Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Palate: A Case series
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 44 - 49, 29.08.2022
Mohammad Alnasrallah
Yusuf Rodi Mızrak
Abdalrahim Husseın
Basem Alshujaa
Serap Keskin Tunç
Pleomorphic adenoma is among the most fascinating benign tumors that may be seen in the head and neck area. The majority of it comes from the primary salivary glands. It is responsible for 70% of all neoplasms of the parotid gland. It is quite seldom detected in the minor salivary glands. It is more prevalent in females than in males. Females in their third to sixth decades had an increased risk of cancer. The tumor is typically observed as a slow-growing and asymptomatic enlargement. The process of surgical enucleation is applied in its therapy. When sufficient surgical excision and enucleation are done successfully, the incidence of recurrence and malignant tumor change is minimal. Pleomorphic adenoma that has been resected with adequate therapy has a typically favorable prognosis.
- 1. Sharma Y, Maria A, Chhabria A.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2011;2:169–171.
- 2. Mendenhall W, Mendenhall C, Werning J, Malyapa R, Mendenhall N.Salivary gland pleomorphic adenoma. Am J Clin Oncol. 2008;31:95–99.
- 3. Spiro H. Salivary neoplasms: an overview of a 35‐year experience with 2,807 patients. Head Neck Surg. 1986; 8:177-184.
- 4. Daryani D, Gopakumar R, Ajila V.Pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate: myoepithelial cell predominant. Indian J Dent Res. 2011;22:853–856.
- 5. Rawson K, Kallalli B, Gokul K, Singh A.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report and review of a rare entity. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2016;28:329–333.
- 6. ArumugamP, ChristopherP, KumarS, Kengasubbiah S, ShenoyV.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report. Cureus J of Med Science. 2019;3:11.
- 7. Sachdeva S, Verma P, Sunderraj S, Vengal M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate in an edentate male patient: an unusual clinical presentation.Clin Cancer Investig J.2015;4:240–242.
- 8. Sahoo N, Rangan M, Gadad R.Pleomorphic adenoma palate: major tumor in a minor gland. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2013;3:195–197.
- 9. Patigaroo S, Patigaroo F, Ashraf J, Mehfooz N, Shakeel M, Khan N, Kirmani M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2014;13:36–41.
- 10. Rahnama M, Orzędała U, Czupkałło L, Lobacz M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report and review of the literatureContemp Oncol. 2013;17:103–106.
Damak Pleomorfik Adenomu: Vaka Serisi
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 44 - 49, 29.08.2022
Mohammad Alnasrallah
Yusuf Rodi Mızrak
Abdalrahim Husseın
Basem Alshujaa
Serap Keskin Tunç
Pleomorfik adenom, baş boyun bölgesinde rastlanan en ilginç benign tümörlerden biridir. Çoğunlukla major tükürük bezlerinden kaynaklanır. Parotis bezindeki tüm neoplazmaların %70’inden sorumludur. Nadir olarak minortükrük bezlerinde de gözlemlenmektedir. Görülme sıklığı kadınlarda erkeklerden daha fazladır. Kadınlarda üçüncü ve altıncı dekatlar arasında görülme insidansı fazladır. Tümör genellikle yavaş büyüyen, aseptomatik bir şişlik olarak görülmektedir. Tedavisi cerrahi olarak enükleasyondur. Uygun tedavi prosedürü, yeterli cerrahi eksizyon sağlandığında ve enükleasyon düzgün yapıldığında düşük relaps ve düşük maling tümör transformasyon oranına sahiptir. Uygun tedavi yöntemiyle alınan pleomorfik adenoma, genellikle iyi bir prognoza sahiptir.
- 1. Sharma Y, Maria A, Chhabria A.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2011;2:169–171.
- 2. Mendenhall W, Mendenhall C, Werning J, Malyapa R, Mendenhall N.Salivary gland pleomorphic adenoma. Am J Clin Oncol. 2008;31:95–99.
- 3. Spiro H. Salivary neoplasms: an overview of a 35‐year experience with 2,807 patients. Head Neck Surg. 1986; 8:177-184.
- 4. Daryani D, Gopakumar R, Ajila V.Pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate: myoepithelial cell predominant. Indian J Dent Res. 2011;22:853–856.
- 5. Rawson K, Kallalli B, Gokul K, Singh A.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report and review of a rare entity. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2016;28:329–333.
- 6. ArumugamP, ChristopherP, KumarS, Kengasubbiah S, ShenoyV.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report. Cureus J of Med Science. 2019;3:11.
- 7. Sachdeva S, Verma P, Sunderraj S, Vengal M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate in an edentate male patient: an unusual clinical presentation.Clin Cancer Investig J.2015;4:240–242.
- 8. Sahoo N, Rangan M, Gadad R.Pleomorphic adenoma palate: major tumor in a minor gland. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2013;3:195–197.
- 9. Patigaroo S, Patigaroo F, Ashraf J, Mehfooz N, Shakeel M, Khan N, Kirmani M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2014;13:36–41.
- 10. Rahnama M, Orzędała U, Czupkałło L, Lobacz M.Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate: a case report and review of the literatureContemp Oncol. 2013;17:103–106.