Antimicrobial use in animal husbandry has been ascribed to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene selection and build-up in treated animals' microbiota. This ends up in the food chain and contributes immensely to drug resistance in the society. Studies on risk factors for antimicrobial resistance in poultry can be useful in providing data and designing appropriate control measures. This study therefore assessed the knowledge and practices affecting AMR in poultry farms in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. A semi-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was administered to 44 poultry farmers in the study area. Among the farmers, 90.91% were aware that excessive antimicrobial use contributes to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. More than 70% of the farms lacked basic hygiene and biosecurity facilities/measures. Sixty percent of the farmers buried their dead birds, all (100%) packaged their dung for subsequent land disposal, and 50% dumped expired, unused/used drug packets in the nearest bush. About 65, 100, and 90% of antimicrobial usage were for growth promotion, prophylactic purposes, and therapeutic purposes, respectively. Finally, only 18.18% observed withdrawal periods before disposal of their products. The study found that the farmers used non-therapeutic antimicrobials as a "simple fix" or to compensate for poor management practices. There is need to further educate the farmers on the contributions of their activities to drug resistance in the society.
1. Nkukwana TT. Global poultry production: Current impact and future outlook on the South African poultry industry. S Afr J Anim Sci. 2019;48(5):869-874.
2. Mbuza F, Manishimwe R, Mahoro J, Simbankabo T, Nishimwe K. Characterization of broiler poultry production system in Rwanda. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2017;49(1):71-77.
3. Windhorst HW. Changes in poultry production and trade worldwide. Worlds Poult Sci J. 2006;62(4):585-602.
4. Njoga EO, Ogugua AJ, Nwankwo IO, et al. Antimicrobial drug usage pattern in poultry farms in nigeria: Implications for food safety, public health and poultry disease management. Vet Ital. 2021;57(1):5-12.
5. Sallam BN, Lu T, Yu H, et al. Productivity enhancement of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through optimized use of poultry manure and mineral fertilizers under greenhouse cultivation. Horticulturae. 2021;7(8):256.
6. Olanike K Adeyemo, Selim A Alarape VEA, Akeem B Saka, Oluwawemimo O. Adebowale OOU, Agbede and SA. Food Security and Safety [Internet]. Babalola OO,
editor. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. 869–883 p. Available from:
7. Culot A, Grosset N, Gautier M. Overcoming the challenges of phage therapy for industrial aquaculture: A review. Aquaculture. 2019;513(4):734423.
8. Marques RZ, Wistuba N, Brito JCM, Bernardoni V, Rocha DC, Gomes MP. Crop irrigation (soybean, bean, and corn) with enrofloxacin-contaminated water leads to yield reductions and antibiotic accumulation. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021;216(April):112193.
9. Hassan MM, El Zowalaty ME, Lundkvist A, et al. Residual antimicrobial agents in food originating from animals. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2021;111(March):141-150.
10.Mund MD, Khan UH, Tahir U, Mustafa BE, Fayyaz A. Antimicrobial drug residues in poultry products and implications on public health: A review. Int J Food Prop. 2017;20(7):1433-1446.
11.Annunziato G. Strategies to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR) making use of non-essential target inhibitors: A review. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(23):5844.
12.World Health Organization (WHO). Antibiotic resistance. South African Med J. 2020;97(4):221.
13.Morris S, Cerceo E. Trends, epidemiology, and management of multi-drug resistant gram-negative bacterial infections in the hospitalized setting. Antibiotics. 2020;9(4):1-19.
14.Ezeh GC, Akwoba JO, ANYANWU MU, AWOYOMI OJ, NWANTA JA. Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence determinants of Enterococci in poultries in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. Acta Vet Eurasia. 2023;49(1):26-35.
15.Al-Mustapha AI, Adetunji VO, Heikinheimo A. Risk perceptions of antibiotic usage and resistance: A cross-sectional survey of poultry farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Antibiotics. 2020;9(7):378.
16.Hassan MM, Kalam MA, Alim MA, et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practices on antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance among commercial poultry farmers in Bangladesh. Antibiotics. 2021;10(7):784.
17.Sarmah AK, Meyer MT, Boxall ABA. A global perspective on the use , sales , exposure pathways , occurrence , fate and effects of veterinary antibiotics (VAs) in the environment. Chemosphere. 2006;65(5):725-759.
18.Anyanwu MU, Kolade OA. Veterinarians’ perception, knowledge and practices of antibiotic stewardship in Enugu State Southeast, Nigeria. Not Sci Biol. 2017;9(3):321-331.
19.Moffo F, Mouliom Mouiche MM, Kochivi FL, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, practices and risk perception of rural poultry farmers in Cameroon to antimicrobial use and resistance. Prev Vet Med. 2020;182(February):105087.
20.Baydoun E, Hillman JR. Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance. Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance. 2019.
21.Phares CA, Danquah A, Atiah K, Agyei FK, Michael OT. Antibiotics utilization and farmers’ knowledge of its effects on soil ecosystem in the coastal drylands of Ghana. PLoS One. 2020;15(2):1-16.
22.Davies R, Wales A. Antimicrobial resistance on farms: A review including biosecurity and the potential role of disinfectants in resistance selection. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2019;18(3):753-774.
23.Kasimanickam V, Kasimanickam M, Kasimanickam R. Antibiotics use in food animal production: escalation of antimicrobial resistance: where are we now in combating AMR? Med Sci (Basel). 2021;9(1):14.
24.Ikhimiukor OO, Odih EE, Donado-Godoy P, Okeke IN. A bottom-up view of antimicrobial resistance transmission in developing countries. Nat Microbiol. 2022;7(6):757-765.
25.Thanner S, Drissner D, Walsh F. Antimicrobial resistance in agriculture. mBio. 2016;7(2):e02227-15.
26.Ahlstrom CA, van Toor ML, Woksepp H, et al. Evidence for continental-scale dispersal of antimicrobial resistant bacteria by landfill-foraging gulls. Sci Total Environ. 2021;10(764):144551.
27.Oruma SO, Misra S, Fernandez-Sanz L. Agriculture 4.0: An implementation framework for food security attainment in Nigeria’s post-covid-19 era. IEEE Access. 2021;9:83592-83627.
28.Adedeje O, Okerentugba P, Innocent-Adiele H, Okonko I. Benefits, public health hazards and risks associated with fish consumption. New York Sci J. 2012;5(9):33-61.
29.Hobæk B, Lie AK. Less is more: Norwegian drug regulation, antibiotic policy, and the “Need Clause.” Milbank Q. 2019;97(3):762-795.
30. Muhammad A, Qaiser I, Fahad S. Improper disposal of unused antibiotics: an often overlooked driver of antimicrobial resistance. Expert Rev Anti-infect Ther. 2020;18(8): 697-699.
Nijerya, Enugu Eyaleti, Nsukka'daki Tavuk Yetiştiricilerinin Antimikrobiyal Dirence İlişkin Bilgi ve Uygulamaları
Hayvancılıkta antimikrobiyal kullanımı, antimikrobiyal direnç (AMR) gen seçimine ve tedavi edilen hayvanların mikrobiyotasında birikime neden olmaktadır. Bu durum gıda zincirinde son bulmakta ve toplumdaki ilaç direncine büyük ölçüde katkıda bulunmaktadır. Kanatlı hayvanlarda antimikrobiyal direnç için risk faktörleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, veri sağlama ve uygun kontrol önlemlerinin tasarlanması açısından faydalı olabilir. Bu çalışmada Nijerya'nın Enugu Eyaleti, Nsukka'daki tavuk çiftliklerinde AMR'yi etkileyen bilgi ve uygulamalar değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma alanındaki 44 tavuk yetiştiricisine yarı yapılandırılmış ve önceden test edilmiş bir anket uygulanmıştır. Yetiştiricilerin %90,91'i aşırı antimikrobiyal kullanımının antimikrobiyal direncin oluşumuna katkıda bulunduğunun farkındaydı. Çiftliklerin %70'inden fazlası temel hijyen ve biyogüvenlik tesislerinden/önlemlerinden yoksundu. Yetiştiricilerin %60'ı ölü tavukları gömmüş, tamamı (%100) gübrelerini daha sonra araziye atmak üzere paketlemiş ve %50'si son kullanma tarihi geçmiş, kullanılmamış/kullanılmış ilaç paketlerini en yakın çalılık araziye atmıştır. Antimikrobiyal kullanımının yaklaşık %65, %100 ve %90'ı sırasıyla büyümeyi teşvik etme, profilaktik amaçlar ve tedavi amaçlıydı. Son olarak, yetiştiricilerin sadece %18,18'i ürünlerini imha etmeden önce atılım sürelerine dikkat etmiştir. Çalışma, yetiştiricilerin "basit bir çözüm" olarak veya kötü yönetim uygulamalarını telafi etmek için non-terapotik antimikrobiyaller kullandığını ortaya koymuştur. Toplumdaki ilaç direncine katkılarının farkında olmaları için yetiştiricilerin daha fazla eğitilmesi gerekmektedir.
1. Nkukwana TT. Global poultry production: Current impact and future outlook on the South African poultry industry. S Afr J Anim Sci. 2019;48(5):869-874.
2. Mbuza F, Manishimwe R, Mahoro J, Simbankabo T, Nishimwe K. Characterization of broiler poultry production system in Rwanda. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2017;49(1):71-77.
3. Windhorst HW. Changes in poultry production and trade worldwide. Worlds Poult Sci J. 2006;62(4):585-602.
4. Njoga EO, Ogugua AJ, Nwankwo IO, et al. Antimicrobial drug usage pattern in poultry farms in nigeria: Implications for food safety, public health and poultry disease management. Vet Ital. 2021;57(1):5-12.
5. Sallam BN, Lu T, Yu H, et al. Productivity enhancement of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through optimized use of poultry manure and mineral fertilizers under greenhouse cultivation. Horticulturae. 2021;7(8):256.
6. Olanike K Adeyemo, Selim A Alarape VEA, Akeem B Saka, Oluwawemimo O. Adebowale OOU, Agbede and SA. Food Security and Safety [Internet]. Babalola OO,
editor. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. 869–883 p. Available from:
7. Culot A, Grosset N, Gautier M. Overcoming the challenges of phage therapy for industrial aquaculture: A review. Aquaculture. 2019;513(4):734423.
8. Marques RZ, Wistuba N, Brito JCM, Bernardoni V, Rocha DC, Gomes MP. Crop irrigation (soybean, bean, and corn) with enrofloxacin-contaminated water leads to yield reductions and antibiotic accumulation. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021;216(April):112193.
9. Hassan MM, El Zowalaty ME, Lundkvist A, et al. Residual antimicrobial agents in food originating from animals. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2021;111(March):141-150.
10.Mund MD, Khan UH, Tahir U, Mustafa BE, Fayyaz A. Antimicrobial drug residues in poultry products and implications on public health: A review. Int J Food Prop. 2017;20(7):1433-1446.
11.Annunziato G. Strategies to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR) making use of non-essential target inhibitors: A review. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(23):5844.
12.World Health Organization (WHO). Antibiotic resistance. South African Med J. 2020;97(4):221.
13.Morris S, Cerceo E. Trends, epidemiology, and management of multi-drug resistant gram-negative bacterial infections in the hospitalized setting. Antibiotics. 2020;9(4):1-19.
14.Ezeh GC, Akwoba JO, ANYANWU MU, AWOYOMI OJ, NWANTA JA. Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence determinants of Enterococci in poultries in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. Acta Vet Eurasia. 2023;49(1):26-35.
15.Al-Mustapha AI, Adetunji VO, Heikinheimo A. Risk perceptions of antibiotic usage and resistance: A cross-sectional survey of poultry farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Antibiotics. 2020;9(7):378.
16.Hassan MM, Kalam MA, Alim MA, et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practices on antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance among commercial poultry farmers in Bangladesh. Antibiotics. 2021;10(7):784.
17.Sarmah AK, Meyer MT, Boxall ABA. A global perspective on the use , sales , exposure pathways , occurrence , fate and effects of veterinary antibiotics (VAs) in the environment. Chemosphere. 2006;65(5):725-759.
18.Anyanwu MU, Kolade OA. Veterinarians’ perception, knowledge and practices of antibiotic stewardship in Enugu State Southeast, Nigeria. Not Sci Biol. 2017;9(3):321-331.
19.Moffo F, Mouliom Mouiche MM, Kochivi FL, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, practices and risk perception of rural poultry farmers in Cameroon to antimicrobial use and resistance. Prev Vet Med. 2020;182(February):105087.
20.Baydoun E, Hillman JR. Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance. Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance. 2019.
21.Phares CA, Danquah A, Atiah K, Agyei FK, Michael OT. Antibiotics utilization and farmers’ knowledge of its effects on soil ecosystem in the coastal drylands of Ghana. PLoS One. 2020;15(2):1-16.
22.Davies R, Wales A. Antimicrobial resistance on farms: A review including biosecurity and the potential role of disinfectants in resistance selection. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2019;18(3):753-774.
23.Kasimanickam V, Kasimanickam M, Kasimanickam R. Antibiotics use in food animal production: escalation of antimicrobial resistance: where are we now in combating AMR? Med Sci (Basel). 2021;9(1):14.
24.Ikhimiukor OO, Odih EE, Donado-Godoy P, Okeke IN. A bottom-up view of antimicrobial resistance transmission in developing countries. Nat Microbiol. 2022;7(6):757-765.
25.Thanner S, Drissner D, Walsh F. Antimicrobial resistance in agriculture. mBio. 2016;7(2):e02227-15.
26.Ahlstrom CA, van Toor ML, Woksepp H, et al. Evidence for continental-scale dispersal of antimicrobial resistant bacteria by landfill-foraging gulls. Sci Total Environ. 2021;10(764):144551.
27.Oruma SO, Misra S, Fernandez-Sanz L. Agriculture 4.0: An implementation framework for food security attainment in Nigeria’s post-covid-19 era. IEEE Access. 2021;9:83592-83627.
28.Adedeje O, Okerentugba P, Innocent-Adiele H, Okonko I. Benefits, public health hazards and risks associated with fish consumption. New York Sci J. 2012;5(9):33-61.
29.Hobæk B, Lie AK. Less is more: Norwegian drug regulation, antibiotic policy, and the “Need Clause.” Milbank Q. 2019;97(3):762-795.
30. Muhammad A, Qaiser I, Fahad S. Improper disposal of unused antibiotics: an often overlooked driver of antimicrobial resistance. Expert Rev Anti-infect Ther. 2020;18(8): 697-699.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.
Birincil Dil
Hayvan Sağlığı Ekonomisi ve İşletmeciliği, Veteriner Gıda Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi
Akwoba Joseph Ogugua
Bu kişi benim
1University of Nigeria, Enugu State, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Nsukka, Nigeria0000-0001-6459-4432Nigeria
Chinelo Ezeh, G., Ogugua, A. J., Olaolu, M. O., Nwanta, J. A. (2024). Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, 19(2), 59-71.
Chinelo Ezeh G, Ogugua AJ, Olaolu MO, Nwanta JA. Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. Ağustos 2024;19(2):59-71. doi:10.17094/vetsci.1471527
Chinelo Ezeh, Gladys, Akwoba Joseph Ogugua, Michael Olatunji Olaolu, ve John Anaelom Nwanta. “Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2024): 59-71.
Chinelo Ezeh G, Ogugua AJ, Olaolu MO, Nwanta JA (01 Ağustos 2024) Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19 2 59–71.
G. Chinelo Ezeh, A. J. Ogugua, M. O. Olaolu, ve J. A. Nwanta, “Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka”, Veterinary Sciences and Practices, c. 19, sy. 2, ss. 59–71, 2024, doi: 10.17094/vetsci.1471527.
Chinelo Ezeh, Gladys vd. “Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19/2 (Ağustos 2024), 59-71.
Chinelo Ezeh G, Ogugua AJ, Olaolu MO, Nwanta JA. Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. 2024;19:59–71.
Chinelo Ezeh, Gladys vd. “Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, c. 19, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 59-71, doi:10.17094/vetsci.1471527.
Chinelo Ezeh G, Ogugua AJ, Olaolu MO, Nwanta JA. Knowledge and Practices of Poultry Farmers Contributing to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nsukka. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. 2024;19(2):59-71.