Bu makalede hesaplamalı dil bilimleri kısaca anlatılmıştır ve Uygurca ile
ilgili yapılan güncel hesaplamalı dil bilim araştırmaları özetlenmiştir.
Teknolojinin ilerlemesi ile farklı dillere yönelik bilgisayar destekli
çalışmalarda büyük başarılar elde edilmiştir. Örneğin, metinlerde içerik
yönetme, bilgi edinme, konuşma sistemleri, dosya kümeleme, metin
madenciliği, yazı kontrolü, yazıyı sese çevirme, sesi yazıya çevirme ve farklı
diller arasında otomatik (bilgisayarlı çeviri) gibi uygulamalar
geliştirilmiştir ve gerçek hayata kullanılmaktadır. Gerçi Fince, Japonca,
Macarca ve Türkçe gibi Ural-Altay dilleri grubuna ait bazı diller ile ilgili
birçok çalışmalar yapılsa bile, ancak yine bazı diller, örneğin Uygurca, ile
ilgili yapılan çalışmalar çok az bilinmektedir. Hesaplamalı dil bilimi ile ilgili
araştırmaları geliştirmek ve farklı diller arasındaki ilişkileri analiz
edebilmek için, bu makalede, Uygurca ile ilgili yapılan bilgisayar destekli
araştırmalar, özellik ile bilgisayarlı çeviri ile ilgili yapılan en son temel
niteliğindeki çalışmalar toparlanmıştır. Aynı anda dil bilimcileri ile
hesaplamalı dil bilimleri arasındaki bağıntı analiz edilmiştir
ABAIDULLA Yusup et al.(2009), “Progress on Construction Technology of Uyghur
Knowledge Base”, International Symposium on Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing
and Education.
ABDULLA Ayshemgul (2016), “Chaghatay Language is The Bridge Between Old Turkic and
Modern Uyghur Language”, International journal of Uyghur Studies, No: 7: Pages: 1-
ABEILLE Anne (2003), “Treebanks: Building and Using Parsed Corpora”, Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
AIBAIDULA Yusup; Lua Kim-Teng (2003), “The development of Tagged Uyghur Corpus”,
Proceedings of PACLIC17, Sentosa, Singapore, Pages: 228-234.
AISHA Batuer; Maosong Sun (2009a), “A Uyghur Morphem Analysis Method Based on
CONDITIONAL Random Fields”, International Journal on Asian Language
Processing, 19(2), Pages: 69-84.
AISHA Batuer; Maosong Sun (2009b), “A Statical Method for Uyghur Tokenization”, In
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and
Knowledge Engineering, Pages: 1-5.
ALTINTAŞ Kemal; Çiçekli, I lyas (2001), “A Morphological Analyzer for Crimean Tatar”, in
Proceedings of the 10th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural
Networks, TAINN North Cyprus, Pages: 180-189.
ALTINTAŞ Kemal (2000), Turkish to Crimean Tatar Machine Translation System, Computer
Engineering Department. Msc. Thesis. Bilkent University, Ankara.
ATALAY B. Nart et al.(2003), “The Annotation Process in Turkish Treebank”, Proceedings of
the EACL Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora.
AYUP Tursun (2014), “The Development of Turkic Studies in China in the Last 20 Years”,
International journal of Uyghur Studies, No: 4. Pages: 1-10.
Belikiz (2007a), “The 3253 different word forms of Uygur Verb /qil/ “, Corpus Linguistics
and Corpus Based Research Dept. of Linguistics, College of Anthropology Xin Jiang
Normal University, http://www.xjcorpus.net
Belikiz et al. (2007b), “The 2107 different words forms of Uyghur verb /bol/ “, Corpus
Linguistics and Corpus Based Research Dept. of Linguistics, College of
Anthropology Xinjiang Normal University, http://www.xjcorpus.net.
DONG Xinghua et al. (2010), “Chinese-Uyghur Statistical Machine Translation: The Initial
Explorations”, The 4th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS).
Beijing, China.
DUVAL J.Rahman; JANBAZ, W. Abdulkerim (2006). “An Introduction to Latin Script Uyghur”,
Middle East & Central Asia Politics, Economics, and Society Conference. Sept 7-9,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
EZIZ Gu lnar (2007), “Resistance to Borrowing of Uyghur Verbs”, Annual Conference,
University of Washington, October18-21.
George A. Miller (1995), “WordNet: a lexical database for English”, Communication of the
ACM. Volume 38, Issue 11. Pages: 39-41
HAJIC Jan (1987), “RUSLAN - An MT System Between Closely Related Languages”, in Third
Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (EACL'87) Copenhagen, Denmark. Pages: 113-117
HAJIC Jan et al. (2000), “Machine translation of very close languages”, in Proceedings of the
Sixth conference on Applied natural language processing, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers Inc. Pages: 7-12.
HAMZAOG LU I lker (1993), Machine translation from Turkish to other Turkic languages
and an implementation for the Azeri languages, in Institute for Graduate Studies in
Science and Engineering. MSc Thesis, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
HANNEMAN Greg et al. (2008), “A Statistical Transfer Systems for French–English and
German–English Machine Translation”, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation, Columbus, Ohio, Pages: 163- 166.
HUTCHINS W. John (1995), “Machine Translation: A Brief History, Concise history of the
language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists”, Edited by E. F. K.
Koerner and R. E. Asher, Oxford: Pergamon Press, Pages: 431- 445.
KAŞGARLI S. Mahmut (1992), Modern Uygur Tu rkçesi Grameri, I stanbul Orkun Yayınevi.
KOSKENNIEMI Kimmo (1983), “Two-level morphology: A general computational model for
word form recognition and production”, Publication No: 11, Department of General
Linguistics, University of Helsinki.
MAHSUT Muhtar et al. (2004), “An Experiment on Japanese-Uighur Machine Translation
and Its Evaluation”, Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
Americas AMTA 2004: Machine Translation: From Real Users to Research, Pages:
NAGAO Makoto (1984), “A Framework of a Mechanical Translation Between Japanese and
English by Analogy Principle”, Proc. Of the International NATO symposium on
Artificial and Human Intelligence, Lyon, France, Pages: 173-180
NIMAITI Maimitili; Yamamoto, Izumi (2012). “A Rule Based Approach for Japanese- Uighur
Machine Translation System”, Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing
(ICCI*CC), IEEE 11th International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
OFLAZER Kemal (1995), “Two-level Description of Turkish Morphology”, Literary and
Linguistic Computing, Vol. 9, Pages: 137-148.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2009a), “Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”, International
Journal of Asian Language Processing, 19(1), Pages: 33-43.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2009c), “Computational comparison of the Uyghur and Turkish
Grammar”, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and
Information Technology, Beijing, China.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2010), “Morphological Disambiguation Rules for Uyghur Language”,
IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science
(ICSESS 2010), July 16-18, Bei Jing, China.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2011), “Uygurcadan Tu rkçeye bigisayarlı çeviri”, I stanbul Teknik
U niversitesi, Mu hendislik Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 3, Pages 3-14.
ORHUN Murat et al.(2009b), “Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs”, Fourth
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems,
Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt,
Pages: 811-816.
OSMANOF Mirsultan (1997), Hazirqi Zaman Uyghur Edebiy Tilining I mla ve Teleppuz
Lughiti. Shin Jiang Xeliq Neshiryatı.
O ZTU RK Ridvan (1993), Yeni Uygur Tu rkçesi Grameri, Tu rk Dil Kurumu yayınları: 593.
TANTUG A. Cu neyd (2007a), Akraba ve Bitişken Diller Arasında Bilgisayarlı Çeviri I çin
Karma Bir Model. Bilgisayar Mu hendislig i Bo lu mu . Doktora Tezi, I stanbul Teknik
Universitesi, Istanbul.
TANTUG A. Cu neyd et al. (2006), “Computer Analysis of The Turkmen Language
Morphology”, FinTAL Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4139, Springer, Pages:
TANTUG A. Cu neyd et al. (2007b), “Machine Translation between Turkic Languages”,
Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Demo and Poster Sessions, Pages: 189–192.
TO MU R Hamit (1997), Modern Uygur Grammar (Morphology), Yıldız Teknik U niversitesi,
Fen-Edebiyat TDE Bolumu. Istanbul.
YANG Pan et al. (2009), “Chinese-Uyghur Machine Translation System For Phrase-Based
Statistical Translation”, Journal of Computer Applications 29(7).
ABAIDULLA Yusup et al.(2009), “Progress on Construction Technology of Uyghur
Knowledge Base”, International Symposium on Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing
and Education.
ABDULLA Ayshemgul (2016), “Chaghatay Language is The Bridge Between Old Turkic and
Modern Uyghur Language”, International journal of Uyghur Studies, No: 7: Pages: 1-
ABEILLE Anne (2003), “Treebanks: Building and Using Parsed Corpora”, Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
AIBAIDULA Yusup; Lua Kim-Teng (2003), “The development of Tagged Uyghur Corpus”,
Proceedings of PACLIC17, Sentosa, Singapore, Pages: 228-234.
AISHA Batuer; Maosong Sun (2009a), “A Uyghur Morphem Analysis Method Based on
CONDITIONAL Random Fields”, International Journal on Asian Language
Processing, 19(2), Pages: 69-84.
AISHA Batuer; Maosong Sun (2009b), “A Statical Method for Uyghur Tokenization”, In
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and
Knowledge Engineering, Pages: 1-5.
ALTINTAŞ Kemal; Çiçekli, I lyas (2001), “A Morphological Analyzer for Crimean Tatar”, in
Proceedings of the 10th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural
Networks, TAINN North Cyprus, Pages: 180-189.
ALTINTAŞ Kemal (2000), Turkish to Crimean Tatar Machine Translation System, Computer
Engineering Department. Msc. Thesis. Bilkent University, Ankara.
ATALAY B. Nart et al.(2003), “The Annotation Process in Turkish Treebank”, Proceedings of
the EACL Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora.
AYUP Tursun (2014), “The Development of Turkic Studies in China in the Last 20 Years”,
International journal of Uyghur Studies, No: 4. Pages: 1-10.
Belikiz (2007a), “The 3253 different word forms of Uygur Verb /qil/ “, Corpus Linguistics
and Corpus Based Research Dept. of Linguistics, College of Anthropology Xin Jiang
Normal University, http://www.xjcorpus.net
Belikiz et al. (2007b), “The 2107 different words forms of Uyghur verb /bol/ “, Corpus
Linguistics and Corpus Based Research Dept. of Linguistics, College of
Anthropology Xinjiang Normal University, http://www.xjcorpus.net.
DONG Xinghua et al. (2010), “Chinese-Uyghur Statistical Machine Translation: The Initial
Explorations”, The 4th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS).
Beijing, China.
DUVAL J.Rahman; JANBAZ, W. Abdulkerim (2006). “An Introduction to Latin Script Uyghur”,
Middle East & Central Asia Politics, Economics, and Society Conference. Sept 7-9,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
EZIZ Gu lnar (2007), “Resistance to Borrowing of Uyghur Verbs”, Annual Conference,
University of Washington, October18-21.
George A. Miller (1995), “WordNet: a lexical database for English”, Communication of the
ACM. Volume 38, Issue 11. Pages: 39-41
HAJIC Jan (1987), “RUSLAN - An MT System Between Closely Related Languages”, in Third
Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (EACL'87) Copenhagen, Denmark. Pages: 113-117
HAJIC Jan et al. (2000), “Machine translation of very close languages”, in Proceedings of the
Sixth conference on Applied natural language processing, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers Inc. Pages: 7-12.
HAMZAOG LU I lker (1993), Machine translation from Turkish to other Turkic languages
and an implementation for the Azeri languages, in Institute for Graduate Studies in
Science and Engineering. MSc Thesis, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
HANNEMAN Greg et al. (2008), “A Statistical Transfer Systems for French–English and
German–English Machine Translation”, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation, Columbus, Ohio, Pages: 163- 166.
HUTCHINS W. John (1995), “Machine Translation: A Brief History, Concise history of the
language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists”, Edited by E. F. K.
Koerner and R. E. Asher, Oxford: Pergamon Press, Pages: 431- 445.
KAŞGARLI S. Mahmut (1992), Modern Uygur Tu rkçesi Grameri, I stanbul Orkun Yayınevi.
KOSKENNIEMI Kimmo (1983), “Two-level morphology: A general computational model for
word form recognition and production”, Publication No: 11, Department of General
Linguistics, University of Helsinki.
MAHSUT Muhtar et al. (2004), “An Experiment on Japanese-Uighur Machine Translation
and Its Evaluation”, Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
Americas AMTA 2004: Machine Translation: From Real Users to Research, Pages:
NAGAO Makoto (1984), “A Framework of a Mechanical Translation Between Japanese and
English by Analogy Principle”, Proc. Of the International NATO symposium on
Artificial and Human Intelligence, Lyon, France, Pages: 173-180
NIMAITI Maimitili; Yamamoto, Izumi (2012). “A Rule Based Approach for Japanese- Uighur
Machine Translation System”, Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing
(ICCI*CC), IEEE 11th International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
OFLAZER Kemal (1995), “Two-level Description of Turkish Morphology”, Literary and
Linguistic Computing, Vol. 9, Pages: 137-148.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2009a), “Rule Based Analysis of the Uyghur Nouns”, International
Journal of Asian Language Processing, 19(1), Pages: 33-43.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2009c), “Computational comparison of the Uyghur and Turkish
Grammar”, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and
Information Technology, Beijing, China.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2010), “Morphological Disambiguation Rules for Uyghur Language”,
IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science
(ICSESS 2010), July 16-18, Bei Jing, China.
ORHUN Murat et al. (2011), “Uygurcadan Tu rkçeye bigisayarlı çeviri”, I stanbul Teknik
U niversitesi, Mu hendislik Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 3, Pages 3-14.
ORHUN Murat et al.(2009b), “Rule Based Tagging of the Uyghur Verbs”, Fourth
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems,
Faculty of Computer &Information Science, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt,
Pages: 811-816.
OSMANOF Mirsultan (1997), Hazirqi Zaman Uyghur Edebiy Tilining I mla ve Teleppuz
Lughiti. Shin Jiang Xeliq Neshiryatı.
O ZTU RK Ridvan (1993), Yeni Uygur Tu rkçesi Grameri, Tu rk Dil Kurumu yayınları: 593.
TANTUG A. Cu neyd (2007a), Akraba ve Bitişken Diller Arasında Bilgisayarlı Çeviri I çin
Karma Bir Model. Bilgisayar Mu hendislig i Bo lu mu . Doktora Tezi, I stanbul Teknik
Universitesi, Istanbul.
TANTUG A. Cu neyd et al. (2006), “Computer Analysis of The Turkmen Language
Morphology”, FinTAL Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4139, Springer, Pages:
TANTUG A. Cu neyd et al. (2007b), “Machine Translation between Turkic Languages”,
Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Demo and Poster Sessions, Pages: 189–192.
TO MU R Hamit (1997), Modern Uygur Grammar (Morphology), Yıldız Teknik U niversitesi,
Fen-Edebiyat TDE Bolumu. Istanbul.
YANG Pan et al. (2009), “Chinese-Uyghur Machine Translation System For Phrase-Based
Statistical Translation”, Journal of Computer Applications 29(7).