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The effect of Ethical Leadership on Intrinsic Motivation and Employees Job Satisfaction

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 14 - 30, 15.03.2021


Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on intrinsic motivation, and employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Turkish tourism sector. Approach: We are planning to make a survey, which implies a quantitative approach to prove the validity of our hypothesis. In this paper we used evidence from the literature to support the validity of our hypothesis. This literature review indicates that ethical leadership have the potential to influence employees’ intrinsic motivation. Ethical leadership have the potential to influence employees’ job satisfaction, also that intrinsic motivation have a positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction.


  • 1. Amabile, Coon, Lazenby, T.M, R.. Herron 1996 . Academy-of-journal-Management, p.1154-1184. Article: Evaluating-the-work-environment-for-creativity
  • 2. . Armstrong, 2006 . Book: A-Handbook-of-Human-resource-Management-Practice, page:264.
  • 3. Azar, M., dan Shafighi, A.A, 2013 . The-Effect-of-Work-Motivation-on-Employees’ JobPerformance- Case-Study: Employees-of-Isfahan-Islamic-Revolution-Housing Foundation . International-Journal-of-Academic-Research-in-Business-and-social Sciences. 3 9 : 432-445.
  • 4. Aziir, 2008 . Manaxhimi-i-burimeve-njerezore, satisfaksioni-nga-puna-dhe-motivimi-I-punetorevepage:46.
  • 5. Barbuto, Wheeler, J.E. 2006 . Book: Group & Organization Management, p:300-326- 31. ScaleDevelopment & Construct-Clarification-Of-Servant-Leadership.
  • 6. Bilal El, 2018; Article: The Impact-of-Intrinsic-and-extrinsic-Motivation-on-Job Satisfaction-amongEmployees: A-Theoretical-Approach- Page No.-1746-1748
  • 7. Brown, Trevino, M.E, & Harisson 2005 . Article: “Ethical Leadership:-A Social-Learning-PerspetiveFor-Construct-Development-and-Testing”. Book: Organizational-Behaviours-and-Human-DecisionProcess, p: 117-134-97 .
  • 8. Brown, Trevino, 2006 . Book-Ethical-Leadership: a review-and-future-directions leadership, p:595- 616:17.
  • 9. Brown, Mitchell, M 2010 Book: Ethical-and-Unethical-Leadership: Exploring-New Avenues-forFuture-Research. Business-Ethics-Quarterly, p:583-616:20 4 .
  • 10. Ciulla, J.B. 1998 . Book: Ethics; the_heart _of_Leadership. Westport, CT
  • 11. Craig, S.B, & Gustafon 1998 . Article: Perceived-Leader-integrity-scale: an instrument-for-assessingemployee-perceptions-of-leader-integrity. P127-145,9.
  • 12. Çelik, S. Dedeoğlu, B.B. dan Inanir, A, [2015]. Relationship-Between-Ethical Leadership, Organizational_Commitment_and _Job_Satisfaction _at_Hotel _Organizations. Ege _Academic _Review, 15 [1] .53-63.
  • 13. Davis, K. and Nestrom, J.W. 1985 . Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior, 7 edition, McGraw Hill, New York, -109.
  • 14. De Hoogh, & Den Hartog, A H B, 2009 . Article: Ethical-and-despotic-leadership, relationships-withleader’s-social-responsibility, top-management-team-effectiveness and-subordinates_optimism: A Multi-method Study. P:297-311,19.
  • 15. De Hoogh, & Den Hartog, A H B, 2009 . Ethical_leadership: The_socially responsible_use_of_power. In D. Tjosvold & B. M. V. Knippenberg Eds. , Power_and_ interdependence_in_organizations pp. 338-354 .
  • 16. De Waal, 2010 . Article: The Age Of Empathy: Nature's_lessons_for_a_kinder -society: Random_House LLC.
  • 17. Dirks , Ferrinn, DL. 2002 . Article: Trust-in-leadership: meta-analytic-findings-and implications-forresearch-and-practice. Journal: American-Psychological -Association, Worcester.
  • 18. Dowling, & Sayles,. 1978 . Article: How-managers-motivate: The-imperatives-of -supervision. Journal: New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • 19. George, JM & jones, 2008 . Article: Understanding-andManaging-Organizational-Behavior, page:78.
  • 20. Gredler, Broussard, S. C., & Garrison, M. E. B. 2004 . The relationship between classroom motivation and academic achievement in elementary school-aged children. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33 2 , 106–120.
  • 21. Guchait P, Simons T, Pasa-mehmetoglu, 2016 . Articl: Error-recovery-performance: the-impact-ofleader-behavioral-integrity-and-job-satisfaction. Cornell Hosp Q 150–161: 57.
  • 22. Herzberg, F. 1968 . Artcle: “One-more-time: how-do-you-motivate-employees?” Journal: HarvardBusiness-Review, Vol. 46 1 , p.53-62.
  • 23. Herzberg, F. 2003 . Article: “One-More-Time: how-do _you-motivate employees?” Harvard Business Review., - Vol.81- 1 , p87-96.
  • 24. Hofstede, Geert 1980 . Article: Culture’s_consequence,_international_differences in_work_related_values, London: Sage Publication.
  • 25. Hoppock, R. 1935 . Job_Satisfaction, Harper_and_Brothers, New York, p. 47
  • 26. Horwitz, F.M., Heng, C.T. and Quazi, H.A. 2003 . Article: “Finders,_Keeper? Attracting,_Motivating_and_Retaining_Knowledge_Workers,” Journal_of_Human Resource_Management., Vol.13 4 : 23-44.
  • 27. Johnson, & Sohi J. S.,. 2014 . Article: The_curvilinear_and_conditional_effects_of product_line_breadth_on_salesperson_performance, role_stress, and_job satisfaction. the Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 71-89:42 1
  • 28. Kaliski, 2007 . Encyclopedia-of Business-and Finance,-Second-edition, Thmpson-Gale,Detroit,-p:446.
  • 29. Karatepe, O.M., & Uludag, O. 2007 . Conflict, exhaustion and motivation: a study of frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26 3 , 645-65.
  • 30. Karhs, M. D., dan Iskender, H., 2009 . To examine the effect of the motivation provided by the administration on the job satisfaction of teachers and their institutional commitment, the World_Conference _on_Educational_Sciences 2009 . Journal Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, 2252–2257.
  • 31. Kim, W. G., & Brymer, R. A. 2011 . Article: The_effects_of_ethical_leadership_on manager_job_satisfaction, commitment, behavioural_outcomes, and_firm -performance. Hospitality_Management_international_journal, 1020-1026: 30 4
  • 32. Latham, G. P., & Pinder, C. C. 2005 . Article: Work_motivation_theory_and research_at_the_dawn_of_the_twenty-first_century. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 495–516.
  • 33. Liama Jeseviciute-Ufaretiene, 2017 ; Article: The role of leaders ethics motivation employees in the tourism organizations.
  • 34. Low, Cravens,., Grant, & Moncrief, 2001 . European_Journal_of_Marketing 587-611: 35 5/6 . Article: Antecedents_and_consequences_of_salesperson_burnout.
  • 35. Lu, L. 1999 . Work motivation, job stress and employees’ well-being, Journal of Applied Management Studies, 8 1 , 61-72.
  • 36. Locke, 1976 . Article: The nature_and_consequences_of_job_satisfaction. Book: Handbook_of_industrial_and_organizational_psychology 1297-1349 .
  • 37. M. Yousaf, M Waheed, Mudassir, M Saeed., 2015 : Article: The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Employee’s Job Satisfaction.
  • 38. Mullins, 2005 . Article: Management-and-Organizational-bahavior. Page:700.
  • 39. Piccolo, Greenbaum, Den Hartog, &Folger, 2010 . Organizational Behavior Journal, p:259-278. Article: The relationship_between_ethical_leadership_and_core job_characteristics.
  • 40. Quyang, Z., Sang, J., Li, P., Peng, J., 2015 . Organizational justice and job insecurity as mediators of the effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction: A study from China. Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 147–152.
  • 41. Ryan & Deci, 2000 . Journal: American Psychologist 68-78 55-1.. Article: Selfdetermination_theory_and_the_facilitation_of_intrinsic_motivation, social development, and wellbeing.
  • 42. Ryan & Deci, 2000 . Article: Intrinsic_and_Extrinsic_motivations: Classic_definitions and_new_directions. Journal: Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25 p:54-67.
  • 43. Saleem, H., 2015 . Article: The_impact_of_leadership_styles_on_job_satisfaction and_mediating_role_of_perceived_organizational_politics, Global_Conference_on Business & Social Science-2014, GCBSS-2014, Kuala Lumpur. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 563 – 569.
  • 44. Sedat Celik, Bekir Bora Dedeoglu, Ali Inanir, 2015 ; Article: Relationship between Ethical leadership, Organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Hotel organizations.
  • 45. Steers, MoWday, & Shapiro, 2004 . Article: The_future_of_work_motivation_ theory. Academy of Management Journal, p:379–387/ 29 .
  • 46. Spector, Paul E 1985 Community Psychology American Journal p:693-713 . Article: Measurement_of_human_service_staff_satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey.
  • 47. TarHan Okan, Ahmet Mutlu Akyuz,. 2015, Article: Exploring_the_Relationship between_Ethical_Leadership_and_Job_Satisfaction_with_the_Mediating_Role_of_the Level of Loyalty to Supervisor- pp. 155-177.
  • 48. Treviño, Brown, & Hartman 2003 Article: “A_Qualitative_Investigation_of Perceived_Executive_Ethical_Leadership: Perceptions_from_Inside_and_Outside_the Executive Suite” Human Relations 5-37/ 56-1.
  • 49. Trisno Trisno, Abror Abror, 2019; Article: The influence of Ethical Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, and work commitments on job satisfaction.
  • 50. Toker, B. [2007] “Demografik Değişkenlerin İş Tat-minine Etlikleri “İzmir`deki Beş ve Dört Yıldızlı Otel-ere Yönelik Bir Uygulama “ D-o-ğu-ş-Ün-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-e-s-i—D-e-r-g-i-s-i-, 8[1].92-107.
  • 51. Tu, Y. D., & Lu, X. X. 2013 . Article: How_ethical_leadership_influence_employees' innovative_Behavior: A_perspective_of_intrinsic_motivation. Business Ethics Journal.
  • 52. Ünguren, E, Doğan, H, Özmen, M. ve Tekin, Ö.A. [2010] “Otel Çalışanlarının Tukenmişlik ve İş TatminDü zeyleri İlişkisi “Yaşar Üniversitesi Dergisi ,17[5] .2922-2937.
  • 53. Vitell, & Singhapakdi, 2008 Article: “The_Role_of_Ethics_Institutionalization_in Influencing_Organizational_Commitment,_Job Satisfaction,_and_Esprit_De_Corps”, Business Ethics Journal
  • 54. Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, & Peterson, 2008 .Management Journal, 34, 89-126. Article: Authentic_leadership:_Development_and_validation_of _a _theory-based_measure.
  • 55. Walumbwa, Meyer, Wang, Wang, Workman, & Christensen, 2011 . Article: Linking_ethical_leadership_to_employee_performance: The_roles_of_leader–member_exchange,_selfefficacy,_and_organizational_identification. Organizational_ Behavior_and_Human_Decision_Processes.
  • 56. Webb, K.S. 2011 “Emotional Intelligence and Worker Commitment: The Impact of Leaders’ Behavior on Employee Commitment to Their Supervisor and the Organization” Advancement of Management and International Business Conference Proceedings.
  • 57. Yates, 2014 . The Journal of Values-Based Leadership. Article: Exploring_the Relationship_of_Ethical_Leadership_with_Job_Satisfaction,_Organizational Commitment,_and_Organizational_Citizenship_Behavior.
  • 58. Zhu, May, D.R. & Avolio, 2004 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Article: “The_Impact_of_Ethical_Leadership_Behavior_on_Employee_Out¬ comes: The_Roles_of_Psychological_Empowerment _and_Authenticity”..
  • 59. Zhu, W., Zheng, X., Riggio, R. E., & Zhang, X. 2015 . A_Critical _Review_of Theories_and_Measures_of_Ethics‐Related_Leadership. New_directions_for_student leadership, 2015 146 , 81-96.

Etik liderliğin çalişanlarin içsel motivasyon ve iş tatminine etkisi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 14 - 30, 15.03.2021


Amaç: Bu makale, etik liderliğin Türkiye turizm sektöründe içsel motivasyon ve çalışanların iş tatmini üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yaklaşım: Hipotezimizin geçerliliğini nicel olarak kanıtlamak için bir anket yapmayı planlıyoruz. Bu makalede, hipotezimizin geçerliliğini desteklemek için literatürdeki bulguları kullandık. Bu literatür taraması, etik liderliğin çalışanların içsel motivasyonunu etkileme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Etik liderlik, çalışanların iş memnuniyetini de etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir ve ayrıca içsel motivasyon çalışanların iş tatmini üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahiptir.


  • 1. Amabile, Coon, Lazenby, T.M, R.. Herron 1996 . Academy-of-journal-Management, p.1154-1184. Article: Evaluating-the-work-environment-for-creativity
  • 2. . Armstrong, 2006 . Book: A-Handbook-of-Human-resource-Management-Practice, page:264.
  • 3. Azar, M., dan Shafighi, A.A, 2013 . The-Effect-of-Work-Motivation-on-Employees’ JobPerformance- Case-Study: Employees-of-Isfahan-Islamic-Revolution-Housing Foundation . International-Journal-of-Academic-Research-in-Business-and-social Sciences. 3 9 : 432-445.
  • 4. Aziir, 2008 . Manaxhimi-i-burimeve-njerezore, satisfaksioni-nga-puna-dhe-motivimi-I-punetorevepage:46.
  • 5. Barbuto, Wheeler, J.E. 2006 . Book: Group & Organization Management, p:300-326- 31. ScaleDevelopment & Construct-Clarification-Of-Servant-Leadership.
  • 6. Bilal El, 2018; Article: The Impact-of-Intrinsic-and-extrinsic-Motivation-on-Job Satisfaction-amongEmployees: A-Theoretical-Approach- Page No.-1746-1748
  • 7. Brown, Trevino, M.E, & Harisson 2005 . Article: “Ethical Leadership:-A Social-Learning-PerspetiveFor-Construct-Development-and-Testing”. Book: Organizational-Behaviours-and-Human-DecisionProcess, p: 117-134-97 .
  • 8. Brown, Trevino, 2006 . Book-Ethical-Leadership: a review-and-future-directions leadership, p:595- 616:17.
  • 9. Brown, Mitchell, M 2010 Book: Ethical-and-Unethical-Leadership: Exploring-New Avenues-forFuture-Research. Business-Ethics-Quarterly, p:583-616:20 4 .
  • 10. Ciulla, J.B. 1998 . Book: Ethics; the_heart _of_Leadership. Westport, CT
  • 11. Craig, S.B, & Gustafon 1998 . Article: Perceived-Leader-integrity-scale: an instrument-for-assessingemployee-perceptions-of-leader-integrity. P127-145,9.
  • 12. Çelik, S. Dedeoğlu, B.B. dan Inanir, A, [2015]. Relationship-Between-Ethical Leadership, Organizational_Commitment_and _Job_Satisfaction _at_Hotel _Organizations. Ege _Academic _Review, 15 [1] .53-63.
  • 13. Davis, K. and Nestrom, J.W. 1985 . Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior, 7 edition, McGraw Hill, New York, -109.
  • 14. De Hoogh, & Den Hartog, A H B, 2009 . Article: Ethical-and-despotic-leadership, relationships-withleader’s-social-responsibility, top-management-team-effectiveness and-subordinates_optimism: A Multi-method Study. P:297-311,19.
  • 15. De Hoogh, & Den Hartog, A H B, 2009 . Ethical_leadership: The_socially responsible_use_of_power. In D. Tjosvold & B. M. V. Knippenberg Eds. , Power_and_ interdependence_in_organizations pp. 338-354 .
  • 16. De Waal, 2010 . Article: The Age Of Empathy: Nature's_lessons_for_a_kinder -society: Random_House LLC.
  • 17. Dirks , Ferrinn, DL. 2002 . Article: Trust-in-leadership: meta-analytic-findings-and implications-forresearch-and-practice. Journal: American-Psychological -Association, Worcester.
  • 18. Dowling, & Sayles,. 1978 . Article: How-managers-motivate: The-imperatives-of -supervision. Journal: New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • 19. George, JM & jones, 2008 . Article: Understanding-andManaging-Organizational-Behavior, page:78.
  • 20. Gredler, Broussard, S. C., & Garrison, M. E. B. 2004 . The relationship between classroom motivation and academic achievement in elementary school-aged children. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33 2 , 106–120.
  • 21. Guchait P, Simons T, Pasa-mehmetoglu, 2016 . Articl: Error-recovery-performance: the-impact-ofleader-behavioral-integrity-and-job-satisfaction. Cornell Hosp Q 150–161: 57.
  • 22. Herzberg, F. 1968 . Artcle: “One-more-time: how-do-you-motivate-employees?” Journal: HarvardBusiness-Review, Vol. 46 1 , p.53-62.
  • 23. Herzberg, F. 2003 . Article: “One-More-Time: how-do _you-motivate employees?” Harvard Business Review., - Vol.81- 1 , p87-96.
  • 24. Hofstede, Geert 1980 . Article: Culture’s_consequence,_international_differences in_work_related_values, London: Sage Publication.
  • 25. Hoppock, R. 1935 . Job_Satisfaction, Harper_and_Brothers, New York, p. 47
  • 26. Horwitz, F.M., Heng, C.T. and Quazi, H.A. 2003 . Article: “Finders,_Keeper? Attracting,_Motivating_and_Retaining_Knowledge_Workers,” Journal_of_Human Resource_Management., Vol.13 4 : 23-44.
  • 27. Johnson, & Sohi J. S.,. 2014 . Article: The_curvilinear_and_conditional_effects_of product_line_breadth_on_salesperson_performance, role_stress, and_job satisfaction. the Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 71-89:42 1
  • 28. Kaliski, 2007 . Encyclopedia-of Business-and Finance,-Second-edition, Thmpson-Gale,Detroit,-p:446.
  • 29. Karatepe, O.M., & Uludag, O. 2007 . Conflict, exhaustion and motivation: a study of frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26 3 , 645-65.
  • 30. Karhs, M. D., dan Iskender, H., 2009 . To examine the effect of the motivation provided by the administration on the job satisfaction of teachers and their institutional commitment, the World_Conference _on_Educational_Sciences 2009 . Journal Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, 2252–2257.
  • 31. Kim, W. G., & Brymer, R. A. 2011 . Article: The_effects_of_ethical_leadership_on manager_job_satisfaction, commitment, behavioural_outcomes, and_firm -performance. Hospitality_Management_international_journal, 1020-1026: 30 4
  • 32. Latham, G. P., & Pinder, C. C. 2005 . Article: Work_motivation_theory_and research_at_the_dawn_of_the_twenty-first_century. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 495–516.
  • 33. Liama Jeseviciute-Ufaretiene, 2017 ; Article: The role of leaders ethics motivation employees in the tourism organizations.
  • 34. Low, Cravens,., Grant, & Moncrief, 2001 . European_Journal_of_Marketing 587-611: 35 5/6 . Article: Antecedents_and_consequences_of_salesperson_burnout.
  • 35. Lu, L. 1999 . Work motivation, job stress and employees’ well-being, Journal of Applied Management Studies, 8 1 , 61-72.
  • 36. Locke, 1976 . Article: The nature_and_consequences_of_job_satisfaction. Book: Handbook_of_industrial_and_organizational_psychology 1297-1349 .
  • 37. M. Yousaf, M Waheed, Mudassir, M Saeed., 2015 : Article: The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Employee’s Job Satisfaction.
  • 38. Mullins, 2005 . Article: Management-and-Organizational-bahavior. Page:700.
  • 39. Piccolo, Greenbaum, Den Hartog, &Folger, 2010 . Organizational Behavior Journal, p:259-278. Article: The relationship_between_ethical_leadership_and_core job_characteristics.
  • 40. Quyang, Z., Sang, J., Li, P., Peng, J., 2015 . Organizational justice and job insecurity as mediators of the effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction: A study from China. Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 147–152.
  • 41. Ryan & Deci, 2000 . Journal: American Psychologist 68-78 55-1.. Article: Selfdetermination_theory_and_the_facilitation_of_intrinsic_motivation, social development, and wellbeing.
  • 42. Ryan & Deci, 2000 . Article: Intrinsic_and_Extrinsic_motivations: Classic_definitions and_new_directions. Journal: Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25 p:54-67.
  • 43. Saleem, H., 2015 . Article: The_impact_of_leadership_styles_on_job_satisfaction and_mediating_role_of_perceived_organizational_politics, Global_Conference_on Business & Social Science-2014, GCBSS-2014, Kuala Lumpur. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 563 – 569.
  • 44. Sedat Celik, Bekir Bora Dedeoglu, Ali Inanir, 2015 ; Article: Relationship between Ethical leadership, Organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Hotel organizations.
  • 45. Steers, MoWday, & Shapiro, 2004 . Article: The_future_of_work_motivation_ theory. Academy of Management Journal, p:379–387/ 29 .
  • 46. Spector, Paul E 1985 Community Psychology American Journal p:693-713 . Article: Measurement_of_human_service_staff_satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey.
  • 47. TarHan Okan, Ahmet Mutlu Akyuz,. 2015, Article: Exploring_the_Relationship between_Ethical_Leadership_and_Job_Satisfaction_with_the_Mediating_Role_of_the Level of Loyalty to Supervisor- pp. 155-177.
  • 48. Treviño, Brown, & Hartman 2003 Article: “A_Qualitative_Investigation_of Perceived_Executive_Ethical_Leadership: Perceptions_from_Inside_and_Outside_the Executive Suite” Human Relations 5-37/ 56-1.
  • 49. Trisno Trisno, Abror Abror, 2019; Article: The influence of Ethical Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, and work commitments on job satisfaction.
  • 50. Toker, B. [2007] “Demografik Değişkenlerin İş Tat-minine Etlikleri “İzmir`deki Beş ve Dört Yıldızlı Otel-ere Yönelik Bir Uygulama “ D-o-ğu-ş-Ün-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-e-s-i—D-e-r-g-i-s-i-, 8[1].92-107.
  • 51. Tu, Y. D., & Lu, X. X. 2013 . Article: How_ethical_leadership_influence_employees' innovative_Behavior: A_perspective_of_intrinsic_motivation. Business Ethics Journal.
  • 52. Ünguren, E, Doğan, H, Özmen, M. ve Tekin, Ö.A. [2010] “Otel Çalışanlarının Tukenmişlik ve İş TatminDü zeyleri İlişkisi “Yaşar Üniversitesi Dergisi ,17[5] .2922-2937.
  • 53. Vitell, & Singhapakdi, 2008 Article: “The_Role_of_Ethics_Institutionalization_in Influencing_Organizational_Commitment,_Job Satisfaction,_and_Esprit_De_Corps”, Business Ethics Journal
  • 54. Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, & Peterson, 2008 .Management Journal, 34, 89-126. Article: Authentic_leadership:_Development_and_validation_of _a _theory-based_measure.
  • 55. Walumbwa, Meyer, Wang, Wang, Workman, & Christensen, 2011 . Article: Linking_ethical_leadership_to_employee_performance: The_roles_of_leader–member_exchange,_selfefficacy,_and_organizational_identification. Organizational_ Behavior_and_Human_Decision_Processes.
  • 56. Webb, K.S. 2011 “Emotional Intelligence and Worker Commitment: The Impact of Leaders’ Behavior on Employee Commitment to Their Supervisor and the Organization” Advancement of Management and International Business Conference Proceedings.
  • 57. Yates, 2014 . The Journal of Values-Based Leadership. Article: Exploring_the Relationship_of_Ethical_Leadership_with_Job_Satisfaction,_Organizational Commitment,_and_Organizational_Citizenship_Behavior.
  • 58. Zhu, May, D.R. & Avolio, 2004 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Article: “The_Impact_of_Ethical_Leadership_Behavior_on_Employee_Out¬ comes: The_Roles_of_Psychological_Empowerment _and_Authenticity”..
  • 59. Zhu, W., Zheng, X., Riggio, R. E., & Zhang, X. 2015 . A_Critical _Review_of Theories_and_Measures_of_Ethics‐Related_Leadership. New_directions_for_student leadership, 2015 146 , 81-96.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Çiğdem Asarkaya Bu kişi benim

Sara Akaarir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Asarkaya, Ç., & Akaarir, S. (2021). The effect of Ethical Leadership on Intrinsic Motivation and Employees Job Satisfaction. Working Paper Series, 2(1), 14-30.