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The Effect of Cognitive Image Perceptions on Future Intentions of International Students in Istanbul

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 43 - 50, 24.09.2021


The starting point of tourist expectation, which is the determinant of visitor behavior, is image. On the one hand, in the increasing economic, cultural and political competitive environment, every city is trying to get its share, and in this direction, the image perceptions of international students, who are ambassadors, are important. This research investigates the effect of the cognitive image of international students studying in Istanbul on their future behavior. The study, which was designed as a survey method, was conducted on 313 international students studying at different universities in Istanbul in 2020. For the statistical analysis of the data obtained, reliability, validity, correlation and regression analyzes were performed using the SPSS 22.0 package program. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that cognitive image had a positive effect on behavioral intention.


  • Baloglu, S., Mangaloglu, M. 2001 . Tourism destination images of Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Italy as perceived by US-based tour operators and travel agents. Tourism management, 22 1 : 1-9.
  • Chauhan, A., Kaur, A., Medury, Y. 2014 , Information sources and perceived destination image: insights from an empirical study in India. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 5 4 : 327-49.
  • Choy, D.J. 1992 . Life cycle models for Pacific island destinations. Journal of travel research, 30 3 : 26-31.
  • Den, Hertog, P. 2010 , Managing service innovation: firm-level dynamic capabilities and policy options. Utrecht: Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie
  • Echtner, C.M., Ritchie, J.R. 2003 .The meaning and measurement of destination image, Journal of tourism studies,14 1 : 37.
  • Gallarza M.G., Saura I.G., Garcı́a H.C. 2002 . Destination image: Towards a conceptual framework. Annals of tourism research, 29 1 : 56-78.
  • Girma, M., Singh, M. 2019 . Factor Affecting Intention to Visit Destination Ethiopia; Branding Perspectives, International Journal of Management Science, 6 1 : 1-8.
  • Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., Uysal, M. 2007 . Destination image and destination personality. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1 1 : 62-81.
  • Jang S., Cai L.A. 2002 . Travel motivations and destination choice: A study of British outbound market. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 13 3 : 111-133.
  • Jang SC, Morrison AM, T O’Leary J. 2002 . Benefit segmentation of Japanese pleasure travelers to the USA and Canada: selecting target markets based on the profitability and risk of individual market segments. Tourism Management, 23 4 : 367-368.
  • Kusdibyo L. 2015 . Unlocking Souvenir Shopping Tourism in Indonesia: a Cross-Cultural Study Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University .
  • Lee T.H. 2019 . A structural model to examine how destination image, attitude, and motivation affect the future behavior of tourists. Leisure Sciences, 31 3 : 215-36.
  • Leisen, B. 2001 . Image segmentation: the case of a tourism destination. Journal of services marketing, 15 1 : 49-66.
  • Middleton, V.T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., Morgan, M., Ranchhod, A. 2009 . Marketing in travel and tourism. Routledge.
  • Molina, A., Gomez, M., Martın-Consuegra, D. 2010 . Tourism Marketing Information and Destination Image Management, African Journal of Business Management, 4 5 , 22-728.
  • Morgan, M., Lugosi, P., Ritchie, J.B. 2010 . The tourism and leisure experience: Consumer and managerial perspectives. Channel View Publications.
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M.P., Smith, B. 2000 . The destination product and its impact on traveler perceptions. Tourism management, 21 1 : 43-52.
  • Nunkoo, R., Ramkissoon, H. 2011 . Developing a community support model for tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38 3 : 964-988.
  • O’Neill, M.A., McKenna, M.A. 1994 . Northern Ireland tourism: A quality perspective. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 4 2 : 31-5.
  • Pike, S. 2009 . Destination brand positions of a competitive set of near-home destinations. Tourism management, 30 6 : 857-66.
  • Pike, S., Ryan, C. 2004 . Destination positioning analysis through a comparison of cognitive, affective, and conative perceptions. Journal of travel research, 42 4 : 333-42.
  • Sung Moon, K., Kim, M., Jae Ko, Y., Connaughton, D.P., Hak Lee, J. 2011 . The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 21 3 : 287-303.
  • Şahin, S., Baloğlu, S. 2011 . Brand personality and destination image of Istanbul. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research, 22 1 , 69–88.
  • Wilson, J., Richards, G. 2008 . Suspending reality: An exploration of enclaves and the backpacker experience. Current Issues in Tourism, 11 2 : 187-202.
  • Wilson, J. 2012 . The Routledge handbook of tourism geographies. Routledge
  • Zhang, H. M., Fu, X. X., Cai, L. P., Lu, L. 2014 . Destination image and tourist loyalty: A meta-analysis. Tourism Management, 40, 213–223.

İstanbul'daki Uluslararası Öğrencilerin Bilişsel İmaj Algılarının Geleceğe Yönelik Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 43 - 50, 24.09.2021


Ziyaretçi davranışlarının belirleyicisi olan turist beklentisinin başlangıç noktası imajdır. Bir taraftan artan ekonomik, kültürel ve politik rekabetçi ortamda her kent kendi payını almak çabasındadır ve bu doğrultuda birer elçi olan uluslararası öğrencilerin imaj algıları önem taşımaktadır. Bu araştırma İstanbul'da eğitim alan uluslararası öğrencilerinin bilişsel imajının gelecekteki davranışkarı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktadır. Anket yöntemi olarak tasarlanan çalışma için İstanbulun farklı üniversitelerinde eğitim alan 313 uluslararası öğrenci üzerinde 2020 yılında yürütülmüştür. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi için SPSS 22.0 paket programı kullanılarak güvenilirlik, geçerlilik, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, bilişsel imajın davraşıssal niyet üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır.


  • Baloglu, S., Mangaloglu, M. 2001 . Tourism destination images of Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and Italy as perceived by US-based tour operators and travel agents. Tourism management, 22 1 : 1-9.
  • Chauhan, A., Kaur, A., Medury, Y. 2014 , Information sources and perceived destination image: insights from an empirical study in India. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 5 4 : 327-49.
  • Choy, D.J. 1992 . Life cycle models for Pacific island destinations. Journal of travel research, 30 3 : 26-31.
  • Den, Hertog, P. 2010 , Managing service innovation: firm-level dynamic capabilities and policy options. Utrecht: Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie
  • Echtner, C.M., Ritchie, J.R. 2003 .The meaning and measurement of destination image, Journal of tourism studies,14 1 : 37.
  • Gallarza M.G., Saura I.G., Garcı́a H.C. 2002 . Destination image: Towards a conceptual framework. Annals of tourism research, 29 1 : 56-78.
  • Girma, M., Singh, M. 2019 . Factor Affecting Intention to Visit Destination Ethiopia; Branding Perspectives, International Journal of Management Science, 6 1 : 1-8.
  • Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., Uysal, M. 2007 . Destination image and destination personality. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1 1 : 62-81.
  • Jang S., Cai L.A. 2002 . Travel motivations and destination choice: A study of British outbound market. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 13 3 : 111-133.
  • Jang SC, Morrison AM, T O’Leary J. 2002 . Benefit segmentation of Japanese pleasure travelers to the USA and Canada: selecting target markets based on the profitability and risk of individual market segments. Tourism Management, 23 4 : 367-368.
  • Kusdibyo L. 2015 . Unlocking Souvenir Shopping Tourism in Indonesia: a Cross-Cultural Study Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University .
  • Lee T.H. 2019 . A structural model to examine how destination image, attitude, and motivation affect the future behavior of tourists. Leisure Sciences, 31 3 : 215-36.
  • Leisen, B. 2001 . Image segmentation: the case of a tourism destination. Journal of services marketing, 15 1 : 49-66.
  • Middleton, V.T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., Morgan, M., Ranchhod, A. 2009 . Marketing in travel and tourism. Routledge.
  • Molina, A., Gomez, M., Martın-Consuegra, D. 2010 . Tourism Marketing Information and Destination Image Management, African Journal of Business Management, 4 5 , 22-728.
  • Morgan, M., Lugosi, P., Ritchie, J.B. 2010 . The tourism and leisure experience: Consumer and managerial perspectives. Channel View Publications.
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M.P., Smith, B. 2000 . The destination product and its impact on traveler perceptions. Tourism management, 21 1 : 43-52.
  • Nunkoo, R., Ramkissoon, H. 2011 . Developing a community support model for tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38 3 : 964-988.
  • O’Neill, M.A., McKenna, M.A. 1994 . Northern Ireland tourism: A quality perspective. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 4 2 : 31-5.
  • Pike, S. 2009 . Destination brand positions of a competitive set of near-home destinations. Tourism management, 30 6 : 857-66.
  • Pike, S., Ryan, C. 2004 . Destination positioning analysis through a comparison of cognitive, affective, and conative perceptions. Journal of travel research, 42 4 : 333-42.
  • Sung Moon, K., Kim, M., Jae Ko, Y., Connaughton, D.P., Hak Lee, J. 2011 . The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 21 3 : 287-303.
  • Şahin, S., Baloğlu, S. 2011 . Brand personality and destination image of Istanbul. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research, 22 1 , 69–88.
  • Wilson, J., Richards, G. 2008 . Suspending reality: An exploration of enclaves and the backpacker experience. Current Issues in Tourism, 11 2 : 187-202.
  • Wilson, J. 2012 . The Routledge handbook of tourism geographies. Routledge
  • Zhang, H. M., Fu, X. X., Cai, L. P., Lu, L. 2014 . Destination image and tourist loyalty: A meta-analysis. Tourism Management, 40, 213–223.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sahar Mohammadi Bazargani Bu kişi benim

Özgür Çengel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Bazargani, S. M., & Çengel, Ö. (2021). İstanbul’daki Uluslararası Öğrencilerin Bilişsel İmaj Algılarının Geleceğe Yönelik Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi. Working Paper Series, 2(3), 43-50.