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Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları

Yıl 2000, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 13 - 20, 18.06.2000


Bu çalışma, doğumdan sonra 60 gün veya daha uzun bir süre geçmesine rağmen kızgınlık göstermemiş olan ineklerde, 6 farklı hormonal uygulamanın fertil bir kızgınlığı uyarmadaki etkinliğini araştırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışma da 140 sütçü inek kullanıldı. İneklerden 7 grup oluşturuldu ve aşağıdaki uygulamalar yapıldı


  • 1. Peter AR, Lanıming GE: Lactational anoestrus in farm animals, in ,?Oxford Revievvs of Reproductive Biology”, Ed. MILLIGAN,S.R., Vol. 12,University Press, Oxfoıd, 245-288, (1990).
  • 2. Alaçam E: Sütçü sığırlarda dölverimi sorunları,Hasad Dergisi.
  • 3. Youngquıst RS: Anestrııs and infertility in the cow,in “Fertility and infertility in Veterinary Practice”, Ed.Laing JA, Brınley WJ, Wagner WC, Fourth Edition, Bailliere Tindall, Oxford.91- 112,(1988).
  • 4. Bıown MD: Post-partum use of GnRH,Modem Veterinary Practice, Januaıy, 27-29. (1985).
  • 5. Ödde KG, Kıracofe GH, Schallers RR: Effect of forty-eight- hour calf removal, once-or-twice-daily suckling and norgestomet on beef cow and calf performance,Theriogenology. 26(3):371-381, (1986).
  • 6. Peters AR, Lamming GE: Regulation of ovarian function in the postpartum cow: An endocrine model, Veterinary Record, 118:236-239, (1986).
  • 7. Mc Leod BJ, Williams ME: Incidence of ovarian dysfunction in post-partum dairy cows and the effectiveness of its clinical diagnosis and tıeatments, Veterinary record,128:121-124, (1991).
  • 8. Chuin D, Pelot J, Muleon P: Control of estrus and ovulation in dairy cows, Theriogenology,7(6):339-350, (1977).
  • 9. Pineda MH: Female reproductive system, in"Vetrinary Endocıinology and reproduction’çEd.Donald Mc.,Fourth Edition,Lea and Febiger, London, 303-354, (1989).
  • 10. Kiiplülü Ş: Puerperal dönem ve sorunları, alınmıştır ”Theriogenoloji”, Ed. Alaçam E,Birinci Baskı,Nurol Matbaacılık A.Ş.,Ankara,191-198, (1990).
  • 11. Knickebocker JJ, Drost M, Thatcher WW: Endocrine pattems during the initiation of puberty the estrus cycle, pregnancy and parturation in cattle,in “Current Therapy in Theriogenology'’,Ed.Morrow, D.A., Second Edition,W.B. Saunders Co.,Philadelphia,l 17-124, (1986).
  • 12. Short RE, Bellows RA, Staigmille RB, Berardinelli JG, Custer EE: Physiological mechanisms contıolling anestrus an infertility in postpartum beef cattle, J. Anim. Sci.,68:799-816, (1990).
  • 13. Martinez J, Thibier M; Reproductive disorders in dairy cattleTRespective influence on herds seasons, milk yield and parity, Theriogenology,21(4):569-580, (1984).
  • 14. Roche JF: Fertility in cows after treatment with prostaglandin analogue with or without progesterone, J. Repıod. Fert.,46:341- 345,(1976).
  • 15. Narasimha RAV, Sreemannarayana O, Pan-duranga RK: Oestrous response and fertility in post-partum anoestrous buffaloes treated with a progestagen, pregnant mares serum gonadotropin and prostoglandin during the low breeding season, Animal Preproduction Science,8:129-135, (1985).
  • 16. Dabas YPS, Sud SC: Superovulatory response and plasma progesterone in gonadotropin treated anestrus cattle, Indian Vet. J.,June,524-527, (1990).
  • 17. Hardin DR: The benefıt of palpation before synchronization, Agri-practice,5(2):29-32, (1984)
  • 18. Arthur GH. Noakes DE, Pearson H: infertility in the cows; General considerations,anatomical,functional and management causes, in'Veteıinary Reproduction and Obstetrics”,sixth edition,Bailliere Tindal,London,341-383, (1989)
  • 19. Plunkett SS, Stevenson JS,Call EP: Prostoglandin F2 ot for lactating dairy cows with a palpable corpus luteum but unobserved estrus, J. Dairy Sci.,67:380-387, (1984).
  • 20. Schmidt-Adampoulou B, Saratsis Ph: Fertilitat bei stillbrünstigen kühen noch prostoglandin F2 Ot-injektion unter berücksichtigung des milchpıogesteronspiegel, Zuchthyg, 22: 253-259, (1987).
  • 21. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinicalresponse in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone levels to treatment with the PGF2a analogue alfapıostol, Zuchthyg,24:57-66, (1989).
  • 22. Youngquıst RS.: Cystic follicular degenaration in the cow in “Current Therapy in heriogenology”,Ed.Morrow DA, Second edition, W.B.Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 234-246, (1986).
  • 23. Hopkins SM : Bovine anestrus, in “Current Therapy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA,Second edition,W.B. Saunders Co., philadelphia,247-309, (1986).
  • 24. Chupin P, Pelot J.High fertility in dairy cows after one or two A.l. at oestrus indııccd by progestagen,prostoglandin and PMSG,Reports and summaries part 2.11111 int. Congr. On diseases of catle,tel-aviv Israel Association for Buiatries, 1034- 1039, (1980).
  • 25. Hıxon DL, Keşler D.I, Troxel TR, Vinceni DL, Wiseman BS:Reproductive hormone secretion and fırst service conception rate subsequent to ovulation control with syncro- mate B,Theriogenology,16(2):219-229, (1981).
  • 26. Ghallab AM, Ott RS, Cmarik GF, Keşler DJ, Faulkner DB, Hixon JErEffects ofrepetitive norgestomet (a) Treatments on pregnancy rates in cyclic and anestrous beef heifers,Theriogenology,22( 1 ):67-74, (1984).
  • 27. Ott RS, Ghallab AM, Bıown JR, Mansfıeld ME, Hixon JE.Syncronization of estıus in beef cattle with a combination of clorprostenol and norgestomet, Agri. Practice,5(10):13-16, (1984).
  • 28. Mennendez M, Robles C, Goıcochea Jzlnduction of oestrus in lactating zebu cows by means of steroids, Tecnico-Pecuaria-em Mexico,33:15-19, (1977).
  • 29. Beal WE, Good GA, Peterson LA:Estrus syncronization and pregnancy rates in cyclic and noncyclic beef cows and heifer treated with syncromate-B or norgestomet and alfaprostol,Theriogenology,22( 1 ):59-66, (1984).
  • 30. Gallovvay DB, Bıightling P, Malmo J, Anderson GA, Larcombe MT, Wright PJ: A clinical trail using a regimen which includes a norgestomet implant an norgestomet plus oestıadiol valerate injection as a treatment for anoestrus in dairy cows,Australian Veterinary Journal,64(6): 187-189, (1987).
  • 31. Beal WE: A note on syncronization of oestrus in post-paıtum cows with pıostoglandin F 2 oc and a progesteıone releasing device,Anim. Prod.,37:307-308, (1983).
  • 32. Seguin BE, Momont H, Baumann L: Clorprostenol and dinoprost tromethamine in experimental and field trials treating unobserved estrus in dairy cows,Bovine Practitione,20:89-90, (1985).
  • 33. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinical response in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone levels to treatment with the PGF 2 Ot analog alfaprostol,Zuchthyg,24:57-66, (1989).
  • 34. Chupin D, Pelot J: Fertility of dairy cows treated with progestagen implant, prostoglandin analog and PMSG,Theriogenology, 10(4):307-312, (1978).
  • 35. Tegegne A, Warnıck AC, Mukasa-Mugerwa E, Ketema H: Fertility of Bos Indicus and Bos Indicus X Bos taurus cross breed cattle after estrus syncronization, Theriogenology, 31(2)361-370, (1989).
  • 36. Smith JF, Kaltenbach CC: Comparision of techniques for syncronization of oestrus and subsequent fertility in beef cattle, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,33:449-457, (1990).
  • 37. Kan 1: Ki kare dağılımı ve testi,Biyoistatistik Ders Kitabı, İkinci Baskı,U.Ü.Basımevi,Bursa,135-151, (1991)
  • 38. Ball PJH, Lammimg GE:Diagnosis of ovarian acyclicity in lactating dairy cows and evaluation of treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone or progesterone releasing intıa vaginal device,Br. Vet. J., 139:522-527, (1983).
  • 39. Shah SNH, Willemse AH, Wiel DFM: Descriptive epidemiology and treatment of post-partum anestrus in dairy buffalo under small farm conditions, Theriogenology, 33(6): 1333-1345, (1990).
  • 40. Kıng ME, Holland MD, Mauck HS, Lefever DG, Ödde KG: Syncronization of estrus in beef cows with noıgestometalfapıostol or syncromate-b,Theriogenology,30(4):785-795, (1988).
  • 41. Agııer D, Pelot J, Chupin D: Comment ııtıılisier les pıogestagenes pour rompıe T anoestrus post partum chez les vaches laitieres ou allaitantcs,Compte-ıendu Oes Journess D'information U.N.C.E.I.A.I.T.E.B.Oe Mars,Ed.L’Institut Technique de I’elevage Bovin,Paris, 19-34 81, (982).
  • 42. Ünal EF, Gökçen H, Nak Y, Tümen H: PRID (Pıogesteron salan vajina içi alet) kullanımı ile inek ve düvelerde anöstrusun sağıtımı,U.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 11 (2):91 -100, (1992).
  • 43. Peters AR: Reproductive activity of the cow in the post-partum peıiod .I.Factors affecting the lenght of the post-partum acyclic period,Br.Vet.J., 140:76-84, (1984).
  • 44. Schmıdt-Adamopoulou B, Saratsis PH: Fertilitat bei stili brünstigen kühen nach prostoglandin F 2 oc - injektion unter berücksisichtigung des milchprogesteronspiegels, Zuchthyg, 22:253-259,(1987).
  • 45. Gerloff JB, Morrow DA: Effect of nutıition on ıeproduction in dairy cattle,in “Current Theraphy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA, Second edition, W.B Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 310-320, (1986).
  • 46. Plunkett SS, Stevenson JS, Cali EP: Prostoglandin F 2 a for lactating dairy cows with a palpable corpus luteum but unobserved estrus, J. Dairy Sci.,67:380-387, (1984).
  • 47. Ödde KG: A review of synchronization of estrus in post-partum cattle, J. Anim. Sci.,86(3):817-829, (1990).
  • 48. Tegegne A, Warnick AC, Mukasa-Mugerwa E, Ketema H: Fertility of bos indicus and bos indicusx bos taurus crossbreed cattle after estrus synchronization,Theriogenology,31(2)361- 370, (1989).
  • 49. Kıng ME, Holland MD, Mauck HS, Le fever PG, Ödde KG: Synchronization of estrus in beef cows with norgestomet alfaprostol or synchromate-B,Theriogenology,30(4):785-795, (1988).
  • 50. Gonzales-Stagnaro C, Goicochea-Llaque J, Sotlo-Belloso E: Hormonal treatment of post-partum anoestrus in cross breed cows.Memoria-Asociacion,Latino Ameıicane de-PıoductionAnimal,16:127-128,(1981).
  • 51. Smith RS, Rıchard,MW, Ric LE, Castree JW, Frahman RB, Geısert RD. Efifect of syııchromate-B on estıous response and pregnancy rate in Brahman cross breed beef cows,Agriculture Experiment Stat, 118:300-302, (1986).
  • 52. Glanwill SF, Dobson H: Effect of prostoglandin treatment on the fertility of problem cows,Veterinary Record, 128.374-376, (1991).
  • 53. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinical response in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone level to treatment with the PGF analog alfaprostol, Zuchthyg, 66: 24:57, (1989).
  • 54. Wenkoff M: Estrus synchronization in cattle,in “Current Theraphy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA. Second Edition,W.B.Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 158-162, (1986).
  • 55. Mongıardino ME, Dick AR, Murray R. Maciel M, Ramos G, Balbiani G: Applied biotechnology for improving fertility of heıds in Argentina,Pıoceeding of the final research cordination meeting of the FAO/IAEA/ARCAL III. İn Bogota, 19-23

Studies on diagnosis and treatment of post-partum anestrus in cows

Yıl 2000, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 13 - 20, 18.06.2000


This study was conducted to evaluated the effectiveness in the induetion of fertil an estrus in dairy cows that have not shown estrus by 60 or more days post-partum of six different regimes. One hundred fourthy dairy cows vvere used as research material


  • 1. Peter AR, Lanıming GE: Lactational anoestrus in farm animals, in ,?Oxford Revievvs of Reproductive Biology”, Ed. MILLIGAN,S.R., Vol. 12,University Press, Oxfoıd, 245-288, (1990).
  • 2. Alaçam E: Sütçü sığırlarda dölverimi sorunları,Hasad Dergisi.
  • 3. Youngquıst RS: Anestrııs and infertility in the cow,in “Fertility and infertility in Veterinary Practice”, Ed.Laing JA, Brınley WJ, Wagner WC, Fourth Edition, Bailliere Tindall, Oxford.91- 112,(1988).
  • 4. Bıown MD: Post-partum use of GnRH,Modem Veterinary Practice, Januaıy, 27-29. (1985).
  • 5. Ödde KG, Kıracofe GH, Schallers RR: Effect of forty-eight- hour calf removal, once-or-twice-daily suckling and norgestomet on beef cow and calf performance,Theriogenology. 26(3):371-381, (1986).
  • 6. Peters AR, Lamming GE: Regulation of ovarian function in the postpartum cow: An endocrine model, Veterinary Record, 118:236-239, (1986).
  • 7. Mc Leod BJ, Williams ME: Incidence of ovarian dysfunction in post-partum dairy cows and the effectiveness of its clinical diagnosis and tıeatments, Veterinary record,128:121-124, (1991).
  • 8. Chuin D, Pelot J, Muleon P: Control of estrus and ovulation in dairy cows, Theriogenology,7(6):339-350, (1977).
  • 9. Pineda MH: Female reproductive system, in"Vetrinary Endocıinology and reproduction’çEd.Donald Mc.,Fourth Edition,Lea and Febiger, London, 303-354, (1989).
  • 10. Kiiplülü Ş: Puerperal dönem ve sorunları, alınmıştır ”Theriogenoloji”, Ed. Alaçam E,Birinci Baskı,Nurol Matbaacılık A.Ş.,Ankara,191-198, (1990).
  • 11. Knickebocker JJ, Drost M, Thatcher WW: Endocrine pattems during the initiation of puberty the estrus cycle, pregnancy and parturation in cattle,in “Current Therapy in Theriogenology'’,Ed.Morrow, D.A., Second Edition,W.B. Saunders Co.,Philadelphia,l 17-124, (1986).
  • 12. Short RE, Bellows RA, Staigmille RB, Berardinelli JG, Custer EE: Physiological mechanisms contıolling anestrus an infertility in postpartum beef cattle, J. Anim. Sci.,68:799-816, (1990).
  • 13. Martinez J, Thibier M; Reproductive disorders in dairy cattleTRespective influence on herds seasons, milk yield and parity, Theriogenology,21(4):569-580, (1984).
  • 14. Roche JF: Fertility in cows after treatment with prostaglandin analogue with or without progesterone, J. Repıod. Fert.,46:341- 345,(1976).
  • 15. Narasimha RAV, Sreemannarayana O, Pan-duranga RK: Oestrous response and fertility in post-partum anoestrous buffaloes treated with a progestagen, pregnant mares serum gonadotropin and prostoglandin during the low breeding season, Animal Preproduction Science,8:129-135, (1985).
  • 16. Dabas YPS, Sud SC: Superovulatory response and plasma progesterone in gonadotropin treated anestrus cattle, Indian Vet. J.,June,524-527, (1990).
  • 17. Hardin DR: The benefıt of palpation before synchronization, Agri-practice,5(2):29-32, (1984)
  • 18. Arthur GH. Noakes DE, Pearson H: infertility in the cows; General considerations,anatomical,functional and management causes, in'Veteıinary Reproduction and Obstetrics”,sixth edition,Bailliere Tindal,London,341-383, (1989)
  • 19. Plunkett SS, Stevenson JS,Call EP: Prostoglandin F2 ot for lactating dairy cows with a palpable corpus luteum but unobserved estrus, J. Dairy Sci.,67:380-387, (1984).
  • 20. Schmidt-Adampoulou B, Saratsis Ph: Fertilitat bei stillbrünstigen kühen noch prostoglandin F2 Ot-injektion unter berücksichtigung des milchpıogesteronspiegel, Zuchthyg, 22: 253-259, (1987).
  • 21. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinicalresponse in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone levels to treatment with the PGF2a analogue alfapıostol, Zuchthyg,24:57-66, (1989).
  • 22. Youngquıst RS.: Cystic follicular degenaration in the cow in “Current Therapy in heriogenology”,Ed.Morrow DA, Second edition, W.B.Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 234-246, (1986).
  • 23. Hopkins SM : Bovine anestrus, in “Current Therapy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA,Second edition,W.B. Saunders Co., philadelphia,247-309, (1986).
  • 24. Chupin P, Pelot J.High fertility in dairy cows after one or two A.l. at oestrus indııccd by progestagen,prostoglandin and PMSG,Reports and summaries part 2.11111 int. Congr. On diseases of catle,tel-aviv Israel Association for Buiatries, 1034- 1039, (1980).
  • 25. Hıxon DL, Keşler D.I, Troxel TR, Vinceni DL, Wiseman BS:Reproductive hormone secretion and fırst service conception rate subsequent to ovulation control with syncro- mate B,Theriogenology,16(2):219-229, (1981).
  • 26. Ghallab AM, Ott RS, Cmarik GF, Keşler DJ, Faulkner DB, Hixon JErEffects ofrepetitive norgestomet (a) Treatments on pregnancy rates in cyclic and anestrous beef heifers,Theriogenology,22( 1 ):67-74, (1984).
  • 27. Ott RS, Ghallab AM, Bıown JR, Mansfıeld ME, Hixon JE.Syncronization of estıus in beef cattle with a combination of clorprostenol and norgestomet, Agri. Practice,5(10):13-16, (1984).
  • 28. Mennendez M, Robles C, Goıcochea Jzlnduction of oestrus in lactating zebu cows by means of steroids, Tecnico-Pecuaria-em Mexico,33:15-19, (1977).
  • 29. Beal WE, Good GA, Peterson LA:Estrus syncronization and pregnancy rates in cyclic and noncyclic beef cows and heifer treated with syncromate-B or norgestomet and alfaprostol,Theriogenology,22( 1 ):59-66, (1984).
  • 30. Gallovvay DB, Bıightling P, Malmo J, Anderson GA, Larcombe MT, Wright PJ: A clinical trail using a regimen which includes a norgestomet implant an norgestomet plus oestıadiol valerate injection as a treatment for anoestrus in dairy cows,Australian Veterinary Journal,64(6): 187-189, (1987).
  • 31. Beal WE: A note on syncronization of oestrus in post-paıtum cows with pıostoglandin F 2 oc and a progesteıone releasing device,Anim. Prod.,37:307-308, (1983).
  • 32. Seguin BE, Momont H, Baumann L: Clorprostenol and dinoprost tromethamine in experimental and field trials treating unobserved estrus in dairy cows,Bovine Practitione,20:89-90, (1985).
  • 33. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinical response in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone levels to treatment with the PGF 2 Ot analog alfaprostol,Zuchthyg,24:57-66, (1989).
  • 34. Chupin D, Pelot J: Fertility of dairy cows treated with progestagen implant, prostoglandin analog and PMSG,Theriogenology, 10(4):307-312, (1978).
  • 35. Tegegne A, Warnıck AC, Mukasa-Mugerwa E, Ketema H: Fertility of Bos Indicus and Bos Indicus X Bos taurus cross breed cattle after estrus syncronization, Theriogenology, 31(2)361-370, (1989).
  • 36. Smith JF, Kaltenbach CC: Comparision of techniques for syncronization of oestrus and subsequent fertility in beef cattle, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,33:449-457, (1990).
  • 37. Kan 1: Ki kare dağılımı ve testi,Biyoistatistik Ders Kitabı, İkinci Baskı,U.Ü.Basımevi,Bursa,135-151, (1991)
  • 38. Ball PJH, Lammimg GE:Diagnosis of ovarian acyclicity in lactating dairy cows and evaluation of treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone or progesterone releasing intıa vaginal device,Br. Vet. J., 139:522-527, (1983).
  • 39. Shah SNH, Willemse AH, Wiel DFM: Descriptive epidemiology and treatment of post-partum anestrus in dairy buffalo under small farm conditions, Theriogenology, 33(6): 1333-1345, (1990).
  • 40. Kıng ME, Holland MD, Mauck HS, Lefever DG, Ödde KG: Syncronization of estrus in beef cows with noıgestometalfapıostol or syncromate-b,Theriogenology,30(4):785-795, (1988).
  • 41. Agııer D, Pelot J, Chupin D: Comment ııtıılisier les pıogestagenes pour rompıe T anoestrus post partum chez les vaches laitieres ou allaitantcs,Compte-ıendu Oes Journess D'information U.N.C.E.I.A.I.T.E.B.Oe Mars,Ed.L’Institut Technique de I’elevage Bovin,Paris, 19-34 81, (982).
  • 42. Ünal EF, Gökçen H, Nak Y, Tümen H: PRID (Pıogesteron salan vajina içi alet) kullanımı ile inek ve düvelerde anöstrusun sağıtımı,U.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 11 (2):91 -100, (1992).
  • 43. Peters AR: Reproductive activity of the cow in the post-partum peıiod .I.Factors affecting the lenght of the post-partum acyclic period,Br.Vet.J., 140:76-84, (1984).
  • 44. Schmıdt-Adamopoulou B, Saratsis PH: Fertilitat bei stili brünstigen kühen nach prostoglandin F 2 oc - injektion unter berücksisichtigung des milchprogesteronspiegels, Zuchthyg, 22:253-259,(1987).
  • 45. Gerloff JB, Morrow DA: Effect of nutıition on ıeproduction in dairy cattle,in “Current Theraphy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA, Second edition, W.B Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 310-320, (1986).
  • 46. Plunkett SS, Stevenson JS, Cali EP: Prostoglandin F 2 a for lactating dairy cows with a palpable corpus luteum but unobserved estrus, J. Dairy Sci.,67:380-387, (1984).
  • 47. Ödde KG: A review of synchronization of estrus in post-partum cattle, J. Anim. Sci.,86(3):817-829, (1990).
  • 48. Tegegne A, Warnick AC, Mukasa-Mugerwa E, Ketema H: Fertility of bos indicus and bos indicusx bos taurus crossbreed cattle after estrus synchronization,Theriogenology,31(2)361- 370, (1989).
  • 49. Kıng ME, Holland MD, Mauck HS, Le fever PG, Ödde KG: Synchronization of estrus in beef cows with norgestomet alfaprostol or synchromate-B,Theriogenology,30(4):785-795, (1988).
  • 50. Gonzales-Stagnaro C, Goicochea-Llaque J, Sotlo-Belloso E: Hormonal treatment of post-partum anoestrus in cross breed cows.Memoria-Asociacion,Latino Ameıicane de-PıoductionAnimal,16:127-128,(1981).
  • 51. Smith RS, Rıchard,MW, Ric LE, Castree JW, Frahman RB, Geısert RD. Efifect of syııchromate-B on estıous response and pregnancy rate in Brahman cross breed beef cows,Agriculture Experiment Stat, 118:300-302, (1986).
  • 52. Glanwill SF, Dobson H: Effect of prostoglandin treatment on the fertility of problem cows,Veterinary Record, 128.374-376, (1991).
  • 53. Jochle W, Schneemann W, Grunert E: Clinical response in anestrous dairy cows with high or low blood progesterone level to treatment with the PGF analog alfaprostol, Zuchthyg, 66: 24:57, (1989).
  • 54. Wenkoff M: Estrus synchronization in cattle,in “Current Theraphy in Theriogenology”, Ed.Morrow DA. Second Edition,W.B.Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 158-162, (1986).
  • 55. Mongıardino ME, Dick AR, Murray R. Maciel M, Ramos G, Balbiani G: Applied biotechnology for improving fertility of heıds in Argentina,Pıoceeding of the final research cordination meeting of the FAO/IAEA/ARCAL III. İn Bogota, 19-23
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Yavuz Nak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Haziran 2000
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2000 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000

Kaynak Göster

APA Nak, Y. (2000). Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1-2), 13-20.
AMA Nak Y. Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2000;6(1-2):13-20.
Chicago Nak, Yavuz. “Post-Partum anöstrıısta teşhis Ve Tedavi Metodları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6, sy. 1-2 (Haziran 2000): 13-20.
EndNote Nak Y (01 Haziran 2000) Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 1-2 13–20.
IEEE Y. Nak, “Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1-2, ss. 13–20, 2000.
ISNAD Nak, Yavuz. “Post-Partum anöstrıısta teşhis Ve Tedavi Metodları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6/1-2 (Haziran 2000), 13-20.
JAMA Nak Y. Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2000;6:13–20.
MLA Nak, Yavuz. “Post-Partum anöstrıısta teşhis Ve Tedavi Metodları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1-2, 2000, ss. 13-20.
Vancouver Nak Y. Post-partum anöstrıısta teşhis ve tedavi metodları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2000;6(1-2):13-20.