Tekstilde Kullanılan Bazı Biyopolimerlerin Tarıma Uygulanabilirliği
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, - , 31.05.2015
Yasemin Akbulut
Meliha Oktav Bulut
Biyoçözünür polimerlerin toprak düzenleyici, kontrollü gübre ve sulayıcı olarak kullanılmasına dair yapılan çalışmalar son zamanlarda artmıştır. Bu derlemede, tekstilde önemli bir kullanım alanına sahip kolay parçalanabilir ve geri dönüşümlü polimer polivinilalkol (PVA), karboksimetil selüloz (CMC) ve doğal polimer olan kitosanın tarımda kullanılabilirliği incelenmiştir.
- Akalan, İ., Toprak (Oluşu, Yapısı ve Özellikleri). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 356, Ders Kitabı: 120, 19 Sağlam, T., Bahtiyar, M., Cangir C., Tok, H. A.,. Toprak Bilimi, Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi, 1, (2-3),17-23, 19 Mikkelsen, R.L., Using Hydrophilic Polymers to Control Nutrient Release. Fertilizer Research. 38, 1994, 53-59.
- Kılınç, A., Onal, S., Telefoncu, A.,. Chemical Attachment of Porcine Pancreatic Lipase to Crosslinked Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) by Means of Adipoyl Dichloride, Process Biochemistry, 38, 2002, 641-6
- Bulut, M.O, Devirenoğlu, C., Oksuz, L., Bozdoğan, F., Teke, E.,. Combination of grey cotton fabric desizing and gassing treatments with a plasma aided process, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 105:8, 2014,828-841. DOI: 1080/00405000.2013.855380
- Stelzer, G.I. and Klug, E.D.. Carboxymethylcellulose, in Handbook of water-soluble Gums and Resins, ch.4 (ed. R.L. Davidson), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980, 421-428.
- Yi, H., Wu, L-Q., Bentley, W.E., Gbodssi, R., Rubloff, G.W., Culver, J.N., Biofabrication with Chitosan. Biomacromolecules, 6, 28, 2005, 81- DOI: 1021/bm050410l
- Kienzle-Sterzer, C.A., Rodriguez- Sanchez, D., Ma, C.,. Dilute Solution Behavior of a Cationic Polyelectrolyte. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27, 11 ,1982, 4467-4470. DOI: 1002/app.1982.070271133 Montazer, M., Afjeh, G. Simultaneous X-Linking and Antimicrobial Finishing of Cotton Fabric, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 103, 1, 2007, 178- 185, DOI: 1002/app.25059
- Tisdall, J.M., and J.M. Oades. Organic Matter and Water-Stable Aggregates in Soils. Journal of Soil Science, 33, 2,1982, 141-163. DOI: 1111/j.1365- 231982.tb01755.x
- Zlatkovic, S., and Raskovic, L. The Effect of Polyacrylamide, Polyvinyalcohol and Carboxymethylcellulose on the Aggregation of the Soil and on the Growth of the Plants. University of Nis, The Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis, Working and Living Environmental Protection, 1, 3, 1998, 17-23. http:// ni.ac.yu/Facta
- Öztaş, T., Özbek A.K. and Aksakal. E. L,. Structural Developments in Soils Treated with Polyvinylalcohol. International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management. 10-13 June, Çanakkale-Turkey (2002).
- Aksakal, E.L., and Öztaş. T,. ,. Effect of Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) on Reducing Soil Compactibility as an Indication of Hydraulic Conductivity. International Soil Congress (ISC) on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development, 7-10 June ,Erzurum-Turkey, 2004. Bautista-Banos S, Hernandez
- Lauzardo AN, Velazquez-del Valle MG, Hernandez-Lopez M, Ait Barka E, Bosquez-Molina E, Wilson C.L. Chitosan as a Potential Natural Compound to Control Pre and Postharvest Diseases of Horticultural Commodities. Crop Protection, 25, 2006,108-118. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2005.03.010 Liang, R., Liu, M., Wu, L,.
- Controlled release NPK compound fertilizer with the function of water retention. Reactive and Functional Polymers ,67, 9, 2007,769–779.
- DOI: 1016/j.reactfunctpolym.20 0007
- Wu, L., Liu, M.,. Preparation and properties of chitosan-coated NPK compound fertilizer with controlled-release and water- retention. Carbohydrate Polymers 72, 2008, 240–247. DOI: 1016/j.carbpol.2007.08.020 Ni, B., Liu, M., Lü, S.,
- Multifunctional slow-release urea fertilizer from ethylcellulose and superabsorbent coated formulations. Chemical Engineering Journal 155, 3,2009, 892–898. DOI: 1016/j.cej.2009.08.025. Canbaz E. G., Güngör N.,
- “Kil/Kitosan ve Organokil/Kitosan Nanokompozitlerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu”, İTÜ Dergisi/c, Fen Bilimleri, 7,1, 2009, 45-53, http://itudergi.itu. edu.tr/index.php/i tudergisi_c/article/viewFile/474/45 0. Han, X., Chen, S., Hu, X., Controlled-Release Fertilizer
- Encapsulated by Starch/Polyvinyl Alcohol Coating, Desalination 240, 2009,21-26, DOI: 1016/j.desal.0000.00.000
- Lum, Y. H., Shaaban, A., Mitan, N. M. M., Dimin, M. F., Mohamad, N., Hamid, N., Se, S. M., 2013. Characterization of Urea
- Encapsulated by Biodegradable Starch-PVA-Glycerol, Journal of Polymer and Environment ,21,4, 2013, 1083–1087, DOI: 1007/s10924-012-0552-0
Agriculture Applicability of Some Biopolymers Used In Textile
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, - , 31.05.2015
Yasemin Akbulut
Meliha Oktav Bulut
Recently, applications of biodegradable polymers as soil-regulative or slow-released have increased. In this study the agricultural usability of polyvinilalcohol (PVA), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) which are biodegradable and recyclable and the natural polymer chitosan are investigated.
- Akalan, İ., Toprak (Oluşu, Yapısı ve Özellikleri). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 356, Ders Kitabı: 120, 19 Sağlam, T., Bahtiyar, M., Cangir C., Tok, H. A.,. Toprak Bilimi, Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi, 1, (2-3),17-23, 19 Mikkelsen, R.L., Using Hydrophilic Polymers to Control Nutrient Release. Fertilizer Research. 38, 1994, 53-59.
- Kılınç, A., Onal, S., Telefoncu, A.,. Chemical Attachment of Porcine Pancreatic Lipase to Crosslinked Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) by Means of Adipoyl Dichloride, Process Biochemistry, 38, 2002, 641-6
- Bulut, M.O, Devirenoğlu, C., Oksuz, L., Bozdoğan, F., Teke, E.,. Combination of grey cotton fabric desizing and gassing treatments with a plasma aided process, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 105:8, 2014,828-841. DOI: 1080/00405000.2013.855380
- Stelzer, G.I. and Klug, E.D.. Carboxymethylcellulose, in Handbook of water-soluble Gums and Resins, ch.4 (ed. R.L. Davidson), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980, 421-428.
- Yi, H., Wu, L-Q., Bentley, W.E., Gbodssi, R., Rubloff, G.W., Culver, J.N., Biofabrication with Chitosan. Biomacromolecules, 6, 28, 2005, 81- DOI: 1021/bm050410l
- Kienzle-Sterzer, C.A., Rodriguez- Sanchez, D., Ma, C.,. Dilute Solution Behavior of a Cationic Polyelectrolyte. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27, 11 ,1982, 4467-4470. DOI: 1002/app.1982.070271133 Montazer, M., Afjeh, G. Simultaneous X-Linking and Antimicrobial Finishing of Cotton Fabric, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 103, 1, 2007, 178- 185, DOI: 1002/app.25059
- Tisdall, J.M., and J.M. Oades. Organic Matter and Water-Stable Aggregates in Soils. Journal of Soil Science, 33, 2,1982, 141-163. DOI: 1111/j.1365- 231982.tb01755.x
- Zlatkovic, S., and Raskovic, L. The Effect of Polyacrylamide, Polyvinyalcohol and Carboxymethylcellulose on the Aggregation of the Soil and on the Growth of the Plants. University of Nis, The Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis, Working and Living Environmental Protection, 1, 3, 1998, 17-23. http:// ni.ac.yu/Facta
- Öztaş, T., Özbek A.K. and Aksakal. E. L,. Structural Developments in Soils Treated with Polyvinylalcohol. International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management. 10-13 June, Çanakkale-Turkey (2002).
- Aksakal, E.L., and Öztaş. T,. ,. Effect of Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) on Reducing Soil Compactibility as an Indication of Hydraulic Conductivity. International Soil Congress (ISC) on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development, 7-10 June ,Erzurum-Turkey, 2004. Bautista-Banos S, Hernandez
- Lauzardo AN, Velazquez-del Valle MG, Hernandez-Lopez M, Ait Barka E, Bosquez-Molina E, Wilson C.L. Chitosan as a Potential Natural Compound to Control Pre and Postharvest Diseases of Horticultural Commodities. Crop Protection, 25, 2006,108-118. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2005.03.010 Liang, R., Liu, M., Wu, L,.
- Controlled release NPK compound fertilizer with the function of water retention. Reactive and Functional Polymers ,67, 9, 2007,769–779.
- DOI: 1016/j.reactfunctpolym.20 0007
- Wu, L., Liu, M.,. Preparation and properties of chitosan-coated NPK compound fertilizer with controlled-release and water- retention. Carbohydrate Polymers 72, 2008, 240–247. DOI: 1016/j.carbpol.2007.08.020 Ni, B., Liu, M., Lü, S.,
- Multifunctional slow-release urea fertilizer from ethylcellulose and superabsorbent coated formulations. Chemical Engineering Journal 155, 3,2009, 892–898. DOI: 1016/j.cej.2009.08.025. Canbaz E. G., Güngör N.,
- “Kil/Kitosan ve Organokil/Kitosan Nanokompozitlerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu”, İTÜ Dergisi/c, Fen Bilimleri, 7,1, 2009, 45-53, http://itudergi.itu. edu.tr/index.php/i tudergisi_c/article/viewFile/474/45 0. Han, X., Chen, S., Hu, X., Controlled-Release Fertilizer
- Encapsulated by Starch/Polyvinyl Alcohol Coating, Desalination 240, 2009,21-26, DOI: 1016/j.desal.0000.00.000
- Lum, Y. H., Shaaban, A., Mitan, N. M. M., Dimin, M. F., Mohamad, N., Hamid, N., Se, S. M., 2013. Characterization of Urea
- Encapsulated by Biodegradable Starch-PVA-Glycerol, Journal of Polymer and Environment ,21,4, 2013, 1083–1087, DOI: 1007/s10924-012-0552-0