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Yıl 2018, Sayı: 37, 101 - 123, 01.06.2018


Although it was first used to describe electronic medical records, e-health does not only mean the transfer and the storage of personal and social data about health with the information and technology now dominating every field of medicine in accordance with the changing nature of healthcare delivery. At this current point, it involves the development of the healthcare service as a whole in the electronic environment, the storage of data, the execution of diagnoses and treatments and the evaluation of the results by using a web-based presentation. Therefore, e-health, in a sense, emerges as a new name of health in the age of technology. In this study, developments regarding e-health practices in the world and in Turkey will be discussed by referring to the historical infrastructure of e-health practices


  • Ammenwerth E., de Keizer N. (2007) “A viewpoint on Evidence-basedHealt- hInformatics, based on a pilot survey on evaluationstudies in healt- hcareinformatics”,JAMIA, 14 (3), pp 368–371.
  • Andreassen, H. K., Bujnowska-Fedak, M. M., Chronaki C. E., Dimitru, R. C., Pudule, I., Santana, S., Voss, H., Wynn, E. (2007)“Europeanci- tizens’ use of e-healthservices: A study of seven countries”,BMC PublicHealth, 7:53 doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-7-53
  • Arhete, L. E. ve Erasmus, R. (2016) “Healthcare Service Delivery: A Litera- tureReview”, International Associationfor Management of Techno- logy IAMOT 2016 Conference Proceedings, pp 487-505.
  • Atlas of eHealthcountryprofiles: theuse of eHealth in support of universal- healthcoverage: based on thefindings of thethird global survey on eHealth 2015.
  • Balfour DC, Evans S, Januska J, Lee HY, Lewis SJ, Nolan SR et al. (2009) “HealthInformation Technology— Resultsfrom a RoundtableDis- cussion”,J ManagCarePharm, 15:10–7. PMID:19125556.
  • Ball, M. J. ve Lillis, J. (2001) “E-health: TransformingthePhysician/Patient- Relationship”International Journal of MedicalInformatics, 61, pp 1–10.
  • Blaya, J. A., Fraser, H. S. F., Holt, B. (2010) “E-Health Technologies Show PromiseInDevelopingCountries”,HealthAffairs,29(2), pp 244-251.
  • Boogerd EA, Arts T, Engelen LJ, Van de Belt TH. (2015) “What is eHe- alth”: Time for an Update? JMIR ResProtoc. Mar 12;4(1):e29. doi: 10.2196/resprot.4065
  • Brodie, M., Flournoy, R. E., Altman, D. E., Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., Rosenbaum, M. D. (2000) “Healthinformation, theInternet,andthe- DigitalDivide. HealthAffairsNovember/December, 19 (6), pp 255- 265.
  • Ciemins E, Coon P, Peck R, Holloway B, Min SJ. (2011) “Using Telehealth- toProvideDiabetesCaretoPatients in RuralMontana: Findingsfromt- hePromotingRealisticIndividual Self-Management Program”, Tele- medicineand e-Health. 17 (8): 596-602.
  • Cotton SR, Gupta SS. (2004)“Characteristics of Online andOffline HealthIn- formation SeekersandFactorsthatDiscriminatebetweenThem”,So- cSciMed, Nov;59(9), pp 1795-806. [PMID: 15312915]
  • Dedding, C., Van Doorn, R., Winkler, L., Reis, E. (2011) “How will e-He- althAffectPatientParticipation in Clinic? A Review of e-HealthStu- diesandtheCurrentEvidenceforChanges in theRelationshipBetwe- enMedicalProfessionalsandPatients”,SocSciMed, 72, pp 49-53 doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.10.017
  • DellaMea, V. (2001) “What is e-Health (2): TheDeathof :Telemedicine?” J Med Internet Res, 3(2), e22 Doi: 10.2196/jmir.3.2.e22
  • Deluca JM, Enmark R. (2000)“E-health: theChangingModel of Healthcare”, Front HealthServManage, 17(1), pp 3-15.
  • Deluca JM, Enmark R. (2001) “TheLatestRevolution. WhatSolutions willTe- chnologyOffer?”,Health Forum J, 44(1), pp 22-25.
  • D’Souza, S.C. &Sequeira, A.H. (2012) “MeasuringtheCustomer-Perceived- Service Quality in HealthcareOrganisation: A Case Study”,Journal of Health Management, 14(1), pp 27-41.
  • Edworthy SM. (2001) “Telemedicine in DevelopingCountries”. BMJ, 323 (7312), pp 524–5
  • eHealth Network-RefinedeHealthEuropeanInteroperability Framework 2015
  • E-healthStandardsandInteroperability ITU-T Technology Watch Report April 2012
  • Eysenbach, G. (2001) “What is E-Health?”Journal of Medical Internet Rese- arch, 3(2), e20.
  • Eysenbach G, Kohler C. (2004) “Health-RelatedSearchs on the Internet”, JAMA Jun 23, 291(24), pp 2946. [PMID: 15213205]
  • Field MJ.(1996) (eds)Telemedicine: a Guide toAssessingTelecommunicati- ons in HealthCare. Washington (DC): NationalAcademiesPress. ( NBK45445/, Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018).
  • Global Diffusion of E-Health: MakingUniversal HealthCoverageAchievab- le. Report of theThird Global Survey on eHealth. Geneva: World HealthOrganization; 2016. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  • Handbook of VitalStatisticsSystemsandMethods, Volume 1: Legal, Organisa- tionaland Technical Aspects, United Nations Studies in Methods, Glossary, Series F, No. 35, United Nations, New York 1991.
  • Hardey, M. (2001) ‘E-health’: the internet andthetransformation of patient- sintoconsumersandproducers of healthknowledge, Information, Communication&Society, 4:3, 388-405.
  • Haux R. (2006) “Individualization, GlobalizationandHealth – aboutSustai- nableInformation Technologies andtheAim of MedicalInformati- cs”,Int J MedInform, 75 (12), pp 795–808
  • Hillestad, R., Bigelow, J.,Bower, A.,Girosi, F., Meili, R., Scoville, R., Taylor, R. (2005)Can Electronic Medical Record Systems Transform He- alth Care? Potential Health Benefits, Savings, And Costs”, Health Affairs,2 4(5), pp 1103-1117. Doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.24.5.1103
  • ITU-T Technology Watch Report, “Standards and eHealth”, 2011. http:// Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018
  • Kim GR, Lehmann CU. (2009) InSearch of DialogueandDiscourse in App- liedClinicalInformatics. ACI, 0 (1): 1–9. doi: 10.4338/ACI09-10- 0002.
  • Kreps, G. L. Neuhauser, L. (2010) “New Directions in E-HealthCommunica- tion: OpportunitiesandChallenges”,PatientEducationandCounse- ling, 78, pp 329–336.
  • Mair, F.S. May, C. O’Donnel, C.Finch, T.Sullivan, F.Murray, E. (2012) “Fa- ctorsthatPromoteorInhibittheImplementation of E-HealthSystems: An ExplanatorySystematicReview.Bull World Health Organ, 90, pp357–364. doi:10.2471/BLT.11.099424
  • Matsumoto, M.Koike, S.Kashima, S.Awai, K. (2015)“GeographicDistri- bution of RadiologistsandUtilization of Teleradiology in Japan: ALongitudinalAnalysis Based on NationalCensusData. PLoSOne, 10(9):e0139723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139723.
  • May, C. R.Finch, T. L.Cornford, J.Exley, C.Gately, C.Kirk, S. (2011). Integratingtelecareforchronicdiseasemanagement in thecom- munity: Whatneedsto be done? BMC HealthServRes,11:131. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-11-131 PMID:21619596
  • Mitchell J. (2000) “IncreasingtheCost-Effectiveness of TelemedicinebyEmb- racingE-Health. J TelemedTelecare, 6 Suppl 1, pp 16-19. Doi: 10.1258/1357633001934500]
  • Neuhaser, L. Kreps, G. (2003)RethinkingCommunication in the E-healthE- ra”,Journal of HealthPsychology, 8(1) pp7–23.
  • Ludwick, D. A. Doucette, J. (2009) “Adopting Electronic MedicalRecords in Primary Case: LessonsLearnedfromHealth Information Sys- temsImplementationExperience in Seven Countries”,International Journal of MedicalInformatics,78 pp22–31.
  • Oh, H.Rizo, C.Enkin, M.Jadad, A. (2005) “What Is eHealth (3): A Systema- ticReview of PublishedDefinitions”,J Med Internet Res, 7(1):e1 doi:10.2196/jmir.7.1.e1
  • Özbabalık, D. (2012). Tıbbi Doküman ve Dökümantasyon Tanımı ve Tarihçe- si. İçinde: Tıbbi Dökümantasyon, Ed.: Demet Özbabalık. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Pagliari, C.Sloan, D.Gregor, P.Sullivan, F.Detmer, D.Kahan, J. P.Oortwijn, W.MacGillivray, S. (2005) “What Is eHealth (4): A ScopingExer- cisetoMaptheField”,J Med Internet Res, 7(1):e9 doi:10.2196/ jmir.7.1.e9
  • Powel, J. Buchan, I. (2005) “Electronic HealthRecordsShouldSupportClini- calResearch”,J Med Internet Res,7(1):e4 doi:10.2196/jmir.7.1.e4
  • Pretlow R. eHealth International: A CuttingEdgeCompanyFor A New Age InHealthCare. Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018 URL:http://www.carols-
  • Resolution WHA58.33. Sustainablehealthfinancing, universalcoveragean- dsocialhealthinsurance. In: Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 16–25 May 2005. Resolutionsanddecisionsannex. Ge- neva: World HealthOrganization; 2005 (WHA58/2005/REC/1; http://
  • A58_2005_REC1-en.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018).
  • Roine R, Ohinmaa A, Hailey D. (2001) “AssessingTelemedicine: a Systema- ticReview of theLiterature”, CMAJ, 165(6), pp765–71.
  • Rosen, S.Fox, M.P.Gill, C. J. (2007) “PatientRetention in AntiretroviralThe- rapyPrograms in Sub-SaharanAfrica: a SystematicReview”,PLoS- Med,Oct 16;4(10):e298.
  • Ross J. (2009) “Electronic MedicalRecords: ThePromisesandChallen- ges”,Journal of PeriAnesthesiaNursing, 24(5), pp327-329.
  • Shaw, T.McGregor, D.Brunner, M.Keep, M.Janssen, A.Barnet, S. (2017)“What is eHealth (6)? Development of a Conceptual Model foreHe- alth: QualitativeStudywithKeyInformants.”,J Med Internet Res, 19(10):e324 doi:10.2196/jmir.8106.
  • Varsney, U. Pervasive Healthcare and Wireless HealthMonitoring. Mobile NetwAppl2007; 12: 113–127.Doi: 10.1007/s11036-007-0017-1
  • Watson R. (2010) “EuropeanUnionLeadsWay on E-Health but ObstaclesRe- main”, BMJ, 341: c5195. doi:10.1136/bmj.c5195 PMID:20858645
  • Weeks, R. (2012a) “Healthcare Management: An e-healthPerspective”,InPre- torius, M.W. (Ed.). Innovate, issue 07, pp34-39.
  • Weeks, R. (2012b). “A TechnologyPerspective of Healthcare Services Mana- gement”,ActaCommercil, pp173-185.
  • Wilson, E. V. Lankton, N. K. (2004) “ModelingPatients’ Acceptance of Provi- der-delivered E-health”,Journal of theAmericanMedicalInformati- csAssociation, 11(4), pp241-248.
  • World Health Organization (2011). mHealth: New HorizonsforHealthThrough Mobile Technologies: Based on theFindings of theSecond Global Survey on E-Health.Global ObservatoryforeHealthseries - Volume 3
  • Wootton, R. (2008) “Telemedicinesupportforthedevelopingworld. J Telemed- Telecare,14(3), pp109-14. doi:10.1258/jtt.2008.003001.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 06.02.2018.

E-Sağlık uygulamaları

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 37, 101 - 123, 01.06.2018


E-Sağlık kavramı ilk kullanılmaya başlandığı dönemde elektronik tıbbi kayıtları ifade etmek için kullanılsa da, sağlık hizmetleri sunumunun değişen doğasına uygun olarak, teknoloji ve bilişimin de artık tıp biliminin her alanına hâkim olmasıyla birlikte sadece sağlığa ilişkin kişisel ve toplumsal verilerin elektronik ortama aktarılması ve saklanması olarak değerlendirilmemektedir. Gelinen noktada artık sağlık hizmeti sunumunun bir bütün olarak elektronik ortamda gelişmesi, verilerin saklanması, tanı ve tedavilerin yürütülmesi ve sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi süreçlerinin de yine web tabanlı olarak sunumunu kapsamaktadır. Dolayısıyla e-Sağlık, bir anlamda teknoloji çağında sağlığın yeni adı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada e-Sağlık uygulamalarının tarihsel altyapısından bahsedilerek dünya ve Türkiye’deki gelişmelere değinilecektir


  • Ammenwerth E., de Keizer N. (2007) “A viewpoint on Evidence-basedHealt- hInformatics, based on a pilot survey on evaluationstudies in healt- hcareinformatics”,JAMIA, 14 (3), pp 368–371.
  • Andreassen, H. K., Bujnowska-Fedak, M. M., Chronaki C. E., Dimitru, R. C., Pudule, I., Santana, S., Voss, H., Wynn, E. (2007)“Europeanci- tizens’ use of e-healthservices: A study of seven countries”,BMC PublicHealth, 7:53 doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-7-53
  • Arhete, L. E. ve Erasmus, R. (2016) “Healthcare Service Delivery: A Litera- tureReview”, International Associationfor Management of Techno- logy IAMOT 2016 Conference Proceedings, pp 487-505.
  • Atlas of eHealthcountryprofiles: theuse of eHealth in support of universal- healthcoverage: based on thefindings of thethird global survey on eHealth 2015.
  • Balfour DC, Evans S, Januska J, Lee HY, Lewis SJ, Nolan SR et al. (2009) “HealthInformation Technology— Resultsfrom a RoundtableDis- cussion”,J ManagCarePharm, 15:10–7. PMID:19125556.
  • Ball, M. J. ve Lillis, J. (2001) “E-health: TransformingthePhysician/Patient- Relationship”International Journal of MedicalInformatics, 61, pp 1–10.
  • Blaya, J. A., Fraser, H. S. F., Holt, B. (2010) “E-Health Technologies Show PromiseInDevelopingCountries”,HealthAffairs,29(2), pp 244-251.
  • Boogerd EA, Arts T, Engelen LJ, Van de Belt TH. (2015) “What is eHe- alth”: Time for an Update? JMIR ResProtoc. Mar 12;4(1):e29. doi: 10.2196/resprot.4065
  • Brodie, M., Flournoy, R. E., Altman, D. E., Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., Rosenbaum, M. D. (2000) “Healthinformation, theInternet,andthe- DigitalDivide. HealthAffairsNovember/December, 19 (6), pp 255- 265.
  • Ciemins E, Coon P, Peck R, Holloway B, Min SJ. (2011) “Using Telehealth- toProvideDiabetesCaretoPatients in RuralMontana: Findingsfromt- hePromotingRealisticIndividual Self-Management Program”, Tele- medicineand e-Health. 17 (8): 596-602.
  • Cotton SR, Gupta SS. (2004)“Characteristics of Online andOffline HealthIn- formation SeekersandFactorsthatDiscriminatebetweenThem”,So- cSciMed, Nov;59(9), pp 1795-806. [PMID: 15312915]
  • Dedding, C., Van Doorn, R., Winkler, L., Reis, E. (2011) “How will e-He- althAffectPatientParticipation in Clinic? A Review of e-HealthStu- diesandtheCurrentEvidenceforChanges in theRelationshipBetwe- enMedicalProfessionalsandPatients”,SocSciMed, 72, pp 49-53 doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.10.017
  • DellaMea, V. (2001) “What is e-Health (2): TheDeathof :Telemedicine?” J Med Internet Res, 3(2), e22 Doi: 10.2196/jmir.3.2.e22
  • Deluca JM, Enmark R. (2000)“E-health: theChangingModel of Healthcare”, Front HealthServManage, 17(1), pp 3-15.
  • Deluca JM, Enmark R. (2001) “TheLatestRevolution. WhatSolutions willTe- chnologyOffer?”,Health Forum J, 44(1), pp 22-25.
  • D’Souza, S.C. &Sequeira, A.H. (2012) “MeasuringtheCustomer-Perceived- Service Quality in HealthcareOrganisation: A Case Study”,Journal of Health Management, 14(1), pp 27-41.
  • Edworthy SM. (2001) “Telemedicine in DevelopingCountries”. BMJ, 323 (7312), pp 524–5
  • eHealth Network-RefinedeHealthEuropeanInteroperability Framework 2015
  • E-healthStandardsandInteroperability ITU-T Technology Watch Report April 2012
  • Eysenbach, G. (2001) “What is E-Health?”Journal of Medical Internet Rese- arch, 3(2), e20.
  • Eysenbach G, Kohler C. (2004) “Health-RelatedSearchs on the Internet”, JAMA Jun 23, 291(24), pp 2946. [PMID: 15213205]
  • Field MJ.(1996) (eds)Telemedicine: a Guide toAssessingTelecommunicati- ons in HealthCare. Washington (DC): NationalAcademiesPress. ( NBK45445/, Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018).
  • Global Diffusion of E-Health: MakingUniversal HealthCoverageAchievab- le. Report of theThird Global Survey on eHealth. Geneva: World HealthOrganization; 2016. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  • Handbook of VitalStatisticsSystemsandMethods, Volume 1: Legal, Organisa- tionaland Technical Aspects, United Nations Studies in Methods, Glossary, Series F, No. 35, United Nations, New York 1991.
  • Hardey, M. (2001) ‘E-health’: the internet andthetransformation of patient- sintoconsumersandproducers of healthknowledge, Information, Communication&Society, 4:3, 388-405.
  • Haux R. (2006) “Individualization, GlobalizationandHealth – aboutSustai- nableInformation Technologies andtheAim of MedicalInformati- cs”,Int J MedInform, 75 (12), pp 795–808
  • Hillestad, R., Bigelow, J.,Bower, A.,Girosi, F., Meili, R., Scoville, R., Taylor, R. (2005)Can Electronic Medical Record Systems Transform He- alth Care? Potential Health Benefits, Savings, And Costs”, Health Affairs,2 4(5), pp 1103-1117. Doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.24.5.1103
  • ITU-T Technology Watch Report, “Standards and eHealth”, 2011. http:// Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018
  • Kim GR, Lehmann CU. (2009) InSearch of DialogueandDiscourse in App- liedClinicalInformatics. ACI, 0 (1): 1–9. doi: 10.4338/ACI09-10- 0002.
  • Kreps, G. L. Neuhauser, L. (2010) “New Directions in E-HealthCommunica- tion: OpportunitiesandChallenges”,PatientEducationandCounse- ling, 78, pp 329–336.
  • Mair, F.S. May, C. O’Donnel, C.Finch, T.Sullivan, F.Murray, E. (2012) “Fa- ctorsthatPromoteorInhibittheImplementation of E-HealthSystems: An ExplanatorySystematicReview.Bull World Health Organ, 90, pp357–364. doi:10.2471/BLT.11.099424
  • Matsumoto, M.Koike, S.Kashima, S.Awai, K. (2015)“GeographicDistri- bution of RadiologistsandUtilization of Teleradiology in Japan: ALongitudinalAnalysis Based on NationalCensusData. PLoSOne, 10(9):e0139723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139723.
  • May, C. R.Finch, T. L.Cornford, J.Exley, C.Gately, C.Kirk, S. (2011). Integratingtelecareforchronicdiseasemanagement in thecom- munity: Whatneedsto be done? BMC HealthServRes,11:131. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-11-131 PMID:21619596
  • Mitchell J. (2000) “IncreasingtheCost-Effectiveness of TelemedicinebyEmb- racingE-Health. J TelemedTelecare, 6 Suppl 1, pp 16-19. Doi: 10.1258/1357633001934500]
  • Neuhaser, L. Kreps, G. (2003)RethinkingCommunication in the E-healthE- ra”,Journal of HealthPsychology, 8(1) pp7–23.
  • Ludwick, D. A. Doucette, J. (2009) “Adopting Electronic MedicalRecords in Primary Case: LessonsLearnedfromHealth Information Sys- temsImplementationExperience in Seven Countries”,International Journal of MedicalInformatics,78 pp22–31.
  • Oh, H.Rizo, C.Enkin, M.Jadad, A. (2005) “What Is eHealth (3): A Systema- ticReview of PublishedDefinitions”,J Med Internet Res, 7(1):e1 doi:10.2196/jmir.7.1.e1
  • Özbabalık, D. (2012). Tıbbi Doküman ve Dökümantasyon Tanımı ve Tarihçe- si. İçinde: Tıbbi Dökümantasyon, Ed.: Demet Özbabalık. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Pagliari, C.Sloan, D.Gregor, P.Sullivan, F.Detmer, D.Kahan, J. P.Oortwijn, W.MacGillivray, S. (2005) “What Is eHealth (4): A ScopingExer- cisetoMaptheField”,J Med Internet Res, 7(1):e9 doi:10.2196/ jmir.7.1.e9
  • Powel, J. Buchan, I. (2005) “Electronic HealthRecordsShouldSupportClini- calResearch”,J Med Internet Res,7(1):e4 doi:10.2196/jmir.7.1.e4
  • Pretlow R. eHealth International: A CuttingEdgeCompanyFor A New Age InHealthCare. Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018 URL:http://www.carols-
  • Resolution WHA58.33. Sustainablehealthfinancing, universalcoveragean- dsocialhealthinsurance. In: Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 16–25 May 2005. Resolutionsanddecisionsannex. Ge- neva: World HealthOrganization; 2005 (WHA58/2005/REC/1; http://
  • A58_2005_REC1-en.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 18.03.2018).
  • Roine R, Ohinmaa A, Hailey D. (2001) “AssessingTelemedicine: a Systema- ticReview of theLiterature”, CMAJ, 165(6), pp765–71.
  • Rosen, S.Fox, M.P.Gill, C. J. (2007) “PatientRetention in AntiretroviralThe- rapyPrograms in Sub-SaharanAfrica: a SystematicReview”,PLoS- Med,Oct 16;4(10):e298.
  • Ross J. (2009) “Electronic MedicalRecords: ThePromisesandChallen- ges”,Journal of PeriAnesthesiaNursing, 24(5), pp327-329.
  • Shaw, T.McGregor, D.Brunner, M.Keep, M.Janssen, A.Barnet, S. (2017)“What is eHealth (6)? Development of a Conceptual Model foreHe- alth: QualitativeStudywithKeyInformants.”,J Med Internet Res, 19(10):e324 doi:10.2196/jmir.8106.
  • Varsney, U. Pervasive Healthcare and Wireless HealthMonitoring. Mobile NetwAppl2007; 12: 113–127.Doi: 10.1007/s11036-007-0017-1
  • Watson R. (2010) “EuropeanUnionLeadsWay on E-Health but ObstaclesRe- main”, BMJ, 341: c5195. doi:10.1136/bmj.c5195 PMID:20858645
  • Weeks, R. (2012a) “Healthcare Management: An e-healthPerspective”,InPre- torius, M.W. (Ed.). Innovate, issue 07, pp34-39.
  • Weeks, R. (2012b). “A TechnologyPerspective of Healthcare Services Mana- gement”,ActaCommercil, pp173-185.
  • Wilson, E. V. Lankton, N. K. (2004) “ModelingPatients’ Acceptance of Provi- der-delivered E-health”,Journal of theAmericanMedicalInformati- csAssociation, 11(4), pp241-248.
  • World Health Organization (2011). mHealth: New HorizonsforHealthThrough Mobile Technologies: Based on theFindings of theSecond Global Survey on E-Health.Global ObservatoryforeHealthseries - Volume 3
  • Wootton, R. (2008) “Telemedicinesupportforthedevelopingworld. J Telemed- Telecare,14(3), pp109-14. doi:10.1258/jtt.2008.003001.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 06.02.2018.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Şükrü Anıl Toygar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 37

Kaynak Göster

APA Toygar, Ş. A. (2018). E-Sağlık uygulamaları. Yasama Dergisi(37), 101-123.