Yıl 2024,
, 178 - 201, 23.09.2024
Andriy Karpyak
Dmytro Maksymenko
Oleh Varyanko
Liliia Maksymenko
Dmytro Olijnyk
The analysis of artefacts from Theobald Böhm’s Second Flute Workshop is crucial for understanding 19th-century music industry developments and craftsmanship. This study aims to analyze the reception of Böhm’s reforms and their popularization among specialists and intellectuals, particularly in the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, part of the Austrian Empire. The main methods include analysis of archival materials, comparison of newly manufactured flutes with previous forms, and retrospective analysis. The study examines Böhm’s activities and focuses on his second workshop (1855-1858). The investigation of Lviv artefacts from Böhm’s workshop is of significant scientific and cultural interest, enhancing our understanding of flute evolution and Böhm’s contributions. The study highlights the importance of Böhm’s flute artefacts in the history of flute art, refining and complementing existing knowledge and supporting further research. The early years following Böhm’s 1847 reform reveal the shock and varied reactions of industry experts, including rejection, refutation, adaptation, or acceptance of Böhm’s inventions. The initial stages of mastering these new instruments in European provincial centers, such as Lviv, provide unique insights into the professional crisis triggered by the reform. The Lviv example illustrates distinct attitudes towards Böhm’s innovations and general trends filtered through Galician consciousness and mentality. This study utilizes previously unpublished archival information and facts, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal event in flute history.
- Afonina, O., Karpov, V. (2023). Art Practices in Modern Culture. Culture and Contemporaneity, 2, 76-81.
- Benevento, J. (2021). The French Flute School: A Flute Curriculum. Belmont: Belmont University.
- Berry, Y. (2017). Chattoir Interview with Ludwig Böhm. accessed on May 29.
- Bigio, R., Nugent, E. (2022). A Peek at Verne Q. Powell’s Personal Rudall Carte Flute. The Flutist Quarterly, 47 (4), 1-5.
- Böhm, L. (2021). Theobald Böhm’s Comment on The Open G Sharp Key. accessed on June 10.
- Böhm, T. (1847). On Flute Making and the Latest Improvements to It. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sœhne.
- Böhm, T. (1871). Die Flöte und das Flötenspiel in Akustischer, Technischer und Artistischer Beziehung. München:
Joseph Aibl.
- Böhm, T. (2011). The Flute and Flute-Playing. New-York. Dover Publications.
- Boonrod, V. (2024). Design and Development of Musical Instruments from Recycled Materials for the Elderly in Phitsanulok Province in the Northern Part of Thailand. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 13, 25-40.
- Brown, R. J., Wade, G., Wade, B. (2023). A Concise Guide to Musical Terms. Saint Louis: Mel Bay Publications.
- Cardoso, M. (2023). Musical Instrument Teaching Assessment Practices. Musica Hodie, 23, 74384.
- Clark, S. J. (2023). The Development, Tradition, and Global Influence of the Paris Conservatoire Flute Examinations. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
- de Almeida Ribeiro, F. (2023). Being the Other: Defamiliarization Processes in Musical Composition. Musica Hodie, 23, e73322.
- De Lorenzo, L. (1992). My Complete Story of the Flute: The Instrument, the Performer, the Music. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press.
- De Palma, M. (2022). A Comparison Between Traversiere and Flute. Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum: Conference with International Participation, 15, 103-113.
- Dikicigiller, B. B. (2014). Innovations of Theobald Böhm to the Flute Construction. Journal of Arts & Humanities, 3 (11), 21-25.
- Frolova-Walker, M. (2018). Rimsky-Korsakov and His World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Giannini, T. (1993). Great Flute Makers of France: The Lot and Godfroy Families, 1650-1900. London: Tony Bingham.
- Gul, J. (2023). Craft and Industry Exhibitions in Breslau (Wrocław) in 1852 and 1857 as a Reflection of the Development of Musical Instrument Making in the Region. Musicologica Slovaca, 14 (2), 246-258.
- Hasanov, E. L., Panachev, V. D., Starostin, V. P., Pudov, A. G. (2018). Innovative Approach to the Research of Some Characteristics of Choir Scenes as Culturology Issue. Astra Salvensis, 6(1), 749-759.
- Hromchenko, V. (2018). Wind Instrument Solo in the Music of Romanticism. Musicological thought of the Dnipro Region, 13, 105-117.
- Izahar, I. Q. (2022). Achieving Rounded Flute Tones in Lower Register: “Apres Un Reve” by Gabriel Faure. accessed on May 29.
- Kachmarchik, V. P. (2009). German Flute Art. Kyiv: Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.
- Kachmarchyk, V., Kachmarchyk, N. (2022). A “Well-Tempered Flute” by T. Böhm – The Final Stage of Its Evolution and the Standardization of Its Tuning System. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai – Musica, 67, 49-62.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2004). T. Böhm’s Reform (To the Problem of Researching the Mechanical-Acoustic System of the Flute). Musical Art. Collection of Scientific Articles, 4, 218-228.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2005). To the Question of Comparative Analysis of Modifications of T. Böhm’s Flute. Musical Art. Collection of Scientific Articles, 5, 218-231.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2007). Т. Böhm – Flute Performer and Reformer. Musical Instruments, 15, 10-15.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2008). German Flute Art of the 18th-19th Centuries. Donetsk: Yugo-Vostok.
- Kalashnyk, M., Loshkov, U., Yakovlev, O., Genkin, A., Savchenko, H. (2024). Musically-Acoustic Thesaurus as Spatial Dimension of Cognitive Process. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series Physics, 55, 1421-1427.
- Karpyak, A. (2002). Flute Art in the Musical Culture of Lviv (XIX-XX Centuries). Kyiv: National Academy of Music of Ukraine.
- Karpyak, A. (2013). Conceptual Foundations of Artistic Thinking of a Contemporary Flutist. Lviv: Shevchenko Scientific Society.
- Karpyak, A. (2018). Unknown Pages from the History of the Brothers Dopplers’ Concert Activity and the Musical Life of Lviv in the 19th Century. In: The Collection of Scientific Works “The History of Formation and Development Prospects of Wind Music in the Context of National Culture of Ukraine and Abroad Countries” (pp. 9-14). Rivne: Volynski Oberehy.
- Klein, C. H. (2020). The Oboe Sings: Translating Bel Canto Song for the Oboe. Adelaide: University of Adelaide.
Kozlin, V., Hryshchenko, V. (2023). Musical Projects in Guitar Pro 7.5 Sequencer. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 88-100.
- Krutsko, O. (2021). Böhm’s Flute and Its Perception by Contemporaries. American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science, 4 (10), 121-124.
- Kuryshev, Y. (2023). Current State and Retrospective of Piano Duets Development. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 107-112.
- Łoza, K., Charczuk, C. (2016). Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv. Guide. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum.
- Michael, L. (2022). Window to the Past: Exploring Two Centuries of Early Flutes Via the Sigal Music Museum. The Flutist Quarterly, 47 (2), 89-97.
- Petrucci, G. L. (2018). Giulio Briccialdi: The Prince of Flutists. Varese: Zecchini.
- Ponikarovska, N. A., Ryabukha, A. S. (2020). On The Historical Development of the Flute. Theobald Böhm – Reformer and Innovator. accessed on June 15.
- Powell, A. (2002). The Flute (Yale Musical Instrument Series). London: Yale University Press.
- Pustlauk, A. (2016). The Simple System Flute Between 1790 and 1850, Its Performance Practice and Chamber Music Repertoire with Pianoforte and/or Strings. Brussel: Vrije Universiteit.
- Rees, C. (2013). The Kingma System Alto Flute: A Practical Guide for Composers and Performers. London: Royal College of Music.
- Rindel, J. H. (2021). Acoustical Aspects of the Transverse Flute from 1700 To Present. accessed on May 29.
- Şanver, A. Z. (2023). The Historical Process of the Flute and Theobald Böhm’s Contribution to the Development of the Flute. SED-Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi, 11 (1), 53-57.
- Schreiner, G. F., Muchar, A. Unger, F. (2009). Grätz: A Natural-Historical-Statistical-Topographical Survey of this City and Its Surroundings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library.
- Theobald Böhm Flute. (2024). accessed on June 25.
- Truyền, N. T. (2023). Musical Instruments in the Cultural Life of the Xơ Đăng in Quảng Ngãi. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 12, 57-70.
- Ventzke, K. (1966). The Böhm Flute. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Das Musikinstrument.
- Wasser, S. A. (2021). Powell Flutes: Innovating Products and Markets. Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Education, 3 (1), 5.
- Yenne, B. (2023). 100 Inventions that Shaped World History. Naperville: Sourcebooks.
Yıl 2024,
, 178 - 201, 23.09.2024
Andriy Karpyak
Dmytro Maksymenko
Oleh Varyanko
Liliia Maksymenko
Dmytro Olijnyk
Theobald Böhm'ün İkinci Flüt Atölyesi'nden çıkan eserlerin analizi, 19. yüzyıl müzik endüstrisindeki gelişmeleri ve zanaatkârlığı anlamak için çok önemlidir. Bu çalışma, Böhm'ün reformlarının kabulünü ve özellikle Avusturya İmparatorluğu'nun bir parçası olan Galiçya ve Lodomeria Krallığı'nın başkentinde uzmanlar ve entelektüeller arasında popülerleşmesini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ana yöntemler arasında arşiv materyallerinin analizi, yeni üretilen flütlerin önceki formlarla karşılaştırılması ve geriye dönük analizler yer almaktadır. Çalışma Böhm'ün faaliyetlerini inceliyor ve ikinci atölyesine (1855-1858) odaklanıyor. Böhm'ün atölyesine ait Lviv eserlerinin incelenmesi, flüt evrimi ve Böhm'ün katkıları hakkındaki anlayışımızı geliştirerek önemli bir bilimsel ve kültürel ilgi alanı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, Böhm'ün flüt eserlerinin flüt sanatı tarihindeki önemini vurgulamakta, mevcut bilgileri iyileştirmekte, tamamlamakta ve daha ileri araştırmaları desteklemektedir. Böhm'ün 1847 reformunu takip eden ilk yıllar, endüstri uzmanlarının Böhm'ün icatlarını reddetme, çürütme, uyarlama veya kabul etme gibi şok ve çeşitli tepkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Lviv gibi Avrupa'nın taşra merkezlerinde bu yeni araçlarda ustalaşmanın ilk aşamaları, reformun tetiklediği mesleki krize dair benzersiz bilgiler sunmaktadır. Lviv örneği, Böhm'ün yeniliklerine yönelik farklı tutumları ve Galiçya bilinci ve zihniyetinden süzülen genel eğilimleri göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, daha önce yayınlanmamış arşiv bilgilerini ve olguları kullanarak flüt tarihindeki bu önemli olayın kapsamlı bir şekilde anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.
- Afonina, O., Karpov, V. (2023). Art Practices in Modern Culture. Culture and Contemporaneity, 2, 76-81.
- Benevento, J. (2021). The French Flute School: A Flute Curriculum. Belmont: Belmont University.
- Berry, Y. (2017). Chattoir Interview with Ludwig Böhm. accessed on May 29.
- Bigio, R., Nugent, E. (2022). A Peek at Verne Q. Powell’s Personal Rudall Carte Flute. The Flutist Quarterly, 47 (4), 1-5.
- Böhm, L. (2021). Theobald Böhm’s Comment on The Open G Sharp Key. accessed on June 10.
- Böhm, T. (1847). On Flute Making and the Latest Improvements to It. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sœhne.
- Böhm, T. (1871). Die Flöte und das Flötenspiel in Akustischer, Technischer und Artistischer Beziehung. München:
Joseph Aibl.
- Böhm, T. (2011). The Flute and Flute-Playing. New-York. Dover Publications.
- Boonrod, V. (2024). Design and Development of Musical Instruments from Recycled Materials for the Elderly in Phitsanulok Province in the Northern Part of Thailand. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 13, 25-40.
- Brown, R. J., Wade, G., Wade, B. (2023). A Concise Guide to Musical Terms. Saint Louis: Mel Bay Publications.
- Cardoso, M. (2023). Musical Instrument Teaching Assessment Practices. Musica Hodie, 23, 74384.
- Clark, S. J. (2023). The Development, Tradition, and Global Influence of the Paris Conservatoire Flute Examinations. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
- de Almeida Ribeiro, F. (2023). Being the Other: Defamiliarization Processes in Musical Composition. Musica Hodie, 23, e73322.
- De Lorenzo, L. (1992). My Complete Story of the Flute: The Instrument, the Performer, the Music. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press.
- De Palma, M. (2022). A Comparison Between Traversiere and Flute. Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum: Conference with International Participation, 15, 103-113.
- Dikicigiller, B. B. (2014). Innovations of Theobald Böhm to the Flute Construction. Journal of Arts & Humanities, 3 (11), 21-25.
- Frolova-Walker, M. (2018). Rimsky-Korsakov and His World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Giannini, T. (1993). Great Flute Makers of France: The Lot and Godfroy Families, 1650-1900. London: Tony Bingham.
- Gul, J. (2023). Craft and Industry Exhibitions in Breslau (Wrocław) in 1852 and 1857 as a Reflection of the Development of Musical Instrument Making in the Region. Musicologica Slovaca, 14 (2), 246-258.
- Hasanov, E. L., Panachev, V. D., Starostin, V. P., Pudov, A. G. (2018). Innovative Approach to the Research of Some Characteristics of Choir Scenes as Culturology Issue. Astra Salvensis, 6(1), 749-759.
- Hromchenko, V. (2018). Wind Instrument Solo in the Music of Romanticism. Musicological thought of the Dnipro Region, 13, 105-117.
- Izahar, I. Q. (2022). Achieving Rounded Flute Tones in Lower Register: “Apres Un Reve” by Gabriel Faure. accessed on May 29.
- Kachmarchik, V. P. (2009). German Flute Art. Kyiv: Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.
- Kachmarchyk, V., Kachmarchyk, N. (2022). A “Well-Tempered Flute” by T. Böhm – The Final Stage of Its Evolution and the Standardization of Its Tuning System. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai – Musica, 67, 49-62.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2004). T. Böhm’s Reform (To the Problem of Researching the Mechanical-Acoustic System of the Flute). Musical Art. Collection of Scientific Articles, 4, 218-228.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2005). To the Question of Comparative Analysis of Modifications of T. Böhm’s Flute. Musical Art. Collection of Scientific Articles, 5, 218-231.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2007). Т. Böhm – Flute Performer and Reformer. Musical Instruments, 15, 10-15.
- Kachmarczyk, V. P. (2008). German Flute Art of the 18th-19th Centuries. Donetsk: Yugo-Vostok.
- Kalashnyk, M., Loshkov, U., Yakovlev, O., Genkin, A., Savchenko, H. (2024). Musically-Acoustic Thesaurus as Spatial Dimension of Cognitive Process. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series Physics, 55, 1421-1427.
- Karpyak, A. (2002). Flute Art in the Musical Culture of Lviv (XIX-XX Centuries). Kyiv: National Academy of Music of Ukraine.
- Karpyak, A. (2013). Conceptual Foundations of Artistic Thinking of a Contemporary Flutist. Lviv: Shevchenko Scientific Society.
- Karpyak, A. (2018). Unknown Pages from the History of the Brothers Dopplers’ Concert Activity and the Musical Life of Lviv in the 19th Century. In: The Collection of Scientific Works “The History of Formation and Development Prospects of Wind Music in the Context of National Culture of Ukraine and Abroad Countries” (pp. 9-14). Rivne: Volynski Oberehy.
- Klein, C. H. (2020). The Oboe Sings: Translating Bel Canto Song for the Oboe. Adelaide: University of Adelaide.
Kozlin, V., Hryshchenko, V. (2023). Musical Projects in Guitar Pro 7.5 Sequencer. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 88-100.
- Krutsko, O. (2021). Böhm’s Flute and Its Perception by Contemporaries. American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science, 4 (10), 121-124.
- Kuryshev, Y. (2023). Current State and Retrospective of Piano Duets Development. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 107-112.
- Łoza, K., Charczuk, C. (2016). Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv. Guide. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum.
- Michael, L. (2022). Window to the Past: Exploring Two Centuries of Early Flutes Via the Sigal Music Museum. The Flutist Quarterly, 47 (2), 89-97.
- Petrucci, G. L. (2018). Giulio Briccialdi: The Prince of Flutists. Varese: Zecchini.
- Ponikarovska, N. A., Ryabukha, A. S. (2020). On The Historical Development of the Flute. Theobald Böhm – Reformer and Innovator. accessed on June 15.
- Powell, A. (2002). The Flute (Yale Musical Instrument Series). London: Yale University Press.
- Pustlauk, A. (2016). The Simple System Flute Between 1790 and 1850, Its Performance Practice and Chamber Music Repertoire with Pianoforte and/or Strings. Brussel: Vrije Universiteit.
- Rees, C. (2013). The Kingma System Alto Flute: A Practical Guide for Composers and Performers. London: Royal College of Music.
- Rindel, J. H. (2021). Acoustical Aspects of the Transverse Flute from 1700 To Present. accessed on May 29.
- Şanver, A. Z. (2023). The Historical Process of the Flute and Theobald Böhm’s Contribution to the Development of the Flute. SED-Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi, 11 (1), 53-57.
- Schreiner, G. F., Muchar, A. Unger, F. (2009). Grätz: A Natural-Historical-Statistical-Topographical Survey of this City and Its Surroundings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library.
- Theobald Böhm Flute. (2024). accessed on June 25.
- Truyền, N. T. (2023). Musical Instruments in the Cultural Life of the Xơ Đăng in Quảng Ngãi. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 12, 57-70.
- Ventzke, K. (1966). The Böhm Flute. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Das Musikinstrument.
- Wasser, S. A. (2021). Powell Flutes: Innovating Products and Markets. Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Education, 3 (1), 5.
- Yenne, B. (2023). 100 Inventions that Shaped World History. Naperville: Sourcebooks.