
  • Valarmathi, T.N., Palanikumar, K., Sekar, S. (2013). Parametric Analysis on Delamination in Drilling of Wood Composite Panels. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 6, 4, 4347-4356.
  • Wang, C-Y., Chen, Y-H., Long, Q., Cai, X-J., Ming, W-W., Chen, M. (2015). Drilling Temperature and Hole Quality in Drilling of CFRP/Aluminum Stacks Using Diamond Coated Drill. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16, 8, 1689–1697.
  • Xu, J., An, Q., Cai, X., Chen, M. (2013). Drilling Machinability Evaluation on New Developed High-strength T800S/250F CFRP Laminates. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14, 10, 1687-1696.
  • Yılmaz, E., Güngör, F. (2010). Gri İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemine Göre Farklı Sertliklerde Optimum Takım Tutucunun Belirlenmesi. II. Ulusal Tasarım İmalat ve Analiz Kongresi, 1- 9, Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 1 - 22, 30.07.2017


Delik delme prosesi kompakt laminat kompozitten üretilmiş parçaların montajı için kritik öneme sahiptir. Uygun
seçilmeyen delme parametreleri deliklerin boyutsal tamlığını etkilemektedir. Bu deneysel çalışmada, bir
kompakt laminat kompozit plaka üzerine, üç farklı kesme hızında (Vc:178, 250 ve 350 m/dak), üç farklı ilerleme
miktarında (f:0.07, 0.111 ve 0.156 mm/dev) ve iki farklı delme tipinde (Dt:Doğrusal delme ve gagalama ile
delme), 12 mm çapında yüksek hız çeliği matkap uçları kullanılarak, kuru delme işlemi ile boydan boya delikler
delinmiştir. Taguchi L18 ortogonal dizi kompakt laminat kompozit plakların delinmesini gerçekleştirmek için
kullanılmıştır. Proses parametrelerinin çoklu performans optimizasyonu gri ilişkisel analizi kullanılarak
gerçekleştirilmiş ve regresyon analizi ile tahminsel denklemler geliştirilmiştir. İki proses performans
parametresi; yeni matkap ucu ile delinmiş delik çaplarının boyutsal tamlığı (Da1) ve aşınmış matkap ucu ile
delinmiş delik çaplarının boyutsal tamlığı (Da2) optimize edilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın sonucu kesme hızı ve
ilerleme miktarının deliğin boyutsal doğruluğu üzerinde en önemli etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.
Kompakt laminat kompozitin delinmesinde delme parametrelerinin optimal seviyeleri; Vc:178 m/dak, f:0.156
mm/dev ve Dt:Gagalama ile delme olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Ali, H.M., Iqbal, A., Liang L. (2013). A Comparative Study on the Use of Drilling and Milling Processes in Hole Making of GFRP Composite. Sadhana, 38, 4, 743–760.
  • Ameur, M. F., Habak, M., Kenane, M., Aouici, H., Cheikh M. (2017). Machinability Analysis of Dry Drilling of Carbon/Epoxy Composites: Cases of Exit Delamination and Cylindricity Error. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88, 9, 2557-2571.
  • AsdLaminat. "Compact Laminat Teknik Değerler". (01.012.2015).
  • Babu, J., Sunny, T. (2013). Optimization of Process Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites Drilled by An End Mill. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, 1, 1, 16-23.
  • Bağci, E., Ozcelik, B. (2006). Investigation of the Effect of Drilling Conditions on The Twist Drill Temperature during Step-By-Step and Continuous Dry Drilling. Materials and Design, 27, 6, 446–454.
  • Bajpai, P.K., Debnath, K., Singh, I. (2017). Hole Making in Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polylactic Acid Laminates: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 30, 1, 30–46.
  • Durão, L.M.P., Gonçalves, D.J.S., Tavares, J.M.R.S., Albuquerq, V.H.C. (2010). Drilling Tool Geometry Evaluation for Reinforced Composite Laminates. Composite Structures, 92, 1545-1550.
  • Feito, N., Diaz-Álvarez, J., López-Puente, J., Miguelez, M.H. (2016). Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tool Wear and Special Cutting Geometry when Drilling Woven CFRPs. Composite Structures, 138, 285–294.
  • Kentli, A. (2011). Experimental Study on Peck Drilling of GFRP and Prediction of DrillingInduced Damage using ANN. Scientific Research and Essays, 6, 7, 1546-1554.
  • Khashaba, U.A., El-Sonbaty, I.A., Selmy, A.I., Megahed, A.A. (2010). Machinability Analysis in Drilling Woven GFR/Epoxy Composites:Part I–Effect of Machining Parameters. Composites: Part A, 41, 391–400.
  • Kim, D., Beal, A., Kwon, P. (2015). Effect of Tool Wear on Hole Quality in Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic–Titanium Alloy Stacks Using Tungsten Carbide and Polycrystalline Diamond Tools. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138, 3, doi: 10.1115/1.4031052.
  • Krar. F.S., Rapisarda. M., Check. F.A. (1998). Machine Tool and Manufacturing Technology. U.S.A. Delmar Publishers.
  • Krishnaraj, V., Prabukarthi, A., Ramanathan, A., Elanghovan, N., Senthil Kumar, M., Zitoune, R., Davim, J.P. (2012). Optimization of Machining Parameters at High Speed Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) Laminates. Composites: Part B, 43, 1791–1799.
  • Krishnaraj, V., Zitoune, R., Collombet, F. (2012). Study of Drilling of Multi-Material (CFRP/Al) Using Taguchi and Statistical Techniques. Usak University Journal of Material Sciences, 2, 95-109.
  • Kuram, E., Ozcelik, B. (2013). Multi-Objective Optimization Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis for Micro-Milling of Al 7075 Material with Ball Nose End Mill. Measurement, 46, 1849–1864.
  • Madhavan, S., Narayanan, T. L., Anant, K. A. (2011). Influence of Thrust, Torque Responsible for Delamination in Drilling of Glass Fabric–Epoxy/Rigid Polyurethane Foam Sandwich Hybrid Composite. AMAE International Journal on Manufacturing and Material Science, 1, 1, 16-20.
  • Marilena, C.S., Dorel, A., Cristina, M., Daniel, S. (2011). Defects in Composite Material Caused by Drilling in Manufacturing Process. Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 11, 1-2, 27-29.
  • Mervin, A.H., Divakara, S., Raviraj, S., Shivamur, B. (2013). Effect of Process Parameters on Delamination, Thrust Force and Torque in Drilling of Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2, 8, 47-51.
  • Montgomery. D.C. (2013). Design and Analysis of Experiment. New York. Wiley. Puhan, D., Mahapatra, S.S., Sahu, J., Das, L. (2013). A Hybrid Approach for Multi-Response Optimization of Non-Conventional Machining on AlSiCp MMC. Measurement, 46, 9, 3581-3592.
  • Ramesh, B., Elayaperumal, A., Balaji, D.A., Rakesh N. (2013). Optimization of Ovality on Drilling Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites with Coated Tungsten Carbide Tool. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2, 7, 2801-2809.
  • Ramesh, S., Viswanathan, R., Ambika, S. (2016). Measurement and Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear via Grey Relational Analysis, TOPSIS and RSA Techniques. Measurement, 78, 63–72.
  • Roy. R.K. (1990). A Primer on the Taguchi Method. Competitive Manufacturing Series. New York. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Shahrajabian, H., Hadi, M., Farahnakian M. (2012). Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters on Machinability of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 3, 3, 30-36.
  • Taşkesen, A., Kütükde, K. (2013). Experimental Investigation and Multi-Objective Analysis on Drilling of Boron Carbide Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Using Grey Relational Analysis. Measurement, 47, 321–330.
  • Tonshoff, H.L., Spintig, W., Konig, W., Neises, A. (1994). Machining of Holes Developments in Drilling Technology. Annals of the CIRP, 43, 551-560.
  • Valarmathi, T.N., Palanikumar, K., Sekar, S. (2013). Parametric Analysis on Delamination in Drilling of Wood Composite Panels. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 6, 4, 4347-4356.
  • Wang, C-Y., Chen, Y-H., Long, Q., Cai, X-J., Ming, W-W., Chen, M. (2015). Drilling Temperature and Hole Quality in Drilling of CFRP/Aluminum Stacks Using Diamond Coated Drill. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16, 8, 1689–1697.
  • Xu, J., An, Q., Cai, X., Chen, M. (2013). Drilling Machinability Evaluation on New Developed High-strength T800S/250F CFRP Laminates. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14, 10, 1687-1696.
  • Yılmaz, E., Güngör, F. (2010). Gri İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemine Göre Farklı Sertliklerde Optimum Takım Tutucunun Belirlenmesi. II. Ulusal Tasarım İmalat ve Analiz Kongresi, 1- 9, Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

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