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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 58 - 67, 01.06.2006


Bu derlemede; iz elementlerin geviş getiren hayvanlar için biyolojik önemi öne çıkarıldı. İz element noksanlıklarına bağlı olarak geviş getiren hayvanlarda pek çok hastalık görülmesinin yanı sıra dolaylı olarak ta geviş getiren hayvanların bazı enfeksiyonlara karşı daha duyarlı olmasına da neden olmaktadır. Bu durum ekonomik yönden zararlara neden olmaktadır. İz elementler geviş getiren hayvanlarda büyüme, üreme, sağlık gibi yaşamsal işlevlerin sürekliliği için az miktarda gereksinim duyulan elementlerdir. Geviş getiren hayvanlarda bu değinilen işlevlerin sürekliliği için iz element ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması önemlidir. Bu bağlamda geviş getiren hayvanlarda iz element yetersizliği, dengesizliği ve eksikliğinin belirlenmesi; hem iz element eksikliğine bağlı oluşan hastalıkların meydana getirdikleri kayıplar, hem de dolaylı iz element eksikliği sonucu oluşan kayıplar hayvancılık açısında önem arz etmektedir


  • 1. Underwood EJ. Trace elements in human and animal nutrition. Academic Press, fourth edition, (1977).
  • 2. Erdoğan S, Ergün Y, Erdoğan Z, Kontaş T: Hatay bölgesinde merada yetiştirilen koyun ve keçi serumlarında bazı mineral madde düzeyleri. Türk J Vet AnimSci 26:177-182,(2002).
  • 3. Baran E J, Wagner CC, Torre MH: Synthesis and characterization of EDTA complexes usefiıl for trace elements. J.Braz.Chem.Soc.13:576-582, (2002).
  • 4. Dowell LR: Minerals in animal and human nutrition. Academic Press Limited, london, (1992).
  • 5. Picco S J, Abba M.C, Mattioli G.A, Fazzio L E, Rosa D, De Luca JC, Dulout FN: Association between copper deficiency and DNA damage in cattle. Mutagenesis. 19(6): 453-456, (2004)
  • 6. Aba M, De luca JC, Mattioli G, Zaccardi E, Dulout FN: Clastogenic effect of copper deficiency in cattle. MutationResearch 466:51-55, (2000).
  • 7. Spears JW: Trace mineral bioavailability in ruminants. The Journal ofNutrition 133:1506-9, (2003).
  • 8. Leon A, Glenn JS, Farver TB: Copper oxide wire particles for the treatment of copper deficiency in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 35:7-12, (2000).
  • 9. Adogwa A, Mutani A, Ramnanan A, Ezeokoli C: The effect of gastrointestinal parasitism on blood copper and hemoglobin levels in sheep. Can. Vet. J. 46: 1017-1021, (2005).
  • 10. Underwood EJ, Suttle NF: The mineral nutrition of livestock. 3 rded.,New York, (2001).
  • 11. Işıkyıldız A, Altıntaş A: Bakarkör Buzağı ve danalarda serum ve karaciğer iz element (Zn, Cu, Mn) düzeyleri. AÜ VetFak Derg41 (3-4): 477-488, (1994).
  • 12. Sah RN and Brown PH: Boron DeterminationA Review of Analytical Methods. Mıcrochemıcal Journal. 56: 285304,(1997).
  • 13.
  • 14. Bolanos L, Lukaszewski K, Bonilla I, Blevins D:Why boron? Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 907912
  • 15. Pawa S, Ali S: Boron ameliorates fulminant hepatic failure by counteracting the changes associated with the oxidative stres. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 160: 8998,(2006).
  • 16. Dîaz-Gomez N, Domenech E, Barroso F, Castells S, Cortabarria C, Jimenez A: The effect of zinc supplementation on linear growth, body composition, and growth factors in preterm infants. Pediatrics 111(5): 1002- 1009,(2003).
  • 17. Ersoy E, Bayşu N: Biyokimya ders kitabı. Ankara Üni. Vet. Fak. Yayınları No: 408, (1986).
  • 18. Yousef MI, ElHendy HA, El-Demerdash FM, Elagamy El: Dietary Zinc deficiency induced-changes in the activity of enzymes and the levels of ffee radicals, lipids and protein electrophoretic behavior in growing rats. Toxicology 175:223-234.(2002).
  • 19. Aksoy G, Şahin T, Çimtay, İ, Arseim Kaya NB: Kuzularda çinko oksit uygulamalarının bazı biyokimyasal parametreler ve canlı ağırlık kazancı üzerine etkileri. Türk J Vet Anim Sci 26: 85-90, (2002).
  • 20. Öztürkcan S, Özçelik S: Çinko metabolizması ve eksikliği. ÇÜTıpFakDerg 14(3-4): 49-51,(1992).
  • 21. İmren HY, Şahal M: Veteriner îç Hastalıkları Kitabı, Feıyal Yayıncılık, Ankara, (1991).
  • 22. Aksoy G, KurtdedeA, Gül Y,Ağaoglu ZT,Dodurka T, Akgül Y, Kaymaz AA, Kalmbacak A, Or ME, Keleşi, Bakırel U: Geviş getiren havyaların İç hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi) kitabı (Editör: Gül, Y). Medipress yayıncılık, Malatya, (2002).
  • 23. Miltenburg GAJ, Wensing T, Van Vliet JPM, Schuljt G, Van de Broek J, Breukink HJ.: Blood hemoglobin, plasma iron, and tissue iron in dams in late gestation, at calving, and in veal calves at deliveıy and later. J Dairy Sci 74:3086-3094(1991).
  • 24. Stangl GI, Schwarz FJ, Kirchgessner M: Moderate longterm cobalt deficiency affects liver, brain, and eıythrocyte lipids and lipoprotein of cattle. Nutrition Research 19(3): 415-427,(1999).
  • 25. NCR: Vitamin tolerance of animals. National Academy Pres, Washington D.C 3-23. (1987).
  • 26. Siversten By T, Plassen C: Hepatic cobalt and copper levels in lambs in Norway. Açta Vet. Scand. 45: 69-77, (2004).
  • 27. Akesson B, Fehling C, Jagerstad M: Lipid composition and metabolism in liver and brain of vitamin B12- defîcient rat sucklings. Br J Nutr 41:263-274 (1979).
  • 28. Kennedy DG, Kennedy S, Blanchflower WJ, Scott JM., Weir DG, Molloy AM, Young PB: Cobalt- vitamin B12 deficiency causes accumulation of odd-numbered, branched-chain fatty acids in the tissues of sheep. Br J Nutr 71:67-76, (1994).
  • 29. Kadim I T, Johnson E H, Mahgoub O, Srikandakumar A, Al-Ajmi D, Ritchie A, Annamalai K, Al-Halhali AS: Effect of low levels of dietary cobalt on apparent nutrient digestibility in Omani goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology 109: 209216,(2003).
  • 30. Besong S, Jackson JA, Trammell DS, Akay V: Influence of Supplemental Chromium on Concentrations of Liver Triglyceride, Blood Metabolites and Rumen VFA Profile in Steers Fed a Moderately High Fat Diet J. Dairy Sci. 84:16791685, (2001).
  • 31. Anderson RA: Chromium as a naturally occurring Chemical in humans. Proceeding of chromate Symposium, Industrial Health Foundation, Inc., Pittsburg, pp 332-35, (1980).
  • 32. Schroeder HA: Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed thirteentraceelements. J Nutr 94:475-480, (1965).
  • 33. Borels JS, Anderson RA: Chroium in: Biochemistry of the essential ultra trace elements ( Ed: Frieden, E) Plenum Publishing Co (1984).
  • 34. Anderson RA and Polansky MM: Dietary Chromium deficiency: effect on sperm count and fertility in rats. Biol. Trace Element Res. 3:1-5, (1981).
  • 35. Punsar S, Wolf W, Mertz W, Karvonen MJ: urinary chromium excretion and atherosclerotic manifestations in two Finnish ınale populations. Ann. Clin. Res 9: 79- 83, (1997).
  • 36. Yang WZ, Mowat D N, Subiyatno A, Liptrap RM: Effects of chromium supplementation on early lactation performance of Holstein Cows. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 76:221-230, (1996).
  • 37. Miranda M, Alonso M L, Benedito J L: Copper, Zinc, iron, and Manganese Accumulation in Cattle from Asturias (Northern Spain). Biological Trace Element Research. 109:135-43,(2006).
  • 38. Committee for veterinary medicinai products manganese compounds. The European Agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Veterinary Mediciııe Evaluation Unit. December, (1997).
  • 39. Vinson JA, Bose P: Comparison of the bioavailability of trace elements in inorganic salts, amino acid chelates and yeast. Proceeding on mineral elements. 615-621, (1981).
  • 40. Hoves A D, Dyer IA: Diet and supplemental mineral effects on manganese metabolism in newbom calves. Journal ofAnimal Science. 32:141-145, (1971).
  • 41. Vyskocv il A, Viau C: Assessment of Molybdenum Toxicity in Humans. J. Appl. Toxicol. 19: 185192, (1999).
  • 42. GovasmarkE, SteenA,StromT,HansenS, SmghBR& Bemhoft A: Status of Selenium and Vitamin E on Norwegian Organic Sheep and Dairy Cattle Farms. Açta Agriculturae Scand Section A, 55:40-/46, (2005).
  • 43. Alexander FV, Clayton BV and Delves HT: Mineral and trace-metal balances in children receiving normal and synthetic diets. Q. J. Med. 43: 89111, (1974).
  • 44. Dick HT: Molybden in animal nutrition. Soil Science. 81: 229-258, (1971).
  • 45. Spears JW, Harvey RW, Samsell LJ: Effects of dietary and protein on growth, nitrogen metabolism and tissue concentrations of nickel, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in calves. J Nutr. 116:1873-1882,(1986).
  • 46. Spears JW: Nickel as a "newer trace element " in the nutrition of domestic animals. J Anim. Sci 59: 823-835, (1984).
  • 47. Anke M, Groppel B, Krause U: The essentiality of the toxic elements cadmium, arsenic and nickel in: Momcilovic B (ed) Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and animals, Dubrovnik. IMI, Zagrep, 6:11-8,(1991).
  • 48. Chad SE, Kotsampasi B M. Menegatos, JG, Zervas G P, Kalogiannis DG.: Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Thyroid Hormone Levels and Selenoenzyme Activities in Growing Lambs. Biological Trace Research. 109(2): 145- 54, (2006).
  • 49. Pulsipher G D,. Hathaway RL, Mosher W, Pirelli GJ., Delcurto T.: The Effect of fertilizing with sodium selemte on selenium concentration of hay and drain water and serum selenium concentrations in beef heıfers and calves. Proceedings, Westem Section, American Society forAnimal Science 55: 257-260,(2004).
  • 50. Lopez Alonso M, Benedito JL, Miranda M, Castilo C, Hemandez J, Shore RF: Toxic and trace elements in liver, kidney and meat from cattle slaughtered in Galicia (NW Spain). Food additives and contaminants 17 (6): 447-457, (2000).


Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 58 - 67, 01.06.2006


In this study, trace elements in ruminants are reviewed. Furthermore many of diseases in ruminants are occurred in and indirect are susceptible to against to diseases due to trace element deficiencies. This station result in economic result in lacks of economic. There are little requirements of trace for sustainable function of lifestyle such as growth, reproduction, healthy on ruminants. It is important that emphasized for sustainable lifestyle functions that to be enough for trace requirements. Insuffıciency, unbalanced, and deficiencies of trace elements are determiııed on ruminants diseases both are occurred in due to trace element deficiencies and loss of animals are occurred in indirect due to resulting in lack of trace elements they are important that point of view animals


  • 1. Underwood EJ. Trace elements in human and animal nutrition. Academic Press, fourth edition, (1977).
  • 2. Erdoğan S, Ergün Y, Erdoğan Z, Kontaş T: Hatay bölgesinde merada yetiştirilen koyun ve keçi serumlarında bazı mineral madde düzeyleri. Türk J Vet AnimSci 26:177-182,(2002).
  • 3. Baran E J, Wagner CC, Torre MH: Synthesis and characterization of EDTA complexes usefiıl for trace elements. J.Braz.Chem.Soc.13:576-582, (2002).
  • 4. Dowell LR: Minerals in animal and human nutrition. Academic Press Limited, london, (1992).
  • 5. Picco S J, Abba M.C, Mattioli G.A, Fazzio L E, Rosa D, De Luca JC, Dulout FN: Association between copper deficiency and DNA damage in cattle. Mutagenesis. 19(6): 453-456, (2004)
  • 6. Aba M, De luca JC, Mattioli G, Zaccardi E, Dulout FN: Clastogenic effect of copper deficiency in cattle. MutationResearch 466:51-55, (2000).
  • 7. Spears JW: Trace mineral bioavailability in ruminants. The Journal ofNutrition 133:1506-9, (2003).
  • 8. Leon A, Glenn JS, Farver TB: Copper oxide wire particles for the treatment of copper deficiency in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 35:7-12, (2000).
  • 9. Adogwa A, Mutani A, Ramnanan A, Ezeokoli C: The effect of gastrointestinal parasitism on blood copper and hemoglobin levels in sheep. Can. Vet. J. 46: 1017-1021, (2005).
  • 10. Underwood EJ, Suttle NF: The mineral nutrition of livestock. 3 rded.,New York, (2001).
  • 11. Işıkyıldız A, Altıntaş A: Bakarkör Buzağı ve danalarda serum ve karaciğer iz element (Zn, Cu, Mn) düzeyleri. AÜ VetFak Derg41 (3-4): 477-488, (1994).
  • 12. Sah RN and Brown PH: Boron DeterminationA Review of Analytical Methods. Mıcrochemıcal Journal. 56: 285304,(1997).
  • 13.
  • 14. Bolanos L, Lukaszewski K, Bonilla I, Blevins D:Why boron? Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 907912
  • 15. Pawa S, Ali S: Boron ameliorates fulminant hepatic failure by counteracting the changes associated with the oxidative stres. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 160: 8998,(2006).
  • 16. Dîaz-Gomez N, Domenech E, Barroso F, Castells S, Cortabarria C, Jimenez A: The effect of zinc supplementation on linear growth, body composition, and growth factors in preterm infants. Pediatrics 111(5): 1002- 1009,(2003).
  • 17. Ersoy E, Bayşu N: Biyokimya ders kitabı. Ankara Üni. Vet. Fak. Yayınları No: 408, (1986).
  • 18. Yousef MI, ElHendy HA, El-Demerdash FM, Elagamy El: Dietary Zinc deficiency induced-changes in the activity of enzymes and the levels of ffee radicals, lipids and protein electrophoretic behavior in growing rats. Toxicology 175:223-234.(2002).
  • 19. Aksoy G, Şahin T, Çimtay, İ, Arseim Kaya NB: Kuzularda çinko oksit uygulamalarının bazı biyokimyasal parametreler ve canlı ağırlık kazancı üzerine etkileri. Türk J Vet Anim Sci 26: 85-90, (2002).
  • 20. Öztürkcan S, Özçelik S: Çinko metabolizması ve eksikliği. ÇÜTıpFakDerg 14(3-4): 49-51,(1992).
  • 21. İmren HY, Şahal M: Veteriner îç Hastalıkları Kitabı, Feıyal Yayıncılık, Ankara, (1991).
  • 22. Aksoy G, KurtdedeA, Gül Y,Ağaoglu ZT,Dodurka T, Akgül Y, Kaymaz AA, Kalmbacak A, Or ME, Keleşi, Bakırel U: Geviş getiren havyaların İç hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi) kitabı (Editör: Gül, Y). Medipress yayıncılık, Malatya, (2002).
  • 23. Miltenburg GAJ, Wensing T, Van Vliet JPM, Schuljt G, Van de Broek J, Breukink HJ.: Blood hemoglobin, plasma iron, and tissue iron in dams in late gestation, at calving, and in veal calves at deliveıy and later. J Dairy Sci 74:3086-3094(1991).
  • 24. Stangl GI, Schwarz FJ, Kirchgessner M: Moderate longterm cobalt deficiency affects liver, brain, and eıythrocyte lipids and lipoprotein of cattle. Nutrition Research 19(3): 415-427,(1999).
  • 25. NCR: Vitamin tolerance of animals. National Academy Pres, Washington D.C 3-23. (1987).
  • 26. Siversten By T, Plassen C: Hepatic cobalt and copper levels in lambs in Norway. Açta Vet. Scand. 45: 69-77, (2004).
  • 27. Akesson B, Fehling C, Jagerstad M: Lipid composition and metabolism in liver and brain of vitamin B12- defîcient rat sucklings. Br J Nutr 41:263-274 (1979).
  • 28. Kennedy DG, Kennedy S, Blanchflower WJ, Scott JM., Weir DG, Molloy AM, Young PB: Cobalt- vitamin B12 deficiency causes accumulation of odd-numbered, branched-chain fatty acids in the tissues of sheep. Br J Nutr 71:67-76, (1994).
  • 29. Kadim I T, Johnson E H, Mahgoub O, Srikandakumar A, Al-Ajmi D, Ritchie A, Annamalai K, Al-Halhali AS: Effect of low levels of dietary cobalt on apparent nutrient digestibility in Omani goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology 109: 209216,(2003).
  • 30. Besong S, Jackson JA, Trammell DS, Akay V: Influence of Supplemental Chromium on Concentrations of Liver Triglyceride, Blood Metabolites and Rumen VFA Profile in Steers Fed a Moderately High Fat Diet J. Dairy Sci. 84:16791685, (2001).
  • 31. Anderson RA: Chromium as a naturally occurring Chemical in humans. Proceeding of chromate Symposium, Industrial Health Foundation, Inc., Pittsburg, pp 332-35, (1980).
  • 32. Schroeder HA: Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed thirteentraceelements. J Nutr 94:475-480, (1965).
  • 33. Borels JS, Anderson RA: Chroium in: Biochemistry of the essential ultra trace elements ( Ed: Frieden, E) Plenum Publishing Co (1984).
  • 34. Anderson RA and Polansky MM: Dietary Chromium deficiency: effect on sperm count and fertility in rats. Biol. Trace Element Res. 3:1-5, (1981).
  • 35. Punsar S, Wolf W, Mertz W, Karvonen MJ: urinary chromium excretion and atherosclerotic manifestations in two Finnish ınale populations. Ann. Clin. Res 9: 79- 83, (1997).
  • 36. Yang WZ, Mowat D N, Subiyatno A, Liptrap RM: Effects of chromium supplementation on early lactation performance of Holstein Cows. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 76:221-230, (1996).
  • 37. Miranda M, Alonso M L, Benedito J L: Copper, Zinc, iron, and Manganese Accumulation in Cattle from Asturias (Northern Spain). Biological Trace Element Research. 109:135-43,(2006).
  • 38. Committee for veterinary medicinai products manganese compounds. The European Agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Veterinary Mediciııe Evaluation Unit. December, (1997).
  • 39. Vinson JA, Bose P: Comparison of the bioavailability of trace elements in inorganic salts, amino acid chelates and yeast. Proceeding on mineral elements. 615-621, (1981).
  • 40. Hoves A D, Dyer IA: Diet and supplemental mineral effects on manganese metabolism in newbom calves. Journal ofAnimal Science. 32:141-145, (1971).
  • 41. Vyskocv il A, Viau C: Assessment of Molybdenum Toxicity in Humans. J. Appl. Toxicol. 19: 185192, (1999).
  • 42. GovasmarkE, SteenA,StromT,HansenS, SmghBR& Bemhoft A: Status of Selenium and Vitamin E on Norwegian Organic Sheep and Dairy Cattle Farms. Açta Agriculturae Scand Section A, 55:40-/46, (2005).
  • 43. Alexander FV, Clayton BV and Delves HT: Mineral and trace-metal balances in children receiving normal and synthetic diets. Q. J. Med. 43: 89111, (1974).
  • 44. Dick HT: Molybden in animal nutrition. Soil Science. 81: 229-258, (1971).
  • 45. Spears JW, Harvey RW, Samsell LJ: Effects of dietary and protein on growth, nitrogen metabolism and tissue concentrations of nickel, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in calves. J Nutr. 116:1873-1882,(1986).
  • 46. Spears JW: Nickel as a "newer trace element " in the nutrition of domestic animals. J Anim. Sci 59: 823-835, (1984).
  • 47. Anke M, Groppel B, Krause U: The essentiality of the toxic elements cadmium, arsenic and nickel in: Momcilovic B (ed) Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and animals, Dubrovnik. IMI, Zagrep, 6:11-8,(1991).
  • 48. Chad SE, Kotsampasi B M. Menegatos, JG, Zervas G P, Kalogiannis DG.: Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Thyroid Hormone Levels and Selenoenzyme Activities in Growing Lambs. Biological Trace Research. 109(2): 145- 54, (2006).
  • 49. Pulsipher G D,. Hathaway RL, Mosher W, Pirelli GJ., Delcurto T.: The Effect of fertilizing with sodium selemte on selenium concentration of hay and drain water and serum selenium concentrations in beef heıfers and calves. Proceedings, Westem Section, American Society forAnimal Science 55: 257-260,(2004).
  • 50. Lopez Alonso M, Benedito JL, Miranda M, Castilo C, Hemandez J, Shore RF: Toxic and trace elements in liver, kidney and meat from cattle slaughtered in Galicia (NW Spain). Food additives and contaminants 17 (6): 447-457, (2000).
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Süleyman Kozat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kozat, S. (2006). GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2), 58-67.
AMA Kozat S. GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2006;9(2):58-67.
Chicago Kozat, Süleyman. “GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Haziran 2006): 58-67.
EndNote Kozat S (01 Haziran 2006) GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9 2 58–67.
IEEE S. Kozat, “GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 58–67, 2006.
ISNAD Kozat, Süleyman. “GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9/2 (Haziran 2006), 58-67.
MLA Kozat, Süleyman. “GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2006, ss. 58-67.
Vancouver Kozat S. GEVİŞ GETİREN HAYVANLARDA İZ ELEMENTLERİN ÖNEMİ, GEREKLİLİĞİ VE NOKSANLIKLARININ ETKİLERİ. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2006;9(2):58-67.