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Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2, 10 - 14, 13.06.1999


Bu çalışmada, köpeklerde Trikloretilen A grubu ve Karbon tetraklorür B grubu ile oluşturulan deneysel karaciğer toksikasyonunda sialik asit SA ve lipid-bağlı sialik asit LSA düzeylerinin öneml irdelenmiştir. Karaciğer hasarının belirlenmesinde sıklıkla kullanılan serum ALT ve ALP düzeylerinin toksikasyon öncesi değerlere göre artışı istatistik olarak önemli bulunmuştur p


  • 1. Dunn J (1992) Assesment of Liver Damage and Dysfunction. In Practice. July, 193-200.
  • 2. Mac Sween RNM, Anthony PR and Scheuer PJ (1987) Pathology of the Liver. Churchill Livingston, New York.
  • 3. Papich MG and Pavis LE (1985) Drugs and the Liver. Vet. Clin. N. Am. 15: 77-95.
  • 4. Ettinger SJ (1992) Textbook of Veterinary înternal Medicine Diseases of the Dog and Cat. 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1479-1527.
  • 5. Kraft W, Hartmann K, Dereser R (1995) Altersabhangigkeiten Von Laborvverten Bei Hund und Katze. Tierarztl. Prax. 23: 502-508.
  • 6. Turgut, K. (1995) Veteriner Klinik Laboratuvar Teşhis. Özel Baskı. S.Ü. Vet.Fak. Konya. 155-167.
  • 7. Schelenberg, F., Beange, F., Bourdin, J., Baurre, J..M. and Weill, J. (1991) Alchol Intoxication and Sialic Acid in Erytrocyte Membrane and in Serum Transferrin. Pharmacology and Biochemistry and Behavior. Vol. 39: 443-447.
  • 8. Whitehouse, M.V. and Zilliken, F. (1963) Isolation and Determination of Neuraminic (Sialic) Acids: In Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Ed. Glick, D., Interscience Publishers., New York., London., Sydney., Vol. XIII. 199-200.
  • 9% Gerbaut, L., Rey, E. and Lombart, C. (1973) Improvet Automated Deretmination of Bound N-Acetil Neuraminic Acid in Serum. Clin. Chem., 19,11: 1285-1287.
  • 10. Tuppy, H. and Gottschalk, A. (1972) The Stuıucture of Sialic Acids and Their Çuantitation. Glycoproteins, Their Composition Sturucture and Function, Revised and Expanded. Second Ed., Elsevier., Amsterdam., London, New York.
  • 11. Altıntaş, A., Kurtdede, A., Fidancı, U.R., Börkü, M.K. (1989) Köpek Gençlik Hastalığında (Distemper) Serum Sialik Asit ve Protein Düzeylerinin Klinik Önemi. A.Ü. Vet.Fak. Deıg., 36, 1: 154-164.
  • 12. Carter, A. and Martin, N.H. (1962) Serum Sialic Levels in Healthy and Disease. J. Clin. Path., 15: 69-72.
  • 13. Colli, A., Buccino, G., Coccila, M., Parravicini, R., Mariani, F. and Scaltrini, G. (1989) Diagnostic Accuracy of Sialic Acid in the Diagnosis of Malignant Ascites, Cancer., 63: 912-916.
  • 14. Shamberger, R.J. (1984) Serum Sialic Acid in Normals and in Cancer Patients. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 22: 647-651. 15. Singh, B., Choudhuri, P.C., Joshi, H.C. (1980) Serum Mucoprotein and Sialic Acid Enzootic Bovine Haematuria. Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin 27 A. 8: 678-681.
  • 16. Stefenelli, N., Klotz, H., Engel, A. and Bauer, P. (1985) Serun Sialic Acid in Malignant Tumors, Bacterial Infections and Cirrhotic Liver Disease. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol., 109: 55-59.
  • 17. Dnistrian, A.M., Schewartz, M.K., Katapodis, N., Fracchia, A.A. and Stock, C. (1982) Serum Lipid-bound Sialic Acid as a Marker in Breast Cancer, Cancer., 50: 1815-1819.
  • 18. Erbil, M.K., Jones, J.D. and Klee, G.G. (1985) Use of Serum and Total Sialic Acid as Markers for Colorectal. Cancer., 55. 2: 404-409.
  • 19. Sydow, G. (1980) A Simplifıed Quick Method For Determination of Sialic Acis in Serum. Biomed. Biochem. Açta. 44, 11/12, 1721-1723.
  • 20. Katapodis, N., Nirshaut, Y., Geller, N.L. and Stock J. J. (1982) Lipid Associated Silic Acid Test for the Detection of Human Cancer. Cancer Res. 42: 5270-5275.
  • 21. Hitt, M.E., Hanna, P. and Singh, A. (1992) Percutaneous Transabdominal Hepatic Needle Biopsies in Dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. May 53. 5: 785- 787.
  • 22. Jones, B.D., Hitt, M.E., Hurst, T. (1985) Hepatic Biopsy. Vet. Clin. North. Am. Small Anim. Pract. 15: 39-65.
  • 23. SAS (1995) Survival Analysis Using the SAS System: A Practical Guide. SAS Inst. İne. Cary. NC. USA.
  • 24. Vörös, K., Szaniszlo, F., Albert, M. And Binder, K. (1991) Ultrasonographic Features of Liver Damage Produced by Experimental Carbontetrachloride Intoxication in the Dog. Proceedings of the XVI. World Congress, World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and VI. National Congress. Vienna, Austria, October. 2. 5:582-583.
  • 25. Coles, E.H. (1986) Veterinary Clinicaly Pathology. Fourth Ed., W. B. Sounders Comp., London.
  • 26. Krıshnomurty, V., Rao, R., Gaffer, A.A., Rao, D.S.T. (1994) Certain Serum Enzymes in Dogs with Induced Hepatotoxicity. Indian Vet. J. 71.9: 935-936.
  • 27. Noonan, N.E. (1981) Variatoins of Plasma Enzymes in the Pony and the Dog After Carbontetrachloride Administration Am. J. Vet. Res. 42. 4: 674-677.
  • 28. Çenter, S.A., Slater, M.R., Manvvarren, T. and Prymak, K. (1992) Diagnostic Effıcacy of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Gamma Glutamyltransferase in Dogs with Histologically Confırmed Hepatobiliary Disease: 270 Cases (1980-1990). J.A.W.M.A. 201.8:1258-1264.
  • 29. Engen, R.L. (1971) Serum Sialic Acid Values in Dogs with Canine Distemper. Am. J. Vet. Res., 32. 6: 803-804.
  • 30. Plucinsky, M.C., Riley, W.M., Prorok, J.J., at ali. (1986) Total and Lipid Associated Serum Sialic Acid Levels in Cancer Patients with Differet Primary Sites and Degrees of Metastatic Involvement. Cancer., 58: 2680-2685.
  • 31. Lai, E.K., McCay, P.B., Noguchi, T. and Fong, K.L. (1979) In Vivo Spintrapping of Trichloromethylradicals Formed from CCU . Biochem. Pharmacol. 28: 2231-2235.
  • 32. Payer, J.L., Floyd, R.A., McCay, P.B., Janzen, E.G. and Davis, E.R. (1978) Spintrapping of Trichloromethyl Radical Produced During Enzymatic NADPH Oxydation in the Presence of Carbontetrachloride or Bromotrichloromethane. Bioc. Biophys. Açta. 539: 402-409.
  • 33. Payer, J.L., McCay, P.B., Lai, E.K., Janzen, E.G. and Davis, E.R. (1980) Conformation of assignment of the Trichloromethyl Radical Spinadduct Detected by Spintrapping During 13C-Carbontetrachloride Metabolism in Vitro and in Vivo. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun. 94: 1154-1160.
  • 34. Recknagel, R.O., Glende, E.A., Hruszkewycz, A.M. and Dryor, W.A. (1977) Free Radicals in Biology. Vol. 3, New York Academic Press, 97- 132.
  • 35. Vural, N. (1984) Toksikoloji. A.Ü. Ecz. Fak. Yay. No:56. Ankara, 283-286.
  • 36. Frank, H., Link, B. (1984) Anaerobic Metabolism of Carbon Tetrachloride and Formation of Catabolically Resistant Phospholipids. Biochem. Pharmacol. 33; 1127-1130.
  • 37. Mc Cay, P.B. Lai, E.K., Payer, J.L., Dubose, C.M. and Janzen, E.G. (1984) Oxygen and Carbon Centered Radical Formation During Carbon Tetrachloride Metabolism. J. Biol. Chem. 259: 2135-2143.
  • 38. Pohl, L.R., Miço, B.A. (1984) Electrophilic Halogens as potentially Toxic Metabolites of Halogenated Conpounds. Trends in Pharmacological Science. 5: 61-64.

Diagnostic Importance of Sialic Acid and Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid in Dog with Liver Toxicatioıı

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2, 10 - 14, 13.06.1999


İn this study, the importance of sialic acid SA and lipid-bound sialic acid LSA levels in dogs with Trichloroethylene A group and Carbon tetraclıloride B groııp induced liver toxication were investigated. Serum ALT and ALP levels which has been frequently used for determining liver damages were found statistically important with respect to before toxication values p


  • 1. Dunn J (1992) Assesment of Liver Damage and Dysfunction. In Practice. July, 193-200.
  • 2. Mac Sween RNM, Anthony PR and Scheuer PJ (1987) Pathology of the Liver. Churchill Livingston, New York.
  • 3. Papich MG and Pavis LE (1985) Drugs and the Liver. Vet. Clin. N. Am. 15: 77-95.
  • 4. Ettinger SJ (1992) Textbook of Veterinary înternal Medicine Diseases of the Dog and Cat. 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1479-1527.
  • 5. Kraft W, Hartmann K, Dereser R (1995) Altersabhangigkeiten Von Laborvverten Bei Hund und Katze. Tierarztl. Prax. 23: 502-508.
  • 6. Turgut, K. (1995) Veteriner Klinik Laboratuvar Teşhis. Özel Baskı. S.Ü. Vet.Fak. Konya. 155-167.
  • 7. Schelenberg, F., Beange, F., Bourdin, J., Baurre, J..M. and Weill, J. (1991) Alchol Intoxication and Sialic Acid in Erytrocyte Membrane and in Serum Transferrin. Pharmacology and Biochemistry and Behavior. Vol. 39: 443-447.
  • 8. Whitehouse, M.V. and Zilliken, F. (1963) Isolation and Determination of Neuraminic (Sialic) Acids: In Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Ed. Glick, D., Interscience Publishers., New York., London., Sydney., Vol. XIII. 199-200.
  • 9% Gerbaut, L., Rey, E. and Lombart, C. (1973) Improvet Automated Deretmination of Bound N-Acetil Neuraminic Acid in Serum. Clin. Chem., 19,11: 1285-1287.
  • 10. Tuppy, H. and Gottschalk, A. (1972) The Stuıucture of Sialic Acids and Their Çuantitation. Glycoproteins, Their Composition Sturucture and Function, Revised and Expanded. Second Ed., Elsevier., Amsterdam., London, New York.
  • 11. Altıntaş, A., Kurtdede, A., Fidancı, U.R., Börkü, M.K. (1989) Köpek Gençlik Hastalığında (Distemper) Serum Sialik Asit ve Protein Düzeylerinin Klinik Önemi. A.Ü. Vet.Fak. Deıg., 36, 1: 154-164.
  • 12. Carter, A. and Martin, N.H. (1962) Serum Sialic Levels in Healthy and Disease. J. Clin. Path., 15: 69-72.
  • 13. Colli, A., Buccino, G., Coccila, M., Parravicini, R., Mariani, F. and Scaltrini, G. (1989) Diagnostic Accuracy of Sialic Acid in the Diagnosis of Malignant Ascites, Cancer., 63: 912-916.
  • 14. Shamberger, R.J. (1984) Serum Sialic Acid in Normals and in Cancer Patients. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 22: 647-651. 15. Singh, B., Choudhuri, P.C., Joshi, H.C. (1980) Serum Mucoprotein and Sialic Acid Enzootic Bovine Haematuria. Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin 27 A. 8: 678-681.
  • 16. Stefenelli, N., Klotz, H., Engel, A. and Bauer, P. (1985) Serun Sialic Acid in Malignant Tumors, Bacterial Infections and Cirrhotic Liver Disease. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol., 109: 55-59.
  • 17. Dnistrian, A.M., Schewartz, M.K., Katapodis, N., Fracchia, A.A. and Stock, C. (1982) Serum Lipid-bound Sialic Acid as a Marker in Breast Cancer, Cancer., 50: 1815-1819.
  • 18. Erbil, M.K., Jones, J.D. and Klee, G.G. (1985) Use of Serum and Total Sialic Acid as Markers for Colorectal. Cancer., 55. 2: 404-409.
  • 19. Sydow, G. (1980) A Simplifıed Quick Method For Determination of Sialic Acis in Serum. Biomed. Biochem. Açta. 44, 11/12, 1721-1723.
  • 20. Katapodis, N., Nirshaut, Y., Geller, N.L. and Stock J. J. (1982) Lipid Associated Silic Acid Test for the Detection of Human Cancer. Cancer Res. 42: 5270-5275.
  • 21. Hitt, M.E., Hanna, P. and Singh, A. (1992) Percutaneous Transabdominal Hepatic Needle Biopsies in Dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. May 53. 5: 785- 787.
  • 22. Jones, B.D., Hitt, M.E., Hurst, T. (1985) Hepatic Biopsy. Vet. Clin. North. Am. Small Anim. Pract. 15: 39-65.
  • 23. SAS (1995) Survival Analysis Using the SAS System: A Practical Guide. SAS Inst. İne. Cary. NC. USA.
  • 24. Vörös, K., Szaniszlo, F., Albert, M. And Binder, K. (1991) Ultrasonographic Features of Liver Damage Produced by Experimental Carbontetrachloride Intoxication in the Dog. Proceedings of the XVI. World Congress, World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and VI. National Congress. Vienna, Austria, October. 2. 5:582-583.
  • 25. Coles, E.H. (1986) Veterinary Clinicaly Pathology. Fourth Ed., W. B. Sounders Comp., London.
  • 26. Krıshnomurty, V., Rao, R., Gaffer, A.A., Rao, D.S.T. (1994) Certain Serum Enzymes in Dogs with Induced Hepatotoxicity. Indian Vet. J. 71.9: 935-936.
  • 27. Noonan, N.E. (1981) Variatoins of Plasma Enzymes in the Pony and the Dog After Carbontetrachloride Administration Am. J. Vet. Res. 42. 4: 674-677.
  • 28. Çenter, S.A., Slater, M.R., Manvvarren, T. and Prymak, K. (1992) Diagnostic Effıcacy of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Gamma Glutamyltransferase in Dogs with Histologically Confırmed Hepatobiliary Disease: 270 Cases (1980-1990). J.A.W.M.A. 201.8:1258-1264.
  • 29. Engen, R.L. (1971) Serum Sialic Acid Values in Dogs with Canine Distemper. Am. J. Vet. Res., 32. 6: 803-804.
  • 30. Plucinsky, M.C., Riley, W.M., Prorok, J.J., at ali. (1986) Total and Lipid Associated Serum Sialic Acid Levels in Cancer Patients with Differet Primary Sites and Degrees of Metastatic Involvement. Cancer., 58: 2680-2685.
  • 31. Lai, E.K., McCay, P.B., Noguchi, T. and Fong, K.L. (1979) In Vivo Spintrapping of Trichloromethylradicals Formed from CCU . Biochem. Pharmacol. 28: 2231-2235.
  • 32. Payer, J.L., Floyd, R.A., McCay, P.B., Janzen, E.G. and Davis, E.R. (1978) Spintrapping of Trichloromethyl Radical Produced During Enzymatic NADPH Oxydation in the Presence of Carbontetrachloride or Bromotrichloromethane. Bioc. Biophys. Açta. 539: 402-409.
  • 33. Payer, J.L., McCay, P.B., Lai, E.K., Janzen, E.G. and Davis, E.R. (1980) Conformation of assignment of the Trichloromethyl Radical Spinadduct Detected by Spintrapping During 13C-Carbontetrachloride Metabolism in Vitro and in Vivo. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun. 94: 1154-1160.
  • 34. Recknagel, R.O., Glende, E.A., Hruszkewycz, A.M. and Dryor, W.A. (1977) Free Radicals in Biology. Vol. 3, New York Academic Press, 97- 132.
  • 35. Vural, N. (1984) Toksikoloji. A.Ü. Ecz. Fak. Yay. No:56. Ankara, 283-286.
  • 36. Frank, H., Link, B. (1984) Anaerobic Metabolism of Carbon Tetrachloride and Formation of Catabolically Resistant Phospholipids. Biochem. Pharmacol. 33; 1127-1130.
  • 37. Mc Cay, P.B. Lai, E.K., Payer, J.L., Dubose, C.M. and Janzen, E.G. (1984) Oxygen and Carbon Centered Radical Formation During Carbon Tetrachloride Metabolism. J. Biol. Chem. 259: 2135-2143.
  • 38. Pohl, L.R., Miço, B.A. (1984) Electrophilic Halogens as potentially Toxic Metabolites of Halogenated Conpounds. Trends in Pharmacological Science. 5: 61-64.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zahid T Ağaoğlu Bu kişi benim

Ayşegül Bildik Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Tütüncü Bu kişi benim

Ali Ertekin Bu kişi benim

Nusret Akpolat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Haziran 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ağaoğlu, Z. T., Bildik, A., Tütüncü, M., Ertekin, A., vd. (1999). Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1-2), 10-14.
AMA Ağaoğlu ZT, Bildik A, Tütüncü M, Ertekin A, Akpolat N. Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 1999;5(1-2):10-14.
Chicago Ağaoğlu, Zahid T, Ayşegül Bildik, Mehmet Tütüncü, Ali Ertekin, ve Nusret Akpolat. “Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA Ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, sy. 1-2 (Haziran 1999): 10-14.
EndNote Ağaoğlu ZT, Bildik A, Tütüncü M, Ertekin A, Akpolat N (01 Haziran 1999) Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 1-2 10–14.
IEEE Z. T. Ağaoğlu, A. Bildik, M. Tütüncü, A. Ertekin, ve N. Akpolat, “Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1-2, ss. 10–14, 1999.
ISNAD Ağaoğlu, Zahid T vd. “Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA Ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/1-2 (Haziran 1999), 10-14.
JAMA Ağaoğlu ZT, Bildik A, Tütüncü M, Ertekin A, Akpolat N. Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1999;5:10–14.
MLA Ağaoğlu, Zahid T vd. “Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA Ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 1-2, 1999, ss. 10-14.
Vancouver Ağaoğlu ZT, Bildik A, Tütüncü M, Ertekin A, Akpolat N. Köpeklerde Karaciğer Toksikasyonunun Tanısında Sialik Asit SA ve Lipid-Bağlı Sialik Asit LSA ’ in Önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1999;5(1-2):10-4.