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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 33 - 39, 30.06.2019


is used in the marine environment for several purposes such as groynes,
wharves, jetties, dolphins, and navigational posts.  It is also important material in the boat
construction in many countries due to the wide availability, ease of
fabrication, repair and maintenance, strength and elasticity properties. In the
marine environment, wood is susceptible to attack and deterioration by marine
wood-borers. Temperature and salinity of the seawater influence the
distribution of wood-boring organisms. Most studies on wood durability in the
marine environment involved in using of tropical timbers as well as wood
preservatives or modified wood in different test sites in the world. Although
Turkey is surrounded on three sides by the sea, less attention has been given
to the marine borers and protection of wood in the marine conditions. The
existence of Teredo navalis
(shipworm) in the deep waters of Marmara was reported by early investigations. T. navalis was also found to be dominant
species in the Western part of the Black Sea, heavily destroyed the Scots pine
samples in one year. Investigations revealed that CCA and creosote shoved
resistance to marine borers while the performance of copper azole was promising
in the Black Sea. From the tropical wood species, wenge, douka, azobe and paduk
showed great resistance to marine borers in the Turkish coastlines. Test sites
in Trabzon, Ereğli and İskenderun exhibited the highest boring activity in
comparison to the other test locations. Bankia
, Nototeredo norvagica, Teredo navalis, Lyrodus pedicellatus and Limnoria
were found in the wood samples in the Southern coasts of the
Turkey. Teredothyra dominicensis was
identified as an invasive species in the coast of Kaş in Antalya. DNA barcoding
study proved that there was no difference in the barcodes of N. norvagica collected from the Atlantic
and the Mediterranean Sea.


  • Barnacle J.E., Cookson L.J. and Mc Evoy C.N. (1983). Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis-a threat to copper-treated wood. International Research Group on Wood Preservation Doc. No. IRG/WP/4100, IRG Secreteriat, Stockholm, pp.1-10.
  • Benson L.K., Rice S.A. and Johnson B.R. (1999). Evidence of cellulose digestion in the wood boring isopod Sphaeroma terebrans. Florida Scientist, 128-144.
  • Bobat A. (1994). Emprenyeli Ağaç Malzemenin Kapalı Maden Ocaklarında ve Deniz İçinde Kullanımı ve Dayanma Süresi. Doktora Tezi, KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Borges L.M.S., Cragg S.M., Bergot J., Williams J.R., Shayler B. and Sawyer G.S. (2008). Laboratory screening of tropical hardwoods for natural resistance to the marine borer Limnoria quadripunctata: The role of leachable and non-leachable factors. Holzforschung, 62(1), 99-111.
  • Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya H., Le Roux A., Shipway R., Cragg S.M. and Costa F.O. (2012). Investigating the taxonomy and systematics of marine wood borers (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) combining evidence from morphology, DNA barcodes and nuclear locus sequences. Invertebrate Systematics, 26 (6), 572–582.
  • Borges L.M.S. (2014a) Biodegradation of wood exposed in the marine environment: Evaluation of the hazard posed by marine wood-borers in fifteen European sites. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 96, 97-104.
  • Borges L.M., Merckelbach, L.M. and Cragg S.M. (2014b). Biogeography of wood-boring crustaceans (Isopoda: Limnoriidae) established in European coastal waters. PloS one, 9(10), e109593.
  • Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya, H. and Cragg S.M. (2014c). First records of the warm water shipworm Teredo bartschi (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) in Mersin, southern Turkey and in Olhão, Portugal. BioInvasions Records 3(1), 25-28.
  • Boyle P.J. Marine wood biodeterioration and wood-boring crustaceans. In: Thompson, M.F., Sarojini, R., Nagabhushanam, R. (Eds.), Marine biodeterioration; advanced techniques applicable to the Indian Ocean. Oxford IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi (1988).
  • Cookson L.J. (1986). Marine Borers and Timber Piling Options. CSIRO, Division of Chemical and Wood Technology, Research Review, Australia.
  • Cragg S.M., Pitman A.J. and Henderson S.M. (1999). Developments in the understanding of the biology of marine wood boring crustaceans and in methods of controlling them. International biodeterioration & biodegradation, 43(4), 197-205.
  • Cragg S.M., Brown C.J., Albuquerque R.M. and Eaton R.A. (2001. Rates of Emission from CCA-treated Wood in the Marine Environment: Measurement, Modelling and Requirements for Further Research. IRG/WP-01/50166e12. International Research Group on Wood Preservation.
  • Demir M. (1954). Boğaz ve ada sahillerinin omurgasız dip hayvanları, İÜ. Fen Fak. Hidrobiyoloji Arş. Ens. Yayınları, Yayın No: 3
  • Eaton R.A. Preservation of marine timbers. In Preservation of Timber in the Tropics. Springer, Dordrecht (1985), pp. 157-191
  • Eaton R.A., and Hale M.D.C (1993). Wood decay, pests and protection. Chapman & Hall, London (1993), pp 546.
  • Eriksen A.M., Gregory D.J., Villa C., Lynnerup N., Botfeldt K. B. and Rasmussen A.R. (2016). The effects of wood anisotropy on the mode of attack by the woodborer Teredo navalis and the implications for underwater cultural heritage. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 107, 117-122.
  • European Committee for Standardisation. EN. (1992). Wood preservatives — Determination of the protective effectiveness against marine borers. EN 275.
  • European Commission (2003). Directive 2003/2/EC of 6 January 2003 relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of arsenic (10th adaptation to technical progress to Council Directive 76/769/EEC). Off. J. Eur. Communities 9.1.2003:L4/9–L4/11.
  • Guarneri I., Sigovini M., Andrenacci M., Appelqvist C., Bergamasco A., Björdal C., Chubarenko B., Cragg S., D'Adamo R., de Wit R., Eriksen A. M., Faimali M., Gamito S., Gregory D., Guastadisegni A., Hoppe K., Hummel H., Magni P., Paalvast P., Palma P., Perez Ruzafa A., Pessa G., Picco A. m., Quintana X., Razinkovas A., Ruginis T., Sandow V., Shaiek M., Sivrikaya H., Teaca A., Turon X. and Tagliapietra D. (2018). Synchronous and standardized observation of the biogeographic distribution of marine woodborers in Europe: a networking activity. Oral Communication, 8th EUROLAG Symposium, 20th-23th March 2018 in Athens (Greece).
  • Johnson B.R. (1986). Protection of Timber Bulkheads from Marine Borers. In: Graham James, ed.Timber bulkheads. Geotech. Spec. Pub. No.7: Proceedings; Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. NewYork,16-34.
  • Karande A.A., and Chongdar S. (2001). Development of Antifouling Technologies based on Bioactive metabolites–A Review, In: Rao K.S., Sawant S., and Aggarwal P. (eds.), Proceedings of the National Seminar on Forestry, Forest products and Coastal Population, Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Banglore, pp.99–106
  • Kühne H. (1971). The identification of wood boring crustaceans. In: Jones, E.B.G., Eltringham, S.K. (Eds.), Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood, pp. 66-83.
  • Liphschitz N. and Pulak C. (2007). Wood species used in ancient shipbuilding in Turkey. Evidence from dendroarchaeological studies. Skyllis, 8, 73-82.
  • MacIntosh H., de Nys R. and Whalan, S. (2012). Shipworms as a model for competition and coexistence in specialized habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 461, 95-105.
  • Pınar E. (1997) Türkiye Limanlarında Fouling ve Boring Organizmalar, Antifouling – Antiboring Boyaların Bu organizmalar Üzerine Etkinliği. DKK Hidrografi yayınları, DH-1049/DEBSS, İkinci Baskı, Çubuklu-İstanbul.
  • Sekendiz O.A. (1981). Doğu Karadeniz Bölümü’nün önemli teknik hayvansal zararlıları üzerine araştırmalar. KTÜ Orman Fak. Yayınları, No: 127, OF. Yayın No: 12, Trabzon.
  • Sivrikaya H., Cragg S.M. and Borges L.M.S. (2009). Variation in resistance to marine borers in commercial timbers from Turkey, as assessed by marine trial and laboratory screening. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33(6), 569-576.
  • Sivrikaya H., Hafizoglu H., Cragg S.M., Carrillo A., Militz H., Mai C. and Borges L.M.S. (2012). Evaluation of wooden materials deteriorated by marine-wood boring organisms in the Black Sea. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnologia, 14(1), 79-90.
  • Sivrikaya H.,Çetin H.,Tümen İ.,Temiz C. and Borges L.M.S. (2016). Performance of copper azole treated softwoods exposed to marine borers. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 18 (2), 349-360.
  • Shipway R., Cragg S.M., Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya H. and Müller J. (2010). The rapid destruction of a wreck in Turkish waters by a suspected invasive teredinid (Teredinidae: Bivalvia). Molluscan Forum. 30 November, Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom.
  • Şen S., Sivrikaya H. and Yalçın M. (2009). “Natural durability of heartwoods from European and tropical Africa trees exposed to marine conditions”. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (18), pp. 4425-4432.
  • Şen S., Sivrikaya H., Yalçın M., Bakır A.K. and Öztürk B. (2010). Fouling and Boring Organisms Deteriorating Various European and Tropical Woods at Turkish Seas. IRG 41st Annual Meeting, Biarritz, France, 9-13 May.
  • Tagliapietra D., Ahrens M.J., Appelqvist C., Björdal C., Borges L., Cragg S.M., Carannante A., Distel D.L., Dunkley M., Gregory D.J., Hoppe K., Hoppert M., Hutalle-Schmelzer K.L.M., Keppel E., Lana P., Libralato G., Paalvast P., Palanti S., Palma P., Shipway R., Sigovini M., Sivrikaya H., Volpi-Ghiardini A. and Weigelt R. (2013) The boring fraternity: a research network on marine woodborers.VI EUROLAG & VII LAGUNET. 16-19 December, Lecce, Italy.
  • Turner R.D. and Johnson A.C. (1971). Biology of marine wood boring molluscs. In:Jones, E.B.G., Eltringham, S.K. (Eds.), Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, pp. 259-296.Turner R.D. (1971a). Identification of marine wood-boring molluscs. In: Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood. Paris, pp.: 17-64, 1971.
  • Turner R.D. (1971b). Australian shipworms. Australian Natural History, 17(4), pp. 139-145.
  • Waterbury J.B., Calloway C.B., Turner R.D. (1983). A cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacterium cultured from the gland of Deshayes in shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Science 221, pp. 1401-1403.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 33 - 39, 30.06.2019



  • Barnacle J.E., Cookson L.J. and Mc Evoy C.N. (1983). Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis-a threat to copper-treated wood. International Research Group on Wood Preservation Doc. No. IRG/WP/4100, IRG Secreteriat, Stockholm, pp.1-10.
  • Benson L.K., Rice S.A. and Johnson B.R. (1999). Evidence of cellulose digestion in the wood boring isopod Sphaeroma terebrans. Florida Scientist, 128-144.
  • Bobat A. (1994). Emprenyeli Ağaç Malzemenin Kapalı Maden Ocaklarında ve Deniz İçinde Kullanımı ve Dayanma Süresi. Doktora Tezi, KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Borges L.M.S., Cragg S.M., Bergot J., Williams J.R., Shayler B. and Sawyer G.S. (2008). Laboratory screening of tropical hardwoods for natural resistance to the marine borer Limnoria quadripunctata: The role of leachable and non-leachable factors. Holzforschung, 62(1), 99-111.
  • Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya H., Le Roux A., Shipway R., Cragg S.M. and Costa F.O. (2012). Investigating the taxonomy and systematics of marine wood borers (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) combining evidence from morphology, DNA barcodes and nuclear locus sequences. Invertebrate Systematics, 26 (6), 572–582.
  • Borges L.M.S. (2014a) Biodegradation of wood exposed in the marine environment: Evaluation of the hazard posed by marine wood-borers in fifteen European sites. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 96, 97-104.
  • Borges L.M., Merckelbach, L.M. and Cragg S.M. (2014b). Biogeography of wood-boring crustaceans (Isopoda: Limnoriidae) established in European coastal waters. PloS one, 9(10), e109593.
  • Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya, H. and Cragg S.M. (2014c). First records of the warm water shipworm Teredo bartschi (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) in Mersin, southern Turkey and in Olhão, Portugal. BioInvasions Records 3(1), 25-28.
  • Boyle P.J. Marine wood biodeterioration and wood-boring crustaceans. In: Thompson, M.F., Sarojini, R., Nagabhushanam, R. (Eds.), Marine biodeterioration; advanced techniques applicable to the Indian Ocean. Oxford IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi (1988).
  • Cookson L.J. (1986). Marine Borers and Timber Piling Options. CSIRO, Division of Chemical and Wood Technology, Research Review, Australia.
  • Cragg S.M., Pitman A.J. and Henderson S.M. (1999). Developments in the understanding of the biology of marine wood boring crustaceans and in methods of controlling them. International biodeterioration & biodegradation, 43(4), 197-205.
  • Cragg S.M., Brown C.J., Albuquerque R.M. and Eaton R.A. (2001. Rates of Emission from CCA-treated Wood in the Marine Environment: Measurement, Modelling and Requirements for Further Research. IRG/WP-01/50166e12. International Research Group on Wood Preservation.
  • Demir M. (1954). Boğaz ve ada sahillerinin omurgasız dip hayvanları, İÜ. Fen Fak. Hidrobiyoloji Arş. Ens. Yayınları, Yayın No: 3
  • Eaton R.A. Preservation of marine timbers. In Preservation of Timber in the Tropics. Springer, Dordrecht (1985), pp. 157-191
  • Eaton R.A., and Hale M.D.C (1993). Wood decay, pests and protection. Chapman & Hall, London (1993), pp 546.
  • Eriksen A.M., Gregory D.J., Villa C., Lynnerup N., Botfeldt K. B. and Rasmussen A.R. (2016). The effects of wood anisotropy on the mode of attack by the woodborer Teredo navalis and the implications for underwater cultural heritage. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 107, 117-122.
  • European Committee for Standardisation. EN. (1992). Wood preservatives — Determination of the protective effectiveness against marine borers. EN 275.
  • European Commission (2003). Directive 2003/2/EC of 6 January 2003 relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of arsenic (10th adaptation to technical progress to Council Directive 76/769/EEC). Off. J. Eur. Communities 9.1.2003:L4/9–L4/11.
  • Guarneri I., Sigovini M., Andrenacci M., Appelqvist C., Bergamasco A., Björdal C., Chubarenko B., Cragg S., D'Adamo R., de Wit R., Eriksen A. M., Faimali M., Gamito S., Gregory D., Guastadisegni A., Hoppe K., Hummel H., Magni P., Paalvast P., Palma P., Perez Ruzafa A., Pessa G., Picco A. m., Quintana X., Razinkovas A., Ruginis T., Sandow V., Shaiek M., Sivrikaya H., Teaca A., Turon X. and Tagliapietra D. (2018). Synchronous and standardized observation of the biogeographic distribution of marine woodborers in Europe: a networking activity. Oral Communication, 8th EUROLAG Symposium, 20th-23th March 2018 in Athens (Greece).
  • Johnson B.R. (1986). Protection of Timber Bulkheads from Marine Borers. In: Graham James, ed.Timber bulkheads. Geotech. Spec. Pub. No.7: Proceedings; Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. NewYork,16-34.
  • Karande A.A., and Chongdar S. (2001). Development of Antifouling Technologies based on Bioactive metabolites–A Review, In: Rao K.S., Sawant S., and Aggarwal P. (eds.), Proceedings of the National Seminar on Forestry, Forest products and Coastal Population, Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Banglore, pp.99–106
  • Kühne H. (1971). The identification of wood boring crustaceans. In: Jones, E.B.G., Eltringham, S.K. (Eds.), Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood, pp. 66-83.
  • Liphschitz N. and Pulak C. (2007). Wood species used in ancient shipbuilding in Turkey. Evidence from dendroarchaeological studies. Skyllis, 8, 73-82.
  • MacIntosh H., de Nys R. and Whalan, S. (2012). Shipworms as a model for competition and coexistence in specialized habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 461, 95-105.
  • Pınar E. (1997) Türkiye Limanlarında Fouling ve Boring Organizmalar, Antifouling – Antiboring Boyaların Bu organizmalar Üzerine Etkinliği. DKK Hidrografi yayınları, DH-1049/DEBSS, İkinci Baskı, Çubuklu-İstanbul.
  • Sekendiz O.A. (1981). Doğu Karadeniz Bölümü’nün önemli teknik hayvansal zararlıları üzerine araştırmalar. KTÜ Orman Fak. Yayınları, No: 127, OF. Yayın No: 12, Trabzon.
  • Sivrikaya H., Cragg S.M. and Borges L.M.S. (2009). Variation in resistance to marine borers in commercial timbers from Turkey, as assessed by marine trial and laboratory screening. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33(6), 569-576.
  • Sivrikaya H., Hafizoglu H., Cragg S.M., Carrillo A., Militz H., Mai C. and Borges L.M.S. (2012). Evaluation of wooden materials deteriorated by marine-wood boring organisms in the Black Sea. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnologia, 14(1), 79-90.
  • Sivrikaya H.,Çetin H.,Tümen İ.,Temiz C. and Borges L.M.S. (2016). Performance of copper azole treated softwoods exposed to marine borers. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 18 (2), 349-360.
  • Shipway R., Cragg S.M., Borges L.M.S., Sivrikaya H. and Müller J. (2010). The rapid destruction of a wreck in Turkish waters by a suspected invasive teredinid (Teredinidae: Bivalvia). Molluscan Forum. 30 November, Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom.
  • Şen S., Sivrikaya H. and Yalçın M. (2009). “Natural durability of heartwoods from European and tropical Africa trees exposed to marine conditions”. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (18), pp. 4425-4432.
  • Şen S., Sivrikaya H., Yalçın M., Bakır A.K. and Öztürk B. (2010). Fouling and Boring Organisms Deteriorating Various European and Tropical Woods at Turkish Seas. IRG 41st Annual Meeting, Biarritz, France, 9-13 May.
  • Tagliapietra D., Ahrens M.J., Appelqvist C., Björdal C., Borges L., Cragg S.M., Carannante A., Distel D.L., Dunkley M., Gregory D.J., Hoppe K., Hoppert M., Hutalle-Schmelzer K.L.M., Keppel E., Lana P., Libralato G., Paalvast P., Palanti S., Palma P., Shipway R., Sigovini M., Sivrikaya H., Volpi-Ghiardini A. and Weigelt R. (2013) The boring fraternity: a research network on marine woodborers.VI EUROLAG & VII LAGUNET. 16-19 December, Lecce, Italy.
  • Turner R.D. and Johnson A.C. (1971). Biology of marine wood boring molluscs. In:Jones, E.B.G., Eltringham, S.K. (Eds.), Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, pp. 259-296.Turner R.D. (1971a). Identification of marine wood-boring molluscs. In: Marine Borers, Fungi and Fouling Organisms of Wood. Paris, pp.: 17-64, 1971.
  • Turner R.D. (1971b). Australian shipworms. Australian Natural History, 17(4), pp. 139-145.
  • Waterbury J.B., Calloway C.B., Turner R.D. (1983). A cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacterium cultured from the gland of Deshayes in shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Science 221, pp. 1401-1403.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Biyomateryaller
Bölüm Research Articles

Hüseyin Sivrikaya 0000-0002-9052-9543

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Kabul Tarihi 3 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Sivrikaya, Hüseyin. “INVESTIGATIONS ON WOOD DESTROYING MARINE BORERS IN THE TURKISH COASTAL WATERS”. Wood Industry and Engineering 1, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 33-39.
EndNote Sivrikaya H (01 Haziran 2019) INVESTIGATIONS ON WOOD DESTROYING MARINE BORERS IN THE TURKISH COASTAL WATERS. Wood Industry and Engineering 1 1 33–39.
ISNAD Sivrikaya, Hüseyin. “INVESTIGATIONS ON WOOD DESTROYING MARINE BORERS IN THE TURKISH COASTAL WATERS”. Wood Industry and Engineering 1/1 (Haziran 2019), 33-39.
MLA Sivrikaya, Hüseyin. “INVESTIGATIONS ON WOOD DESTROYING MARINE BORERS IN THE TURKISH COASTAL WATERS”. Wood Industry and Engineering, c. 1, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 33-39.

Wood Industry and Engineering Journal
 Correspondence: Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, Kanuni Campus, 61080, Trabzon / TURKEY
Contact E-mail: (Editor - Prof. Dr. Engin Derya GEZER),  (Co-Editor - Prof. Dr. Ismail AYDIN)
Phone: +90 (462) 377 1532,  Fax: +90 (462) 325 7499