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Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 71 - 74, 01.06.2011



  • Ababouch L, Afilal ME, Rhafiri S, Busta FF (1991). Identification of histamine-producing bacteria isolated from sardine (Sardina pilchardus) stored in ice and at ambient temperature. Food Microbiol, 8,127-136.
  • Ababouch L, Alaloui MM, Busta, FF (1986). Histamin levels in commercially processed fish in Morocco. J Food Prot, 49, 904-908.
  • Antila P, Antila V, Mattlila J, Hakkarainen H (1984). Biogenic amine in cheese, II, factors ınfluencing the formation of biogenic amines, with particular reference to the quality of the milk used in cheese making. Milchwissesch, 39, 400-403.
  • Becker K, Southwick K, Reardon J, Berg R, Mac Cormack JN (2001). Histamine poisoning associated with eating tuna burgers. JAMA, 285, 1327-1330.
  • Chang SF, Ayres JW, Sandine E. (1985). Analysis of cheeses for histamine, tyramine, tyriptamine, histidine, tyrosine and tyrptophane. J Dairy Sci, 68, 2840-2846.
  • Chen HC, Huang YR, Hsu HH, Lin CS, Chen WC, Lin CM, Tsai YH (2010). Determination of histamine and biogenic amines in fish cubes (Tetrapturus angustirostris) implicated in a food-borne poisoning. Food Control, 21, 13-18.
  • Diaz-Cinco ME, Fraijo O, Grajeda P, Taylor LJ (1992). Microbial and Chemical Analysis of Chihuahua Cheese and Relationship to Histamine and Tyramine. J Food Sci, 57, 355-365.
  • Edwards ST, Sandine WE (1981). Public health significance of amines in cheese. J Dairy Sci, 64, 2431-2438.
  • Emir Çoban Ö, Patır B (2008). Investigation of histamine level and some chemical quality parameters in fish consumed in elazig city. Int J Sci Tech, 3, 59-65.
  • Gouygou JP, Sinounin DP (1987). High pressure liquid chromatopraphy determination of histamine in fish. J Food Sci, 52, 925-927.
  • Gökoğlu N, Varlık C (1995). Sardalya konservelerinin histamin biyojen amini yönünden incelenmesi. Gıda, 20, 273-279.
  • Henry M (1960). Dosage biologique de l’histamine dans les aliments. Ann Fals Exp Chim, 53, 24-33.
  • Hughes JM, Potter ME (1991). Scombroid-fish poisoning form pathogenesis to prevention. New Eng J Med, 14, 766-768.
  • Joosten HMLJ (1988). The biogenic amine contents of dutch cheese and their toxicological significance. Neth Milk Dairy, 42, 25-42.
  • Joosten HMLJ, Northolt MD (1987). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 2. decarboxylative properties of some non-starter bacteria. Neth Milk Dairy J, 41, 259-280.
  • Joosten HMLJ, Stadhouders J (1987). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 1. decarboxylative properties of starter bacteria. Neth Milk Dairy J, 41, 247-258.
  • Joosten HMLJ (1988). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 3. factors ınfluencing the amongs formed. Neth. Milk Dairy J, 41, 329-357.
  • Köse S, Kaklıkkaya N, Koral S, Tufan B, Buruk KC, Faruk Aydın F (2011). Commercial test kits and the determination of histamine in traditional (ethnic) fish products-evaluation against an EU accepted HPLC method. Food Chem, 125, 1490-1497.
  • Lehanea L, Olleyb J (2000). Review : Histamine fish poisoning revisited. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 58, 1–37.
  • Lerke PA, Bell LD (1976). A rapid fluorometric method for the determination of histamine in canned tuna. J Food Sci, 41, 1282- 1284.
  • Lopez-Sabater EI, Rodriguez-Jerez JJ, Hernandez-Herrero M, Roig- Sagues AX, Mora-Ventura MT (1995). Sensory quality and histamine formation during controlled decomposition of tuna (Thunnus thynnus). J Food Protec, 59, 167-174.
  • Morrow JD, Margolis GR, Rowland J, Roberts LJ (1991). Evidence that histamine is the causative toxin of Scombroid fish poisoning. New Eng J Med, 324, 716-720.
  • Silva TM, Sabaini PS, Evangelista WP, GloriaMBA (2011). Occurrence of histamine in Brazilian fresh and canned tuna. Food Control, 22, 323-327.
  • Shalaby AR (1994). Seperation, identification and estimation of biogenic amines in foods by thin layer chromatography. Food Chem, 49, 305-310.
  • Stratton JE, Hutkins RW, Taylor SL (1991a). Biogenic amines in cheese and fermented foods: a review. J Food Protec, 54, 460-470.
  • Stratton JE, Hutkins RW, Taylor SL(1991b). Histamine production in low-salt cheddar cheese. J Food Prot, 54, 855-867.
  • Subburage M, Karunasagar I (1984). Incidence of histidine decarboxylating bacteria in fish and market environs. Food Microbiol, 1, 263-267.
  • Sumner SS, Roche F, Taylor SL (1990). Factors controlling histamine production in swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. J Dairy Sci, 73, 3050-3058.
  • Sungur T, Sungur C (1970). Beslenmemizde balığın değeri ve histaminik zehirlenme tehlikesi. A Üniv Tar Fak Mec, 23(2): 354- 365.
  • Tao Z, Sato M, Zhang H, Yamaguchi T, Nakano T (2011). A survey of histamine content in seafood sold in markets of nine countries. Food Control, 22, 430-432.
  • Taylor SL (1988). Marine toxins of microbial origin. Food Technol, 3, 94- 98.
  • Taylor SL, Keefe JT, Windham SE, Howell JF1(982a). Outbreak of histamine poisoning associated with consumption of swiss cheese. J Food Prot, 45, 455-457.
  • Taylor SL, Leatherwood M, Lieber ER (1978b). A survey histamine levels in sausages. J Food Protec, 41, 634-632.
  • Taylor SL, Lieber ER, Leatherwood M (1978a). A simplified method for histamine analysis of foods. J Food Sci, 43, 247-250.
  • Türker S, Çaklı S, Nizamoğlu M (1993). Balıkta muhafaza süresinin histamin miktarına etkisi. S Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 91, 36-37.
  • Türker S, Çaklı S, Taşkaya L (1996). Su ürünlerinde histamin zehirlenmesi. Gıda Tekn, 1, 57-63.
  • Varlık C, Gün H, Gökoğlu N (1992). Ton konservelerinde histamin düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Gıda, 17, 239-245.
  • Veciana-Nogues M.T, Vidal-Carou MC, Marine-Font A (1989). Histamine and tyramine during storage and spoilage of anchovie, Engraulis encrasicholus: relationships with other fish spoilage indicators. J Food Sci, 55, 1192-1195.

Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 71 - 74, 01.06.2011


Histamin zehirlenmesi yüksek seviyelerde histamin içeren gıdaların tüketilmesi sonucu meydana gelen gıda kaynaklı bir intoksikasyondur. Histamin, gıdalarda bulunan serbest histidinin mikrobiyel kökenli enzimler tarafından dekarboksilasyonu sonucu meydana gelen bir biyojen amindir. Histamin birçok gıda zehirlenmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Van’daki marketlerden toplanan balık konserveleri histamin ve pH yönünden incelendi. 12 ton, 9 uskumru, 7 sardunya olmak üzere toplam 28 örnek incelendi. Histamin tayininde spectroflorometrik yöntem kullanıldı. İncelenen tüm örneklerde histamin tespit edildi. Belirlenen histamin içeriği maksimum 78.33, minimum 19.34 ve ortalama 27.0512.32 olarak belirlendi. pH değerleri ise maksimum 6.48, minimum 5.12 ve ortalama 5.850.30 olarak belirlendi. Belirlenen histamin düzeyleri toksik düzey olarak kabul edilen 50mg/100g’dan daha düşük bulundu. Konserveler arasındaki fark histamin ve pH için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p < 0.01)bulundu


  • Ababouch L, Afilal ME, Rhafiri S, Busta FF (1991). Identification of histamine-producing bacteria isolated from sardine (Sardina pilchardus) stored in ice and at ambient temperature. Food Microbiol, 8,127-136.
  • Ababouch L, Alaloui MM, Busta, FF (1986). Histamin levels in commercially processed fish in Morocco. J Food Prot, 49, 904-908.
  • Antila P, Antila V, Mattlila J, Hakkarainen H (1984). Biogenic amine in cheese, II, factors ınfluencing the formation of biogenic amines, with particular reference to the quality of the milk used in cheese making. Milchwissesch, 39, 400-403.
  • Becker K, Southwick K, Reardon J, Berg R, Mac Cormack JN (2001). Histamine poisoning associated with eating tuna burgers. JAMA, 285, 1327-1330.
  • Chang SF, Ayres JW, Sandine E. (1985). Analysis of cheeses for histamine, tyramine, tyriptamine, histidine, tyrosine and tyrptophane. J Dairy Sci, 68, 2840-2846.
  • Chen HC, Huang YR, Hsu HH, Lin CS, Chen WC, Lin CM, Tsai YH (2010). Determination of histamine and biogenic amines in fish cubes (Tetrapturus angustirostris) implicated in a food-borne poisoning. Food Control, 21, 13-18.
  • Diaz-Cinco ME, Fraijo O, Grajeda P, Taylor LJ (1992). Microbial and Chemical Analysis of Chihuahua Cheese and Relationship to Histamine and Tyramine. J Food Sci, 57, 355-365.
  • Edwards ST, Sandine WE (1981). Public health significance of amines in cheese. J Dairy Sci, 64, 2431-2438.
  • Emir Çoban Ö, Patır B (2008). Investigation of histamine level and some chemical quality parameters in fish consumed in elazig city. Int J Sci Tech, 3, 59-65.
  • Gouygou JP, Sinounin DP (1987). High pressure liquid chromatopraphy determination of histamine in fish. J Food Sci, 52, 925-927.
  • Gökoğlu N, Varlık C (1995). Sardalya konservelerinin histamin biyojen amini yönünden incelenmesi. Gıda, 20, 273-279.
  • Henry M (1960). Dosage biologique de l’histamine dans les aliments. Ann Fals Exp Chim, 53, 24-33.
  • Hughes JM, Potter ME (1991). Scombroid-fish poisoning form pathogenesis to prevention. New Eng J Med, 14, 766-768.
  • Joosten HMLJ (1988). The biogenic amine contents of dutch cheese and their toxicological significance. Neth Milk Dairy, 42, 25-42.
  • Joosten HMLJ, Northolt MD (1987). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 2. decarboxylative properties of some non-starter bacteria. Neth Milk Dairy J, 41, 259-280.
  • Joosten HMLJ, Stadhouders J (1987). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 1. decarboxylative properties of starter bacteria. Neth Milk Dairy J, 41, 247-258.
  • Joosten HMLJ (1988). Conditions allowing the formation of biogenic amines in cheese. 3. factors ınfluencing the amongs formed. Neth. Milk Dairy J, 41, 329-357.
  • Köse S, Kaklıkkaya N, Koral S, Tufan B, Buruk KC, Faruk Aydın F (2011). Commercial test kits and the determination of histamine in traditional (ethnic) fish products-evaluation against an EU accepted HPLC method. Food Chem, 125, 1490-1497.
  • Lehanea L, Olleyb J (2000). Review : Histamine fish poisoning revisited. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 58, 1–37.
  • Lerke PA, Bell LD (1976). A rapid fluorometric method for the determination of histamine in canned tuna. J Food Sci, 41, 1282- 1284.
  • Lopez-Sabater EI, Rodriguez-Jerez JJ, Hernandez-Herrero M, Roig- Sagues AX, Mora-Ventura MT (1995). Sensory quality and histamine formation during controlled decomposition of tuna (Thunnus thynnus). J Food Protec, 59, 167-174.
  • Morrow JD, Margolis GR, Rowland J, Roberts LJ (1991). Evidence that histamine is the causative toxin of Scombroid fish poisoning. New Eng J Med, 324, 716-720.
  • Silva TM, Sabaini PS, Evangelista WP, GloriaMBA (2011). Occurrence of histamine in Brazilian fresh and canned tuna. Food Control, 22, 323-327.
  • Shalaby AR (1994). Seperation, identification and estimation of biogenic amines in foods by thin layer chromatography. Food Chem, 49, 305-310.
  • Stratton JE, Hutkins RW, Taylor SL (1991a). Biogenic amines in cheese and fermented foods: a review. J Food Protec, 54, 460-470.
  • Stratton JE, Hutkins RW, Taylor SL(1991b). Histamine production in low-salt cheddar cheese. J Food Prot, 54, 855-867.
  • Subburage M, Karunasagar I (1984). Incidence of histidine decarboxylating bacteria in fish and market environs. Food Microbiol, 1, 263-267.
  • Sumner SS, Roche F, Taylor SL (1990). Factors controlling histamine production in swiss cheese inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri. J Dairy Sci, 73, 3050-3058.
  • Sungur T, Sungur C (1970). Beslenmemizde balığın değeri ve histaminik zehirlenme tehlikesi. A Üniv Tar Fak Mec, 23(2): 354- 365.
  • Tao Z, Sato M, Zhang H, Yamaguchi T, Nakano T (2011). A survey of histamine content in seafood sold in markets of nine countries. Food Control, 22, 430-432.
  • Taylor SL (1988). Marine toxins of microbial origin. Food Technol, 3, 94- 98.
  • Taylor SL, Keefe JT, Windham SE, Howell JF1(982a). Outbreak of histamine poisoning associated with consumption of swiss cheese. J Food Prot, 45, 455-457.
  • Taylor SL, Leatherwood M, Lieber ER (1978b). A survey histamine levels in sausages. J Food Protec, 41, 634-632.
  • Taylor SL, Lieber ER, Leatherwood M (1978a). A simplified method for histamine analysis of foods. J Food Sci, 43, 247-250.
  • Türker S, Çaklı S, Nizamoğlu M (1993). Balıkta muhafaza süresinin histamin miktarına etkisi. S Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 91, 36-37.
  • Türker S, Çaklı S, Taşkaya L (1996). Su ürünlerinde histamin zehirlenmesi. Gıda Tekn, 1, 57-63.
  • Varlık C, Gün H, Gökoğlu N (1992). Ton konservelerinde histamin düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Gıda, 17, 239-245.
  • Veciana-Nogues M.T, Vidal-Carou MC, Marine-Font A (1989). Histamine and tyramine during storage and spoilage of anchovie, Engraulis encrasicholus: relationships with other fish spoilage indicators. J Food Sci, 55, 1192-1195.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hünkar Avni Duyar Bu kişi benim

Kamil Ekici Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Duyar, H. A., & Ekici, K. (2011). Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 71-74.
AMA Duyar HA, Ekici K. Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2011;22(2):71-74.
Chicago Duyar, Hünkar Avni, ve Kamil Ekici. “Balık Konservelerinde Histamin Ve PH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 22, sy. 2 (Haziran 2011): 71-74.
EndNote Duyar HA, Ekici K (01 Haziran 2011) Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 22 2 71–74.
IEEE H. A. Duyar ve K. Ekici, “Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 22, sy. 2, ss. 71–74, 2011.
ISNAD Duyar, Hünkar Avni - Ekici, Kamil. “Balık Konservelerinde Histamin Ve PH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 22/2 (Haziran 2011), 71-74.
JAMA Duyar HA, Ekici K. Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2011;22:71–74.
MLA Duyar, Hünkar Avni ve Kamil Ekici. “Balık Konservelerinde Histamin Ve PH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 2, 2011, ss. 71-74.
Vancouver Duyar HA, Ekici K. Balık Konservelerinde Histamin ve pH Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2011;22(2):71-4.