Genre means texts classes that indicated common features. Since the beginning, literary genres have shown changes, have stretched, the rules and have interacted with each other. In this way, the idea of unchangeable rules could change and we could build a new genre based upon traditional genres or approach to new genres can benefit each other, has been brought about intergenre relations an area of study and research. Especially, bond that poem established with other literary genres covers it into interaction network with different genres. Other genres benefit from the richness of poems of which offer intuition and image. The story, on the other hand, is an element that exists behind all artistic activities beyond being a literary genre. The story genre might benefit from narrating. Different works of writers in particular genres gather around the same manner of feeling. Although the works are written in different literary genres, the existence of the same themes and motifs in the works shows that there is a connection between them. In the works of Orhan Veli, who has given works both in poem and story, we can find intergenre relations. Besides common themes in the story and poem, The similarities arising from the author's way of perceiving life also draw attention. Although Orhan Veli has works in different genres, his works that result from his literary accumulation are parts of the whole. One of the elements that create interaction between poems and stories is the life story of the author. All these conditions in common make possible to research Orhan Veli’s poem and story on the ground of intergenre relationship.