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İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 127 - 138, 01.01.2006


Sitokinler, etkin monosit, makrofaj, lenfosit ve diğer hücreler tarafından üretilen peptid veya glikoprotein yapısında düzenleyici moleküllerdir. Bağışıklık veya yangısel olaylarda görev yapan hücrelerin etkinliklerini artıran sitokinler, etkilerini sistemik veya lokal olarak gösterirler. Sitokinler; interlökinler. interferonlar. koloni stimiilan faktörler ve çeşitli büyüme faktörleri gibi molekül gruplarından oluşmaktadır. Bu derlemede interlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir


  • 1. Trotta PP: Cytokines: An Overview. Anı J Repro Immunol 25:137-141,(1991).
  • 2. Akyol G, Şengil, Z, Baysal B:İnterlökinler. S Ü Tıp Fak Derg 10:117-123,(1994).
  • 3. Arda M, Minbay A, Aydın N, Akay Ö, İzgür M. Diker KS: İmmünoloji, Medisan Yayınevi. Medisan Yayın Serisi No: 13. Ankara. (1994).
  • 4. Abbas AK. Lichtman AH. Pober JS: Cellular and molecular immunology: Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (1991).
  • 5. Szelenyi J: Cytokines and the Central nervous system. Brain Res Bull 54:329-338, (2001).
  • 6. Stein RC, D a 1 g 1 e i s h AG: Immunomodulatory agents: The cytokines. Euro J Cancer 30A: 400-404. (1994).
  • 7. Rees RC: Cytokines as biological response modifıers. J Clin Pathol 45: 93-98, (1992).
  • 8. Dunn AJ. Wang J, Ando T: Effects of cytokines on cerebral neurotransmission. Adv Exp MedBiol 461:117-127.(1999).
  • 9. Imura H. Fukata J, Mori T: Cytokines and endocrine funetion: An interaetion between the immune and neuroendocrine Systems. Clin Immunol35:107-115,(1991).
  • 10. Grimble R: Inflammation. cytokines and nutrition. Euro J Clin Nutr 45:413-417. (1991).
  • 11. Smith KA: Interleukin-2.inception, impact and implication. Science 240: 1169-1176. (1988).
  • 12. Lindemann A. Mertelsmann R: Interleukin-3: Structure and funetion. Cancer Invest 11:609- 623.(1993).
  • 13. Gessner A, Rollinghoff M: Biologic funetions and signalling of the interleukin-4 receptor complexes. Immunobiology 201: 2 8 5-3 07. (2000).
  • 14. LorentzA. Bischoff SC: Regulation of human intestinal mast cells by stem celi factor and IL-4. Immunol Rev 179:57-60. (2001).
  • 15. Babiuk LA. Sordillo MC. Hughes HPA. RossiCampos A. Harlan R: Symposium: Immunobiology of cytokines and their application in disease prevention in dairy cattle. 74: 4385- 4398.(1991).
  • 16. Oswald IP. Grazzinelli RT. Sher A. James SL: IL10 synergies with IL-4 and transforming growth factor-beta to inhibit maerophage cytotoxic aetivity. J Immunol 148: 3578-3585.(1992).
  • 17. Mahanty S. Nutman TB: The biology of interleukin-5 and its receptor. Cancer Invest 11:5. 624-634.(1993).
  • 18. Lalani T. Simmons RK. Ahmed AR: Biology of IL-5 in health and disease. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 82:317-332. (1999).
  • 19. Fujisawa T. Abu-Ghazaleh R. Kita II, Sanderson CJ. Gleich GJ: Regulatorv effect of cytokines on eosinophil degranulation. J Immunol 144:642- 646.(1990).
  • 20. Yokota T. Coffman RL. Hagiawara H. Rennick DM. Takebe Y. Yokota K. Gemmell L. Shrader B. Yang G. Meverson P. Luh J. Hoy P. Pene J, Briere F. Spits H. Bancherua J. de Vries J. Lee FD. Arai. N. Arai. K: Isolation and characterisation lymphokine cDNA elones encoding mouse and human IgA-enhancing factor and eosinophil colonu-stimulating factor activities: relationship to interleukin 5. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 7388- 7398.(1987).
  • 21. Bischoff SC. BrunnerTL. De WeckAL. Dahinden CA: interleukin 5 modifies histamine release and leukotıiene generation by human basophils in response to diverse agonists. J Exp Med 172:1577- 1582.(1990).
  • 22. Kishimoto T, Akira S. Taga T: Interleukin-6 and its receptors. Science 258: 593- 597.(1992).
  • 23. Barkhudaryan N, Dunn AJ: Molecularmechanisms of actions of interleukin-6 on the brain. with special reference to serotonin and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Neurochem Res 24:1169-1180.(1999).
  • 24. Revel M: Interleukin-6. “Powanda M (Ed): Monokines and other non-lymphocytic cytokines”. Liss. (1988).
  • 25. LotzM: Interleukin-6. Cancer Invest 11: 732-742.(1993).
  • 26. Barton BE: The biological effects of interleukin 6. Med Res Rev 16: 87-109. (1996).
  • 27. Frei K. Malipiero UV. Leist TP, Zinkernagel RM. Schwab ME. Fontana A: On the cellular source and function of interleukin 6 produced in the Central nervous system in viral diseases. Euro J Immunol 19:689-694. (1989).
  • 28. Appasamy PM: İnterleukin 7: Biology and potential clinical applications. Cancer Invest 11:487-499.(1993).
  • 29. Hickınan CJ. Crim JA. Mostowski HS: Regulation of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte development by IL-7. J Immunol 145: 2415-2420. (1990).
  • 30. Alderson MR, Tough TW Ziegler SF: Interleukin/induces cvtokine secretion and tumoricidal activity by human peripheral blood monocytes. J Exp Med 173: 923-930. (1991).
  • 31. Hebert CA. Baker JB: Interleukin-8: A review. Cancer Invest 11:743-750,(1993).
  • 32. Frew AJ: Cytokines, chemokines. T cells and allergy. Clin Exp Allergv 26:2-4, (1996).
  • 33. Sherry B. Cerami A: Small cvtokine superfamily. Curr Opin Immunol 3: 56-60. (1991).
  • 34. Quesniaux VFJ: Interleukins 9. 10. 11 and 12 and kit ligand: A brief overview. Res Immunol 143:385-400.(1992).
  • 35. Renauld JC. Houssiau F, Louahed J, Vink A. Van Snick J. Uyttenhove C: Interleukin-9. AdvImmunol 54: 79-97.(1992).
  • 36. Fiorentino DF. Bond MW. Mosmann TR: Two types of mouse T helper celi. IV. Th2 clones secrete a factor that inhibits cytokine production by Thl clones. J Exp Med 170: 2081- 2095,(1989).
  • 37. Lalani I, Bhol K. Ahmed AR: interleukin-10: Biology. role in inflammation and autoimmunity. Ann Aller Asthma Immunol 79:469- 483.(1997).
  • 38. MacNeil IA, Suda T, Moore KW, Mosman TR. Zlotnik. A: IL-10. a novel growth factor for mature and immalure T cells. J Immunol 145:4167- 4173,(1990).
  • 39. 39.Shelburne CP. Rvan JJ: The role of Th2 cytokines in mast celi hoıneostasis. Immunol Rev 179:82-93.(2001).
  • 40. Leng SX. Elias JA: interleukin-11. Inter J Biochem Celi Physiol 29: 1059-1062. (1997). 41. Yang YC: interleukin ll:an overview. StemCells 11:474-486.(1993).
  • 42. Qesniaux VF. Mayer P. Liehl E. Goldman SJ. Fagg B: Review of a novel hematopoietic cytokine. interleukin-11. Int Rev Exper Pathol 34 Pt A: 205-214.(1993).
  • 43. Baumann H. Schendel P: interleukin-11 regulates the hepatic expression of the same plasma protein genes as interleikin-6. J Biol Chem 266: 20424-20427.(1991).
  • 44. Gately MK. Wolitzky AG. Quinn PM, Chizzonite R: Regulation of human cytolvtic lymphocyte responses by interleukin-12. Celi Immunol 143:127-142.(1992).
  • 45. Chung F: Anti-inflammatory cytokines in asthma and allergy: interleukin-10. interleukin- 12. interferon-gamma. Mediators İnflamm 10: 51- 59.(2001).
  • 46. Trinchieri. G Gerosa F: Immunoregulation by interleukin-12. J Leukocyte Biol 59: 505-511.(1996).
  • 47. Kobayashi M, Fitz L. Ryan M. Hewick RM. Clark SC, Chan S. Loudon R. Sherman F. Perussia B. Trinchieri G: Identification and purifıcation of natural killer celi stimulatory factor (NK.SF). a cytokine with multiple biologic effects on human lymphocytes. J Exp Med 170: 827-845, (1989).
  • 48. De-Wall Malefvt R. Figdor R, De-Vries JE: Effects of interleukin 4 on monocyte functions: comparison to interleukin 13. Res Immunol 144: 629- 633.(1993).
  • 49. De -Vries JE: The role of İL-13 and its receptor in allergy and inflammatory responses. J Aller Clin Immunol 102:165-169,(1998).
  • 50. Perera LP: Interleukin-15: it's role ininflammation and immunity. Arch Imnıunol Ther Exp (Warsz) 48:457-464. (2000).

The biological effects of interleukıns

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 127 - 138, 01.01.2006


Cvtokines are regülatör}’ molecules in structures of peptide and glvcoprotein produced bv activated monocyte, macrophage, lymphocyte and the other cells. Cvtokines increase cells functioning in immunity and inflammatory proccss and their effects are local or systemic. Cvtokines include groups of molecules such as interleukins, interferons, colony stimulating factors and a varietv of growth factors. In this review. current knowledge about the biological effects of interleukins has been given


  • 1. Trotta PP: Cytokines: An Overview. Anı J Repro Immunol 25:137-141,(1991).
  • 2. Akyol G, Şengil, Z, Baysal B:İnterlökinler. S Ü Tıp Fak Derg 10:117-123,(1994).
  • 3. Arda M, Minbay A, Aydın N, Akay Ö, İzgür M. Diker KS: İmmünoloji, Medisan Yayınevi. Medisan Yayın Serisi No: 13. Ankara. (1994).
  • 4. Abbas AK. Lichtman AH. Pober JS: Cellular and molecular immunology: Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. (1991).
  • 5. Szelenyi J: Cytokines and the Central nervous system. Brain Res Bull 54:329-338, (2001).
  • 6. Stein RC, D a 1 g 1 e i s h AG: Immunomodulatory agents: The cytokines. Euro J Cancer 30A: 400-404. (1994).
  • 7. Rees RC: Cytokines as biological response modifıers. J Clin Pathol 45: 93-98, (1992).
  • 8. Dunn AJ. Wang J, Ando T: Effects of cytokines on cerebral neurotransmission. Adv Exp MedBiol 461:117-127.(1999).
  • 9. Imura H. Fukata J, Mori T: Cytokines and endocrine funetion: An interaetion between the immune and neuroendocrine Systems. Clin Immunol35:107-115,(1991).
  • 10. Grimble R: Inflammation. cytokines and nutrition. Euro J Clin Nutr 45:413-417. (1991).
  • 11. Smith KA: Interleukin-2.inception, impact and implication. Science 240: 1169-1176. (1988).
  • 12. Lindemann A. Mertelsmann R: Interleukin-3: Structure and funetion. Cancer Invest 11:609- 623.(1993).
  • 13. Gessner A, Rollinghoff M: Biologic funetions and signalling of the interleukin-4 receptor complexes. Immunobiology 201: 2 8 5-3 07. (2000).
  • 14. LorentzA. Bischoff SC: Regulation of human intestinal mast cells by stem celi factor and IL-4. Immunol Rev 179:57-60. (2001).
  • 15. Babiuk LA. Sordillo MC. Hughes HPA. RossiCampos A. Harlan R: Symposium: Immunobiology of cytokines and their application in disease prevention in dairy cattle. 74: 4385- 4398.(1991).
  • 16. Oswald IP. Grazzinelli RT. Sher A. James SL: IL10 synergies with IL-4 and transforming growth factor-beta to inhibit maerophage cytotoxic aetivity. J Immunol 148: 3578-3585.(1992).
  • 17. Mahanty S. Nutman TB: The biology of interleukin-5 and its receptor. Cancer Invest 11:5. 624-634.(1993).
  • 18. Lalani T. Simmons RK. Ahmed AR: Biology of IL-5 in health and disease. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 82:317-332. (1999).
  • 19. Fujisawa T. Abu-Ghazaleh R. Kita II, Sanderson CJ. Gleich GJ: Regulatorv effect of cytokines on eosinophil degranulation. J Immunol 144:642- 646.(1990).
  • 20. Yokota T. Coffman RL. Hagiawara H. Rennick DM. Takebe Y. Yokota K. Gemmell L. Shrader B. Yang G. Meverson P. Luh J. Hoy P. Pene J, Briere F. Spits H. Bancherua J. de Vries J. Lee FD. Arai. N. Arai. K: Isolation and characterisation lymphokine cDNA elones encoding mouse and human IgA-enhancing factor and eosinophil colonu-stimulating factor activities: relationship to interleukin 5. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 7388- 7398.(1987).
  • 21. Bischoff SC. BrunnerTL. De WeckAL. Dahinden CA: interleukin 5 modifies histamine release and leukotıiene generation by human basophils in response to diverse agonists. J Exp Med 172:1577- 1582.(1990).
  • 22. Kishimoto T, Akira S. Taga T: Interleukin-6 and its receptors. Science 258: 593- 597.(1992).
  • 23. Barkhudaryan N, Dunn AJ: Molecularmechanisms of actions of interleukin-6 on the brain. with special reference to serotonin and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Neurochem Res 24:1169-1180.(1999).
  • 24. Revel M: Interleukin-6. “Powanda M (Ed): Monokines and other non-lymphocytic cytokines”. Liss. (1988).
  • 25. LotzM: Interleukin-6. Cancer Invest 11: 732-742.(1993).
  • 26. Barton BE: The biological effects of interleukin 6. Med Res Rev 16: 87-109. (1996).
  • 27. Frei K. Malipiero UV. Leist TP, Zinkernagel RM. Schwab ME. Fontana A: On the cellular source and function of interleukin 6 produced in the Central nervous system in viral diseases. Euro J Immunol 19:689-694. (1989).
  • 28. Appasamy PM: İnterleukin 7: Biology and potential clinical applications. Cancer Invest 11:487-499.(1993).
  • 29. Hickınan CJ. Crim JA. Mostowski HS: Regulation of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte development by IL-7. J Immunol 145: 2415-2420. (1990).
  • 30. Alderson MR, Tough TW Ziegler SF: Interleukin/induces cvtokine secretion and tumoricidal activity by human peripheral blood monocytes. J Exp Med 173: 923-930. (1991).
  • 31. Hebert CA. Baker JB: Interleukin-8: A review. Cancer Invest 11:743-750,(1993).
  • 32. Frew AJ: Cytokines, chemokines. T cells and allergy. Clin Exp Allergv 26:2-4, (1996).
  • 33. Sherry B. Cerami A: Small cvtokine superfamily. Curr Opin Immunol 3: 56-60. (1991).
  • 34. Quesniaux VFJ: Interleukins 9. 10. 11 and 12 and kit ligand: A brief overview. Res Immunol 143:385-400.(1992).
  • 35. Renauld JC. Houssiau F, Louahed J, Vink A. Van Snick J. Uyttenhove C: Interleukin-9. AdvImmunol 54: 79-97.(1992).
  • 36. Fiorentino DF. Bond MW. Mosmann TR: Two types of mouse T helper celi. IV. Th2 clones secrete a factor that inhibits cytokine production by Thl clones. J Exp Med 170: 2081- 2095,(1989).
  • 37. Lalani I, Bhol K. Ahmed AR: interleukin-10: Biology. role in inflammation and autoimmunity. Ann Aller Asthma Immunol 79:469- 483.(1997).
  • 38. MacNeil IA, Suda T, Moore KW, Mosman TR. Zlotnik. A: IL-10. a novel growth factor for mature and immalure T cells. J Immunol 145:4167- 4173,(1990).
  • 39. 39.Shelburne CP. Rvan JJ: The role of Th2 cytokines in mast celi hoıneostasis. Immunol Rev 179:82-93.(2001).
  • 40. Leng SX. Elias JA: interleukin-11. Inter J Biochem Celi Physiol 29: 1059-1062. (1997). 41. Yang YC: interleukin ll:an overview. StemCells 11:474-486.(1993).
  • 42. Qesniaux VF. Mayer P. Liehl E. Goldman SJ. Fagg B: Review of a novel hematopoietic cytokine. interleukin-11. Int Rev Exper Pathol 34 Pt A: 205-214.(1993).
  • 43. Baumann H. Schendel P: interleukin-11 regulates the hepatic expression of the same plasma protein genes as interleikin-6. J Biol Chem 266: 20424-20427.(1991).
  • 44. Gately MK. Wolitzky AG. Quinn PM, Chizzonite R: Regulation of human cytolvtic lymphocyte responses by interleukin-12. Celi Immunol 143:127-142.(1992).
  • 45. Chung F: Anti-inflammatory cytokines in asthma and allergy: interleukin-10. interleukin- 12. interferon-gamma. Mediators İnflamm 10: 51- 59.(2001).
  • 46. Trinchieri. G Gerosa F: Immunoregulation by interleukin-12. J Leukocyte Biol 59: 505-511.(1996).
  • 47. Kobayashi M, Fitz L. Ryan M. Hewick RM. Clark SC, Chan S. Loudon R. Sherman F. Perussia B. Trinchieri G: Identification and purifıcation of natural killer celi stimulatory factor (NK.SF). a cytokine with multiple biologic effects on human lymphocytes. J Exp Med 170: 827-845, (1989).
  • 48. De-Wall Malefvt R. Figdor R, De-Vries JE: Effects of interleukin 4 on monocyte functions: comparison to interleukin 13. Res Immunol 144: 629- 633.(1993).
  • 49. De -Vries JE: The role of İL-13 and its receptor in allergy and inflammatory responses. J Aller Clin Immunol 102:165-169,(1998).
  • 50. Perera LP: Interleukin-15: it's role ininflammation and immunity. Arch Imnıunol Ther Exp (Warsz) 48:457-464. (2000).
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Feyyaz Önder Bu kişi benim

Ercan Keskin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Önder, F., & Keskin, E. (2006). İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(1), 127-138.
AMA Önder F, Keskin E. İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. Ocak 2006;9(1):127-138.
Chicago Önder, Feyyaz, ve Ercan Keskin. “İnterlökinlerin Biyolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9, sy. 1 (Ocak 2006): 127-38.
EndNote Önder F, Keskin E (01 Ocak 2006) İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9 1 127–138.
IEEE F. Önder ve E. Keskin, “İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 127–138, 2006.
ISNAD Önder, Feyyaz - Keskin, Ercan. “İnterlökinlerin Biyolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9/1 (Ocak 2006), 127-138.
JAMA Önder F, Keskin E. İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2006;9:127–138.
MLA Önder, Feyyaz ve Ercan Keskin. “İnterlökinlerin Biyolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 1, 2006, ss. 127-38.
Vancouver Önder F, Keskin E. İnterlökinlerin biyolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2006;9(1):127-38.