Arikan, Harun (2003a), “Good Neighbourliness Conditionality for EU Membership: The
EU Policy Towards the Cyprus Conflict and Its Security Implications”, A.U. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Dergisi, Cilt 58, Sayi 4.
Arikan, Harun (2003b) Turkey and European Union: An Awkward Candidate for EU
Membership? Aldershot: Ashgate Publication.
Arikan, Harun (2004), “Post Helsinki: is Turkey in the Accession Process”, in Neuwahl
(ed), European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Les Editions Themis, Montreal: Canada.
Axt-Jurgen, Heinz and Neuwahl, Nanette, (2004), “Cyprus Ouvertrue” in Neuwahl (ed),
European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Les Editions
Themis, Montreal: Canada.
Bahceli Tozun (1992) ‘1974 and After: New Realities for Cyprus, Greece and Turkey’
Turkish Review Quarterly Digest, 6 (1): 17-43.
Bahceli, Tozun (1999) ‘Turkish Cypriots, the EU Option, and Resolving Ethnic Conflict
in Cyprus’ in Theophanous A., Peristianis N. and Ioannou A (eds), Cyprus and the
European Union, pp. 107-124, Nicosia: Intercollege, Cyprus.
Bahçeli, Tozun (2001) ‘The Lure of Economic Prosperity versus Ethno-Nationalism:
Turkish Cypriots, the European Union Option, and the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict in Cyprus’ in Michael, Keating and John, McGarry (eds) Minority Nationalism
and the Changing International Order, pp.203-223, Oxford: Oxford University
Biscop, Sven (2002) Enlargement as a Tool for Conflict Resolution? Security Implications of the European Union’s Mediterranean Enlargement. Paper presented at the
conference on Bigger and Better? The European Union, Enlargement and Reform,
Fifth Biennial Conference of the European Community Studies Association, Canada Toronto, 30 May - 1 June 2002. Internet ressources: http: //web.uvic. Ca/ecsac/toronto/papers/on/line/pdf/8B-sbiscop.pdf
Bolukbasi, Süha (1998), “The Cyprus Issue and the United Nations: Peaceful non-settlement between 1945-1996 “, ‘International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies’
Vol.30, No.3, Cambridge University Press.
Christou, George (2002) ‘The European Union and Cyprus: The Power of Attraction as
a Solution to the Cyprus Issue’, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority issues in Europe, 2/2002. Internet resource at http: //www. Ecmi. De/jemie/download/Focus2-
Checkel, Jeffrey, T. (2000) Conditionality and Compliance, ARENA Working Paper, WP
00/19. Internet source: http: //www. 8.htm
Coppieters, Bruno, Huysseune, Michel, Emerson, Michael, Tocci, Nathalie and Vahl,
Marius (2003) European Institutional Models as Instruments of Conflict Resolution
in the Divided States of the European Periphery, CEPS Working Documents
N o.195. Internet source: www. Ceps. Be
Dodd, Clement (2003), Disaccord on Cyprus: The UN Plan and After. London: The Eothen Press.
European Council (1984) Presidency Declaration, Luxembourg, 20 March 1984, Brussels: General Secretariat of the Council.
European Council (1999) Presidency Conclusions, Helsinki, 10-11 December. Brussels:
General Secretariat of the Council.
European Council (2002) Presidency Conclusions, Copenhagen, 10-11 December. Brussels: General Secretariat of the Council.
Grabbe, Heather (1999), A Partnership for Accession? The Implications of EU Conditionality for the Central andEast European Applicants, Robert Schuman Centre Working Paper 12/99
Güven-Lisaniler, F. and Rodriguez L (2002) “The Social and Economic Impact of EU
Membership on Northern Cyprus’, in Tomas Diez (ed.), Modem Conflict, Postmodern Union: The EU and the Cyprus Conflict, pp.l81-203. Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Gürel Şükrü (1993) ‘Turkey and Greece: A difficult Aegean Relationship’ ‘in Balkir and
Williams (eds), Turkey and Europe, pp.161-190, London: Pinter Publishers.
Joseph S. Joseph (1997) Cyprus: Ethnic Conflict and International Politic. London: Macmillan Press Limited.
Lannon, E., Inglis, K and Haenebalcke, T. (2001) ‘The Many Faces EU Conditionality in
Pan-Euro- Mediterranean Relations, in Maresceau, Marc and Lannon, Ervan (eds),
The EU’s Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies A comparative Analysis. New
York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd.
Leseer, Stephen, F. and Larrabee, Ian O. (2003) Turkish Foreign Policy: In an Age of Uncertainty, Rand Document. Internet sources: http: //w Ch4.pdf
Luke, Harry (1989), Cyprus Under the Turks. London: C. Hurst & Company.
McDonald, Robert (2001) ‘Greek-Turkish Relations and the Cyprus Conflict’ in Keridis,
Dimitris and Triantaphyllou (eds), Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalisation, Virginia: Brassey’s Inc.
Mendelson Q. C., (1997) Opinion on the Legal Aspects of Membership Application of
the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus to the European Union, London.
Milanese Jimmy Oliver, (2001) Europeanization in Central Eastern European Democratic Transition: a multi-level explanation approach. Paper prepared for presentation at
the YEN Research Meeting November 2-3, 2001 Siena, Italia. Internet Source: http:
//www.geocities. Com/yen_siena2000/milanese2001 .pdf
Munuera, Gabriel (1994), Preventing Armed Conflict in Europe: Lessons from Recent
Experience, Chaillot Papers, 15/16, Institute for Security Studies Western European
Union, Paris, June 1994. Internet source: http: //aei.pitt. Edu/archive/00000467/01 /chai 156e.html
Müftüler-Bac, Meltem (1999) ‘The Cyprus debacle: what the future holds’, Futures, 36
(6): 559-575.
Nugent, Neil (2000) ‘EU Enlargement and Cyprus Problem”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 38 (1): 131-150.
Öniş, Ziya (2003), Greek-Turkish relations and the role of the European Union: perpetuator of conflict or contributor to peace? Internet source: http: //home.ku. PDF
Preston, Christopher (1997) Enlargement and Integration in the European Union, London: Routledge.
Ram, H. Melanie (1999) Transformation Through European Integration: A Comparative
Study of the Czech Republic and Romania, Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, George
Washington University.
Ram, H, Melanie (2001) Sub-regional Cooperation and European Integration: Romania’s
Delicate Balance. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual
Meeting, February 20-24, 2001, Chicago. Internet source: http: //
Smith E. Karen (2000) ‘The Conditional Offer of EU Membership as an Instrument of
EU Foreign Policy: Reshaping Europe in the EU’s Image”, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 8 (2): 33-46
Sönmezoglu, Faruk (1999), Türkiye-Yunanistan ilişkileri ve Büyük Güçler, (Turkish Greek- Relations and Big Powers), Istanbul: Der Yaymlan.
Theophanous, Andreas (2000) ‘Cyprus, the European Union and the Search for a New
Constitution’, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Vol. 2 No. 2.
Theophanous, Andreas (2003) ‘The Cyprus Problem: Accession to the EU and Broader
Implications’, Mediterranean Quarterly: Winter, 14 (1): 42-66.
Tocci, Nathalie (2002), Cyprus and Turkey: Europe’s Historic Opportunity. Brussels: The
Center for European Studies.
Ye§ilda, Birol and Sozen, Ahmet (2002) ‘Negotiating a Resolution to the Cyprus Problem: Is Potential European Union Membership a Blessing or a Curse, International
Negotiation, Vol. 7: 261-285.
Yiangou, S. George (2002) ‘The Accession of Cyprus to the EU: Challenges and Opportunities for the New European Regional Order’ Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority issues in Europe, 2/2002. Internet source: http: //www. Ecmi. De/jemie/download/Focus2-2002_Yiangou.pdf
Westering, Van, Jolanda (2000) ‘Conditionality and EU Membership: The Cases of Turkey and Cyprus’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 5 (1): 95-118.
Arikan, Harun (2003a), “Good Neighbourliness Conditionality for EU Membership: The
EU Policy Towards the Cyprus Conflict and Its Security Implications”, A.U. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Dergisi, Cilt 58, Sayi 4.
Arikan, Harun (2003b) Turkey and European Union: An Awkward Candidate for EU
Membership? Aldershot: Ashgate Publication.
Arikan, Harun (2004), “Post Helsinki: is Turkey in the Accession Process”, in Neuwahl
(ed), European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Les Editions Themis, Montreal: Canada.
Axt-Jurgen, Heinz and Neuwahl, Nanette, (2004), “Cyprus Ouvertrue” in Neuwahl (ed),
European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Les Editions
Themis, Montreal: Canada.
Bahceli Tozun (1992) ‘1974 and After: New Realities for Cyprus, Greece and Turkey’
Turkish Review Quarterly Digest, 6 (1): 17-43.
Bahceli, Tozun (1999) ‘Turkish Cypriots, the EU Option, and Resolving Ethnic Conflict
in Cyprus’ in Theophanous A., Peristianis N. and Ioannou A (eds), Cyprus and the
European Union, pp. 107-124, Nicosia: Intercollege, Cyprus.
Bahçeli, Tozun (2001) ‘The Lure of Economic Prosperity versus Ethno-Nationalism:
Turkish Cypriots, the European Union Option, and the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict in Cyprus’ in Michael, Keating and John, McGarry (eds) Minority Nationalism
and the Changing International Order, pp.203-223, Oxford: Oxford University
Biscop, Sven (2002) Enlargement as a Tool for Conflict Resolution? Security Implications of the European Union’s Mediterranean Enlargement. Paper presented at the
conference on Bigger and Better? The European Union, Enlargement and Reform,
Fifth Biennial Conference of the European Community Studies Association, Canada Toronto, 30 May - 1 June 2002. Internet ressources: http: //web.uvic. Ca/ecsac/toronto/papers/on/line/pdf/8B-sbiscop.pdf
Bolukbasi, Süha (1998), “The Cyprus Issue and the United Nations: Peaceful non-settlement between 1945-1996 “, ‘International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies’
Vol.30, No.3, Cambridge University Press.
Christou, George (2002) ‘The European Union and Cyprus: The Power of Attraction as
a Solution to the Cyprus Issue’, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority issues in Europe, 2/2002. Internet resource at http: //www. Ecmi. De/jemie/download/Focus2-
Checkel, Jeffrey, T. (2000) Conditionality and Compliance, ARENA Working Paper, WP
00/19. Internet source: http: //www. 8.htm
Coppieters, Bruno, Huysseune, Michel, Emerson, Michael, Tocci, Nathalie and Vahl,
Marius (2003) European Institutional Models as Instruments of Conflict Resolution
in the Divided States of the European Periphery, CEPS Working Documents
N o.195. Internet source: www. Ceps. Be
Dodd, Clement (2003), Disaccord on Cyprus: The UN Plan and After. London: The Eothen Press.
European Council (1984) Presidency Declaration, Luxembourg, 20 March 1984, Brussels: General Secretariat of the Council.
European Council (1999) Presidency Conclusions, Helsinki, 10-11 December. Brussels:
General Secretariat of the Council.
European Council (2002) Presidency Conclusions, Copenhagen, 10-11 December. Brussels: General Secretariat of the Council.
Grabbe, Heather (1999), A Partnership for Accession? The Implications of EU Conditionality for the Central andEast European Applicants, Robert Schuman Centre Working Paper 12/99
Güven-Lisaniler, F. and Rodriguez L (2002) “The Social and Economic Impact of EU
Membership on Northern Cyprus’, in Tomas Diez (ed.), Modem Conflict, Postmodern Union: The EU and the Cyprus Conflict, pp.l81-203. Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Gürel Şükrü (1993) ‘Turkey and Greece: A difficult Aegean Relationship’ ‘in Balkir and
Williams (eds), Turkey and Europe, pp.161-190, London: Pinter Publishers.
Joseph S. Joseph (1997) Cyprus: Ethnic Conflict and International Politic. London: Macmillan Press Limited.
Lannon, E., Inglis, K and Haenebalcke, T. (2001) ‘The Many Faces EU Conditionality in
Pan-Euro- Mediterranean Relations, in Maresceau, Marc and Lannon, Ervan (eds),
The EU’s Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies A comparative Analysis. New
York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd.
Leseer, Stephen, F. and Larrabee, Ian O. (2003) Turkish Foreign Policy: In an Age of Uncertainty, Rand Document. Internet sources: http: //w Ch4.pdf
Luke, Harry (1989), Cyprus Under the Turks. London: C. Hurst & Company.
McDonald, Robert (2001) ‘Greek-Turkish Relations and the Cyprus Conflict’ in Keridis,
Dimitris and Triantaphyllou (eds), Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalisation, Virginia: Brassey’s Inc.
Mendelson Q. C., (1997) Opinion on the Legal Aspects of Membership Application of
the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus to the European Union, London.
Milanese Jimmy Oliver, (2001) Europeanization in Central Eastern European Democratic Transition: a multi-level explanation approach. Paper prepared for presentation at
the YEN Research Meeting November 2-3, 2001 Siena, Italia. Internet Source: http:
//www.geocities. Com/yen_siena2000/milanese2001 .pdf
Munuera, Gabriel (1994), Preventing Armed Conflict in Europe: Lessons from Recent
Experience, Chaillot Papers, 15/16, Institute for Security Studies Western European
Union, Paris, June 1994. Internet source: http: //aei.pitt. Edu/archive/00000467/01 /chai 156e.html
Müftüler-Bac, Meltem (1999) ‘The Cyprus debacle: what the future holds’, Futures, 36
(6): 559-575.
Nugent, Neil (2000) ‘EU Enlargement and Cyprus Problem”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 38 (1): 131-150.
Öniş, Ziya (2003), Greek-Turkish relations and the role of the European Union: perpetuator of conflict or contributor to peace? Internet source: http: //home.ku. PDF
Preston, Christopher (1997) Enlargement and Integration in the European Union, London: Routledge.
Ram, H. Melanie (1999) Transformation Through European Integration: A Comparative
Study of the Czech Republic and Romania, Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, George
Washington University.
Ram, H, Melanie (2001) Sub-regional Cooperation and European Integration: Romania’s
Delicate Balance. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual
Meeting, February 20-24, 2001, Chicago. Internet source: http: //
Smith E. Karen (2000) ‘The Conditional Offer of EU Membership as an Instrument of
EU Foreign Policy: Reshaping Europe in the EU’s Image”, Marmara Journal of European Studies, 8 (2): 33-46
Sönmezoglu, Faruk (1999), Türkiye-Yunanistan ilişkileri ve Büyük Güçler, (Turkish Greek- Relations and Big Powers), Istanbul: Der Yaymlan.
Theophanous, Andreas (2000) ‘Cyprus, the European Union and the Search for a New
Constitution’, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Vol. 2 No. 2.
Theophanous, Andreas (2003) ‘The Cyprus Problem: Accession to the EU and Broader
Implications’, Mediterranean Quarterly: Winter, 14 (1): 42-66.
Tocci, Nathalie (2002), Cyprus and Turkey: Europe’s Historic Opportunity. Brussels: The
Center for European Studies.
Ye§ilda, Birol and Sozen, Ahmet (2002) ‘Negotiating a Resolution to the Cyprus Problem: Is Potential European Union Membership a Blessing or a Curse, International
Negotiation, Vol. 7: 261-285.
Yiangou, S. George (2002) ‘The Accession of Cyprus to the EU: Challenges and Opportunities for the New European Regional Order’ Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority issues in Europe, 2/2002. Internet source: http: //www. Ecmi. De/jemie/download/Focus2-2002_Yiangou.pdf
Westering, Van, Jolanda (2000) ‘Conditionality and EU Membership: The Cases of Turkey and Cyprus’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 5 (1): 95-118.
Ankan, H. (2004). A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 249-264.
Ankan, Harun. “A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1, sy. 1 (Ocak 2004): 249-64.
Ankan H (01 Ocak 2004) A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1 1 249–264.
H. Ankan, “A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE”, YÜHFD, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 249–264, 2004.
Ankan, Harun. “A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1/1 (Ocak 2004), 249-264.
Ankan, Harun. “A CRITIQUE OF THE EU ’S POLICY TOWARDS TH E CYPRUS ISSUE”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 1, 2004, ss. 249-64.