Ratın trigeminal ganglionundaki non-peptidergic primer afferentlerin dağılımı
Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 61 - 63, 18.06.2000
Zafer Soygüder
Zekeriya Özüdoğru
Griffonia Simplicifolia tohumlarındaki isolectin 1-B4 GSA I-B4 ’un dağılımı ratın trigeminal ganglionunda çalışıldı. GSA I-B4 sadece küçük çaplı ganglion hücrelerinde gözlendi. Buna rağmen büyük çaplı hücrelerde bu lectinin varlığına rastlanmadı. Mandibular. maxillar ve ophthalmic GSA I-B4-positive axonların trigeminal ganglionda birbirinden bağımsız yerlerde yerleşen ganglion hücrelerine vardıkları gözlendi. Trigeminal ganglionda non-peptidergic primer afferent sinirlerin dağılımı. GSA I-B4’u trigeminal ganglionda marker olarak kullanan çalışmalarla kısaca tartışılacaktır
- 1. Murphy LA, Goldstain IJ: Fi ve a-D-Galactopyranosyl-binding
Isolectins from Bandeiraea simplicifolia Seeds. J Biol Chem 252:
- 2. Hayes CE, Goldstein IJ : An oc-D-galactosyl-binding lectin from
Baııdeirea simlicifolia seeds. J Biol Chem 249: 1904-
1914,. (1974)
- 3. Ambalavanar R, Morris R: The distribution of binding by
isolection I-B4 from griffoııia simplicifolia in the trigeminal
ganglion and brainstem trigeminal nuclei in -the rat.
Neuroscience 47: 421-429, (1992).
- 4. Ambalavanar R, Morris R: An ultratructural study of the binding
of an a-D-Galactose specifıc lectin from griffonia simplicifolia to
trigeminal ganglion neurones and the trigeminal nucleus caudalis
in the rat. Neuroscience 52: 699-709, (1993).
- 5. Fischer J, Csillik B: Lectin binding: a genuine marker for
transganglionic regulation of human primary sensory neurones.
Neurosci Let 54: 263-267, (1985).
- 6. Plenderleith MB, Cameıon AA, Key B, Snow PJ: The plant lectin
soybean agglutinin binds to the soma, axon and Central terminals
of a subpopulation of small-diameter primary sensory neurones
in the rat and cat. Neuroscience 31: 683-695,.(1989)
- 7. Streith WJ, Schulte BA, Spicer SS, Balentina JD: Lectin
histochemistry of the rat spinal cord. J Histochem Cytochem 32:
- 8. Dodd J, Jessel TM: Lactoseries carbohydrates specify subsets of
dorsal root ganglion neurones projecting to the superfıcial dorsal
horn of rat spinal cord. J Neurosci. 5: 3278-3294,.(1985)
- 9. Streith WJ, Schulte BA, Spicer SS, Balentina JD, Spicer SS:
Histochemical localisation of galactose-containing
glycoconjugates in sensory neurones and their processes in the
Central and peripheral neı vous system of the rat. J Histochem
and Cytochem 33: 1042-1052, (1985).
- 10. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Analysis of taste bud innervation based
on glycoconjugate and peptide neuronal markers. J Com Neurol
292: 575-584,.(1990)
- 11. Plenderleith MB, Wright LL. Snow PJ: Expression of lectin
binding in the superfıcial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord during
pre- and postnatal development. Develop Brain Res 68: 103-
- 12. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Lectin and neuropeptide labelling of
the separate populations of the dorsal root ganglion neurones and
associated “nociceptor” thin axons in rat testis and comea wholemount preparations. Somatosensory Research 5: 259-
267.. (1988)
- 13. Dodd J, Jessel TM: Celi surface glycoconjugates and
carbohydrate-binding proteins: possible recognition signals in
sensory neurone development. J Exp Biol 124: 225-238,.(1986)
- 14. Scott S A, Patel N, Levine JM : Lectin binding identifıes a
subpopulation of neurones in chick dorsal root ganglia. J
Neuroscience 10:(l) 336-345,.(1990)
- 15. Soygüder Z: Lectin and peptide expression in nodos,
sphenopalatine and superior cervical ganglia of the rat. Tr J
Veterinary Animal Sci 23:489-493,.(1999).
- 16. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Selective neuronal glycoconjugate
expression in sensory and autonomic ganglia: relation of lectin
reactivity to peptide and enzyme markers. J Neurocyto 19: 789-
801.. (1990)
- 17. Mori K: Specifıc carbohydrate expression by small-diameter
subclasses of rabbit trigeminal. glossopharyngeal, and vagal
afferent fibres studied with the lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin I.
Neurosci Res 4: 291 -303,.( 1987)
- 18. Ranson WB: Origine, composition and connections of the cranial
nerves, The anatomy of the nervous system, Philadelphia &
London, Saunders Company, p251, (1955)
- 19. Barr ML, Kieman JA: Cranial nerves, The human nervous
system, J.B. Lippincot Company Phyladelphia, p 122-148,
- 20. Kelly JP: Trigeminal system. Pıinciple of neural Science, New
York, Elsevier, p562-570, (1985)
- 21. Shu S, Ju G, Fan L: The glucose oxidase-DAB-nickel method in
peroxidase histochemistry of the nervous system. Neurosci Lett
85: 169-171 ,.(1988)
- 22. Hunt SP, Rossi J: Peptide- and non-peptide-containing
unmyelinated primary afferents: The parallel processing of
nociceptive information. Phil Trans Roy Soc Biol Sci 308: 283-
289.. (1985)
- 23. Silverman JD, Kruger L: Calcitonin-gene-relatet-peptideimmunoreactive innervation of the rat head with emphasis on
specialised sensory structure. J Com Neurol 280: 303-
330.. (1989)
- 24. Reuss S, Riemann R, Vollıath L: Substance P- and calcitonin
gene-relatet peptide-like immunoreactive neurones in the rat
trigeminal ganglion-with special reference to meningeal and
pineal innervation. Açta histochem 92: 104-109,.(1992).
- 25. Suzuki N, Hardebo JE, Owman C: Trigeminal fıbre collaterals
storing substance P and calgitonin gene-related peptide...
Neuroscience 30: 595-604,.(1989)
- 26. Kai-Kai MA: Cytochemistıy of the trigeminal and dorsal root
ganglia and spinal cord of the rat. Comp Biochem Physiol 93A: 183-
193, (1989)
Distribution of non-peptidergic primary afferents in trigeminal ganglion of the rat
Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 61 - 63, 18.06.2000
Zafer Soygüder
Zekeriya Özüdoğru
The distribution of isolectin I-B4 from Griffonia Simplicifolia GSA I-B4 was studied in trigeminal ganglion. Small diameter celi bodies were labeled by GSA I-B4, while large cells were unlabeled. GSA I-B4-labeled axons from the maxillary, mandibular and ophthalmic branches of the trigeminal nerve reached to their celi bodies which were located in discrete regions within the ganglion. The distribution of non-peptidergic primary afferent fıbres in trigeminal ganglion is briefly discussed with those obtained in other studies using GSA I-B4 as a marker in trigeminal ganglion
- 1. Murphy LA, Goldstain IJ: Fi ve a-D-Galactopyranosyl-binding
Isolectins from Bandeiraea simplicifolia Seeds. J Biol Chem 252:
- 2. Hayes CE, Goldstein IJ : An oc-D-galactosyl-binding lectin from
Baııdeirea simlicifolia seeds. J Biol Chem 249: 1904-
1914,. (1974)
- 3. Ambalavanar R, Morris R: The distribution of binding by
isolection I-B4 from griffoııia simplicifolia in the trigeminal
ganglion and brainstem trigeminal nuclei in -the rat.
Neuroscience 47: 421-429, (1992).
- 4. Ambalavanar R, Morris R: An ultratructural study of the binding
of an a-D-Galactose specifıc lectin from griffonia simplicifolia to
trigeminal ganglion neurones and the trigeminal nucleus caudalis
in the rat. Neuroscience 52: 699-709, (1993).
- 5. Fischer J, Csillik B: Lectin binding: a genuine marker for
transganglionic regulation of human primary sensory neurones.
Neurosci Let 54: 263-267, (1985).
- 6. Plenderleith MB, Cameıon AA, Key B, Snow PJ: The plant lectin
soybean agglutinin binds to the soma, axon and Central terminals
of a subpopulation of small-diameter primary sensory neurones
in the rat and cat. Neuroscience 31: 683-695,.(1989)
- 7. Streith WJ, Schulte BA, Spicer SS, Balentina JD: Lectin
histochemistry of the rat spinal cord. J Histochem Cytochem 32:
- 8. Dodd J, Jessel TM: Lactoseries carbohydrates specify subsets of
dorsal root ganglion neurones projecting to the superfıcial dorsal
horn of rat spinal cord. J Neurosci. 5: 3278-3294,.(1985)
- 9. Streith WJ, Schulte BA, Spicer SS, Balentina JD, Spicer SS:
Histochemical localisation of galactose-containing
glycoconjugates in sensory neurones and their processes in the
Central and peripheral neı vous system of the rat. J Histochem
and Cytochem 33: 1042-1052, (1985).
- 10. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Analysis of taste bud innervation based
on glycoconjugate and peptide neuronal markers. J Com Neurol
292: 575-584,.(1990)
- 11. Plenderleith MB, Wright LL. Snow PJ: Expression of lectin
binding in the superfıcial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord during
pre- and postnatal development. Develop Brain Res 68: 103-
- 12. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Lectin and neuropeptide labelling of
the separate populations of the dorsal root ganglion neurones and
associated “nociceptor” thin axons in rat testis and comea wholemount preparations. Somatosensory Research 5: 259-
267.. (1988)
- 13. Dodd J, Jessel TM: Celi surface glycoconjugates and
carbohydrate-binding proteins: possible recognition signals in
sensory neurone development. J Exp Biol 124: 225-238,.(1986)
- 14. Scott S A, Patel N, Levine JM : Lectin binding identifıes a
subpopulation of neurones in chick dorsal root ganglia. J
Neuroscience 10:(l) 336-345,.(1990)
- 15. Soygüder Z: Lectin and peptide expression in nodos,
sphenopalatine and superior cervical ganglia of the rat. Tr J
Veterinary Animal Sci 23:489-493,.(1999).
- 16. Silvermann JD, Kruger L: Selective neuronal glycoconjugate
expression in sensory and autonomic ganglia: relation of lectin
reactivity to peptide and enzyme markers. J Neurocyto 19: 789-
801.. (1990)
- 17. Mori K: Specifıc carbohydrate expression by small-diameter
subclasses of rabbit trigeminal. glossopharyngeal, and vagal
afferent fibres studied with the lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin I.
Neurosci Res 4: 291 -303,.( 1987)
- 18. Ranson WB: Origine, composition and connections of the cranial
nerves, The anatomy of the nervous system, Philadelphia &
London, Saunders Company, p251, (1955)
- 19. Barr ML, Kieman JA: Cranial nerves, The human nervous
system, J.B. Lippincot Company Phyladelphia, p 122-148,
- 20. Kelly JP: Trigeminal system. Pıinciple of neural Science, New
York, Elsevier, p562-570, (1985)
- 21. Shu S, Ju G, Fan L: The glucose oxidase-DAB-nickel method in
peroxidase histochemistry of the nervous system. Neurosci Lett
85: 169-171 ,.(1988)
- 22. Hunt SP, Rossi J: Peptide- and non-peptide-containing
unmyelinated primary afferents: The parallel processing of
nociceptive information. Phil Trans Roy Soc Biol Sci 308: 283-
289.. (1985)
- 23. Silverman JD, Kruger L: Calcitonin-gene-relatet-peptideimmunoreactive innervation of the rat head with emphasis on
specialised sensory structure. J Com Neurol 280: 303-
330.. (1989)
- 24. Reuss S, Riemann R, Vollıath L: Substance P- and calcitonin
gene-relatet peptide-like immunoreactive neurones in the rat
trigeminal ganglion-with special reference to meningeal and
pineal innervation. Açta histochem 92: 104-109,.(1992).
- 25. Suzuki N, Hardebo JE, Owman C: Trigeminal fıbre collaterals
storing substance P and calgitonin gene-related peptide...
Neuroscience 30: 595-604,.(1989)
- 26. Kai-Kai MA: Cytochemistıy of the trigeminal and dorsal root
ganglia and spinal cord of the rat. Comp Biochem Physiol 93A: 183-
193, (1989)