Tiletamin-Zolazepam'ın Equide, Ruminant ve Diğer Bazı Hayvan Türlerinde
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 231 - 236, 01.01.2006
Nihat Şındak
Halil Selçuk Biricik
Bu derlemede; tiletamin-zolazepam ve kombinasyonları hakkında bilgi verildi. Equide. Ruminant ve diğer bazı hayvan türlerinde hangi yolla ve hangi dozda kullanıldığı, kardiyovasküler ve solunum sisteminde meydana getirdiği değişiklikler literatür verileri ışığında ele alındı. Ayrıca: sağladığı kas gevşemesi, anestezi süresi ve yan etkileri yine konuyla ilgili araştırma makalelerinden yararlanılarak tartışıldı
- 1. Short CE. Tracy CH: Technical discussion
about telazol. Vet Med, 83 (1): 8-10, (1988).
- 2. Şındak N: Köpeklerde tilatamin- zolazepam ve
tilatamin-zolazepam-xylazin anestezisi, YYÜ
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü (tez), Van. (1998).
- 3. Şındak N. Alkan î. Ağaoğlu ZT, Baydaş B.
Akkan HA. Aslan L: Van kedilerinde
tilatamin- zolazepam anestezisinin klinik tablo
ve kan gazlarına etkisi. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner
Fakültesi Dergisi. 9(1-2): 32-35.(1998).
- 4. Tracy CH. Short CE. Clark BC: Comparing the
effects of intravenous and intramuscular
administration of telazol. Vet Med. 83:104-
- 5. Bree MM, Cohen BJ. Rowe SE: Dissociative
anesthesia in dogs and primates: Clinical
Evaluation of CI-744. Lab Anim Sci. 22: 878-
- 6. Chen CF, Chow SY: Effects of tiletamine on
spinal cord synaptic transmission. Europ .1
Pharmacol. 27:346-348, (1972).
- 7. Smith RD. Pettway CE: Absence of
sensitization to epinephrine-induced cardiac
arrhythmia and fıbrillation in dogs and cats
anesthetized with CI-744. Am J Vet Res. 36:
695- 698.(1975).
- 8. Short CE: Talking about telazol: Roıınd
- 9. Lin HC. Branson KR. Thurmon JC, Benson
GJ. Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA: Ketamine.
telazol. xylazine and detomidine: a
comparative study of anesthetic drug
combinations in ponies. Açta Scandinavia
Veterinarian. 33: 109-115. (1992).
- 10. Matthews NS. Taylor TS. Hartsfıeld SM: A
comparison of injectable anesthetic regimens
in mules. In proceedings of the annual meeting
of american college of veterinary
anesthesiologists. Pp. 15. New Orleans.
Louisiana. (1989).
- 11. Matthevvs NS, Taylor TS. Hartsfıeld SM: A
comparison of injectable anesthetic
combinations in donkeys. In Proceedings of
The Annual Meeting of American College
ofVeterinary Anesthesiologists. Pp. 13. Las
Vegas. Nevada. (1990).
- 12. Wan PY, Trim CM. and Mueller POE:
Xylazine-ketamine and detomidine-tiletaminezolazepam anesthesia in horses. Vet Surg. 21
(4): 312-318.(1992).
- 13. Lin HC. Tyler JW, Wallace SS, Thurmon JC.
Wolfe DF: Telazol and xylazine anesthesia in
sheep. Cornell Vet. 83 (2): 117-124. (1993).
- 14. Howard BW, Lagutchik MS, Januszkiewicz
AJ. Martin DG: The cardiovascular response of
sheep to tiletamine-zolazepam and butorphanol
tartarate anesthesia. Vet Surg. 19: 461-
- 15. Lagutchik MS. Januszkiewicz AJ. Dodd KT.
Martin, DG: Cardiopulınonary effects of
tiletamine zolazepam combination in sheep.
Am J VetRes.52:1441-1447,(1991).
- 16. Lin HC. Wallace SS. Tyler JW. Rabbins RL,
Thurmon JC, Wolfe DF: Comparison of
tiletamine-zolazepam-ketamine and tiletaminezolazepam-ketamine-xylazine anaesthesia in
sheep. Australian Veterinarv Journal. 71 (8):
239- 242.(1994).
- 17. Conner GH. Coppock RW. Beck CW:
Laboratorv use of Cl-744. a cataleptoid
anesthetic in sheep. Vet Med. 69:479-482.
- 18. Lin HC, Thurmon JC. Benson GJ. Tranquilli
XJ. Olson WA: Hemodynamic responses of
calves to tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine
anesthesia. Am J Vet Res, 52:1606-
- 19. Thurmon JC. Lin HC. Benson GJ, Tranquilli
WJ. Olson WA: Telazol-xylazine: an
anesthetic drug combination lor calves. Vet
Med. 84:824-829.(1989).
- 20. Şındak. N: Ceylanlarda Tiletamin- zolazepamxvlazin Anestezisi. VII. Ulusal Veteriner
Cerrahi Kongresi. 8-9, (2002).
- 21. Popilskis SJ, Oz MC, Gorman P, Florestal A.
Kohn DF: Comparison of xylazine vvith
tiletamine-zolazepam (telazol) and xylazineketamine anesthesia in rabbits. Lab Anim Sci.
41 (1): 51-53,(1991).
- 22. Doering BJ. Brammer DW. Chrisp LE. Rush
HG: Anesthetic and nephrotoxic effects of
tiletamin'zolazepam in rabbbıts. Lab Anim Sci.
40 (5): 562,(1990).
- 23. Ko JCH. Williams BL, Smith
VL. Mc Grath CJ, Jacobson JD: Comparison
of telazol. telazol-ketamine. telazol-xylazine
and telazol- ketamine-xylazine as Chemical
restraint and anesthetic induction
combinastion in swine. Lab Anim Sci, 43 (5):
476-480. (1993).
- 24. Thurmon JC. Benson GJ.
Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA, Tracv CH: The
anesthetic and analgesic effects of telazol and
xylazine in pigs: evaluating clinical trials.
Vet Med. 83: 841-845, (1988).
- 25. Cornick JL. Jansen J: Anesthetic
management of ostriches. JAVMA. 200 (11):
1661- 1666.(1992).
- 26. Klein L. Tomasic M. Olson K:
Evaluation of telazol in Ilamas. Preceeding of
tlıe annual meeting of the american college
of veterinary anesthesiologist., pp. 23. New
Orleans. Louisiana. (1989).
- 27. Holz P: Immobilization of
marsupials withtiletamine and Zolazepam. J.
Zoo and Wildlife Med, 23 (4): 426-
- 28. Lin HC. Thurmon JC. Benson
GS. Tranquilli WJ: Telazol a review of its
pharmacology and use in veterinary
medicine. J Vet Phannacol Therap, 16:383-
- 29. Lin HC, Benson GJ, Thurmon
JC. Tranquili WJ, Olson WA: A case report
on immobilization and anesthesia of time
zebra. JAVMA. 202:988-990. (1993).
- 30. Stirling I. Spencer C,
Andriaslıek D: immobilization of polar bears
with telazol in the canadian arctic. J Wildlife
Dis, 25 (2): 159-168. (1989).
- 31. Williams TD. Kocher FH:
Comparison of anesthetic agents in the sea
otter. JAVMA, 173 (9): 1127-1130.(1978).
- 32. Lin HC, Thurmon JC, Benson
GJ, Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA: The
hemodynamic responses of calves to
tilatamine-zolazepam anesthesia. Vet Surg.
- 33. Mathews NS, Hartsfield SM.
Cornick JL. Williams JD. Beasley A: A
comparision of injectable anesthetic
combination in horses. Vet Surg, 20:268-
The use of Tiletamin-Zolazepam in Equide, Ruminant and the other some species
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 231 - 236, 01.01.2006
Nihat Şındak
Halil Selçuk Biricik
In this review. current literatüre on Tiletamin-zolazepam and their combinations were reported. Their doses in the equines. ruminants and some other animal species. route of administration and effects on the cardiov-ascular and respiratory system were evaluated. In addition. the analgesic effect, muscle relaxation. duration of anaesthesia and side effects of these agents were discussed in the view of the literatüre availabie. Kev words : Tiletamin. Zolazepam. Equide. Ruminant. Anaesthesia
- 1. Short CE. Tracy CH: Technical discussion
about telazol. Vet Med, 83 (1): 8-10, (1988).
- 2. Şındak N: Köpeklerde tilatamin- zolazepam ve
tilatamin-zolazepam-xylazin anestezisi, YYÜ
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü (tez), Van. (1998).
- 3. Şındak N. Alkan î. Ağaoğlu ZT, Baydaş B.
Akkan HA. Aslan L: Van kedilerinde
tilatamin- zolazepam anestezisinin klinik tablo
ve kan gazlarına etkisi. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner
Fakültesi Dergisi. 9(1-2): 32-35.(1998).
- 4. Tracy CH. Short CE. Clark BC: Comparing the
effects of intravenous and intramuscular
administration of telazol. Vet Med. 83:104-
- 5. Bree MM, Cohen BJ. Rowe SE: Dissociative
anesthesia in dogs and primates: Clinical
Evaluation of CI-744. Lab Anim Sci. 22: 878-
- 6. Chen CF, Chow SY: Effects of tiletamine on
spinal cord synaptic transmission. Europ .1
Pharmacol. 27:346-348, (1972).
- 7. Smith RD. Pettway CE: Absence of
sensitization to epinephrine-induced cardiac
arrhythmia and fıbrillation in dogs and cats
anesthetized with CI-744. Am J Vet Res. 36:
695- 698.(1975).
- 8. Short CE: Talking about telazol: Roıınd
- 9. Lin HC. Branson KR. Thurmon JC, Benson
GJ. Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA: Ketamine.
telazol. xylazine and detomidine: a
comparative study of anesthetic drug
combinations in ponies. Açta Scandinavia
Veterinarian. 33: 109-115. (1992).
- 10. Matthews NS. Taylor TS. Hartsfıeld SM: A
comparison of injectable anesthetic regimens
in mules. In proceedings of the annual meeting
of american college of veterinary
anesthesiologists. Pp. 15. New Orleans.
Louisiana. (1989).
- 11. Matthevvs NS, Taylor TS. Hartsfıeld SM: A
comparison of injectable anesthetic
combinations in donkeys. In Proceedings of
The Annual Meeting of American College
ofVeterinary Anesthesiologists. Pp. 13. Las
Vegas. Nevada. (1990).
- 12. Wan PY, Trim CM. and Mueller POE:
Xylazine-ketamine and detomidine-tiletaminezolazepam anesthesia in horses. Vet Surg. 21
(4): 312-318.(1992).
- 13. Lin HC. Tyler JW, Wallace SS, Thurmon JC.
Wolfe DF: Telazol and xylazine anesthesia in
sheep. Cornell Vet. 83 (2): 117-124. (1993).
- 14. Howard BW, Lagutchik MS, Januszkiewicz
AJ. Martin DG: The cardiovascular response of
sheep to tiletamine-zolazepam and butorphanol
tartarate anesthesia. Vet Surg. 19: 461-
- 15. Lagutchik MS. Januszkiewicz AJ. Dodd KT.
Martin, DG: Cardiopulınonary effects of
tiletamine zolazepam combination in sheep.
Am J VetRes.52:1441-1447,(1991).
- 16. Lin HC. Wallace SS. Tyler JW. Rabbins RL,
Thurmon JC, Wolfe DF: Comparison of
tiletamine-zolazepam-ketamine and tiletaminezolazepam-ketamine-xylazine anaesthesia in
sheep. Australian Veterinarv Journal. 71 (8):
239- 242.(1994).
- 17. Conner GH. Coppock RW. Beck CW:
Laboratorv use of Cl-744. a cataleptoid
anesthetic in sheep. Vet Med. 69:479-482.
- 18. Lin HC, Thurmon JC. Benson GJ. Tranquilli
XJ. Olson WA: Hemodynamic responses of
calves to tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine
anesthesia. Am J Vet Res, 52:1606-
- 19. Thurmon JC. Lin HC. Benson GJ, Tranquilli
WJ. Olson WA: Telazol-xylazine: an
anesthetic drug combination lor calves. Vet
Med. 84:824-829.(1989).
- 20. Şındak. N: Ceylanlarda Tiletamin- zolazepamxvlazin Anestezisi. VII. Ulusal Veteriner
Cerrahi Kongresi. 8-9, (2002).
- 21. Popilskis SJ, Oz MC, Gorman P, Florestal A.
Kohn DF: Comparison of xylazine vvith
tiletamine-zolazepam (telazol) and xylazineketamine anesthesia in rabbits. Lab Anim Sci.
41 (1): 51-53,(1991).
- 22. Doering BJ. Brammer DW. Chrisp LE. Rush
HG: Anesthetic and nephrotoxic effects of
tiletamin'zolazepam in rabbbıts. Lab Anim Sci.
40 (5): 562,(1990).
- 23. Ko JCH. Williams BL, Smith
VL. Mc Grath CJ, Jacobson JD: Comparison
of telazol. telazol-ketamine. telazol-xylazine
and telazol- ketamine-xylazine as Chemical
restraint and anesthetic induction
combinastion in swine. Lab Anim Sci, 43 (5):
476-480. (1993).
- 24. Thurmon JC. Benson GJ.
Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA, Tracv CH: The
anesthetic and analgesic effects of telazol and
xylazine in pigs: evaluating clinical trials.
Vet Med. 83: 841-845, (1988).
- 25. Cornick JL. Jansen J: Anesthetic
management of ostriches. JAVMA. 200 (11):
1661- 1666.(1992).
- 26. Klein L. Tomasic M. Olson K:
Evaluation of telazol in Ilamas. Preceeding of
tlıe annual meeting of the american college
of veterinary anesthesiologist., pp. 23. New
Orleans. Louisiana. (1989).
- 27. Holz P: Immobilization of
marsupials withtiletamine and Zolazepam. J.
Zoo and Wildlife Med, 23 (4): 426-
- 28. Lin HC. Thurmon JC. Benson
GS. Tranquilli WJ: Telazol a review of its
pharmacology and use in veterinary
medicine. J Vet Phannacol Therap, 16:383-
- 29. Lin HC, Benson GJ, Thurmon
JC. Tranquili WJ, Olson WA: A case report
on immobilization and anesthesia of time
zebra. JAVMA. 202:988-990. (1993).
- 30. Stirling I. Spencer C,
Andriaslıek D: immobilization of polar bears
with telazol in the canadian arctic. J Wildlife
Dis, 25 (2): 159-168. (1989).
- 31. Williams TD. Kocher FH:
Comparison of anesthetic agents in the sea
otter. JAVMA, 173 (9): 1127-1130.(1978).
- 32. Lin HC, Thurmon JC, Benson
GJ, Tranquilli WJ. Olson WA: The
hemodynamic responses of calves to
tilatamine-zolazepam anesthesia. Vet Surg.
- 33. Mathews NS, Hartsfield SM.
Cornick JL. Williams JD. Beasley A: A
comparision of injectable anesthetic
combination in horses. Vet Surg, 20:268-