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Mekanik Ventilatöre Bağlı Hastalarda Anksiyete Yönetiminde Müzik Terapinin Yeri

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 83 - 88, 01.12.2007


Mekanik ventilasyon yoğun bakım ünitesinde yay- gın olarak kullanılan bir tedavi yöntemidir. İnsan yaşamının sürdürülmesini sağlamasına rağmen, mekanik ventilasyon desteğinde kalan hastalar korku, ajitasyon, rahatsızlık, hareketsizlik, dis- pne, konfüzyon, iletişim sorunları ve gevşemenin sağlanamaması gibi çok sayıda stres faktörü- ne maruz kalırlar. Anksiyete, hastanede yatan hastalar arasında yaygın bir fenomendir, üstelik ventilatöre bağlı hastalarda yaygın olarak görül- mektedir. Mekanik ventilasyon desteğinde olan hastalarla yapılan bir çalışmada, hastalar mekanik ventilasyonu “en insani olmayan tedavi’’ olarak tanımlamışlardır. Mekanik ventilasyon desteğin- de olan hastaların anksiyete tedavisinde, sıklıkla intravenöz sedatif ilaçlar kullanılmaktadır. Fakat, sedatifler uzun ya da kısa dönemde ortaya çıka- bilen çok fazla istenmeyen yan etkiye sahiptir. Bu durum ventilatöre bağlı hastalar için farmakolo- jik olmayan alternatif girişimlerin araştırılmasını gerektirmektedir. Müzik terapi de ventilatöre bağlı hastaların anksiyete yönetiminde etkili bir hemşi- relik girişimidir


  • Aldridge D, Gustorff D, Hannich HJ. Where am I? Music therapy applied to coma patients. J R Soc Med 1990;83:345-6.
  • Alasad J, Ahmad M. Communication with critically ill patients. J Adv Nurs 2005;50:356-62.
  • Chlan L. Effectiveness of a music therapy interven- tion on relaxation and anxiety for patients receiving ventilatory assistance. Heart Lung 1998;27:169-76.
  • Chlan LL. Relationship between two anxiety instru- ments in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. J Adv Nurs 2004;48:493-9.
  • Chang SC, Chen CH. Effects of music therapy on women's physiologic measures, anxiety, and satis- faction during cesarean delivery. Res Nurs Health 2005;28:453-61.
  • Chlan L, Tracy MF, Nelson B, Walker J. Feasibility of a music intervention protocol for patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Altern Ther Health Med 2001;7:80-3.
  • Johnson P, St John W, Moyle W. Long-term mechani- cal ventilation in a critical care unit: existing in an uneveryday world. J Adv Nurs 2006;53:551-8.
  • Roberts B, Chaboyer W. Patients‘ dreams and unreal experiences following intensive care unit admission. Nurs Crit Care 2004;9:173-80.
  • Hamel MB, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Teno J, Connors AF, Desbiens N, et al. Outcomes and cost-effective- ness of ventilator support and aggressive care for patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneu- monia or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Med 2000;109:614-20.
  • Wong HL, Lopez-Nahas V, Molassiotis A. Effects of music therapy on anxiety in ventilator-dependent patients. Heart Lung 2001;30:376-87.
  • Gagner-Tjellesen D, Yurkovich EE, Gragert M. Use of music therapy and other ITNIs in acute care. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2001;39:26-37.
  • Almerud S, Petersson K. Music therapy-a com- plementary treatment for mechanically ventilated intensive care patients. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2003;19:21-30.
  • Chlan L. Integrating nonpharmacological, adjunc- tive interventions into critical care practice: a means to humanize care? Am J Crit Care 2002;11:14-6.
  • Sarıcaoğlu F, Akıncı SB, Dal D, Aypar Ü. Yoğun bakım hastalarında analjezi ve sedasyon. Available from: dergi/dergi2005_2.htm
  • Chlan L. A single session of music therapy decreased anxiety and improved relaxation in adults who required mechanical ventilation. Evidence-Based Nursing 1999;2:49.
  • Esch T, Guarna M, Bianchi E, Zhu W, Stefano GB. Commonalities in the central nervous system's involvement with complementary medical thera- pies: limbic morphinergic processes. Med Sci Monit 2004;10:MS6-17.
  • Besel JM. The effects of music therapy on comfort in the mechanically ventilated patient in the intensive care unit. Approved for the Division of Graduate Education; 2006. p. 1-101.
  • Öz F. Sağlık alanında temel kavramlar. Ankara: İmaj ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş; 2004.
  • Yıldırım YK. Diyaliz hastalarında progresif gevşeme yöntemlerinin kaygı düzeyi ve yaşam kalitesine olan etkisinin incelenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi], İzmir: E.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2002.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ, Grebb JA. Kaplan and Sadock‘s synopsis of psychiatry. 7th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1994.
  • Scully JH. Psychiatry. New York: Williams & Wilkins; 1990.
  • Kaçmaz N. Yoğun bakım hastalarının psikolojik sorunları ve hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2002;6:75-81.
  • Sekmen K, Hatipoğlu S. Yoğun bakım ünitesi teknolojik ortamın hasta ve ailesi üzerine etkileri. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireleri Dergisi 1999;3:22-26.
  • Elliott R, Wright L. Verbal communication: what do critical care nurses say to their unconscious or sedated patients? J Adv Nurs 1999;29:1412-20.
  • Thomas LA. Clinical management of stressors per- ceived by patients on mechanical ventilation. AACN Clin Issues 2003;14:73-81.
  • Chlan LL. Description of anxiety levels by indi- vidual differences and clinical factors in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Heart Lung 2003;32:275-82.
  • McKinley S, Coote K, Stein-Parbury J. Development and testing of a faces scale for the assessment of anxi- ety in critically ill patients. J Adv Nurs 2003;41:73-9.
  • Daykin N, Bunt L, McClean S. Music and healing in cancer care: A survey of supportive care providers. The Arts in Psychotherapy 2006;33:402-13.
  • Salamon E, Bernstein SR, Kim SA, Kim M, Stefano GB. The effects of auditory perception and musical preference on anxiety in naive human subjects. Med Sci Monit 2003;9:CR396-9.
  • Çam S. Kanser hastalarına dinletilen müziğin, kemoterapi yan etkilerine ve durumluluk-sürekli kaygı düzeylerine etkisinin incelenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi], İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hemşirelik Programı; 2003.
  • Hilliard RE. The effect of music therapy sessions on compassion fatigue and team building of profes- sional hospice caregivers. The Arts in Psychotherapy 2006;33:395-401.
  • Gallagher LM, Lagman R, Walsh D, Davis MP, Legrand SB. The clinical effects of music therapy in palliative medicine. Support Care Cancer 2006; 14:859-66.
  • Malathum P. The effect of music therapy on anxiety, physiological responses, and weaning parameters ın patients during weaning from mechanical ventila- tion. Critical Care Medicine 2004;2:123.
  • Lindgren VA, Ames NJ. Caring for patients on mechanical ventilation: what research indicates is best practice. Am J Nurs 2005;105:50-60.
  • Lee OK, Chung YF, Chan MF, Chan WM. Music and its effect on the physiological responses and anxiety levels of patients receiving mechanical ventilation: a pilot study. J Clin Nurs 2005;14:609-20.
  • Tsay SL, Wang JC, Lin KC, Chung UL. Effects of acupressure therapy for patients having prolonged mechanical ventilation support. J Adv Nurs 2005; 52:142-50.
  • Chlan LL, Engeland WC, Anthony A, Guttormson J. Influence of music on the stress response in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support: a pilot study. Am J Crit Care 2007;16:141-5.

Music Therapy in Anxiety Management of Mechanical Ventilator Dependent Patients

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 83 - 88, 01.12.2007


Mechanical ventilation is a common treatment modality in the intensive care unit. Despite its life- saving nature, patients undergoing mechanical ventilation are susceptible to numerous stress- ful factors such as fear, agitation, discomfort, immobility, dyspnea, confusion, communication problems, and inability to relax. Anxiety is a com- mon phenomenon among hospitalized patients. It is also commonly found among ventilator- dependent patients. According to a research which was made with mechanical ventilation-depend- ent patients, the patients defined mechanical ventilation as “most non-humanistic treatment”. Intravenous sedative drugs are often used in anxi- ety treatments of mechanical ventilation-depend- ent patients. However, sedatives have too many undesired side effects that may result in short- or long-term complications. Therefore, additional research is required for examining alternative non- pharmacologic interventions for ventilator-depend- ent patients. One of them is music therapy as an effective nursing intervention to manage anxiety in ventilator-dependent patients


  • Aldridge D, Gustorff D, Hannich HJ. Where am I? Music therapy applied to coma patients. J R Soc Med 1990;83:345-6.
  • Alasad J, Ahmad M. Communication with critically ill patients. J Adv Nurs 2005;50:356-62.
  • Chlan L. Effectiveness of a music therapy interven- tion on relaxation and anxiety for patients receiving ventilatory assistance. Heart Lung 1998;27:169-76.
  • Chlan LL. Relationship between two anxiety instru- ments in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. J Adv Nurs 2004;48:493-9.
  • Chang SC, Chen CH. Effects of music therapy on women's physiologic measures, anxiety, and satis- faction during cesarean delivery. Res Nurs Health 2005;28:453-61.
  • Chlan L, Tracy MF, Nelson B, Walker J. Feasibility of a music intervention protocol for patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Altern Ther Health Med 2001;7:80-3.
  • Johnson P, St John W, Moyle W. Long-term mechani- cal ventilation in a critical care unit: existing in an uneveryday world. J Adv Nurs 2006;53:551-8.
  • Roberts B, Chaboyer W. Patients‘ dreams and unreal experiences following intensive care unit admission. Nurs Crit Care 2004;9:173-80.
  • Hamel MB, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Teno J, Connors AF, Desbiens N, et al. Outcomes and cost-effective- ness of ventilator support and aggressive care for patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneu- monia or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Med 2000;109:614-20.
  • Wong HL, Lopez-Nahas V, Molassiotis A. Effects of music therapy on anxiety in ventilator-dependent patients. Heart Lung 2001;30:376-87.
  • Gagner-Tjellesen D, Yurkovich EE, Gragert M. Use of music therapy and other ITNIs in acute care. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2001;39:26-37.
  • Almerud S, Petersson K. Music therapy-a com- plementary treatment for mechanically ventilated intensive care patients. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2003;19:21-30.
  • Chlan L. Integrating nonpharmacological, adjunc- tive interventions into critical care practice: a means to humanize care? Am J Crit Care 2002;11:14-6.
  • Sarıcaoğlu F, Akıncı SB, Dal D, Aypar Ü. Yoğun bakım hastalarında analjezi ve sedasyon. Available from: dergi/dergi2005_2.htm
  • Chlan L. A single session of music therapy decreased anxiety and improved relaxation in adults who required mechanical ventilation. Evidence-Based Nursing 1999;2:49.
  • Esch T, Guarna M, Bianchi E, Zhu W, Stefano GB. Commonalities in the central nervous system's involvement with complementary medical thera- pies: limbic morphinergic processes. Med Sci Monit 2004;10:MS6-17.
  • Besel JM. The effects of music therapy on comfort in the mechanically ventilated patient in the intensive care unit. Approved for the Division of Graduate Education; 2006. p. 1-101.
  • Öz F. Sağlık alanında temel kavramlar. Ankara: İmaj ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş; 2004.
  • Yıldırım YK. Diyaliz hastalarında progresif gevşeme yöntemlerinin kaygı düzeyi ve yaşam kalitesine olan etkisinin incelenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi], İzmir: E.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2002.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ, Grebb JA. Kaplan and Sadock‘s synopsis of psychiatry. 7th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1994.
  • Scully JH. Psychiatry. New York: Williams & Wilkins; 1990.
  • Kaçmaz N. Yoğun bakım hastalarının psikolojik sorunları ve hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2002;6:75-81.
  • Sekmen K, Hatipoğlu S. Yoğun bakım ünitesi teknolojik ortamın hasta ve ailesi üzerine etkileri. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireleri Dergisi 1999;3:22-26.
  • Elliott R, Wright L. Verbal communication: what do critical care nurses say to their unconscious or sedated patients? J Adv Nurs 1999;29:1412-20.
  • Thomas LA. Clinical management of stressors per- ceived by patients on mechanical ventilation. AACN Clin Issues 2003;14:73-81.
  • Chlan LL. Description of anxiety levels by indi- vidual differences and clinical factors in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Heart Lung 2003;32:275-82.
  • McKinley S, Coote K, Stein-Parbury J. Development and testing of a faces scale for the assessment of anxi- ety in critically ill patients. J Adv Nurs 2003;41:73-9.
  • Daykin N, Bunt L, McClean S. Music and healing in cancer care: A survey of supportive care providers. The Arts in Psychotherapy 2006;33:402-13.
  • Salamon E, Bernstein SR, Kim SA, Kim M, Stefano GB. The effects of auditory perception and musical preference on anxiety in naive human subjects. Med Sci Monit 2003;9:CR396-9.
  • Çam S. Kanser hastalarına dinletilen müziğin, kemoterapi yan etkilerine ve durumluluk-sürekli kaygı düzeylerine etkisinin incelenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi], İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hemşirelik Programı; 2003.
  • Hilliard RE. The effect of music therapy sessions on compassion fatigue and team building of profes- sional hospice caregivers. The Arts in Psychotherapy 2006;33:395-401.
  • Gallagher LM, Lagman R, Walsh D, Davis MP, Legrand SB. The clinical effects of music therapy in palliative medicine. Support Care Cancer 2006; 14:859-66.
  • Malathum P. The effect of music therapy on anxiety, physiological responses, and weaning parameters ın patients during weaning from mechanical ventila- tion. Critical Care Medicine 2004;2:123.
  • Lindgren VA, Ames NJ. Caring for patients on mechanical ventilation: what research indicates is best practice. Am J Nurs 2005;105:50-60.
  • Lee OK, Chung YF, Chan MF, Chan WM. Music and its effect on the physiological responses and anxiety levels of patients receiving mechanical ventilation: a pilot study. J Clin Nurs 2005;14:609-20.
  • Tsay SL, Wang JC, Lin KC, Chung UL. Effects of acupressure therapy for patients having prolonged mechanical ventilation support. J Adv Nurs 2005; 52:142-50.
  • Chlan LL, Engeland WC, Anthony A, Guttormson J. Influence of music on the stress response in patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support: a pilot study. Am J Crit Care 2007;16:141-5.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA37KD53GZ
Bölüm Makale

Leyla Khorshıd Bu kişi benim

Esra Akın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

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