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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 1667 - 1709, 15.10.2021


Since 1st century CE the relation between a free Roman woman and the slave of another person was regulated by a decree of the Senatus, enacted during the reign of Claudius (hence, termed as sc Claudianum) and the fate of the legal consequences of such a relation was to be left solely to the will of the master. According to the rules of this sc Claudianum, a free Roman woman who co-habits with the slave of another person would become the slave of that person -provided that he did denounce the relation- or his freedwomen -provided that he consented to the relation-Under Roman Law, a free woman and a slave could never had a valid marriage and accordingly, their relationship would have no legal effects whatsoever. The interesting fact which calls here for further scrunity is that the Roman Senatus did actually enact a decree on a relationship which was legally irrelevant. Thus making the social dynamics behind sc Claudianum as well as its ratio legis subjects of areas that needs deeper investigation and comprehension.
With the dawn of the 1st century, Rome started to go in an evergoing change: It all started with a change in the administration; followed by a change in the society, change in its values, change in the labor relations, and change in its law. One the main indicators of the -social- change was the increasing number of instances of status confusions and the increasing tendecny to mixed-relatios. Such relations being nullum (void) for Roman law did not stop free women to co-habit with other people’s slaves; it also did nothing to deaden the convinction of mixed-relations being a threat to the master’s domination over his slave.
Ultimately, Pallas, the imperial freedmen of Claudius who was also in charge of the treasury, drew up a decree targeting relations about which he may know a thing or two. He then referred it to his patron and the emperor proposed his freedman’s decree to the Senate which was accepted as a binding resolution. The purpose, therefore, was not to categorically prevent relations between the ‘free’ and the ‘slave’ nor to punish free women for co-habiting with a slave. Sc Claudianum was not about legislating morality or reclaiming the natural order of things. It was about protecting the rights of the master over his slave who was in a ‘natural’ marriage with a free woman and thus asserting the master’s supremacy.


  • ANDREAU, Jean, Banking and Business in Roman Law, (çev.) Janet Lloyd, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999
  • BAGNALL, Roger/FRIER, Bruce, Demography of Roman Egypt, 2. bası, Cambridge University Press, 2006
  • BONFANTE, Pietro, Storia del Diritto Romano, Cilt I, 4. bası, Giuffre, Milano, 1958
  • BRADLEY, Keith, Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987 (Slaves and Masters)
  • BUCKLAND, W.W., A Textbook of Roman Law, 3.bası, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1963 (Textbook)
  • BUCKLAND, W.W., The Roman Law of Slavery, Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian, The Lawbook Exchange, New Jersey, 2001 (Law of Slavery)
  • ÇELEBİCAN, Karadeniz Özcan, Roma Hukuku: Tarihi - Kaynaklar – Genel Kavramlar – Kişiler Hukuku – Hakların Korunması, 17. bası, Turhan, Ankara, 2014 (Roma Hukuku)
  • DI MARZO, Roma Hukuku, (çev.) Ziya Umur, 2. Bası, Sulhi Garan Matbaası, İstanbul, 1959
  • EDER, Walter, Servitus publica: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung, Entwicklung und Funktion der öffentlichen Sklaverei in Rom, F. Steiner, Wiesbaden, 1980
  • HARPER, Kyle, Slavery in the Late Roman World: AD 275 - 425, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011 (Slavery in the Late Roman World)
  • HERRMANN-OTTO, Elisabeth, Sklaverei und Freilassung in der Griechisch-Römischen Welt, Darmstadt, 2017 (Sklaverei und Freilassung)
  • JOLOWICZ, H.F., Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1932
  • KASER, Max, Das Römische Privatrecht, Cilt 1-2, Beck, Münih, 1971-1975
  • KRUGER, Paul, Geschichte de Quellen und Litteratur des Römischen Rechts, 2. bası, Münih, 1912
  • LEVICK, B.M., Claudius, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990
  • MOMMSEN, Theodor, Römische Geschichte I, 2. bası, Wiedmann, Berlin, 1856
  • MOMMSEN, Römische Staatsrecht, Cilt III-2, Leipzig, 1888 (Staatsrecht)
  • MOMMSEN, Theodor, Römische Strafrecht, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1899 (Strafrecht)
  • MOMIGLIANO, Arnaldo, Claudius; the Emperor and His Achievement, (çev.) Hogarth W. D., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1934
  • MONIER, Raymond Manuel, Elémentaire de Droit Romain, Cilt I, 6. bası, Domat, Paris, 1947
  • RADO, Türkan, Principatus devrinde Roma Hususi Hukukunun Senatus consultum’lar Yoluyle Islahı, İstanbul, 1958 (Senatus consultum Yoluyla Islah)
  • ROSTOVTZEFF, Michael: The Social Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2. bası, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1957
  • UMUR, Ziya, Roma Hukuku – Tarihi Giriş – Kaynaklar - Genel Esaslar, Fakülteler Matbaası, İstanbul, 1983 (Roma Hukuku)
  • SCHULZ, Fritz, History of Roman Legal Science, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946
  • SCHULZ, Fritz, Principles of Roman Law, (çev.) Marguerite Wolff, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936 (Principles)
  • SCHWARZ, Andreas, Roma Hukuku Dersleri, (çev.) Türkan Rado, 2. Bası, Kenan, İstanbul, 1945
  • TAMER Diler, Augustus Çağında Cinsel Suçlar: Lex iulia de adulteriis coercendis, Homer, İstanbul, 2007
  • WATSON, Alan, Roman Slave Law, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1987
  • WEAVER, P. R. C., Familia Caesaris: A Social Study of the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1972 (Familia Caesaris)
  • ALBANESE, Bernardo, Apunti sul Senatusconsulto Claudiano, (ed.) Matteo Marrone, Scritti giuridici, Cilt 1, Palumbo Giappichelli, Torino, 1991, s. 29–39
  • CROOK, John, Gaius, Institutes, 1.84-86, The Classical Review, Cilt 17, Sayı 1, 1967, s. 7-8
  • ÇELEBİCAN, Karadeniz Özcan, Roma Hukuku’nda Peculium Müessesesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, Cilt 25, Sayı 3, 1968, s. 179-194
  • DE LIGHT, Luke, Legal History and Economic History: The Case of the Actiones Adiecticiae Qualitatis, The Legal History Review, Cilt 67, Sayı 3-4, 1999, s. 205-226
  • ERDŐDY, János, SC Claudianum: a Positive Feedback on Property or Defence of Family Bonds?, Journal of European History of Law, Cilt 11, Sayı 1, 2020, s. 152-160
  • FENOALTEA, ‘Stefano, Slavery and Supervision in Comparative Perspective: A Model’, The Journal of Economic History, Cilt 44, Sayı 3, 1984, s. 635-668
  • GAMAUF, Richard, ‘Slaves doing business: the role of Roman law in the economy of a Roman household’, European Review of History—Revue européenne d’histoire, Cilt 16 Sayı 3, 2009, s. 331-346
  • HARPER, Kyle, The SC Claudianum in the Codex Theodosianus: Social History and Legal Texts, The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Cilt 60, Sayı 2, 2010, s. 610-638 (SC Claudianum)
  • HOETNIK R.H., Autour du « Sénatus- Consulte Claudien ». (ed.) Henri Lévy-Bruhl, Droits de l’antiquité et sociologie juridique, Sirey, Paris, 1959, s. 153–162
  • JONGMAN, M. Willem, Rome: The Political Economy of a World Empire, The Medieval History Journal, Cilt 6 Sayı 2, 2003, s. 303-329
  • MORLEY, Neville, The Poor in the City of Rome, (ed.) Atkins Margaret/Osborne, Robin, Poverty in the Roman World, Cambridge Univerity Press, Cambridge, 2006, s. 21- 39
  • PÓLAY, Elemer, Die Sklavenehe und das römische Recht, Acta Jur. et Pol. Univ., Cilt 14, Sayı 7, Szeged, 1967
  • RADO, Türkan, Roma’da Senatus ve Teşri Salahiyeti, İÜHFM, Cilt 13, Sayı 1, 1947, s. 239 – 258 (Teşri Salahiyeti)
  • RADO, Türkan, Le Senatus consultum Claudianum, Annales Fac. Droit d’Istanbul, Cilt 3, 1954, s. 44–55
  • RAWSON, Beryl, Family Life among the Lower Classes at Rome in the First Two Centuries of the Empire, Classical Philology, Cilt 61, Sayı 2, 1966, s. 71-83
  • SCHILLER, A. Arthur, Senatus Consulta in the Principate, Tulane Law Review, Cilt 33, 1959, s. 491-508
  • SCHEIDEL, Walter: Human Mobility of Roman Italy II: The Slave Population; The Slave Population, Journal of Roman Studies, Cilt 95, 2005, s. 64- 79
  • SCHEIDEL, Walter: The Roman Slave Supply, (ed.) K. Bradley/P. Cartledge, The Cambridge World History of Slavery, Cilt I: The Ancient Mediterranean World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011, s. 287-310 (Slave Supply)
  • SIRKS, A.J. Boudewijn, Der Zweck des Senatus consultum Claudianum von 52 n. Chr., Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, Cilt 122, 2005, s. 138-149
  • WEAVER, P.C.R., Gaius 1.84 and the S.C. Claudianum, The Classical Review, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 1964, s. 137-139 (Gaius 1.84)
  • CATO & VARRO, De Re Rustica/On Agriculture, (çev.) Harrison Boyd Ash, Harvard University Press, 1967
  • CICERO, M. Tullius, Topica/Cicero’s Topica, (çev.) Reinhardt Tobias, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004
  • SUETONIUS, De Vitis Casesarum/Life of Twelve Ceasars, (çev.) Rolfe J.C, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1914
  • TACITUS, Annales/The Annals, (çev.) Church John Alfred /Brodribb Jackson William, Londra, MacMillan & Co, 1876
  • VARRO, De Lingua Latina/On the Latin Language, (çev.) Roland G. Kent, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1938
  • BERGER, Adolph: Encylopedic Dictionary Of Roman Law, The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1991
  • GLARE, P.G.W., Oxford Latin Dictionary, 2. bası, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012
  • HEUMANN Hermann Gottlieb/SECKEL Emil, Handlexicon Zu Den Quel¬len Des Römischen Rechts, 9. Bası, Gustav Fıscher, Jena, 1926
  • KABAAĞAÇ Sina/ALOVA Erdal, Latince-Türkçe Sözlük, Sosyal Yayınlar, Istanbul, 1995
  • LEWIS Charlton T. /SHORT Charles, A Latin Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1891
  • UMUR, Ziya: Roma Hukuku LUgatı, İstanbul, Fakülteler Matbaası, 1983
  • SMITH, William: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology I-III, Londra, John Murray, 1880
  • SMITH, William: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, New York, Harper & Brothers Publishing, 1884
  • BRUNS, Karl Georg, Fontes Iuris Romani Antiqui, (ed.) Gradenwitz Otto, 7.bası, Tubingen, 1909
  • Corpus Iuris Civilis I-III, (ed.) Kruger Paul/Mommsen Theodor/Kroll Willhelm/Schoell Rudolf, Weidmann, Berlin, 1889
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, (ed.) Mommsen Theodor, Berlin, 1862 – 1936
  • Domitii Ulpiani Fragmenta Vulgo Tituli Ex Corpore Ulpiani, (ed.) Hugo Gustav, Nabu Press, 2012
  • GAIUS, Institutiones, (çev.) Zulueta Francis de, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946
  • Iustinianus Institutiones (çev.) Umur Ziya, Fakülteler Matbaası, İstanbul, 1968
  • LENEL, Otto, Das Edictum Perpetuum, Verlag von Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1927
  • Pauli Sententiae, Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Padova, Padova, 1995
  • RICCOBONO, Salvatore, Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani, Cilt I, Floransa, 1941
  • The Codex of Justinian, (ed.) Frier Bruce W. (çev.) Blume Fred H, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016
  • The Digest of Justinian 1-4, (ed.) Mommsen Theodor/Kruger Paul, (çev.) Watson Alan, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1985
  • The Oxyrhynch Papyri I-XIV, (çev.) Grenfell Bernard P. / Hunt Arthur S., Londra, 1898-1920
  • The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions, (çev.) Pharr Cylde, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1952


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 1667 - 1709, 15.10.2021


Roma Hukukunda özgür kadın ve başkasına ait bir erkek kölenin birlikteliği, M.S. 1. yüzyılda Claudius devirinde alınmış bir Senatus kararı (Senatus consultum Claudianum) ile düzenlenmiş ve bu özgür-köle birlikteliğinin hukuki sonuçları münhasıran erkek kölenin efendisinin iradesine bağlanmıştır. Senatus consultum Claudianum (sc Claudianum) hükümleri gereğince başkasının kölesi ile birliktelik yaşayan özgür kadın şayet bu ilişkiye efendinin izni var ise efendinin azatlısı, izni yok ise efendinin kölesi haline gelmekteydi. Roma hukuku nazarında özgür bir kadın ile köle bir erkeğin birlikteliği ‘yok’ hükmünde olup herhangi bir hukuki sonuç doğurmamaktaydı. Bu gerçeğin ışığında, Senatus’un bir yasama organı olarak kendi göstermeye başladığı Principatus devrinin ilk yüzyılında, ‘hukuken yok hükmünde’ olan bir birlikteliğe ilişkin Senatus’un bir karar almış olması incelenmeye değer olup bu bağlamda sc Claudianum’un ratio legis’i kadar onu hazırlayan sebepler de cevaplanması beklenecek olan sorulardır.
M.S. 1 yüzyıl itibarıyla Roma her bakımdan bir dönüşüm içinde idi ve bu dönüşümün toplumsal iz düşümlerinden birisi değişen sosyo-ekonomik yapı kapsamında statü karışıklıkları ve mixta ilişkilerdir. Roma hukukunun ‘yok’ hükmünde görüyor olması özgür kadınların başkalarının köleri ile fiili birliktelikler içine girmelerine engellememiştir. Keza, bu ‘fiili’ evliliklerinin hukuken tanınmıyor olmaları söz konusu ilişkilerin efendinin hakimiyetine tehdit şeklinde algılanmalarını da engellememiştir.
Sonuçta, Claudius’un azatlısı, hazineden sorumlu Pallas, vakıf olduğu bu hususa ilişkin bir Senatus kararı tasarlamış ve Claudius tarafından Senatus’a sunulan tasarı kabul edilerek bir kanun hükmünde olarak yürürlüğe konulmuştur. Amaç; özgür ile kölenin evliliğini önleyerek toplumsal düzeni tesis etmek - köle erkeklerle birlikte olan özgür kadınları cezalandırmak – Roma kadınının ahlakına veya yaşamına müdahale etmek vb. değildir. Sc Claudianum, kölesi başka bir kadınla birliktelik yaşayan efendinin kölesi üzerindeki hakimiyetini tüm unsurları ile muhafaza etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • ANDREAU, Jean, Banking and Business in Roman Law, (çev.) Janet Lloyd, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999
  • BAGNALL, Roger/FRIER, Bruce, Demography of Roman Egypt, 2. bası, Cambridge University Press, 2006
  • BONFANTE, Pietro, Storia del Diritto Romano, Cilt I, 4. bası, Giuffre, Milano, 1958
  • BRADLEY, Keith, Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987 (Slaves and Masters)
  • BUCKLAND, W.W., A Textbook of Roman Law, 3.bası, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1963 (Textbook)
  • BUCKLAND, W.W., The Roman Law of Slavery, Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian, The Lawbook Exchange, New Jersey, 2001 (Law of Slavery)
  • ÇELEBİCAN, Karadeniz Özcan, Roma Hukuku: Tarihi - Kaynaklar – Genel Kavramlar – Kişiler Hukuku – Hakların Korunması, 17. bası, Turhan, Ankara, 2014 (Roma Hukuku)
  • DI MARZO, Roma Hukuku, (çev.) Ziya Umur, 2. Bası, Sulhi Garan Matbaası, İstanbul, 1959
  • EDER, Walter, Servitus publica: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung, Entwicklung und Funktion der öffentlichen Sklaverei in Rom, F. Steiner, Wiesbaden, 1980
  • HARPER, Kyle, Slavery in the Late Roman World: AD 275 - 425, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011 (Slavery in the Late Roman World)
  • HERRMANN-OTTO, Elisabeth, Sklaverei und Freilassung in der Griechisch-Römischen Welt, Darmstadt, 2017 (Sklaverei und Freilassung)
  • JOLOWICZ, H.F., Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1932
  • KASER, Max, Das Römische Privatrecht, Cilt 1-2, Beck, Münih, 1971-1975
  • KRUGER, Paul, Geschichte de Quellen und Litteratur des Römischen Rechts, 2. bası, Münih, 1912
  • LEVICK, B.M., Claudius, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990
  • MOMMSEN, Theodor, Römische Geschichte I, 2. bası, Wiedmann, Berlin, 1856
  • MOMMSEN, Römische Staatsrecht, Cilt III-2, Leipzig, 1888 (Staatsrecht)
  • MOMMSEN, Theodor, Römische Strafrecht, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1899 (Strafrecht)
  • MOMIGLIANO, Arnaldo, Claudius; the Emperor and His Achievement, (çev.) Hogarth W. D., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1934
  • MONIER, Raymond Manuel, Elémentaire de Droit Romain, Cilt I, 6. bası, Domat, Paris, 1947
  • RADO, Türkan, Principatus devrinde Roma Hususi Hukukunun Senatus consultum’lar Yoluyle Islahı, İstanbul, 1958 (Senatus consultum Yoluyla Islah)
  • ROSTOVTZEFF, Michael: The Social Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2. bası, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1957
  • UMUR, Ziya, Roma Hukuku – Tarihi Giriş – Kaynaklar - Genel Esaslar, Fakülteler Matbaası, İstanbul, 1983 (Roma Hukuku)
  • SCHULZ, Fritz, History of Roman Legal Science, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946
  • SCHULZ, Fritz, Principles of Roman Law, (çev.) Marguerite Wolff, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936 (Principles)
  • SCHWARZ, Andreas, Roma Hukuku Dersleri, (çev.) Türkan Rado, 2. Bası, Kenan, İstanbul, 1945
  • TAMER Diler, Augustus Çağında Cinsel Suçlar: Lex iulia de adulteriis coercendis, Homer, İstanbul, 2007
  • WATSON, Alan, Roman Slave Law, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1987
  • WEAVER, P. R. C., Familia Caesaris: A Social Study of the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1972 (Familia Caesaris)
  • ALBANESE, Bernardo, Apunti sul Senatusconsulto Claudiano, (ed.) Matteo Marrone, Scritti giuridici, Cilt 1, Palumbo Giappichelli, Torino, 1991, s. 29–39
  • CROOK, John, Gaius, Institutes, 1.84-86, The Classical Review, Cilt 17, Sayı 1, 1967, s. 7-8
  • ÇELEBİCAN, Karadeniz Özcan, Roma Hukuku’nda Peculium Müessesesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, Cilt 25, Sayı 3, 1968, s. 179-194
  • DE LIGHT, Luke, Legal History and Economic History: The Case of the Actiones Adiecticiae Qualitatis, The Legal History Review, Cilt 67, Sayı 3-4, 1999, s. 205-226
  • ERDŐDY, János, SC Claudianum: a Positive Feedback on Property or Defence of Family Bonds?, Journal of European History of Law, Cilt 11, Sayı 1, 2020, s. 152-160
  • FENOALTEA, ‘Stefano, Slavery and Supervision in Comparative Perspective: A Model’, The Journal of Economic History, Cilt 44, Sayı 3, 1984, s. 635-668
  • GAMAUF, Richard, ‘Slaves doing business: the role of Roman law in the economy of a Roman household’, European Review of History—Revue européenne d’histoire, Cilt 16 Sayı 3, 2009, s. 331-346
  • HARPER, Kyle, The SC Claudianum in the Codex Theodosianus: Social History and Legal Texts, The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Cilt 60, Sayı 2, 2010, s. 610-638 (SC Claudianum)
  • HOETNIK R.H., Autour du « Sénatus- Consulte Claudien ». (ed.) Henri Lévy-Bruhl, Droits de l’antiquité et sociologie juridique, Sirey, Paris, 1959, s. 153–162
  • JONGMAN, M. Willem, Rome: The Political Economy of a World Empire, The Medieval History Journal, Cilt 6 Sayı 2, 2003, s. 303-329
  • MORLEY, Neville, The Poor in the City of Rome, (ed.) Atkins Margaret/Osborne, Robin, Poverty in the Roman World, Cambridge Univerity Press, Cambridge, 2006, s. 21- 39
  • PÓLAY, Elemer, Die Sklavenehe und das römische Recht, Acta Jur. et Pol. Univ., Cilt 14, Sayı 7, Szeged, 1967
  • RADO, Türkan, Roma’da Senatus ve Teşri Salahiyeti, İÜHFM, Cilt 13, Sayı 1, 1947, s. 239 – 258 (Teşri Salahiyeti)
  • RADO, Türkan, Le Senatus consultum Claudianum, Annales Fac. Droit d’Istanbul, Cilt 3, 1954, s. 44–55
  • RAWSON, Beryl, Family Life among the Lower Classes at Rome in the First Two Centuries of the Empire, Classical Philology, Cilt 61, Sayı 2, 1966, s. 71-83
  • SCHILLER, A. Arthur, Senatus Consulta in the Principate, Tulane Law Review, Cilt 33, 1959, s. 491-508
  • SCHEIDEL, Walter: Human Mobility of Roman Italy II: The Slave Population; The Slave Population, Journal of Roman Studies, Cilt 95, 2005, s. 64- 79
  • SCHEIDEL, Walter: The Roman Slave Supply, (ed.) K. Bradley/P. Cartledge, The Cambridge World History of Slavery, Cilt I: The Ancient Mediterranean World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011, s. 287-310 (Slave Supply)
  • SIRKS, A.J. Boudewijn, Der Zweck des Senatus consultum Claudianum von 52 n. Chr., Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, Cilt 122, 2005, s. 138-149
  • WEAVER, P.C.R., Gaius 1.84 and the S.C. Claudianum, The Classical Review, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 1964, s. 137-139 (Gaius 1.84)
  • CATO & VARRO, De Re Rustica/On Agriculture, (çev.) Harrison Boyd Ash, Harvard University Press, 1967
  • CICERO, M. Tullius, Topica/Cicero’s Topica, (çev.) Reinhardt Tobias, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004
  • SUETONIUS, De Vitis Casesarum/Life of Twelve Ceasars, (çev.) Rolfe J.C, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1914
  • TACITUS, Annales/The Annals, (çev.) Church John Alfred /Brodribb Jackson William, Londra, MacMillan & Co, 1876
  • VARRO, De Lingua Latina/On the Latin Language, (çev.) Roland G. Kent, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1938
  • BERGER, Adolph: Encylopedic Dictionary Of Roman Law, The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1991
  • GLARE, P.G.W., Oxford Latin Dictionary, 2. bası, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012
  • HEUMANN Hermann Gottlieb/SECKEL Emil, Handlexicon Zu Den Quel¬len Des Römischen Rechts, 9. Bası, Gustav Fıscher, Jena, 1926
  • KABAAĞAÇ Sina/ALOVA Erdal, Latince-Türkçe Sözlük, Sosyal Yayınlar, Istanbul, 1995
  • LEWIS Charlton T. /SHORT Charles, A Latin Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1891
  • UMUR, Ziya: Roma Hukuku LUgatı, İstanbul, Fakülteler Matbaası, 1983
  • SMITH, William: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology I-III, Londra, John Murray, 1880
  • SMITH, William: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, New York, Harper & Brothers Publishing, 1884
  • BRUNS, Karl Georg, Fontes Iuris Romani Antiqui, (ed.) Gradenwitz Otto, 7.bası, Tubingen, 1909
  • Corpus Iuris Civilis I-III, (ed.) Kruger Paul/Mommsen Theodor/Kroll Willhelm/Schoell Rudolf, Weidmann, Berlin, 1889
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, (ed.) Mommsen Theodor, Berlin, 1862 – 1936
  • Domitii Ulpiani Fragmenta Vulgo Tituli Ex Corpore Ulpiani, (ed.) Hugo Gustav, Nabu Press, 2012
  • GAIUS, Institutiones, (çev.) Zulueta Francis de, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946
  • Iustinianus Institutiones (çev.) Umur Ziya, Fakülteler Matbaası, İstanbul, 1968
  • LENEL, Otto, Das Edictum Perpetuum, Verlag von Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1927
  • Pauli Sententiae, Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Padova, Padova, 1995
  • RICCOBONO, Salvatore, Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani, Cilt I, Floransa, 1941
  • The Codex of Justinian, (ed.) Frier Bruce W. (çev.) Blume Fred H, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016
  • The Digest of Justinian 1-4, (ed.) Mommsen Theodor/Kruger Paul, (çev.) Watson Alan, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1985
  • The Oxyrhynch Papyri I-XIV, (çev.) Grenfell Bernard P. / Hunt Arthur S., Londra, 1898-1920
  • The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions, (çev.) Pharr Cylde, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1952
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Baha Yiğit Sayın 0000-0001-9171-3791

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Sayın, B. Y. (2021). ’ÖZGÜR KADIN İLE KÖLE ERKEK’ BİRLİKTELİĞİNE ROMA HUKUKUNUN BAKIŞI: SENATUS CONSULTUM CLAUDIANUM. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 1667-1709.
Chicago Sayın, Baha Yiğit. “’ÖZGÜR KADIN İLE KÖLE ERKEK’ BİRLİKTELİĞİNE ROMA HUKUKUNUN BAKIŞI: SENATUS CONSULTUM CLAUDIANUM”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18, sy. 2 (Ekim 2021): 1667-1709.
EndNote Sayın BY (01 Ekim 2021) ’ÖZGÜR KADIN İLE KÖLE ERKEK’ BİRLİKTELİĞİNE ROMA HUKUKUNUN BAKIŞI: SENATUS CONSULTUM CLAUDIANUM. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18 2 1667–1709.
ISNAD Sayın, Baha Yiğit. “’ÖZGÜR KADIN İLE KÖLE ERKEK’ BİRLİKTELİĞİNE ROMA HUKUKUNUN BAKIŞI: SENATUS CONSULTUM CLAUDIANUM”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18/2 (Ekim 2021), 1667-1709.
MLA Sayın, Baha Yiğit. “’ÖZGÜR KADIN İLE KÖLE ERKEK’ BİRLİKTELİĞİNE ROMA HUKUKUNUN BAKIŞI: SENATUS CONSULTUM CLAUDIANUM”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 1667-09.