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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 147 - 177, 23.09.2024


The purpose of this study was to identify the key aspects of Darius Milhaud’s creative credo through the lens of the vocal cycle “Machines agricoles”. The musical elements in the vocal cycle were investigated to analyse its composition. The study of Darius Milhaud’s work, including his vocal compositions, revealed the influence of historical events, cultural and social trends on his music, considering the context of the time. The study also covered the unique features of Milhaud’s creative style in this particular vocal cycle. Additionally, the socio-cultural aspects of the period were highlighted. The analysis of the vocal cycle “Machines agricoles” underscored its significance in the artistic context. Therewith, issues that cause differences in its interpretation were identified. Reflecting the interaction with the cultural context and personal feelings, this cycle is not only a piece of music, but the embodiment of a new understanding of human and nature. The analysis of the composition and aesthetic aspects of this cycle revealed the profound significance of Milhaud’s creative principle. This study opened new perspectives for understanding Milhaud’s creative legacy and contributed to a broader understanding of the art and cultural context of the time. The study of the vocal cycle “Machines agricoles” by D. Milhaud helped to expand the understanding of the composer’s creative heritage and his approach to composition. The study highlights Darius Milhaud’s unique musical techniques in vocal cycles, offering insights into his creative process. It underscores Milhaud’s significance in 20th-century music and his impact on musical culture.


  • Afonina, O., Karpov, V. (2023). Art practices in modern culture. Culture and Contemporaneity, 2, 76-81. DOI:
  • Bouzonviller, E., Gay, M. A. (2022). Agrégation Anglais 2023. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender is The Night. Paris: Editions Ellipses.
  • Çilingir, H. Z., Ghoneima, A., Eckert, G. (2023). Relationship of airway anatomy and trumpet performance. Musica Hodie, 23, 76790. DOI:
  • Delgado, J. E. A. (2023). Notes on modal music, identity and creation: Perspectives from Ecuador. Musica Hodie, 23, 75565. DOI:
  • Drake, J. (2002). Portrait(s) of Darius Milhaud. Cleveland: The Darius Milhaud Society.
  • Ee, T. S. (2024). Uneven worlds, new minoritisations, intersectional privilege: Questioning different kinds of ‘global’ in musical transmission processes. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 13, 13-24. DOI:
  • Epstein, L. K. (2014). Darius Milhaud’s Machines agricoles as post-pastoral. Music & Politics, 8 (2). DOI:
  • Epstein, L. K. (2023). The creative labor of music patronage in interwar France. H-France Review, 23 (179), 1-5.
  • Gagné, N. V. (2019). Historical dictionary of modern and contemporary classical music. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Green, K. (2011). Music and the English lyric poem: Explorations in conceptual blending. Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
  • Gritten, A. (2020). Darius Milhaud: Modality and structure in music of the 1920s by Deborah Mawer; Entretiens Avec Claude Rostand by Darius Milhaud. Tempo, 211, 39-40.
  • Harbec, J., Lavoie, M. N. (2014). Darius Milhaud: Compositeur et Expérimentateur. Vrin: Librairie Philosophique.
  • Hasanov, E. L., Panachev, V. D., Starostin, V. P., Pudov, A. G. (2018). Innovative approach to the research of some characteristics of choir scenes as culturology issue. Astra Salvensis, 6 (1), 749-759.
  • Herrmann, F. G., Repath, I. (2019). Some organic readings in narrative, ancient and modern. Eelde: Barkhuis. DOI:
  • Kalashnyk, M. P., Novikov, I. M., Varakuta, M. I., Genkin, A. O., Kupina, D. D. (2020). The prospects of the arts promotion in the context of limitations and consequences of self-isolation. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 9, 2984-2990. DOI:
  • Kalashnyk, M., Loshkov, U., Yakovlev, O., Genkin, A., Savchenko, H. (2024). Musically-acoustic thesaurus as spatial dimension of cognitive process. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series Physics, 55, 1421-1427. DOI:
  • Katorza, A. (2020). It ain’t necessarily so: Gershwin, whiteness, altruism and the distortion of American Jews’ music history. Jewish Culture and History, 21 (4), 323-341. DOI:
  • Kelly, B. L. (2023). Tradition and style in the works of Darius Milhaud 1912-1939. London: Routledge.
  • Kozlin, V., Hryshchenko, V. (2023). Musical projects in Guitar Pro 7.5 sequencer. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 88-100. DOI:
  • Kwag, M. (2021). A performance guide on selected sonatas for flute and piano by: Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), Louis Durey (1888-1979), Francis Poulenc (1899-1963). available from June 29.
  • Lazzaro, F., Moore, C. (2019). Machines and the musical imagination (1900-1950). Sonar, 39 (2), 3-14.
  • Lenk, S., Majsova, N. (2022). Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • Lewis, H. (2020). The piano mécanique in 1930s French cinema. French Screen Studies, 20 (3-4), 158-179. DOI:
  • Losleben, K. (2019). Arctic Arcadia: Modern adaptations of an antique idea. European Journal of Musicology, 18 (1), 36-56. DOI:
  • Markova, O. (2023). Metaphysics of personal-creative synchronisations in music. Notes on Art Criticism, 43, 90-96. DOI:
  • Martens, M., Wentink, C. (2023). The lived experiences of independent western classical chamber musicians in the United Arab Emirates: A narrative inquiry. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 11, pp. 61-76. DOI:
  • Martins, J. O. (2019). Scalar dissonance and the analysis of polytonal/modal mismatch in twentieth-century music. Musurgia, 16, 49-87. DOI:
  • Nosara, V. G. (2021). Brief program notes for a saxophone lecture recital: Compositions by Benjamín Gutiérrez, Fernande Decruck, Karel Husa and Robert Muczynski. acce available from June 27.
  • Oberlander, E. M. (2011). Reaching Arcadia: Rural and agricultural themes in vocal art music including plans to introduce this music to a rural. Fargo: North Dakota State University.
  • Popovici, A. M., Pantanjoglu, L., Lucaci, L., Nitescu, D., Sterian, A., Georgescu, O., Ivascu, G., Zarnescu, M. (2021). Concept. Bucharest: UNATC Press.
  • Ross, J., Huebner, S., Kelly, B. L., Fauser, A., Berenson, E. (2023). French Music, Culture, and National Identity, 1870-1939. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Sarno, M. (2020). Reflection, representation, religion: André Caplet’s le miroir de Jésus. 19th-Century Music, 44 (1), 36-58. DOI:
  • Shang, Y. (2021). Darius Milhaud’s vocal heritage: The period of formation. Musical Arts and Culture, 33 (1), 121-130. DOI:
  • Shang, Y. (2022). The phenomenon of Darius Milhaud’s creative personality. Musical Arts and Culture, 35 (1), 72-84. DOI:
  • Sonn, R. D. (2022). Modernist diaspora: Immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Sonntag, U., Gyorgy, A., Marshall, D., Berg, S., Eggebrecht, R., Kupsa, F., Weigel, M., Nolte, I. (2023). Darius Milhaud – Early string quartets & vocal works. Troubadisc, 2. available from June 28.
  • Thorpe, J. D. (2023). “As Always, Have Big Fun!”. A Performer’s Analysis and Guide to Three Saxophone Works by Anthony R. Green and Their Source Material Inspiration. Champaign: University of Illinois.
  • Utz, C. (2021). Musical Composition in the Context of Globalization: New Perspectives on Music History in the 20th And 21st Century. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
  • Walker, J. (2015). Darius Vilhaud, Esther De Carpentras, and the French Interwar Identity Crisis. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina.
  • Zharkova, V. (2023). Darius Milhaud’s vocal cycle “Machines agricoles”: Outrage or confession? Scientific Bulletin of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, 138, 76-88. DOI:


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 147 - 177, 23.09.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Darius Milhaud'un “Machines agricoles” vokal döngüsü merceğinden yaratıcı inancının temel yönlerini belirlemekti. Vokal döngüsündeki müzikal unsurlar bestesini analiz etmek için incelendi. Darius Milhaud'un vokal besteleri de dahil olmak üzere eserlerinin incelenmesi, tarihî olayların, kültürel ve sosyal eğilimlerin müziği üzerindeki etkisini zamanın bağlamında ortaya koydu. Çalışma ayrıca Milhaud'un bu belirli vokal döngüsündeki yaratıcı tarzının benzersiz özelliklerini de ele aldı. Ek olarak, dönemin sosyo-kültürel yönleri vurgulandı. “Machines agricoles” vokal döngüsünün analizi, sanatsal bağlamdaki önemini vurguladı. Ayrıca, yorum farklılıklarına neden olan konular belirlendi. Kültürel bağlam ve kişisel duygularla etkileşimi yansıtan bu döngü, sadece bir müzik parçası değil, insan ve doğaya dair yeni bir anlayışın somutlaşmış halidir. Bu döngünün kompozisyon ve estetik yönlerinin analizi, Milhaud'un yaratıcı ilkesinin derin anlamını ortaya koydu. Bu çalışma, Milhaud'un yaratıcı mirasını anlamak için yeni perspektifler açtı ve dönemin sanat ve kültürel bağlamının daha geniş bir anlayışına katkıda bulundu. D. Milhaud'un “Machines agricoles” vokal döngüsünün incelenmesi, bestecinin yaratıcı mirasını ve besteleme yaklaşımını anlamayı genişletti. Çalışma, Darius Milhaud'un vokal döngülerindeki benzersiz müzikal tekniklerini vurgulayarak, yaratıcı sürecine dair içgörüler sundu. Bu, Milhaud'un 20. yüzyıl müziğindeki önemini ve müzik kültürü üzerindeki etkisini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Afonina, O., Karpov, V. (2023). Art practices in modern culture. Culture and Contemporaneity, 2, 76-81. DOI:
  • Bouzonviller, E., Gay, M. A. (2022). Agrégation Anglais 2023. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender is The Night. Paris: Editions Ellipses.
  • Çilingir, H. Z., Ghoneima, A., Eckert, G. (2023). Relationship of airway anatomy and trumpet performance. Musica Hodie, 23, 76790. DOI:
  • Delgado, J. E. A. (2023). Notes on modal music, identity and creation: Perspectives from Ecuador. Musica Hodie, 23, 75565. DOI:
  • Drake, J. (2002). Portrait(s) of Darius Milhaud. Cleveland: The Darius Milhaud Society.
  • Ee, T. S. (2024). Uneven worlds, new minoritisations, intersectional privilege: Questioning different kinds of ‘global’ in musical transmission processes. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 13, 13-24. DOI:
  • Epstein, L. K. (2014). Darius Milhaud’s Machines agricoles as post-pastoral. Music & Politics, 8 (2). DOI:
  • Epstein, L. K. (2023). The creative labor of music patronage in interwar France. H-France Review, 23 (179), 1-5.
  • Gagné, N. V. (2019). Historical dictionary of modern and contemporary classical music. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Green, K. (2011). Music and the English lyric poem: Explorations in conceptual blending. Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
  • Gritten, A. (2020). Darius Milhaud: Modality and structure in music of the 1920s by Deborah Mawer; Entretiens Avec Claude Rostand by Darius Milhaud. Tempo, 211, 39-40.
  • Harbec, J., Lavoie, M. N. (2014). Darius Milhaud: Compositeur et Expérimentateur. Vrin: Librairie Philosophique.
  • Hasanov, E. L., Panachev, V. D., Starostin, V. P., Pudov, A. G. (2018). Innovative approach to the research of some characteristics of choir scenes as culturology issue. Astra Salvensis, 6 (1), 749-759.
  • Herrmann, F. G., Repath, I. (2019). Some organic readings in narrative, ancient and modern. Eelde: Barkhuis. DOI:
  • Kalashnyk, M. P., Novikov, I. M., Varakuta, M. I., Genkin, A. O., Kupina, D. D. (2020). The prospects of the arts promotion in the context of limitations and consequences of self-isolation. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 9, 2984-2990. DOI:
  • Kalashnyk, M., Loshkov, U., Yakovlev, O., Genkin, A., Savchenko, H. (2024). Musically-acoustic thesaurus as spatial dimension of cognitive process. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series Physics, 55, 1421-1427. DOI:
  • Katorza, A. (2020). It ain’t necessarily so: Gershwin, whiteness, altruism and the distortion of American Jews’ music history. Jewish Culture and History, 21 (4), 323-341. DOI:
  • Kelly, B. L. (2023). Tradition and style in the works of Darius Milhaud 1912-1939. London: Routledge.
  • Kozlin, V., Hryshchenko, V. (2023). Musical projects in Guitar Pro 7.5 sequencer. Notes on Art Criticism, 44, 88-100. DOI:
  • Kwag, M. (2021). A performance guide on selected sonatas for flute and piano by: Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), Louis Durey (1888-1979), Francis Poulenc (1899-1963). available from June 29.
  • Lazzaro, F., Moore, C. (2019). Machines and the musical imagination (1900-1950). Sonar, 39 (2), 3-14.
  • Lenk, S., Majsova, N. (2022). Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • Lewis, H. (2020). The piano mécanique in 1930s French cinema. French Screen Studies, 20 (3-4), 158-179. DOI:
  • Losleben, K. (2019). Arctic Arcadia: Modern adaptations of an antique idea. European Journal of Musicology, 18 (1), 36-56. DOI:
  • Markova, O. (2023). Metaphysics of personal-creative synchronisations in music. Notes on Art Criticism, 43, 90-96. DOI:
  • Martens, M., Wentink, C. (2023). The lived experiences of independent western classical chamber musicians in the United Arab Emirates: A narrative inquiry. Asian-European Music Research Journal, 11, pp. 61-76. DOI:
  • Martins, J. O. (2019). Scalar dissonance and the analysis of polytonal/modal mismatch in twentieth-century music. Musurgia, 16, 49-87. DOI:
  • Nosara, V. G. (2021). Brief program notes for a saxophone lecture recital: Compositions by Benjamín Gutiérrez, Fernande Decruck, Karel Husa and Robert Muczynski. acce available from June 27.
  • Oberlander, E. M. (2011). Reaching Arcadia: Rural and agricultural themes in vocal art music including plans to introduce this music to a rural. Fargo: North Dakota State University.
  • Popovici, A. M., Pantanjoglu, L., Lucaci, L., Nitescu, D., Sterian, A., Georgescu, O., Ivascu, G., Zarnescu, M. (2021). Concept. Bucharest: UNATC Press.
  • Ross, J., Huebner, S., Kelly, B. L., Fauser, A., Berenson, E. (2023). French Music, Culture, and National Identity, 1870-1939. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Sarno, M. (2020). Reflection, representation, religion: André Caplet’s le miroir de Jésus. 19th-Century Music, 44 (1), 36-58. DOI:
  • Shang, Y. (2021). Darius Milhaud’s vocal heritage: The period of formation. Musical Arts and Culture, 33 (1), 121-130. DOI:
  • Shang, Y. (2022). The phenomenon of Darius Milhaud’s creative personality. Musical Arts and Culture, 35 (1), 72-84. DOI:
  • Sonn, R. D. (2022). Modernist diaspora: Immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Sonntag, U., Gyorgy, A., Marshall, D., Berg, S., Eggebrecht, R., Kupsa, F., Weigel, M., Nolte, I. (2023). Darius Milhaud – Early string quartets & vocal works. Troubadisc, 2. available from June 28.
  • Thorpe, J. D. (2023). “As Always, Have Big Fun!”. A Performer’s Analysis and Guide to Three Saxophone Works by Anthony R. Green and Their Source Material Inspiration. Champaign: University of Illinois.
  • Utz, C. (2021). Musical Composition in the Context of Globalization: New Perspectives on Music History in the 20th And 21st Century. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
  • Walker, J. (2015). Darius Vilhaud, Esther De Carpentras, and the French Interwar Identity Crisis. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina.
  • Zharkova, V. (2023). Darius Milhaud’s vocal cycle “Machines agricoles”: Outrage or confession? Scientific Bulletin of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, 138, 76-88. DOI:
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Müzik (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Valeriya Zharkova 0000-0002-3706-3481

Oleksandr Zharkov 0000-0003-0196-2933

Yunan Shang 0000-0003-0908-5509

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Zharkova, V., Zharkov, O., & Shang, Y. (2024). THE VOCAL CYCLE “MACHINES AGRICOLES” AS A MANIFESTATION OF DARIUS MILHAUD’S CREATIVE CREDO. Yegah Müzikoloji Dergisi, 7(3), 147-177.