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Hızlandırılmıs Yaşlandırma Yapılan Argomulyo Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Mutant Hatlarına Ait Tohumların Depolanabirliği ve Genetik Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 763 - 775, 15.09.2021


Gama ışını ile ışınlanmış olan Argomulyo popülasyonundan seçilen 22 soya fasulyesi mutant hatlarının tohum depolanabilirliği, APC-IPB 77-1MM olarak bilinen hızlı yaşlandırma aleti ile değerlendirilmiştir. Hızlandırılmış yaşlandırma testinde 20, 40, 60 ve 80 dakika içinde uygulanarak % 90 etanol kullanılmıştır. M100-96-53-6 'nın 20-80 dakika kimyasal hızlandırılmış yaşlandırma yapıldıktan sonra tohumun çimlenme oranı, çimlenme hızı ve elektriksel direnç değerinde yavaşlama eğilimi gösterilerek daha az tohum bozulma oranının yanı sıra iyi depolanabilirliğe sahip olduğu tahmin edilmiştir. Vigor (güç) testi için elektrik iletkenliği (EC) testi yerine bir alternatif olarak elektrik direnci (ER) testi kullanılabilmektedir. Nem içeriği hariç tüm parametrelerde bitkilerin kalıtım derecesi yüksek ve genetik ilerleme orta ila yüksek olduğu kaydedilmiştir. Regresyonun elde edilen R-kare değeri ve genetik parametreler değeri bakımından sonraki nesilde özellikleri iyileştirme amacıyla seçime (seleksiyona) ilk aşama için tohumun çimlenme oranı ve çimlenme hızı gözden geçirilebilmektedir.


  • Ali, A., Khan, S. A., Ehsanullah, Ali, N., & Hussain, I. (2016). Estimation of genetic parameters in soybean for yield and morphological characters. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinery Sciences, 32(2), 162-168.
  • Annicchiarico, P. (2002). Genotype X Environment Interactions-Challenges and Opportunities for Plant Breeding and Cultivar Recommendations. Roma, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). (1981). Rules For Testing Seed. Journal of Seed Technology, 6, 1-126.
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). (2002). Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Lincoln, NE, USA: AOSA. (Contribution, 32).
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts AOSA. (1983). Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Ithaca, NY, USA: Association of Official Seed Analysts.
  • Bewley, J. D., & Black, M. (1994). Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination. New York, USA: Plenum Press.
  • BPS. (2015). Statistik Indonesia- Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia 2015. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik. (in Indonesian)
  • Burton, C. W., & DeVane, E. H. (1953). Estimating heritability in tall festuca (Restuca arundinaceae) from donor material. Agronomy Journal, 45, 1476-1481.
  • Copeland, L.O., & Mcdonald, M.B. (1999). Seed Science and Technology. 3rd ed. New York, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Delouche, J.C., & Baskin, C.C. (1973). Accelerated aging teqniques for predicting the relative storability of seed lots. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 427-552.
  • Deshmukh, S. N., Basu, M. S, & Reddy, P. S. (1986). Genetic variability, character association and path coefficient analysis of quantitative traits in Viginia bunch varieties of groundnut. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 56, 515-518.
  • El-Abady, M. I., El-Emam, A. M. M, Seadh, S. E, & Yousof, F. I. (2012). Soybean seed quality as affected by cultivars, threshing methods and storage periods. Research Journal of Seed Science, 5(4), 115-125.
  • Gupta, P. C. (1993). Seed Vigour Testing. In P. K. Agrawal (Ed.), Handbook of Seed Testing (pp. 242-249). New Delhi, India: Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Heaney, M. B. (2003). Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity. In G. B. John (Ed.), Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing and Displays (Chapter 7, pp. 1-14). USA: CRC Press.
  • Imaniar, A. (2012). Pemanfaatan alat pengusangan cepat (APC) IPB 77-1MM untuk pendugaan vigor daya simpan benih kedelai (Glycine max (L). Merr.). (B.Sc), Agronomy and Horticulture Departement, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • ISTA. (1985). International Rules For Seed Testing. Seed Science and Technology, 13, 299-355.
  • ISTA. (2007). International Rules For Seed Testing. Bassersdorf, Switzerland: International Seed Testing Association.
  • Jain, R. K., Joshi, A., Chaudhary, H.R., Dashora, A., & Khatik, C.L. (2018). Study on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Legume Research, 41(4), 532-536.
  • Johnson, H.W., Robinson, H.F., & Comstock, R. E. (1955). Estimates of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agronomy Journal, 47, 314-318.
  • Junaid, M., Raziuddin, Kanwal, M., Umair, M., Ahmet, S., & et al. (2014). Heritability (BS) and selection response estimates for yield and yield related traits in Brassica napus L. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 5(4), 1107-1110.
  • Justice, O. L., & Bass, L. N. (1978). Principles and Practices of Seed Storage. Washington, USA: United States Departement of Agriculture.
  • Kalpande, V. V., Khade, P. A., Ghorade, R.B., Dange, A., & Thawari, S. B. (2015). Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for seed quality parameters in some of the land races of Sorghum. The Bioscan, 10(2), 719-721.
  • Kandil, A.A., Sharief, A. E., & Sheteiwy, M. S. (2013). Effect of seed storage periods, conditions and materials on germination of some soybean seed cultivars. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 3(4), 1020-1043.
  • Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. (2015). Rencana Strategis Kementrian Pertanian 2015-2019. Jakarta, Indonesia: Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. (in Indonesian)
  • Lisjak, M., Wilson, I. D., Civale, L., Hancock, J. T., & Teklić, T. (2009). Lipid peroxidation levels in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seed parts as a consequence of imbibition stress. Poljoprivreda, 15(2), 32-37.
  • Marcos-Filho, J. (2015). Seed Physiology of Cultivated Plants. 2nd ed. Londrina, Brazil: Abrates.
  • Mbofung, G. C. Y., Goggi, A. S., Leandro, L. F. S., & Mullen, R. E. (2013). Effects of storage temperature and relative humidity on viability and vigor of treated soybean seeds. Crop Science, 53, 1086-1095.
  • Mohammadi, H., Soltani, A., Sadeghipour, H. R., & Zeinali, E. (2011). Effect of seed aging on subsequent seed reserve utilization and seedling growth in soybean. International Journal of Plant Production, 5(1), 65-70.
  • Mustika, S., Suhartanto, M. R., & Qadir, A. (2014). Soybean seed deterioration using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM compared to natural storage. Buletin Agrohorti, 2(1), 1-10. (article in Indonesian with an abstract in English)
  • Oktaviani, K. A. (2012). Studi genetik terhadap daya simpan kedelai hitam (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.). Bachelor, Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • Pereira, R. G., Tulcan, O. E. P., Jesus Lameira, V., Espirito Santo, D. M., & Andrade, E. T. (2011). Use of soybean oil in energy generation, 301-320. http://Cdn.İntechweb.Org/Pdfs/22609.Pdf
  • Ramanjinappa, V., Arunkumar, K. H., Hugar, A., & Shashibhaskar, M. S. (2011). Genetic variability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.). Plant Archives, 11, 435-437.
  • Rastegar, Z., Sedghi, M., & Khomari, S. (2011). Effects of accelerated aging on soybean seed germination ındexes at laboratory conditions. Notulae Scientia Biologiace, 3(3), 126-129.
  • Sheidaei, S., Abad, H. H. S., Hamidi, A., Mohammadi, G. N., & Moghaddam, A. (2014). Evaluation of soybean seed quality under long term storage. International Journal of Biosciences, 5(3), 214-219.
  • Shivasubramanian, S., & Menon, M. (1973). Heterosis and inbreeding depression in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 60, 1139-1144. Shu, Q. Y., Forster, B. P., & Nakagawa, H. (2011). Principles and Applications of Plant Mutation Breeding. In Q. Y. Shu, B.P. Forster, H. Nakagawa (Eds.). Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology (p: 30). Italy: Electronic Publishing Policy and Support Branch Communication Division, FAO.
  • Singh, R. K., & Chaudhary, B. D. (1985). Biometrical Methods In Quantitative Analysis. New Delhi, India: Kalayani Publishers.
  • Snedecor, G. W., & Cochran, W. G. (1976). Statistical Methods. 6th ed. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Publishing.
  • Sofalian, O., Bandarian, P., Asghari, A., Sedghi, M., & Firoozi, B. (2015). Identification of seed storage protein polymorphism in some soybean (Glycine max Merril) genotypes using SDS-PAGE Technique. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 127-133.
  • Stansfield, W. D. (1991). Theory and Problems of Genetics. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Mc.Graw-Hill.
  • Steel, R. G., & Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Suhartanto, M. R. (1994). Studi sistem multiplikasi devigorasi secara fisik dan kimi pada kasus kemunduran viabilitas benih kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) akibat goncangan. (PhD), IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia. (in Indonesian language)
  • Syukur, M., Sujiprihati, S., & Yunianti, R. (2012). Teknik Pemuliaan Tanaman. Bogor, Indonesia: Penebar Swadaya. (in Indonesian language)
  • Teklu, D. H., Kebede, S. A., & Gebremichael, D. E. (2014). Assessment of genetic variability, genetic advance, correlation and path analysis for morphological traits in sesame genotypes. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 181-194.
  • Tinker, N. A. (2008). Plant Breeding, Central Concept in Plant Breeding. In C. N. Stewart (Ed.). Plant Biotechnology and Genetic (pp: 51). Canada: A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication.
  • Toledo, M. Z., Teixeira, R. N., Ferrari, T. B., Ferreira, G., Cavariani, C., & et al. (2011). Physiological quality and enzymatic activity of crambe seeds after the accelerated aging test. Maringa, 33(4), 687-694.
  • Unakitan, G., & Aydin, B. (2012). An econometric analysis of soybean production in Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 9(1), 6-14.
  • Tuhina-Khatun, M., Hanafi, M. M., Yusop, M. R., Wong, M. Y., Salleh, F. M., & et al. (2015). Genetic variation, heritability, and diversity analysis of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes based on quantitative traits. Biomed Research International. Article ID 290861, 7 Pages.
  • Tunes, L. M., Pedroso, D. C., Badinelli, P. G., Tavares, L. C., Rufino, C. A., & et al. (2011). Accelerated aging of ryegrass seeds submitted to saturated salt solution. Ciencia Rural, 41, 33-37.
  • Vieira, R. D., Neto, A. S., Bittencourt, S. R. M., & Panobianco, M. (2004). Electrical conductivity of the seed soaking solution and soybean seedling emergence. Scientia Agricola, 61(2), 164-168.

Seed Storability and Genetic Parameters Estimation on Accelerated Aging Seed of Argomulyo Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Mutant Lines

Yıl 2021, , 763 - 775, 15.09.2021


Seed storability of 22 selected soybean mutant lines from Argomulyo population irradiated by gamma ray were assessed by rapid aging tool, APC-IPB 77-1MM. Seed viability and vigor parameter observed due to genetic factors. The 90% ethanol was applied for 20, 40, 60 and 80 min as accelerated aging test. M100-96-53-6 was estimated that has good storability with less seed deterioration rate expressed by slow slope of germination percentage, germination speed and electrical resistance value after 20-80 min of chemical accelerated aging. Electrical resistance (ER) test could be as alternative and a substitute of electrical conductance (EC) test as alternative of vigor test. The high heritability and moderate to high genetic advance were noted on all parameters except moisture content. Germination percentage and germination speed could be reviewed for early stage selection to improve traits at the next generation based on R-square value of regresion and genetic parameters obtained.


  • Ali, A., Khan, S. A., Ehsanullah, Ali, N., & Hussain, I. (2016). Estimation of genetic parameters in soybean for yield and morphological characters. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinery Sciences, 32(2), 162-168.
  • Annicchiarico, P. (2002). Genotype X Environment Interactions-Challenges and Opportunities for Plant Breeding and Cultivar Recommendations. Roma, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). (1981). Rules For Testing Seed. Journal of Seed Technology, 6, 1-126.
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). (2002). Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Lincoln, NE, USA: AOSA. (Contribution, 32).
  • Association of Official Seed Analysts AOSA. (1983). Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Ithaca, NY, USA: Association of Official Seed Analysts.
  • Bewley, J. D., & Black, M. (1994). Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination. New York, USA: Plenum Press.
  • BPS. (2015). Statistik Indonesia- Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia 2015. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik. (in Indonesian)
  • Burton, C. W., & DeVane, E. H. (1953). Estimating heritability in tall festuca (Restuca arundinaceae) from donor material. Agronomy Journal, 45, 1476-1481.
  • Copeland, L.O., & Mcdonald, M.B. (1999). Seed Science and Technology. 3rd ed. New York, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Delouche, J.C., & Baskin, C.C. (1973). Accelerated aging teqniques for predicting the relative storability of seed lots. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 427-552.
  • Deshmukh, S. N., Basu, M. S, & Reddy, P. S. (1986). Genetic variability, character association and path coefficient analysis of quantitative traits in Viginia bunch varieties of groundnut. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 56, 515-518.
  • El-Abady, M. I., El-Emam, A. M. M, Seadh, S. E, & Yousof, F. I. (2012). Soybean seed quality as affected by cultivars, threshing methods and storage periods. Research Journal of Seed Science, 5(4), 115-125.
  • Gupta, P. C. (1993). Seed Vigour Testing. In P. K. Agrawal (Ed.), Handbook of Seed Testing (pp. 242-249). New Delhi, India: Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Heaney, M. B. (2003). Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity. In G. B. John (Ed.), Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing and Displays (Chapter 7, pp. 1-14). USA: CRC Press.
  • Imaniar, A. (2012). Pemanfaatan alat pengusangan cepat (APC) IPB 77-1MM untuk pendugaan vigor daya simpan benih kedelai (Glycine max (L). Merr.). (B.Sc), Agronomy and Horticulture Departement, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • ISTA. (1985). International Rules For Seed Testing. Seed Science and Technology, 13, 299-355.
  • ISTA. (2007). International Rules For Seed Testing. Bassersdorf, Switzerland: International Seed Testing Association.
  • Jain, R. K., Joshi, A., Chaudhary, H.R., Dashora, A., & Khatik, C.L. (2018). Study on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Legume Research, 41(4), 532-536.
  • Johnson, H.W., Robinson, H.F., & Comstock, R. E. (1955). Estimates of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agronomy Journal, 47, 314-318.
  • Junaid, M., Raziuddin, Kanwal, M., Umair, M., Ahmet, S., & et al. (2014). Heritability (BS) and selection response estimates for yield and yield related traits in Brassica napus L. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 5(4), 1107-1110.
  • Justice, O. L., & Bass, L. N. (1978). Principles and Practices of Seed Storage. Washington, USA: United States Departement of Agriculture.
  • Kalpande, V. V., Khade, P. A., Ghorade, R.B., Dange, A., & Thawari, S. B. (2015). Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for seed quality parameters in some of the land races of Sorghum. The Bioscan, 10(2), 719-721.
  • Kandil, A.A., Sharief, A. E., & Sheteiwy, M. S. (2013). Effect of seed storage periods, conditions and materials on germination of some soybean seed cultivars. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 3(4), 1020-1043.
  • Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. (2015). Rencana Strategis Kementrian Pertanian 2015-2019. Jakarta, Indonesia: Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. (in Indonesian)
  • Lisjak, M., Wilson, I. D., Civale, L., Hancock, J. T., & Teklić, T. (2009). Lipid peroxidation levels in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seed parts as a consequence of imbibition stress. Poljoprivreda, 15(2), 32-37.
  • Marcos-Filho, J. (2015). Seed Physiology of Cultivated Plants. 2nd ed. Londrina, Brazil: Abrates.
  • Mbofung, G. C. Y., Goggi, A. S., Leandro, L. F. S., & Mullen, R. E. (2013). Effects of storage temperature and relative humidity on viability and vigor of treated soybean seeds. Crop Science, 53, 1086-1095.
  • Mohammadi, H., Soltani, A., Sadeghipour, H. R., & Zeinali, E. (2011). Effect of seed aging on subsequent seed reserve utilization and seedling growth in soybean. International Journal of Plant Production, 5(1), 65-70.
  • Mustika, S., Suhartanto, M. R., & Qadir, A. (2014). Soybean seed deterioration using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM compared to natural storage. Buletin Agrohorti, 2(1), 1-10. (article in Indonesian with an abstract in English)
  • Oktaviani, K. A. (2012). Studi genetik terhadap daya simpan kedelai hitam (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.). Bachelor, Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • Pereira, R. G., Tulcan, O. E. P., Jesus Lameira, V., Espirito Santo, D. M., & Andrade, E. T. (2011). Use of soybean oil in energy generation, 301-320. http://Cdn.İntechweb.Org/Pdfs/22609.Pdf
  • Ramanjinappa, V., Arunkumar, K. H., Hugar, A., & Shashibhaskar, M. S. (2011). Genetic variability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.). Plant Archives, 11, 435-437.
  • Rastegar, Z., Sedghi, M., & Khomari, S. (2011). Effects of accelerated aging on soybean seed germination ındexes at laboratory conditions. Notulae Scientia Biologiace, 3(3), 126-129.
  • Sheidaei, S., Abad, H. H. S., Hamidi, A., Mohammadi, G. N., & Moghaddam, A. (2014). Evaluation of soybean seed quality under long term storage. International Journal of Biosciences, 5(3), 214-219.
  • Shivasubramanian, S., & Menon, M. (1973). Heterosis and inbreeding depression in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 60, 1139-1144. Shu, Q. Y., Forster, B. P., & Nakagawa, H. (2011). Principles and Applications of Plant Mutation Breeding. In Q. Y. Shu, B.P. Forster, H. Nakagawa (Eds.). Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology (p: 30). Italy: Electronic Publishing Policy and Support Branch Communication Division, FAO.
  • Singh, R. K., & Chaudhary, B. D. (1985). Biometrical Methods In Quantitative Analysis. New Delhi, India: Kalayani Publishers.
  • Snedecor, G. W., & Cochran, W. G. (1976). Statistical Methods. 6th ed. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Publishing.
  • Sofalian, O., Bandarian, P., Asghari, A., Sedghi, M., & Firoozi, B. (2015). Identification of seed storage protein polymorphism in some soybean (Glycine max Merril) genotypes using SDS-PAGE Technique. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 127-133.
  • Stansfield, W. D. (1991). Theory and Problems of Genetics. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Mc.Graw-Hill.
  • Steel, R. G., & Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach. 2nd ed. New York, USA: Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Suhartanto, M. R. (1994). Studi sistem multiplikasi devigorasi secara fisik dan kimi pada kasus kemunduran viabilitas benih kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) akibat goncangan. (PhD), IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia. (in Indonesian language)
  • Syukur, M., Sujiprihati, S., & Yunianti, R. (2012). Teknik Pemuliaan Tanaman. Bogor, Indonesia: Penebar Swadaya. (in Indonesian language)
  • Teklu, D. H., Kebede, S. A., & Gebremichael, D. E. (2014). Assessment of genetic variability, genetic advance, correlation and path analysis for morphological traits in sesame genotypes. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 181-194.
  • Tinker, N. A. (2008). Plant Breeding, Central Concept in Plant Breeding. In C. N. Stewart (Ed.). Plant Biotechnology and Genetic (pp: 51). Canada: A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication.
  • Toledo, M. Z., Teixeira, R. N., Ferrari, T. B., Ferreira, G., Cavariani, C., & et al. (2011). Physiological quality and enzymatic activity of crambe seeds after the accelerated aging test. Maringa, 33(4), 687-694.
  • Unakitan, G., & Aydin, B. (2012). An econometric analysis of soybean production in Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 9(1), 6-14.
  • Tuhina-Khatun, M., Hanafi, M. M., Yusop, M. R., Wong, M. Y., Salleh, F. M., & et al. (2015). Genetic variation, heritability, and diversity analysis of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes based on quantitative traits. Biomed Research International. Article ID 290861, 7 Pages.
  • Tunes, L. M., Pedroso, D. C., Badinelli, P. G., Tavares, L. C., Rufino, C. A., & et al. (2011). Accelerated aging of ryegrass seeds submitted to saturated salt solution. Ciencia Rural, 41, 33-37.
  • Vieira, R. D., Neto, A. S., Bittencourt, S. R. M., & Panobianco, M. (2004). Electrical conductivity of the seed soaking solution and soybean seedling emergence. Scientia Agricola, 61(2), 164-168.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Siti Maesaroh 0000-0003-1024-284X

Yudıwantı Wahyu 0000-0003-1966-5064

Eny Wıdajatı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3586-6395

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Maesaroh, S., Wahyu, Y., & Wıdajatı, E. (2021). Seed Storability and Genetic Parameters Estimation on Accelerated Aging Seed of Argomulyo Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Mutant Lines. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(3), 763-775.

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Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi CC BY 4.0 lisanslıdır.