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Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları

Yıl 2000, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 142 - 147, 18.06.2000


Eritropoietin Epo , glikoprotein yapısında bir hormon olup, eritroid seri ön hücrelerin çoğalmasını ve olgunlaşmasını sağlar. Başlıca üretim yeri böbreklerdir. Epo, Epo aktivitesini tespit eden bioassaylerle veya Epo antijenini belirleyen immunoassaylerle ölçülebilmektedir. Epo seviyesini belirlemek için serum, plazma ve idrar kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede, böbrek hastalıkları ve anemide tanı kriteri olarak kullanılan eritropoietinin yapısı, yapım yeri, etki yeri ve mekanizması ile ölçüm metotları hakkındaki bilgiler aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır


  • 1. Woodman DD: Erythropoietin, Comparative Haematology International 2: 1-7,(1992).
  • 2. Ceylan E: Köpeklerde deneysel nefrotoksikozisde eritropoietin seviyesi ve bazı hematolojik parametreler üzerine araştırmalar. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv., Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, (1998).
  • 3. Spivak JL,Watson AJ: Hematopoiesis and the Kidney The Kidney: Physiology and Patophysiology. Second Ed. Raven Press, Ltd., New York, Chapter42: 1553-1593, (1992).
  • 4. Fu JS, Leriora JJL, Rice JC, Fisher JW: Pharmacokinetics of erythropoietin in intact and anephric dogs. J. Lab. Clin Med. 111:669-676,(1983).
  • 5. Erslev AJ: Erythropoietin, The New England Journal of Medicine, 324(19): 1339-1344, (1991).
  • 6. Caro J, Erslev AJ: Erythropoietin assays and their use in the study of anemias. Contrib. Nephrol. 66: 54, (1988).
  • 7. Giger U: Erythropoietin and its Clinical Use, Comp. Continuing Education Article 14(1): 25-34, (1992).
  • 8. Krantz SB: Erythropoietin. Blood, 77(3): 419-434, (1991).
  • 9. Miyake T, Kung CKH. Goldwasser E: Purifıcation of human erythropoietin. J. Biol. Chem. 252: 5558-5564, (1977).
  • 10. Dordal MS, Wang F.F, Goldwasser E: The role of carbohydrate in erythropoietin aetion. Endocrinology. 116: 2293, (1985).
  • 11. Browne JK, Cohen AM, Egrie JC, Lai PH, Lin FK, Strickland T, Watson E, Stebbing N: Erythropoietin, Gene eloning protein strueture, and biological properties. Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol. 51:693-702, (1986).
  • 12. Goldwasser E, Kung CHK, Eliason J: On the mechanism of erythropoietin-induced differenciation. XIII. The role of sialic acid in erythropoietin aetion. J Biol. Chem 249: 4202, (1974).
  • 13. Spivak JL, Hogans BB: The in vivo metabolism of recombinant human erytropoietin in the rat. Blood. 73: 90-99, (1989).
  • 14. Wang FF, Kung CKH, Golvvasser E: Some Chemical properties of human erythropoietin. Endocrinology 1116: 2286, (1985).
  • 15. Cotes PM, Bangham DR: The international reference preparation of erythropoietin. Bull WHO 35: 751, (1966).
  • 16. Annable L, Cotes PM, Mussett MV: The second international reference preparation of erythropoietin, human, urinary, for bioassay. Bull. Org. Mond. Sante 47: 99-112, (1972).
  • 17. Fried W, Barone-Varelas J, Morley C: Factors that regulate extrarenal erythropoietin produetion. Blood Cells 10:287, (1984).
  • 18. Naughton BA, Bimbach DL, Lıu P et al.: Erythropoietin produetion and kupffer celi alterations following nephrectomy, hypoxia, or combined nephrectomy and hypoxia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 160: 170-174, (1979).
  • 19. Koury MJ. Bondurant MC: Erythropoietin ıetards DNA breakdown and prevents programmed death in erythroid progenitor cells. Science 248: 273, (1990).
  • 20. Rodgers GM. Fisher JW, George WJ: The role of adenosine 3- 5- monophosphate in the control of erythropoietin produetion. Am. J. Med. 58:31-38, (1975).
  • 21. Lacombe C, Da Silva JL, Bruneval P, Foumier JG, Wendling F, Casedevall N, Cami İleri JP, Bariety J, Varet B, Tambourin P: Peritubuler cells aıe the site of erythropoietin synthesis in the murine hypoxic kidney J Clin. Invest. 81: 620-623, (1988).
  • 22. Eckardt KU, Kurtz A, Bauer C: Regulation of erythropoietin formation is related to proximal tubular funetion. Am J Physiol. 256: F942, (1989).
  • 23. Schuster SJ, Wilson JH, Erslev AJ, Caro J: Physiologic Regulation and Tissue Localization of Renal Erythropoietin Messenger RNA, B lood, 70( 1): 316-318,(1987).
  • 24. Jacobson LO, Goldwasser E, Fried W, Plzak L: Role of the kidney in erythropoiesis. Nature 179: 633, (1957).
  • 25. Zanjani ED, Poster J, Burlington H: Liver as a primary site of erythropoietin formation in the fetus. J Lab Clin Med. 89: 640, (1977).
  • 26. Caro J, Erslev AJ, Silver R, Miller O, Birgegard G: Erythropoietin Produetion in Respons to Anemia or Hypoxia in the Nevvborn Rat, Blood, 60(4): 984-988, (1982).
  • 27. Beru N, McDonald J, Lacombe C, Goldwasser E: Expresion ot the erythropoietin gene. Mol Celi Biol 6: 2571, (1986).
  • 28. Spivak JL: Recombinant human erythropoietin and the anemia of cancer. Blood 84(4): 997-1004, (1994).
  • 29. Golde DW, Hocking WG, Koeffler HP, Adamson JW: Polycythemia: Mechanisms and Management. Ann. Inter. Med., 95: 71-87, (1981).
  • 30. Garcia JF, Ebbe SN, Hollander L, Cutting HO, Miller M, Cronkite EP: Radioimmıınoassay of erythropoietin. Circulating levels in normal and polycythemic human beings. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 99: 624-635,(1982).
  • 31. Mirand EA, Murphy GP: Erythropoietin activity in anephric humans given prolonged androgen treatment. J. Surg. Oncol. 3:59-65,(1971).
  • 32. Fandrey J, Pagel H. Frede S, Wolff M, Jelkmann W: Thyroid hormones enhance hypoxia-induced erythropoietin production in vitro Exp. Hematol 22: 272-277, (1994).
  • 33. Cotes PM: Erythropoietin Hormons in Blood. 3rd Ed. Vol.4, Academic Press ine. London, 195-211, (1983).
  • 34. Bozzini CE, Ugarte CAA, Martinez MA et al.: Production of and response to erythropoietin in the splenectomised mouse. Exp. Hematol. 4: 114-120, (1976).
  • 35. Rich IN, Hert W, Kubanek B: Extrarenal erythropoietin production by macrophages. Blood 60: 1007, (1982).
  • 36. Zangheri EO, Lopez Ol, Honorato LE et al.: The rol of the submandibular glands in extrarenal erythropoietin production in mice. Exp. Hematol. 5: 237-240, (1977).
  • 37. Goldwasser E. et al.: The effect of interleukin-3 on hemapoietic precursor cells. In: Normal and neoplastic hematopoiesis. pp. 301-309. Alan R. Liss, New York, (1983).
  • 38. Sawyer ST, Krantz SB, Sawada K: Reseptors for erythropoietin in mouse and human erythroid cells and placenta. Blood 74: 103- 109,(1989).
  • 39. Sawyer ST: Receptors for erythropoietin. Distribution, structure, and role in recep tor-med iated endocytosis in erythroid cells, in Harris JR (ed): Blood Celi Biochemistry, vol I. New York, NY, Plenum, p365, (1990).
  • 40. Sawada K, Krantz SB, Dai CH, Koury ST, Hom ST, Glick AD, Çivin CI: Purifıcation of human blood burst-forming unitserythroid and demonstration of the evolution of erythropoietin receptors. J. Celi Physiol. 142: 219, (1990).
  • 41. Koury MJ, Bondurant MC: Erythropoietin retards DNA breakdown and prevents programmed death in erythroid progenitor cells. Science 248: 273, (1990).
  • 42. Wintrobe MM: Clinical Hematology. Philadelphia:Lea-Febiger, 690,(1981).
  • 43. Sawada K, Krantz SB, Dessypris EN, Koury ST, Savvyer ST: Human colony forming units-erythroid do not require accessory cells, but do require direct interactio with insulin-like growth factor I and/or insulin for erythroid development. J. Clinic. Invest. 83:1701, (1989).
  • 44. Eckardt KU, Kurtz A, Hirth P, Scigalla P, Wieczorek L, Brauer C: Evaluation of the stability of human erythropoietin in samples for radioimmunoassay. Klin. Wochenschr. 66:241-245, (1989).
  • 45. Naets JP, Wittek M: A role of the kidney in the catabolism of erythropoietin in the rat J. Lab. Clin Med. 84: 99-106, (1974).
  • 46. Piroso E, Erslev AJ., Flaharty KK et al.: Erythropoietin life span in rats with hypoplastic and hypoplastic bone marrows. Am. J. Haematol. 36:105-110, (1991).
  • 47. Garcia J, Shervvood J, Goldwasser E: Radioimmunoassay of erythropoietin. Blood Cells. 5: 405-419, (1979).
  • 48. Dunn CDR, Lange RD: Erythropoietin :assay and characterization: in Roaths, Topical reviews in hematology, pp:l32 (Wright, Bristol).
  • 49. Cotes PM, Bangham DR: Bio-assay of erythropoietin in mice made polycythemic by exposure to air at a reduced pressure. Nature 191: 1065-1067,(1961).
  • 50. Dunn CD, Jarvis JH, Greenman JM: A quantitative bioassay for erythropoietin using mouse fetal liver cells. Exp. Hematol. 3: 65- 78,(1975).
  • 51. Ikeda T, Inaba M, Maede Y: Serum Erythropoietin Level in Normal Dogs, Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. 52(4): 877-878, (1990).
  • 52. Lange RD: In “Methods in investigative and diagnostic endocrinology, part III. Non-pituitary hormones" p. 1124 (S.A. Berson and R.S. Yalow, ed.). North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, (1973).
  • 53. Fisher JW: Mechanism of the anemia of chronic renal failure, Nephron, 25: 106-111,(1980).
  • 54. Sherwood JB, Goldvvasser E: A Radioimmunoassay of erythropoietin. Blood. 54: 885-893, (1979).
  • 55. Chadra M, Miller ME, Garcia JF, Mossey RT, McVicar M: Serum immunreactive erythropoietin levels in patients with polycystic kidney disease as compared with other hemodialysis patients. Nephron 39: 26-29, (1985).
  • 56. Ağaoğlu Z, Ceylan E, Akkan H: Köpeklerde rakımın eritropoietin seviyesi üzerine etkisi, II. Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 3-4 Temmuz 1997, İstanbul, (1997).
  • 57. Ağaoğlu Z, Ceylan E, Yüksek N. Van Kedilerinde eritropoietin seviyesi, II. Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 3-4 Temmuz 1997, İstanbul, (1997).

Erythropoietin: Structure, productioıı site, metabolism, meclıanism of effect and measurement

Yıl 2000, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000, 142 - 147, 18.06.2000


Erythropoietin Epo is a glycoprotein hormone which functions as a gıowth factor for stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid precusor cells. The hormone is produced primarily by the kidney. Epo can be measured with bioassay, which determine the hormone’s activity, or with immunoassay, which detect the Epo antigen. To determine the level of Epo, serum, plasma and urine can be used. İn this review, it has been given some information about the structure of Epo, pıoduction site, effect and mechanism and, assay methods of it which is used a diagnostic tool in kidney diseases and anemi as


  • 1. Woodman DD: Erythropoietin, Comparative Haematology International 2: 1-7,(1992).
  • 2. Ceylan E: Köpeklerde deneysel nefrotoksikozisde eritropoietin seviyesi ve bazı hematolojik parametreler üzerine araştırmalar. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv., Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, (1998).
  • 3. Spivak JL,Watson AJ: Hematopoiesis and the Kidney The Kidney: Physiology and Patophysiology. Second Ed. Raven Press, Ltd., New York, Chapter42: 1553-1593, (1992).
  • 4. Fu JS, Leriora JJL, Rice JC, Fisher JW: Pharmacokinetics of erythropoietin in intact and anephric dogs. J. Lab. Clin Med. 111:669-676,(1983).
  • 5. Erslev AJ: Erythropoietin, The New England Journal of Medicine, 324(19): 1339-1344, (1991).
  • 6. Caro J, Erslev AJ: Erythropoietin assays and their use in the study of anemias. Contrib. Nephrol. 66: 54, (1988).
  • 7. Giger U: Erythropoietin and its Clinical Use, Comp. Continuing Education Article 14(1): 25-34, (1992).
  • 8. Krantz SB: Erythropoietin. Blood, 77(3): 419-434, (1991).
  • 9. Miyake T, Kung CKH. Goldwasser E: Purifıcation of human erythropoietin. J. Biol. Chem. 252: 5558-5564, (1977).
  • 10. Dordal MS, Wang F.F, Goldwasser E: The role of carbohydrate in erythropoietin aetion. Endocrinology. 116: 2293, (1985).
  • 11. Browne JK, Cohen AM, Egrie JC, Lai PH, Lin FK, Strickland T, Watson E, Stebbing N: Erythropoietin, Gene eloning protein strueture, and biological properties. Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol. 51:693-702, (1986).
  • 12. Goldwasser E, Kung CHK, Eliason J: On the mechanism of erythropoietin-induced differenciation. XIII. The role of sialic acid in erythropoietin aetion. J Biol. Chem 249: 4202, (1974).
  • 13. Spivak JL, Hogans BB: The in vivo metabolism of recombinant human erytropoietin in the rat. Blood. 73: 90-99, (1989).
  • 14. Wang FF, Kung CKH, Golvvasser E: Some Chemical properties of human erythropoietin. Endocrinology 1116: 2286, (1985).
  • 15. Cotes PM, Bangham DR: The international reference preparation of erythropoietin. Bull WHO 35: 751, (1966).
  • 16. Annable L, Cotes PM, Mussett MV: The second international reference preparation of erythropoietin, human, urinary, for bioassay. Bull. Org. Mond. Sante 47: 99-112, (1972).
  • 17. Fried W, Barone-Varelas J, Morley C: Factors that regulate extrarenal erythropoietin produetion. Blood Cells 10:287, (1984).
  • 18. Naughton BA, Bimbach DL, Lıu P et al.: Erythropoietin produetion and kupffer celi alterations following nephrectomy, hypoxia, or combined nephrectomy and hypoxia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 160: 170-174, (1979).
  • 19. Koury MJ. Bondurant MC: Erythropoietin ıetards DNA breakdown and prevents programmed death in erythroid progenitor cells. Science 248: 273, (1990).
  • 20. Rodgers GM. Fisher JW, George WJ: The role of adenosine 3- 5- monophosphate in the control of erythropoietin produetion. Am. J. Med. 58:31-38, (1975).
  • 21. Lacombe C, Da Silva JL, Bruneval P, Foumier JG, Wendling F, Casedevall N, Cami İleri JP, Bariety J, Varet B, Tambourin P: Peritubuler cells aıe the site of erythropoietin synthesis in the murine hypoxic kidney J Clin. Invest. 81: 620-623, (1988).
  • 22. Eckardt KU, Kurtz A, Bauer C: Regulation of erythropoietin formation is related to proximal tubular funetion. Am J Physiol. 256: F942, (1989).
  • 23. Schuster SJ, Wilson JH, Erslev AJ, Caro J: Physiologic Regulation and Tissue Localization of Renal Erythropoietin Messenger RNA, B lood, 70( 1): 316-318,(1987).
  • 24. Jacobson LO, Goldwasser E, Fried W, Plzak L: Role of the kidney in erythropoiesis. Nature 179: 633, (1957).
  • 25. Zanjani ED, Poster J, Burlington H: Liver as a primary site of erythropoietin formation in the fetus. J Lab Clin Med. 89: 640, (1977).
  • 26. Caro J, Erslev AJ, Silver R, Miller O, Birgegard G: Erythropoietin Produetion in Respons to Anemia or Hypoxia in the Nevvborn Rat, Blood, 60(4): 984-988, (1982).
  • 27. Beru N, McDonald J, Lacombe C, Goldwasser E: Expresion ot the erythropoietin gene. Mol Celi Biol 6: 2571, (1986).
  • 28. Spivak JL: Recombinant human erythropoietin and the anemia of cancer. Blood 84(4): 997-1004, (1994).
  • 29. Golde DW, Hocking WG, Koeffler HP, Adamson JW: Polycythemia: Mechanisms and Management. Ann. Inter. Med., 95: 71-87, (1981).
  • 30. Garcia JF, Ebbe SN, Hollander L, Cutting HO, Miller M, Cronkite EP: Radioimmıınoassay of erythropoietin. Circulating levels in normal and polycythemic human beings. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 99: 624-635,(1982).
  • 31. Mirand EA, Murphy GP: Erythropoietin activity in anephric humans given prolonged androgen treatment. J. Surg. Oncol. 3:59-65,(1971).
  • 32. Fandrey J, Pagel H. Frede S, Wolff M, Jelkmann W: Thyroid hormones enhance hypoxia-induced erythropoietin production in vitro Exp. Hematol 22: 272-277, (1994).
  • 33. Cotes PM: Erythropoietin Hormons in Blood. 3rd Ed. Vol.4, Academic Press ine. London, 195-211, (1983).
  • 34. Bozzini CE, Ugarte CAA, Martinez MA et al.: Production of and response to erythropoietin in the splenectomised mouse. Exp. Hematol. 4: 114-120, (1976).
  • 35. Rich IN, Hert W, Kubanek B: Extrarenal erythropoietin production by macrophages. Blood 60: 1007, (1982).
  • 36. Zangheri EO, Lopez Ol, Honorato LE et al.: The rol of the submandibular glands in extrarenal erythropoietin production in mice. Exp. Hematol. 5: 237-240, (1977).
  • 37. Goldwasser E. et al.: The effect of interleukin-3 on hemapoietic precursor cells. In: Normal and neoplastic hematopoiesis. pp. 301-309. Alan R. Liss, New York, (1983).
  • 38. Sawyer ST, Krantz SB, Sawada K: Reseptors for erythropoietin in mouse and human erythroid cells and placenta. Blood 74: 103- 109,(1989).
  • 39. Sawyer ST: Receptors for erythropoietin. Distribution, structure, and role in recep tor-med iated endocytosis in erythroid cells, in Harris JR (ed): Blood Celi Biochemistry, vol I. New York, NY, Plenum, p365, (1990).
  • 40. Sawada K, Krantz SB, Dai CH, Koury ST, Hom ST, Glick AD, Çivin CI: Purifıcation of human blood burst-forming unitserythroid and demonstration of the evolution of erythropoietin receptors. J. Celi Physiol. 142: 219, (1990).
  • 41. Koury MJ, Bondurant MC: Erythropoietin retards DNA breakdown and prevents programmed death in erythroid progenitor cells. Science 248: 273, (1990).
  • 42. Wintrobe MM: Clinical Hematology. Philadelphia:Lea-Febiger, 690,(1981).
  • 43. Sawada K, Krantz SB, Dessypris EN, Koury ST, Savvyer ST: Human colony forming units-erythroid do not require accessory cells, but do require direct interactio with insulin-like growth factor I and/or insulin for erythroid development. J. Clinic. Invest. 83:1701, (1989).
  • 44. Eckardt KU, Kurtz A, Hirth P, Scigalla P, Wieczorek L, Brauer C: Evaluation of the stability of human erythropoietin in samples for radioimmunoassay. Klin. Wochenschr. 66:241-245, (1989).
  • 45. Naets JP, Wittek M: A role of the kidney in the catabolism of erythropoietin in the rat J. Lab. Clin Med. 84: 99-106, (1974).
  • 46. Piroso E, Erslev AJ., Flaharty KK et al.: Erythropoietin life span in rats with hypoplastic and hypoplastic bone marrows. Am. J. Haematol. 36:105-110, (1991).
  • 47. Garcia J, Shervvood J, Goldwasser E: Radioimmunoassay of erythropoietin. Blood Cells. 5: 405-419, (1979).
  • 48. Dunn CDR, Lange RD: Erythropoietin :assay and characterization: in Roaths, Topical reviews in hematology, pp:l32 (Wright, Bristol).
  • 49. Cotes PM, Bangham DR: Bio-assay of erythropoietin in mice made polycythemic by exposure to air at a reduced pressure. Nature 191: 1065-1067,(1961).
  • 50. Dunn CD, Jarvis JH, Greenman JM: A quantitative bioassay for erythropoietin using mouse fetal liver cells. Exp. Hematol. 3: 65- 78,(1975).
  • 51. Ikeda T, Inaba M, Maede Y: Serum Erythropoietin Level in Normal Dogs, Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. 52(4): 877-878, (1990).
  • 52. Lange RD: In “Methods in investigative and diagnostic endocrinology, part III. Non-pituitary hormones" p. 1124 (S.A. Berson and R.S. Yalow, ed.). North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, (1973).
  • 53. Fisher JW: Mechanism of the anemia of chronic renal failure, Nephron, 25: 106-111,(1980).
  • 54. Sherwood JB, Goldvvasser E: A Radioimmunoassay of erythropoietin. Blood. 54: 885-893, (1979).
  • 55. Chadra M, Miller ME, Garcia JF, Mossey RT, McVicar M: Serum immunreactive erythropoietin levels in patients with polycystic kidney disease as compared with other hemodialysis patients. Nephron 39: 26-29, (1985).
  • 56. Ağaoğlu Z, Ceylan E, Akkan H: Köpeklerde rakımın eritropoietin seviyesi üzerine etkisi, II. Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 3-4 Temmuz 1997, İstanbul, (1997).
  • 57. Ağaoğlu Z, Ceylan E, Yüksek N. Van Kedilerinde eritropoietin seviyesi, II. Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 3-4 Temmuz 1997, İstanbul, (1997).
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ebubekir Ceylan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Haziran 2000
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2000 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1-2 - 2000

Kaynak Göster

APA Ceylan, E. (2000). Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1-2), 142-147.
AMA Ceylan E. Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2000;6(1-2):142-147.
Chicago Ceylan, Ebubekir. “Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım Yeri, metabolizması, Etki Mekanizması Ve ölçüm Metotları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6, sy. 1-2 (Haziran 2000): 142-47.
EndNote Ceylan E (01 Haziran 2000) Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 1-2 142–147.
IEEE E. Ceylan, “Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1-2, ss. 142–147, 2000.
ISNAD Ceylan, Ebubekir. “Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım Yeri, metabolizması, Etki Mekanizması Ve ölçüm Metotları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6/1-2 (Haziran 2000), 142-147.
JAMA Ceylan E. Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2000;6:142–147.
MLA Ceylan, Ebubekir. “Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım Yeri, metabolizması, Etki Mekanizması Ve ölçüm Metotları”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1-2, 2000, ss. 142-7.
Vancouver Ceylan E. Eritropoietin: Yapısı, yapım yeri, metabolizması, etki mekanizması ve ölçüm metotları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2000;6(1-2):142-7.