Firmaların ivedi bir şekilde hizmet verebilmeleri için ellerinde bulundurmaları gereken ve optimal düzeyde tutulduğunda firmaların performansına olumlu katkı sağlayan faktörlerden biri stoklardır.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı firma performansı üzerinde stok yönetiminin etkisini incelemektir. Borsa İstanbul’a kayıtlı 249 firma verisinden yararlanılan çalışma 2016 yılını kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada firma performans göstergesi olarak kârlılık (ROA) kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda firma performansı ile stoklar arasında pozitif ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmüştür.
Ahmed, A. D. (2016). Effect oflnventory Management on Financial Performance: Evidence From Nigerian Conglomerate Companies.Effect of lnventory Management on Financial Performance: Evidence From Nigerian Conglomerate Companies. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,, 3192-3196.
Alrjoub, A. &. (2017). Inventory Management, Cost of Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence From Manufacturing Firms in Jordan. nvestment Management and Financial Innovations, 4-14.
Beck, T. D.-K. (2005). Financial and Legal Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? The Journal of Finance 60(1), 137-177.
Cardoso, G. Q. (2017). Inventory Management and Performance of Brazilian Firms (2010-2016). XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Custos, 37-45.
Chalotra, V. (2013). Inventory Management and Small Firms Growth: An Analytical Study in Supply Chain. Vision 17 Publications, 213-222.
Elsayed, K. &. (2016). Reexamining The Relationship Between Inventory Management and Firm Performance: An Organizational Life Cycle Perspective. Future Business Journal 2, 65-80.
Eroglu, C. &. (2011). Inventory Types and Firm Performance: Vector Autoregressive and Vector Error Correction Models. Journal of Business Logistics, 227-239.
Evgeny, I. (2015). The Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm Performance: Evidence From Russia. Journal of Corporate Finance Research 9(2), 24-36.
Gıtau, N. N. (2016). The Effect Of Inventory Management Practıces on Operatıonal Performance of Warehousıng Fırms in Mombasa County.
Isaksson, O. &. (2014). Inventory Leanness And The Financial Performance of Firms. Production Planning & Control, 999-1014.
John, N. E. (2015). Inventory Management Practices and Operational Performance of Flour Milling Firms in Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 392-406.
Kartikasari, D. &. (2016). The Effect of Leverage and Firm Size to Profitability of Public Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 409-413.
Kimaiyo, K. K. (2014). Role of Inventory Management on Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya – A case of New Kenya Cooperative Creameries. European Journal of Business Management, 336-341.
Koumanakos, D. (2008). The Effect of Inventory Management on Firm Performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 355-369.
Li, M. Y. (2011). Effects of Firm Size, Financial Leverage and R&D Expenditures on Firm Earnings: An Analysis Using Quantile Regression Approach. A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, 47(2), 182-204.
Lwiki, T. O. (2013). The Impact of Inventory Management Practices on Financial Performance of Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 75-85.
Marete, D. (2015, October). The Relationship Between Firm Size and Financial Leverage of Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange. The Degree of Master of Business Administration, School of Business, Universıty of Nairobi. Kenya.
Mulindabigwi, J. N. (2017). Effect of Inventory Management on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Rwanda, A Case Study of Bralirwa. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 1366-1371.
Musau, E. &. (2017). The Effect of Inventory Management on Organizational Performance Among Textile Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1032-1046.
Obermaier, R. &. (2012). Zero Inventory and Firm Performance: A Management Paradigm Revisited. International Journal of Production Research, 4543–4555.
Sahari, S. T. (2012). Inventory Management in Malaysian Construction Firms: Impact on Performance. SIU Journal of Management, 59-72.
Shardeo, V. (2015). Impact of Inventory Management on the Financial Performance of The Firm. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 1-12.
Shin, S. E. (2015). Effect Of Inventory Management Effıcıency on Profıtabılıty: Current Evıdence From The U.S. Manufacturıng Industry. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 98-106.
Song, H. &.-F. (2009). Impact of Inventory Management Flexibility on Service Flexibility and Performance: Evidence From Mainland Chinese Firms. Transportation Journal, 7-19.
Victoria, O. I. (2014). The Impact of Effective Inventory Control Management on Organisational Performance: A Study of 7up Bottling Company Nile Mile Enugu, Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 109-118.
Wathe, M. W. (2015). Influence of Inventory Management on Performance of Manufacturıng Fırms in Kenya. International Journal of Logistics and Management, 23-44.
Ahmed, A. D. (2016). Effect oflnventory Management on Financial Performance: Evidence From Nigerian Conglomerate Companies.Effect of lnventory Management on Financial Performance: Evidence From Nigerian Conglomerate Companies. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,, 3192-3196.
Alrjoub, A. &. (2017). Inventory Management, Cost of Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence From Manufacturing Firms in Jordan. nvestment Management and Financial Innovations, 4-14.
Beck, T. D.-K. (2005). Financial and Legal Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? The Journal of Finance 60(1), 137-177.
Cardoso, G. Q. (2017). Inventory Management and Performance of Brazilian Firms (2010-2016). XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Custos, 37-45.
Chalotra, V. (2013). Inventory Management and Small Firms Growth: An Analytical Study in Supply Chain. Vision 17 Publications, 213-222.
Elsayed, K. &. (2016). Reexamining The Relationship Between Inventory Management and Firm Performance: An Organizational Life Cycle Perspective. Future Business Journal 2, 65-80.
Eroglu, C. &. (2011). Inventory Types and Firm Performance: Vector Autoregressive and Vector Error Correction Models. Journal of Business Logistics, 227-239.
Evgeny, I. (2015). The Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm Performance: Evidence From Russia. Journal of Corporate Finance Research 9(2), 24-36.
Gıtau, N. N. (2016). The Effect Of Inventory Management Practıces on Operatıonal Performance of Warehousıng Fırms in Mombasa County.
Isaksson, O. &. (2014). Inventory Leanness And The Financial Performance of Firms. Production Planning & Control, 999-1014.
John, N. E. (2015). Inventory Management Practices and Operational Performance of Flour Milling Firms in Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 392-406.
Kartikasari, D. &. (2016). The Effect of Leverage and Firm Size to Profitability of Public Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 409-413.
Kimaiyo, K. K. (2014). Role of Inventory Management on Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya – A case of New Kenya Cooperative Creameries. European Journal of Business Management, 336-341.
Koumanakos, D. (2008). The Effect of Inventory Management on Firm Performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 355-369.
Li, M. Y. (2011). Effects of Firm Size, Financial Leverage and R&D Expenditures on Firm Earnings: An Analysis Using Quantile Regression Approach. A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, 47(2), 182-204.
Lwiki, T. O. (2013). The Impact of Inventory Management Practices on Financial Performance of Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 75-85.
Marete, D. (2015, October). The Relationship Between Firm Size and Financial Leverage of Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange. The Degree of Master of Business Administration, School of Business, Universıty of Nairobi. Kenya.
Mulindabigwi, J. N. (2017). Effect of Inventory Management on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Rwanda, A Case Study of Bralirwa. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 1366-1371.
Musau, E. &. (2017). The Effect of Inventory Management on Organizational Performance Among Textile Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1032-1046.
Obermaier, R. &. (2012). Zero Inventory and Firm Performance: A Management Paradigm Revisited. International Journal of Production Research, 4543–4555.
Sahari, S. T. (2012). Inventory Management in Malaysian Construction Firms: Impact on Performance. SIU Journal of Management, 59-72.
Shardeo, V. (2015). Impact of Inventory Management on the Financial Performance of The Firm. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 1-12.
Shin, S. E. (2015). Effect Of Inventory Management Effıcıency on Profıtabılıty: Current Evıdence From The U.S. Manufacturıng Industry. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 98-106.
Song, H. &.-F. (2009). Impact of Inventory Management Flexibility on Service Flexibility and Performance: Evidence From Mainland Chinese Firms. Transportation Journal, 7-19.
Victoria, O. I. (2014). The Impact of Effective Inventory Control Management on Organisational Performance: A Study of 7up Bottling Company Nile Mile Enugu, Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 109-118.
Wathe, M. W. (2015). Influence of Inventory Management on Performance of Manufacturıng Fırms in Kenya. International Journal of Logistics and Management, 23-44.
Aygün, M., Önal, E., Kılıçlı, Y., Kıpçak, E. (2018). STOK YÖNETİMİNİN FİRMA PERFORMANSI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ: BORSA İSTANBUL ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(6), 167-183.