Yıl 2012,
Sayı: 1, - , 11.11.2015
Prof.Dr.M.Akif Çukurçayır
Kamu yönetiminde açıklık ve demokratikleşme küresel düzlemde güçlü bir ivmeyle sürmektedir. Açık yönetim (open government) ABD hükümetince geliştirilen ve uygulanmaya çalışılan bir yaklaşımdır. Bilişim teknolojilerinden de yararlanarak kamu yönetiminin bütün süreçlerinin halka açılmasını öngören bu model, Avrupa’da da büyük ilgi uyandırmıştır. Bu çalışma, açık yönetimin düşünsel temelleri ve uygulama olanaklarını tartışmaktadır. Ayrıca Türkiye’nin bu modelden ne ölçüde yararlanabileceğini ilgililerin dikkatine sunmaktadır.
- Centre for Technology Policy Research (CTPR) (2010), “OPEN GOVERNMENT some next steps for the UK”, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/
- Çukurçayır, M. Akif (2006), Siyasal Katılma ve Yerel Demokrasi, 3. Baskı, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
- Dahrendorf, Ralf (2007), “Zu ziel des Guten. Über soziale Dynamik von Staatsbürgerschaft”, Moderne (Staats) Bürgerschaft, Nationale Staatsbürgerschaft und die Debatten der Citizenship Studies, (Hrsg. J. Mackert&H-P. Müller), Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
- Dapp, M. Marcus/Christian P. Geiger (2011), “Munich Open Goverment Day-bürgerschaftliches Engagement im Web 2.0”, Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heft 280, August-2011. Detering, Heinrich (2011), “Demut und Dolchstoß”,
- http://www.forschung-und
- lehre.de/wordpress/?p=7315, (18.08.2011).
- Dietrich, Daniela (2011), “White Paper: Plädoyer für eine Open-Government-Offensive in Deutschland” , http://opendata-network.org/2011/08/white-paper-pladoyer-fur-eine-open- government- offensive-in-deutschland, (01.09.2011).
- Krabina, Bernhard/Thomas Prorok (2011), “ Open Government Vorgehensmodell-Vorschläge zur Umsetzung von Open Government in Österreich Version 1.0”, www.kdz.eu/de/ webfm_send/976, (28.08.2011)
- Lee, Gwanhoo/Kwak Y. Hoon (2011), “An Open Government Implementation Model: Moving to Increased Public Engagement”, www.businessofgovernment.org/report/open-government-implementation- model-moving-increased-public-engagement, (03.09.2011)
- Noveck, Beth Simone (2010), “The Single Point of Failure”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.,
- OECD (2003), Open Government-fostering dialoge with civil society, OECD Publications, France.
- O’Reilly, Tim (2010), “Government as a Platform”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Reinerman, Heinrich (2002), “Portale-Tore zur Welt des Wissens”, Portale in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, İnternet-Call Center-Bürgerbüro, Speyerer Froschungshefte, 205, Speyer.
- Rightnow (2010), “2010 Open Government Research Report”, www.rightnow.com/ pdf/ press/2010
- open-government-report.pdf, (12.08.2011). Sifry, Micah L. (2010), “You Can Be the Eyes and Ears: Barack Obama and the Wisdom of Crowds”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Schuler, Douglas, (2010), “Online Deliberation and Civic Inteligence”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Open Government Partizipation2.0&Kollaboration2.0”, http://aksw.org/files/jcrn_von_lucke__open_government.pdf, (12.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Einführung „Open Data“”, http://www.gov20camp.de/ einfuhrung- %E2%80%9Eopen-data%E2%80%9C-prof-dr-jorn-von-lucke/, (21.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “ Transparency 2.0 ‐ Transparency with E‐Government”, http://www.irspm2010.com/workshops/papers/A_transparency.pdf, (18.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Open Government Öffnung von Staat und Verwaltung” , http://www.zeppelin-university.de/deutsch/lehrstuehle/ticc/JvL-100509- (01.09.2011)
- Open_Government-V2.pdf,
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/memoranda_2010/m10-06.pdf (13.10.2011)
- http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/
- http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/
Yıl 2012,
Sayı: 1, - , 11.11.2015
Prof.Dr.M.Akif Çukurçayır
- Centre for Technology Policy Research (CTPR) (2010), “OPEN GOVERNMENT some next steps for the UK”, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/
- Çukurçayır, M. Akif (2006), Siyasal Katılma ve Yerel Demokrasi, 3. Baskı, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
- Dahrendorf, Ralf (2007), “Zu ziel des Guten. Über soziale Dynamik von Staatsbürgerschaft”, Moderne (Staats) Bürgerschaft, Nationale Staatsbürgerschaft und die Debatten der Citizenship Studies, (Hrsg. J. Mackert&H-P. Müller), Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
- Dapp, M. Marcus/Christian P. Geiger (2011), “Munich Open Goverment Day-bürgerschaftliches Engagement im Web 2.0”, Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heft 280, August-2011. Detering, Heinrich (2011), “Demut und Dolchstoß”,
- http://www.forschung-und
- lehre.de/wordpress/?p=7315, (18.08.2011).
- Dietrich, Daniela (2011), “White Paper: Plädoyer für eine Open-Government-Offensive in Deutschland” , http://opendata-network.org/2011/08/white-paper-pladoyer-fur-eine-open- government- offensive-in-deutschland, (01.09.2011).
- Krabina, Bernhard/Thomas Prorok (2011), “ Open Government Vorgehensmodell-Vorschläge zur Umsetzung von Open Government in Österreich Version 1.0”, www.kdz.eu/de/ webfm_send/976, (28.08.2011)
- Lee, Gwanhoo/Kwak Y. Hoon (2011), “An Open Government Implementation Model: Moving to Increased Public Engagement”, www.businessofgovernment.org/report/open-government-implementation- model-moving-increased-public-engagement, (03.09.2011)
- Noveck, Beth Simone (2010), “The Single Point of Failure”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.,
- OECD (2003), Open Government-fostering dialoge with civil society, OECD Publications, France.
- O’Reilly, Tim (2010), “Government as a Platform”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Reinerman, Heinrich (2002), “Portale-Tore zur Welt des Wissens”, Portale in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, İnternet-Call Center-Bürgerbüro, Speyerer Froschungshefte, 205, Speyer.
- Rightnow (2010), “2010 Open Government Research Report”, www.rightnow.com/ pdf/ press/2010
- open-government-report.pdf, (12.08.2011). Sifry, Micah L. (2010), “You Can Be the Eyes and Ears: Barack Obama and the Wisdom of Crowds”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Schuler, Douglas, (2010), “Online Deliberation and Civic Inteligence”, Open Government, Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, (Ed.: D. Lathrop&L. Ruma), Sebastopol, CA.
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Open Government Partizipation2.0&Kollaboration2.0”, http://aksw.org/files/jcrn_von_lucke__open_government.pdf, (12.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Einführung „Open Data“”, http://www.gov20camp.de/ einfuhrung- %E2%80%9Eopen-data%E2%80%9C-prof-dr-jorn-von-lucke/, (21.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “ Transparency 2.0 ‐ Transparency with E‐Government”, http://www.irspm2010.com/workshops/papers/A_transparency.pdf, (18.08.2011).
- Von Lucke, Jörn (2010), “Open Government Öffnung von Staat und Verwaltung” , http://www.zeppelin-university.de/deutsch/lehrstuehle/ticc/JvL-100509- (01.09.2011)
- Open_Government-V2.pdf,
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/memoranda_2010/m10-06.pdf (13.10.2011)
- http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/
- http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/