Yazım Kuralları

1.2 Types of Article
The journal publishes scholarly articles on practice and research from diverse perspectives including but not limited to substantial discussion papers, original research, methodology, case study, research review papers and book reviews. All papers are expected to contribute to new knowledge creation, with a sound demonstration of field expertise in regards to theory and practice.
The journal will include:
Peer reviewed articles that contribute to the method, practice and theory of action research
A strong editorial comment column
An Open Forum for readers to initiate and maintain discussion (see also the Action Research Community blog: https://actionresearchplus.com/blog/)
1.3 Article Format
Articles should be between 2800 and 4000 words excluding references.
Please forward your paper proposal, title included, with a paragraph of at least 150 words and at most 200 words, to krea@ieu.edu.tr
Please prefer Times New Roman, size 12 font and 1.0 spacing.
Our journal is published in both English/Turkish. We ask that you forward your paper translated, otherwise, it will be published as it is without translation.
We do not prefer your paper being published in another national publication.
Please indicate the references in your paper in APA 6 format.
Visual content in your paper should be documented as not to cause any copyright concerns.
Visual content and your paper should be submitted in high resolution.
Copyright form should include the name of your paper, it should be dated and signed, and submitted in .pdf format.
1.4. Language:
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research accepts contributions both in Turkish and in English.
2. Editorial policies
2.1 Peer review policy
During the submission process, no information about the author(s) should appear in the main text document and should be anonymized. It is expected that the cover page and author information will be sent as a separate file.
Anonym maindoc: Anonym_maindoc_title
Cover page: Author last name_coverpage_title
Our policy is that reviewers should not be assigned to an article if:
The reviewer based at the same institution as any of the co-authors.
There is a conflict of interest relationship between the reviewer and the author.
The reviewer based at the article's funding body.
2.2 Authorship
Authorship should be judged by the level of contribution to the submitted work. All individuals who have made substantial contributions should be listed as authors. Authorship order should be in compliance with the accepted practices in the author(s) respective disciplines, fields and national guidelines if available.
2.3 Acknowledgements
Any contributors, who have supported the paper and who do not meet the authorship criteria should be properly cited in the acknowledgments section.
2.4 Funding
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research requires that all authors acknowledge any type of funding related to the topic and content of the submitted paper. In the event of no funding provided through resources external to the author(s), then the disclaimer should state: 'This research has not received any specific grants from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.'
3. Publishing Policies
3.1 Publication ethics and Plagiarism
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research is committed to the academic and research integrity of the works submitted. International Standards for Authors can be viewed as a reference and guide for those producing academic outputs and we strongly encourage authors to follow these guidelines throughout their research and publications.
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research takes copyright infringement, plagiarism and any other forms of intellectual breach very seriously. We seek to protect the reputation and rights of the publication as well as the authors, therefore maintain in our discretion to check the submitted works with duplication-checking software.
3.1.2 Prior publication
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research favors publishing material which has not been published before elsewhere. However, there may be exceptions to this rule, which will be communicated with the authors throughout the editorial process.
3.2 Contributor's publishing agreement
Before publication, IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research requires the author as the rights holder to sign a Author’s Publishing Agreement, which is an exclusive licence agreement granting the Journal the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the legal term of the copyright, while the author(s) retain the copyright and moral rights associated with the work. There is no obstacle for the authors to publish their studies in media such as ResearchGate/ Academia by referring to the first media (IEU+KREA journal web link) where the journal is published, following the publication of their studies in IEU+KREA.
4. Preparing your manuscript for submission
4.1 Formatting
The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. Please refer to IEU+KREA Publishing format Guidelines for details
4.2 Figures, graphics and artwork
Images, drawings and graphics in the articles to be included in the journal will be in color, but the right to be published in black and white situations that puts the print quality at risk is reserved. Graphics, drawings and images specified in the text are requested in a separate file with high resolution.

4.3. Reference style
IEU KREA Journal of Creative Economy Practice and Research adheres to the APA reference style. View the APA guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.
5. Submitting your manuscript
5.1. Send your article and all enclosed documents to (krea@ieu.edu.tr)
5.2. Permissions
Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions from the copyright holders to reproduce any illustrations, tables, figures or long quotations previously published elsewhere. Please see the Copyright and Permissions for more information, including guidance on fair dealing with criticism and review.
6. Upon acceptance
Please make sure that all author information: names, affiliations, rank and contact information is correct, and that your evidence has been checked. In addition, ensure that any Funding, Conflict of Interest, and Entity Affair statements, if any, are accurate. Also note that all authors must complete and sign a consent form in case of any changes to the author list.
7. Further information
Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to;
Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Sevay Ipek Aydin: krea@ieu.edu.tr