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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 23, 80 - 100, 01.01.2013


This article examines the Arab Spring as a process of political change inMorocco, where the royalty has remained in power so far. While in some Arabcountries mass protests of 2011 led to the demise of authoritarian regimes,King Mohammed VI has withstood the test of Arab Spring as the social unrestin Tunisia penetrated Morocco in early 2011. The protest movement calledFebruary 20, largely consisting of students, called for parliamentary monarchy and demanded a new constitution, more democracy and improvement ofsocio-economic conditions. Shortly after the eruption of protests, KingMohammed announced the drafting of a new constitution which was submitted to referendum in July 2011 and adopted by almost 99 percent of the vote.The new constitution enhanced separation of powers and fundamental rightsand freedoms, though remaining far from establishing a genuine parliamentary monarchy. This paper provides an overview of the political and socioeconomic background of Morocco, the protest movement and relateddemands, constitutional reforms, international public opinion on the reformsand November 2011 elections. The paper concludes with a summary andsome preliminary remarks for future direction of the Arab Spring in the country


  • AlSayyad, Nezar ve Mejgan Massoumi. “Religious Fundamentalisms in the City: Reflections on the Arab Spring.” Journal of International Affairs, 2012: 31-43.
  • Amos, Deborah. In Morocco, The Arab Spring’s Mixed Bounty. 7/2/2012. springs-mixed-bounty
  • Arieff, Alexis. Morocco: Current Issues. CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, 2012.
  • Avrupa Birliği. “Joint statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Stefan Füle on the referendum on the new Constitution in Morocco.” European Union. 2/7/2011. http://www.con- 123381.pdf
  • Avrupa Konseyi. “Moroccan Parliament Obtains ‘Partner for Democracy’ Status with PACE.” Council of Europe.21/6/2011. http://assembly.coe.i- nt/ASP/-NewsManager/EMB_NewsManagerView. asp?ID=6765
  • Bauer, Michael ve Thomas Schiller. The Arap Spring in 2012. Ludwig- Maximilians-Universitaet Munich: Center for Applied Policy Research, 2012. Islamist PJD Party Wins Morocco Poll. 27/11/2011.
  • BBC. Istiqlal party quits Morocco’s Islamist-led government, 9/7/2013. world-africa-23250370
  • —. Morocco Protests Fill Casablanca Streets. 27/5/2012. uk/news/world-africa-18231125
  • —. Morocco’s King Mohammed Unveils Constitutional Reforms.18/6/2011.
  • —. Q&A: Morocco’s Referendum on Reform. 29/6/2011. /news/world-africa-13964550
  • Behr, Timo. “Talking About the Revolution: Narratives on the Origin and Future of the Arab Spring.” European Institute of the Mediterranean. Şubat 2012. view=article&id=1315%3Apaper-9-talking-about-the-revolution-nar- r a t i v e s - o n - t h e - o r i g i n - a n d - f u t u r e - o f - t h e - a r a b - spring&catid=61%3Aeuromesco-papers&Itemid=48&lang=en
  • Belkeziz, Abdelilah. “Morocco and Democratic Transition: A Reading of the Constitutional Amendments - Their Context and Results.” Comte-mpo- rary Arab Affairs, 2012: 27 - 53.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler. “Human Development Report 2011: Explanatory Note on 2011 HDR Composite Indices.” 2012.
  • Bogaert, Koenraad ve Montserrat Emperador. “Imagining the State through Social Protest: State Reformation and the Mobilizations of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco.” Mediterranean Politics, 2011: 241-259.
  • Colombo, Silvia. “Morocco’s Uncertain Transition.” European Institute of the Mediterranean. 7/11/2011. option=com_content&view=article&id=1285%3Abrief-26-moroccos- u n c e r t a i n - t r a n s i t i o n & c a t i d = 6 2 % 3 A e u r o m e s c o - briefs&Itemid=49&lang=en
  • Desrues, Thiery ve Edwardo Moyano. “Social Change and Political Transition in Morocco.” Mediterranean Politics, 2001.
  • Dünya Bankası. Kingdom of Morocco: Promoting Youth Opportunities and Participation No.68731. MENA Region Sustainable Development Department, 2012.
  • Haseeb, Khair El-Din. “On the Arab ‘Democratic Spring’: Lessons Derived.” Contemporary Arab Affairs, 2011: 113-122.
  • Institut Thomas More. Élections législatives du 25 novembre au Maroc : enjeux pluriels et attentes autour d’un scrutin. 16/11/2011. http://www.insti- au-maroc-enjeux-pluriels-et-attentes-autour-dun-scrutin-2.html
  • J., Jefri ve Jefri J. Ruchti. Morocco: Draft Text of the Constitution Adopted at the Referendum of 1 July 2011. Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2011.
  • Joffé, George. “The Arab Spring in North Africa: Origins and Prospects.” The Journal of North African Studies, 2011: 507-532.
  • Jones, Jeremy. Negotiating Change: The New Politics of the Middle East. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2007.
  • López García, Bernabé. “Le Maroc et le printemps arabe dans un monde en plein changement.” Institut Européen de la Méditerranée. Mart 2012. siemed-euromesco/11.-le-maroc-et-le-printemps-arabe-dans-un- monde-en-plein-changement
  • Maddy-Weitzman, Bruce. “Is Morocco Immune to Upheaval.” Middle East Quarterly, Kış 2012: 87-93.
  • Maghraoui, Driss. “Constitutional Reforms in Morocco: Between Consensus and Subaltern Politics.” The Journal of North African Studies, 2011: 679 - 699.
  • Ottaway, Marina. The New Moroccan Constitution: Real Change or More of the Same? Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment, 2011.
  • Pelham, Nicolas. “How Morocco Dodged the Arab Spring.” New York Times. 5/7/2012. morocco-dodged-arab-spring/
  • Powell, Jonathan. “A Lasting Glow: Seizing the Optimism of the Arab Spring .” Public Policy Research, 2012.
  • Springborg, Robert. “The Precarious Economics of Arab Springs.” Survival 53, No. 6 (2011).
  • Storm, Lise. Democratization in Morocco: The Political Elite and Struggles for Power in the Post-Independence State. New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Strategic Survey. “The Arab Awakening.” Strategic Survey, 2011: 43-96.
  • Voll, John, Peter Mandaville, Steven Kull ve Alexis Arieff. “Political Islam in the Arab Awakening: Who Are the Major Players?” Middle East Policy, 2012: 10-35.
  • Zemni, Sami, Brecht de Smet ve Koenraad Bogaert. “Luxemburg on Tahrir Square: Reading the Arab Revolutions with Rosa Luxemburg’s The Mass Strike.” Antipode, 2012: 1-20.
  • Zemni, Sami ve Koenraad Bogaerd. “Trade, Security and Neoliberal Politics: Whither Arab Reform? Evidence from the Moroccon Case.” Journal of North African Studies, 2009: 91-107.
  • Zeraoui, Zidane. “Algeria: Revolution, Army and Political Power.” Language and Intercultural Communication, 2012: 133-145.

Fas: Arap Baharının İstisnası mı?

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 23, 80 - 100, 01.01.2013


Bu makale, Arap Baharının monarşi rejiminin hüküm sürdüğü Fas’taki siyasi değişim sürecine etkisini incelemektedir. 2011 protesto gösterileri bazıArap ülkelerinde otoriter rejimlerin yok olmasına neden olurken, Kral VI. Muhammed Tunus’tan gelen toplumsal huzursuzluk dalgasına karşı koyarak ArapBaharı testini geçmiştir. Fas’ta çoğunlukla öğrencilerden oluşan 20 Şubat adlı protesto hareketi parlamenter monarşi çağrısında bulunarak yeni bir anayasa, demokrasi ve sosyo-ekonomik koşulların iyileştirilmesini talep etmiştir.Protesto gösterilerine hızla yanıt veren Kral Muhammed’ın açıkladığı Anayasahazırlıkları tamamlanarak Temmuz 2011’de referanduma sunulmuş ve yüzde99 evet oyu ile kabul edilmiştir. Yeni Anayasa, güçler ayrılığı ilkesi ile temelhak ve özgürlükleri güçlendiren hükümler içerse de, gerçek anlamda parlamenter monarşiyi tesis etmekten uzaktır. Bu çalışma, Fas’ın siyasi ve sosyoekonomik arka planını, protesto hareketini ve buna bağlı talepleri, anayasa reformlarını, uluslararası kamuoyunun değerlendirmelerini ve Kasım 2011 seçimsonuçlarını ele almaktadır. Sonuç bölümünde, Fas bakımından Arap Baharınınyönelimine dair bazı ön değerlendirmeler yapılacaktır


  • AlSayyad, Nezar ve Mejgan Massoumi. “Religious Fundamentalisms in the City: Reflections on the Arab Spring.” Journal of International Affairs, 2012: 31-43.
  • Amos, Deborah. In Morocco, The Arab Spring’s Mixed Bounty. 7/2/2012. springs-mixed-bounty
  • Arieff, Alexis. Morocco: Current Issues. CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, 2012.
  • Avrupa Birliği. “Joint statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Stefan Füle on the referendum on the new Constitution in Morocco.” European Union. 2/7/2011. http://www.con- 123381.pdf
  • Avrupa Konseyi. “Moroccan Parliament Obtains ‘Partner for Democracy’ Status with PACE.” Council of Europe.21/6/2011. http://assembly.coe.i- nt/ASP/-NewsManager/EMB_NewsManagerView. asp?ID=6765
  • Bauer, Michael ve Thomas Schiller. The Arap Spring in 2012. Ludwig- Maximilians-Universitaet Munich: Center for Applied Policy Research, 2012. Islamist PJD Party Wins Morocco Poll. 27/11/2011.
  • BBC. Istiqlal party quits Morocco’s Islamist-led government, 9/7/2013. world-africa-23250370
  • —. Morocco Protests Fill Casablanca Streets. 27/5/2012. uk/news/world-africa-18231125
  • —. Morocco’s King Mohammed Unveils Constitutional Reforms.18/6/2011.
  • —. Q&A: Morocco’s Referendum on Reform. 29/6/2011. /news/world-africa-13964550
  • Behr, Timo. “Talking About the Revolution: Narratives on the Origin and Future of the Arab Spring.” European Institute of the Mediterranean. Şubat 2012. view=article&id=1315%3Apaper-9-talking-about-the-revolution-nar- r a t i v e s - o n - t h e - o r i g i n - a n d - f u t u r e - o f - t h e - a r a b - spring&catid=61%3Aeuromesco-papers&Itemid=48&lang=en
  • Belkeziz, Abdelilah. “Morocco and Democratic Transition: A Reading of the Constitutional Amendments - Their Context and Results.” Comte-mpo- rary Arab Affairs, 2012: 27 - 53.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler. “Human Development Report 2011: Explanatory Note on 2011 HDR Composite Indices.” 2012.
  • Bogaert, Koenraad ve Montserrat Emperador. “Imagining the State through Social Protest: State Reformation and the Mobilizations of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco.” Mediterranean Politics, 2011: 241-259.
  • Colombo, Silvia. “Morocco’s Uncertain Transition.” European Institute of the Mediterranean. 7/11/2011. option=com_content&view=article&id=1285%3Abrief-26-moroccos- u n c e r t a i n - t r a n s i t i o n & c a t i d = 6 2 % 3 A e u r o m e s c o - briefs&Itemid=49&lang=en
  • Desrues, Thiery ve Edwardo Moyano. “Social Change and Political Transition in Morocco.” Mediterranean Politics, 2001.
  • Dünya Bankası. Kingdom of Morocco: Promoting Youth Opportunities and Participation No.68731. MENA Region Sustainable Development Department, 2012.
  • Haseeb, Khair El-Din. “On the Arab ‘Democratic Spring’: Lessons Derived.” Contemporary Arab Affairs, 2011: 113-122.
  • Institut Thomas More. Élections législatives du 25 novembre au Maroc : enjeux pluriels et attentes autour d’un scrutin. 16/11/2011. http://www.insti- au-maroc-enjeux-pluriels-et-attentes-autour-dun-scrutin-2.html
  • J., Jefri ve Jefri J. Ruchti. Morocco: Draft Text of the Constitution Adopted at the Referendum of 1 July 2011. Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2011.
  • Joffé, George. “The Arab Spring in North Africa: Origins and Prospects.” The Journal of North African Studies, 2011: 507-532.
  • Jones, Jeremy. Negotiating Change: The New Politics of the Middle East. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2007.
  • López García, Bernabé. “Le Maroc et le printemps arabe dans un monde en plein changement.” Institut Européen de la Méditerranée. Mart 2012. siemed-euromesco/11.-le-maroc-et-le-printemps-arabe-dans-un- monde-en-plein-changement
  • Maddy-Weitzman, Bruce. “Is Morocco Immune to Upheaval.” Middle East Quarterly, Kış 2012: 87-93.
  • Maghraoui, Driss. “Constitutional Reforms in Morocco: Between Consensus and Subaltern Politics.” The Journal of North African Studies, 2011: 679 - 699.
  • Ottaway, Marina. The New Moroccan Constitution: Real Change or More of the Same? Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment, 2011.
  • Pelham, Nicolas. “How Morocco Dodged the Arab Spring.” New York Times. 5/7/2012. morocco-dodged-arab-spring/
  • Powell, Jonathan. “A Lasting Glow: Seizing the Optimism of the Arab Spring .” Public Policy Research, 2012.
  • Springborg, Robert. “The Precarious Economics of Arab Springs.” Survival 53, No. 6 (2011).
  • Storm, Lise. Democratization in Morocco: The Political Elite and Struggles for Power in the Post-Independence State. New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Strategic Survey. “The Arab Awakening.” Strategic Survey, 2011: 43-96.
  • Voll, John, Peter Mandaville, Steven Kull ve Alexis Arieff. “Political Islam in the Arab Awakening: Who Are the Major Players?” Middle East Policy, 2012: 10-35.
  • Zemni, Sami, Brecht de Smet ve Koenraad Bogaert. “Luxemburg on Tahrir Square: Reading the Arab Revolutions with Rosa Luxemburg’s The Mass Strike.” Antipode, 2012: 1-20.
  • Zemni, Sami ve Koenraad Bogaerd. “Trade, Security and Neoliberal Politics: Whither Arab Reform? Evidence from the Moroccon Case.” Journal of North African Studies, 2009: 91-107.
  • Zeraoui, Zidane. “Algeria: Revolution, Army and Political Power.” Language and Intercultural Communication, 2012: 133-145.
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Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Neslihan Temelat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 23

Kaynak Göster

APA Temelat, N. (2013). Fas: Arap Baharının İstisnası mı?. Yasama Dergisi(23), 80-100.