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Effects of Freezing Rate on The Quality of Cherry Tomatoes

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 317 - 327, 30.06.2020


In this study, the effects of different freezing rates on some physical and chemical quality properties of cherry tomatoes were investigated. Cherry tomatoes were frozen slowly at -18°C at the freezer section of the home type refrigerator and quickly at -30°C in the modified freezer cabinet which is capable of blowing air at a speed of 1.2 m/s at -30°C, designed and produced by Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate GmbH (Çerkezköy, Turkey). The freezing rates were calculated on the bulk basis of the samples in the middle, bottom and top positions. The freezing rate in the middle for -30°C found as 1.55±0.16 (cm/h) which was slow freezing and 0.11±0.01 (cm/h) for -18°C between 4 and -15ᵒC which was in the range of quick freezing. Drip loss, total dry matter content, total soluble solid content (ᵒBrix), color values, pH, ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, titration acidity and lycopene were investigated for cherry tomatoes frozen at different rates. Drip loss values were 11.01 ± 0.21% for quick frozen cherry tomato samples and 19.95 ± 0.44% for slow-frozen samples. The decrease in ᵒBrix value of slow frozen sample was more than quick frozen samples. Brightness and a/b values of the quick frozen tomatoes were better compared to the slow frozen ones. Ascorbic, phenolic and lycopene contents were found higher in quick frozen sample.

Supporting Institution

Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate GmbH


The authors would like to thank Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate GmbH (Çerkezköy, Turkey) for design and production of the modified freezer cabinet, and financial support to this research.


  • Alvarez M.D., Fernandez C., Canet W. (2005). Effect of Freezing/Thawing Conditions and Long-Term Frozen Storage on The Quality of Mashed Potatoes, 85(14), 2327-2340 s.
  • Anon, (1995). AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International (16th Ed.).
  • Anon. (2000). Sample Prep.CR&D Davis, Lycopene by Spectrophotometry, james_brooks@campellsoup.com.
  • Anon, (2009). Dondurulmuş Sebze ve Meyve Üretimi. Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi, Gıda Teknolojisi, Ankara.
  • Artes, F.,Conesa, M.A., Hernandez, S., and Gil, M.I. (1999). Keeping Qality of Frezh-Cut Tomato, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 17,153-162 s.
  • Baysal, T., Demirdöven, A., ve Ersus, S. (2006). Dondurulmuş Domateslerin Depolanması Sırasınsda Oluşan Renk Kayıplarının Belirlenmesi ve Önleme Yöntemleri, Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, 599-602 s.
  • Bradbury JH, Singh U. (1986). Ascorbic Acid And Dehydroascorbic Of Tropical Root Crops From South Pacific. J Food Sci 51(4):975-8, 987.
  • Bugianesi, R., Giuffrida, F., Quaglia, G. (2002). Nutritional Value of Cherry Tomatoes Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Naomi F1 Harvested Different At Different Ripening Stages, J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 50, 6550-6556 s.
  • Chassagne-Berces, S., Poirier, C., Devaux, M. F., Fonseca, F., Lahaye, M., Pigorini, G., Girault, C., Marin, M. and Guillon, F. (2009). Changes in Texture, Cellular Structure and Cell Wall Composition in Apple Tissue as a Result of Freezing, Food Research, International 42(7), 788-797s.
  • Çetin B., Tipi B., Turhan Ş. ve Akbudak, N. (2003). Türkiye’de Dondurulmuş Sebze ve Meyve Sanayinin Ekonomik Yapısı ve Pazarlama Sorunları, 16-92 s.
  • Davis, A.R., Fish, W.W. and Weazie, P.P.(2003). A Quick Spectrophotometric Method for Analyzing Lycopene Content in Tomato and Tomato Products, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 28, 425-430 s.
  • Demiray, E. ve Tülek, Y. (2010). Donmuş Muhafaza Sırasında Meyve ve Sebzelerde Oluşan Kalite Değişimleri, Akademik Gıda, 8 (2), 36-44 s.
  • Delgado, A.E. and Sun, D.W. (2000). Heat And Mass Transfer For Predicting Freezing Processes, A Review. Journal of Food Engineering. 47, pp. 157-174.
  • Erickson, M. and Hung, Y. C. (2012). Quality in Frozen Food, Freeze-Cracking, Chapman&Hall, New York, 92-100 s.
  • Franke, SIR., Chless, K., Silveria, J. D., Robensam, G., Et. Al. (2004). Study Of Antioaksidant And Mutajenic Activity Of Different Orange Juice, Food Chemistry, 88: 45- 55.
  • Garcia, E., and D. M. Barrett. Feb. 2006. Assessing Lycopene Content in California Processing Tomatoes. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 30(1):56-70.
  • Gonçalves, E.M., Abreu, M., Brandão, T.R.S., Silva, C.L.M.(2011). Degradation Kinetics Of Colour, Vitamin C And Drip Loss in Frozen Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea l. ssp. Italica) During Storage At Isothermal And Non-Isothermal Conditions, International Journal of Refrigeration, 34(8), 2136-2144 s.
  • Hışıl, Y. (2004). Enstrümental Gıda Analizleri Laboratuar Deneyleri, Ege Üni. Müh. Fak. Ders Kitapları Yayın No: 45., İzmir. 205-235.
  • Jaffe, A., Armstrong, E. G., Robbins, A.C., Froom, J.(1984). A Comprehensive Clerkship In Family Medicine, Volume18, Issue3, 159-163 s.
  • Karabağlı, A., ve Alpkent, N. (1998)., Türkiye ve AB’de Dondurulmuş Gıda Sanayinin Durumu ve Dış Ticaretinde Gelişmeler, Ankara, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları, 628 s.
  • Leygonie, C., Britz, T. J., and Hoffman, L. C. (2012). Impact Of Freezing And Thawing On The Quality Of Meat. Meat science, 91(2), 93-98.
  • Lagerstedt, Å., Enfält, L., Johansson, L., and Lisiewska, Z. ve Kmiecik, W. (2000). Effect Of Storage Period And Temperature On The Chemical Composition And Organoleptic Quality Of Frozen Tomato Cubes, Food Chemistry 70, 167-173 s.
  • Lundström, K., 2008 Effect Of Freezing on Sensory Quality, Shear Force and Water Loss in Beef M. Longissimus Dorsi. Meat Science, 80(2),457–461.
  • Moraga, G., Martinez-Navarrate, N., Chiralt, A., (2006). Compositional Changes Of Strawberry Due To Dehydration,Cold Storage And Freezing Thawing Processes, J. Food Process, Preserv. 30, 458-474 s.
  • Oszmiański, J., Wojdyło, A., (2009). Comparative Study Of Phenolic Content And Antioxidant Activity Of Strawberry Puree, Clear, And Cloudy Juices. European Food Research and Technology,228:4, pp 623–631.
  • Pukszta, T., Palich, P. (2007). The Effect Of Freezing Conditions Of Strawberry Storage On The Level Of Thawing Drip Loss. Acta Agrophysica, 203-208 s.
  • Raffo A., Leonardi, C., Fogliano, V., Ambrosino, P., Sallucci, M., Gennaro, L., Sahari, M. A. Boostani, M. ve Hamidi, Z. (2004). Effect Of Low Temperature On The Ascorbic Acid Content And Quality Characteristics Of Frozen Strawberry, Food Chemistry 86, 357-363 s.
  • Xin, Y., Zhang, M., Xu, B., Adhikari, B., and Sun, J. (2015). Research trends in selected blanching pretreatments and quick freezing technologies as applied in fruits and vegetables: a review. International Journal of Refrigeration, 57, 11-25.
  • Uçurum H.Ö. (2012). Organik Ve Konvansiyonel Yöntemlerle Yetiştirilmiş Taze Ve Dondurulmuş Domateslerde Kalıntı Miktarları Ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ, 74-125 s.
  • Urbany, G.,Y., Horty, K. (1992). Changes Of Surface Colorof The Fruit And The Anthocyanin Content Of Sour Cherriesduring Frozen Storage. Acta Alimentaria, 21, 3-4

Kiraz Domateslerde Donma Hızınn Kaliteye Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 317 - 327, 30.06.2020


Bu çalışmada farklı hızlarda dondurulmuş kiraz domateste donma hızının bazı kalite özellikleri üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kiraz domatesler, ev tipi buzdolabının dondurucu bölümünde -18°C’de ve 1.2 m/s hava hızına sahip Bosch ve Siemens (Hausgerate GmbH, Çerkezköy, Türkiye) tarafından üretilen modifiye dondurucu kabinde ise -30°C’de dondurulmuştur. Donma hızları, farklı konumlardaki örnekler için ölçülmüştür. -30°C' de orta nokta donma hızı 1.55±0.16 (cm/saat) olarak hızlı donma sınıfında saptanmıştır. -18°C ‘de ise orta nokta donma hızı 0.11±0.01 (cm/h) bulunmuş ve yavaş donma olarak belirlenmiştir. Farklı hızlarda donmuş olan kiraz domateslerin damlama (sızıntı) kaybı, toplam kuru madde, suda çözünür kuru madde (ᵒBriks) miktarları, renk değerleri, pH, askorbik asit, toplam fenolik, titrasyon asitliği ve likopen miktarları incelenmiştir. Damlama kaybı değerleri hızlı dondurulmuş kiraz domates örnekler için %11.01±0.21, yavaş dondurulmuş örnekler için %19.95±0.44 bulunmuştur. Yavaş hızda dondurulmuş örneklerde ᵒBriks değerindeki azalma, hızlı dondurulmuş örneklere göre daha fazla olmuştur. Parlaklık ve a/b değerleri hızlı dondurulmuş domates örneğinde yavaş dondurulmuş örneklere kıyasla daha fazla saptanmıştır. Askorbik asit, fenolik ve likopen içeriği hızlı dondurulmuş örneklerde daha yüksek bulunmuştur.


  • Alvarez M.D., Fernandez C., Canet W. (2005). Effect of Freezing/Thawing Conditions and Long-Term Frozen Storage on The Quality of Mashed Potatoes, 85(14), 2327-2340 s.
  • Anon, (1995). AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International (16th Ed.).
  • Anon. (2000). Sample Prep.CR&D Davis, Lycopene by Spectrophotometry, james_brooks@campellsoup.com.
  • Anon, (2009). Dondurulmuş Sebze ve Meyve Üretimi. Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi, Gıda Teknolojisi, Ankara.
  • Artes, F.,Conesa, M.A., Hernandez, S., and Gil, M.I. (1999). Keeping Qality of Frezh-Cut Tomato, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 17,153-162 s.
  • Baysal, T., Demirdöven, A., ve Ersus, S. (2006). Dondurulmuş Domateslerin Depolanması Sırasınsda Oluşan Renk Kayıplarının Belirlenmesi ve Önleme Yöntemleri, Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, 599-602 s.
  • Bradbury JH, Singh U. (1986). Ascorbic Acid And Dehydroascorbic Of Tropical Root Crops From South Pacific. J Food Sci 51(4):975-8, 987.
  • Bugianesi, R., Giuffrida, F., Quaglia, G. (2002). Nutritional Value of Cherry Tomatoes Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Naomi F1 Harvested Different At Different Ripening Stages, J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 50, 6550-6556 s.
  • Chassagne-Berces, S., Poirier, C., Devaux, M. F., Fonseca, F., Lahaye, M., Pigorini, G., Girault, C., Marin, M. and Guillon, F. (2009). Changes in Texture, Cellular Structure and Cell Wall Composition in Apple Tissue as a Result of Freezing, Food Research, International 42(7), 788-797s.
  • Çetin B., Tipi B., Turhan Ş. ve Akbudak, N. (2003). Türkiye’de Dondurulmuş Sebze ve Meyve Sanayinin Ekonomik Yapısı ve Pazarlama Sorunları, 16-92 s.
  • Davis, A.R., Fish, W.W. and Weazie, P.P.(2003). A Quick Spectrophotometric Method for Analyzing Lycopene Content in Tomato and Tomato Products, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 28, 425-430 s.
  • Demiray, E. ve Tülek, Y. (2010). Donmuş Muhafaza Sırasında Meyve ve Sebzelerde Oluşan Kalite Değişimleri, Akademik Gıda, 8 (2), 36-44 s.
  • Delgado, A.E. and Sun, D.W. (2000). Heat And Mass Transfer For Predicting Freezing Processes, A Review. Journal of Food Engineering. 47, pp. 157-174.
  • Erickson, M. and Hung, Y. C. (2012). Quality in Frozen Food, Freeze-Cracking, Chapman&Hall, New York, 92-100 s.
  • Franke, SIR., Chless, K., Silveria, J. D., Robensam, G., Et. Al. (2004). Study Of Antioaksidant And Mutajenic Activity Of Different Orange Juice, Food Chemistry, 88: 45- 55.
  • Garcia, E., and D. M. Barrett. Feb. 2006. Assessing Lycopene Content in California Processing Tomatoes. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 30(1):56-70.
  • Gonçalves, E.M., Abreu, M., Brandão, T.R.S., Silva, C.L.M.(2011). Degradation Kinetics Of Colour, Vitamin C And Drip Loss in Frozen Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea l. ssp. Italica) During Storage At Isothermal And Non-Isothermal Conditions, International Journal of Refrigeration, 34(8), 2136-2144 s.
  • Hışıl, Y. (2004). Enstrümental Gıda Analizleri Laboratuar Deneyleri, Ege Üni. Müh. Fak. Ders Kitapları Yayın No: 45., İzmir. 205-235.
  • Jaffe, A., Armstrong, E. G., Robbins, A.C., Froom, J.(1984). A Comprehensive Clerkship In Family Medicine, Volume18, Issue3, 159-163 s.
  • Karabağlı, A., ve Alpkent, N. (1998)., Türkiye ve AB’de Dondurulmuş Gıda Sanayinin Durumu ve Dış Ticaretinde Gelişmeler, Ankara, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları, 628 s.
  • Leygonie, C., Britz, T. J., and Hoffman, L. C. (2012). Impact Of Freezing And Thawing On The Quality Of Meat. Meat science, 91(2), 93-98.
  • Lagerstedt, Å., Enfält, L., Johansson, L., and Lisiewska, Z. ve Kmiecik, W. (2000). Effect Of Storage Period And Temperature On The Chemical Composition And Organoleptic Quality Of Frozen Tomato Cubes, Food Chemistry 70, 167-173 s.
  • Lundström, K., 2008 Effect Of Freezing on Sensory Quality, Shear Force and Water Loss in Beef M. Longissimus Dorsi. Meat Science, 80(2),457–461.
  • Moraga, G., Martinez-Navarrate, N., Chiralt, A., (2006). Compositional Changes Of Strawberry Due To Dehydration,Cold Storage And Freezing Thawing Processes, J. Food Process, Preserv. 30, 458-474 s.
  • Oszmiański, J., Wojdyło, A., (2009). Comparative Study Of Phenolic Content And Antioxidant Activity Of Strawberry Puree, Clear, And Cloudy Juices. European Food Research and Technology,228:4, pp 623–631.
  • Pukszta, T., Palich, P. (2007). The Effect Of Freezing Conditions Of Strawberry Storage On The Level Of Thawing Drip Loss. Acta Agrophysica, 203-208 s.
  • Raffo A., Leonardi, C., Fogliano, V., Ambrosino, P., Sallucci, M., Gennaro, L., Sahari, M. A. Boostani, M. ve Hamidi, Z. (2004). Effect Of Low Temperature On The Ascorbic Acid Content And Quality Characteristics Of Frozen Strawberry, Food Chemistry 86, 357-363 s.
  • Xin, Y., Zhang, M., Xu, B., Adhikari, B., and Sun, J. (2015). Research trends in selected blanching pretreatments and quick freezing technologies as applied in fruits and vegetables: a review. International Journal of Refrigeration, 57, 11-25.
  • Uçurum H.Ö. (2012). Organik Ve Konvansiyonel Yöntemlerle Yetiştirilmiş Taze Ve Dondurulmuş Domateslerde Kalıntı Miktarları Ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ, 74-125 s.
  • Urbany, G.,Y., Horty, K. (1992). Changes Of Surface Colorof The Fruit And The Anthocyanin Content Of Sour Cherriesduring Frozen Storage. Acta Alimentaria, 21, 3-4
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ahsen Rayman Ergün

Nurşah Gürlek 0000-0003-0356-0364

Taner Baysal 0000-0003-1039-6275

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Acceptance Date May 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Rayman Ergün, A., Gürlek, N., & Baysal, T. (2020). Effects of Freezing Rate on The Quality of Cherry Tomatoes. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 317-327. https://doi.org/10.29133/yyutbd.670610
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.