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Formaldehyde and its Using Areas, Risk Group, Harmful Effects and Protective Precautions Against it

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 71 - 75, 01.03.2010


Formaldehyde is a reactive chemical that enters into spontaneous reactions with various cellular elements. It is said that its mutagenicity is derived from this manner. This substance which is found in the natural structure of organism is used at a lot of places from industrial area to home materials, from making of teeth crowns at dentistry to fixation of cadavers at laboratories. Besides of this common usage, it includes important damages for human health. In this composition that is composed using various sources, it has been stressed description of formaldehyde, its using areas, risk group, harmful effects, damages in the body and protective precautions. Of this study is thougt to be contrubuting to fill the gap of knowledge in this field.


  • Auerbach C, Moutschen-Dahmen M, Moutschen J (1977). Genetic and cytogenetical effect of formaldehyde and related compounds. Mutat Res, 39, 317-361.
  • Blair A, Stewart PA, Hoover RN, et al (1986). Mortality among industrial workers exposed to formaldehyde. J Natl Cancer Inst, 76, 1071-1084.
  • Blair A, Stewart PA, Hoover RN (1990). Mortality from lung cancer among workers employed in formaldehyde industries, Am J Ind Med, 17, 683-699.
  • Bolt HM (1987). Experimental toxicology of formaldehyde, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 113, 305-309.
  • Casanova M, Heck HAD, Everitt JI, Harrington WW, Popp JA (1988). Formaldehyde concentrations in the blood of rhesus monkeys after inhalation exposure, Food Chem Toxicol, 26, 715- 716.
  • Cassee FR, Feron VJ (1994). Biochemical and histopathological changes in nasal epithelium of rats after 3-day intermittent exposure to formaldehyde and ozone alone or in combination, Toxicol Lett, 72, 257-68.
  • Chowdhury AR, Gautam AK, Patel KG, Trivedi HS (1992). Steroidogenic inhibition in testicular tissue of formaldehyde exposed rats, Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 36, 162-168.
  • Cohen BI, Pagnillo MK, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS (1998). Formaldehyde evaluation from endodontic materials, Oral Health, 88, 37-9.
  • Feron VJ, Bruyntjes JP, Woutersen RA, Immel HR, Appelman LM (1988). Nasal tumors in rats after short-term exposure to a cytotoxic concentration of formaldehyde, Cancer Lett, 39, 101- 111.
  • Furihata C, Yamkoshi A, Matsushima T (1988). Inductions of ornithine decarboxylase and DNA synthesis in rat stomach mucosa by formaldehyde, Jpn J Cancer Res, 79, 917-920.
  • Gürel A, Coşkun O, Armutçu F, Kanter M, Ozen OA (2005). Vitamin E against oxidative damage caused by formaldehyde in frontal cortex and hippocampus: biochemical and histological studies, J Chem Neuroanat, 29, 173-178.
  • Halperin WE, Goodman M, Stayner L, Elliot LJ, Keenlyside RA, Landrigan PJ (1983). Nasal cancer in a worker exposed to formaldehyde, JAMA, 249, 510- 512.
  • Hayasaka Y, Hayasaka S, Nagaki Y (2001). Ocular changes after intravitreal injection of methanol, formaldehyde, or formate in rabbits, Pharmacol Toxicol, 89(2), 74-78.
  • Hayes RB, Raatgever JW, de Bruyn A, Gerin M (1986). Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and formaldehyde exposure, Ind J Cancer, 37, 487-492.
  • Heck H, Casanova M (1999). Pharmacodynamics of formaldehyde. Applications of a model for the arrest of DNA replication by DNA- protein cross- links, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 160, 86-100.
  • Kalmykova TP (1979). Cytogenetic effect of formalin on animal somatic and sex cells, Veterineria, 11, 67-69.
  • Kerns WD, Pavkov KL, Donofrio DJ, Gralla EJ,Swenberg JA (1982). Carcinogenecity of formaldehyde in rats and mice aftar long-term inhalation exposure, Cancer Res, 43, 4382-4395.
  • Khanzadeh FA, Vaquerano MU, Khanzadeh MA, Bisesi MS (1994). Formaldehyde exposure, acute pulmoner response and exposure control options in a gross anatomy laboratory, Am J Indust Med, 26, 61-8.
  • Kilburn KH (1994). Neurobehavioral impairment and seizures from formaldehyde, Arch Environ Health, 49, 37- 44.
  • Kilburn KH, Warshaw R, Thornton JC (1987). Formaldehyde impairs memory, equilibrium, and dexterity in histology technicians: effects which persist for days after exposure, Arch Environ Health, 42, 117-120.
  • Kriebel D, Myers D, Cheng M, Woskie S, Cocanour B (2001). Short term effect of formaldehyde on peak expiratory flow and irritant symptoms, Arch Environ Health, 56, 11-18.
  • Ku R. H, Billings R. E (1984). Relationships between formaldehyde metabolism and toxicity and glutathione concentrations in isolated rat hepatocytes, Chem Biol Interact, 51(1), 25-36.
  • Kuş İ, Zararsız İ, Yılmaz H.R. Türkoğlu A, Pekmez H, Sarsılmaz M (2004). Sıçan prefrontal korteksinde formaldehit maruziyetiyle oluşan oksidatif hasara karşı melatonin hormonunun koruyucu etkisi, Erciyes Üniv Sağ Bil Derg, 13(2), 1-7.
  • Kuş İ, Zararsız İ, Akpolat N, Ögetürk M, Kuş M. A, Aslan O, Sarsılmaz M (2008). Deneysel Formaldehit Zehirlenmesinde Omega-3 Yağ AsitlerininTestislerdeki Antiapopitotik Etkileri: İmmunohistokimyasal Bir Calısma, Fırat Tıp Derg, 13(3), 162-166.
  • McLaughlin JK (1994). Formaldehyde and cancer, A critical review Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 66, 295-301.
  • Morgan KT, Patterson DL, Gross EA (1983). Formaldehyde and the nasal mucociliary apparatus, In: Formaldehyde Toxicology, Epidemiology and Mechanisms, Edited by Clary JJ, Gibson JE, Waritz RS. New York, Dekker, pp.193-210.
  • Özen OA, Akpolat N, Songur A, et al (2005). Effect of formaldehyde inhalation on Hsp70 in seminiferous tubules of rat testes: an immunohistochemical study, Toxicol Ind Health, 21, 249- 254.
  • Sarnak MJ, Long J, King AJ (1999). Intravesicular formaldehyde instillation and renal complications, Clin nephrol, 51, 122- 25.
  • Schlink K, Janßen K, Nitzsche S, Gebhard S, Hengstler JG, Klein S, Oesch F methyltransferase in mononuclear blood cells of formaldehyde- exposed medical students, Arch Toxicol, 73, 15-21. of
  • O6-methylguanine DNA
  • Shaham J, Bomstein Y, Meltzer A, Kaufman Z. Palma E, Ribak J (1996). DNA-protein crosslinks, a of exposure to formaldehyde in vitro and in vivo studies. Carcinogenesis, 17, 121- 125.
  • Smith, A.E (1992). Formaldehyde. Occup Med, 42, 83-88.
  • Soffritti M, Maltoni C, Maffei F, Biagi R (1989). Formaldehyde: An experimental multipotantial carcinogen, Toxicol Ind Healty, 5, 699- 730.
  • Stroup NE, Blair A, Erikson GE (1986). Brain cancer and other causes of deaths in anatomists, J Natl Cancer Inst, 77, 1217-1224.
  • Thrasher JD, Kilburn KH (2001). Embryo toxicity and teratogenicity of formaldehyde, Arch Environ Health, 56, 300- 311.
  • Usanmaz SE, Akarsu ES, Vural N (2002). Neurotoxic effects of acute and subacute formaldehyde exposures in mice, Envir Toxicol Pharmacol, 11, 93-100.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Çolakoğlu N, Pekmez H, Yılmaz H. R, Sarsılmaz M (2004a). Formaldehit Maruziyeti Sonucu Sıçan Akciğerinde Oluşan Oksidatif Hasara Karşı Melatonin Hormonunun Koruyucu Etkisi Işık Mikroskobik ve Biyokimyasal Çalışma, Van Tıp Derg, 11(4), 105-112.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Yılmaz H.R, Pekmez H, Ögetürk M, Sarsılmaz M (2004b). Sıçan prefrontal korteksinde formaldehit maruziyetiyle oluşan oksidatif hasara karşı omega-3 yağ asitlerinin koruyucu etkisi, Fırat Tıp Derg, 9, 35-39.
  • Zararsız İ, Sönmez M. F. Yılmaz H. R, Pekmez H, Kuş İ, Sarsılmaz M (2004c). Sıçanlarda formaldehit uygulamasıyla akciğerlerde oluşan histolojik hasar üzerine omega-3 yağ asitlerinin koruyucu etkisi, VIII. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi, Cilt I, P114, Konya-2004.
  • Zararsız İ, Sarsılmaz M, Sönmez M. F, Köse E, Yılmaz H. R, Ozan E (2005). Kadavra tespitinde kullanılan formaldehitin sıçan karaciğerinde oluşturduğu hasar ve buna omega-3 yağ asitlerinin etkisi, Fırat Tıp Derg, 10(3), 103-107.
  • Zararsiz I, Kus I, Akpolat N, Songur A, Ogeturk M, Sarsilmaz M (2006a). Protective effects of O-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats, Cell Biochem Funct, 24, 237- 244.
  • Zararsiz I, Sönmez MF, Yilmaz HR et al (2006b). Effects of omega- 3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced nephropathy in rats, Toxicol Ind Health, 22, 223-229.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Yılmaz H R, Köse E, Sarsılmaz M (2007). Deneysel Formaldehit Toksisitesi Sonucu Hipokampusta Oluşan Doku Hasarına Karşı Omega-3 Yağ Asitlerinin Antioksidan Etkileri, XI. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi, 26-29 Ekim 2007 Denizli.

Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 71 - 75, 01.03.2010


Formaldehit (FA), çeşitli hücresel unsurlarla spontane reaksiyonlara giren reaktif bir kimyasaldir. Organizmanın doğal yapısında da bulunan bu madde, endüstriyel alandan ev malzemelerine, diş hekimliğinde kaplamaların yapımından laboratuvarlarda kadavraların tespitine kadar pek çok yerde kullanılır. Bu yaygın kullanımının yanında insan sağlığına da önemli zararlar içerir. Çeşitli kaynaklardan yararlanılarak oluşturulan bu derlemede, formaldehitin tanımı, özellikleri, kullanım alanları, etki sahası, zararları, vücutta oluşturduğu hasarlar ve koruyucu önlemler hakkında detaylı bilgi verilmiştir. Çalışmanın, alanındaki bilgi birikimine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Auerbach C, Moutschen-Dahmen M, Moutschen J (1977). Genetic and cytogenetical effect of formaldehyde and related compounds. Mutat Res, 39, 317-361.
  • Blair A, Stewart PA, Hoover RN, et al (1986). Mortality among industrial workers exposed to formaldehyde. J Natl Cancer Inst, 76, 1071-1084.
  • Blair A, Stewart PA, Hoover RN (1990). Mortality from lung cancer among workers employed in formaldehyde industries, Am J Ind Med, 17, 683-699.
  • Bolt HM (1987). Experimental toxicology of formaldehyde, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 113, 305-309.
  • Casanova M, Heck HAD, Everitt JI, Harrington WW, Popp JA (1988). Formaldehyde concentrations in the blood of rhesus monkeys after inhalation exposure, Food Chem Toxicol, 26, 715- 716.
  • Cassee FR, Feron VJ (1994). Biochemical and histopathological changes in nasal epithelium of rats after 3-day intermittent exposure to formaldehyde and ozone alone or in combination, Toxicol Lett, 72, 257-68.
  • Chowdhury AR, Gautam AK, Patel KG, Trivedi HS (1992). Steroidogenic inhibition in testicular tissue of formaldehyde exposed rats, Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 36, 162-168.
  • Cohen BI, Pagnillo MK, Musikant BL, Deutsch AS (1998). Formaldehyde evaluation from endodontic materials, Oral Health, 88, 37-9.
  • Feron VJ, Bruyntjes JP, Woutersen RA, Immel HR, Appelman LM (1988). Nasal tumors in rats after short-term exposure to a cytotoxic concentration of formaldehyde, Cancer Lett, 39, 101- 111.
  • Furihata C, Yamkoshi A, Matsushima T (1988). Inductions of ornithine decarboxylase and DNA synthesis in rat stomach mucosa by formaldehyde, Jpn J Cancer Res, 79, 917-920.
  • Gürel A, Coşkun O, Armutçu F, Kanter M, Ozen OA (2005). Vitamin E against oxidative damage caused by formaldehyde in frontal cortex and hippocampus: biochemical and histological studies, J Chem Neuroanat, 29, 173-178.
  • Halperin WE, Goodman M, Stayner L, Elliot LJ, Keenlyside RA, Landrigan PJ (1983). Nasal cancer in a worker exposed to formaldehyde, JAMA, 249, 510- 512.
  • Hayasaka Y, Hayasaka S, Nagaki Y (2001). Ocular changes after intravitreal injection of methanol, formaldehyde, or formate in rabbits, Pharmacol Toxicol, 89(2), 74-78.
  • Hayes RB, Raatgever JW, de Bruyn A, Gerin M (1986). Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and formaldehyde exposure, Ind J Cancer, 37, 487-492.
  • Heck H, Casanova M (1999). Pharmacodynamics of formaldehyde. Applications of a model for the arrest of DNA replication by DNA- protein cross- links, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 160, 86-100.
  • Kalmykova TP (1979). Cytogenetic effect of formalin on animal somatic and sex cells, Veterineria, 11, 67-69.
  • Kerns WD, Pavkov KL, Donofrio DJ, Gralla EJ,Swenberg JA (1982). Carcinogenecity of formaldehyde in rats and mice aftar long-term inhalation exposure, Cancer Res, 43, 4382-4395.
  • Khanzadeh FA, Vaquerano MU, Khanzadeh MA, Bisesi MS (1994). Formaldehyde exposure, acute pulmoner response and exposure control options in a gross anatomy laboratory, Am J Indust Med, 26, 61-8.
  • Kilburn KH (1994). Neurobehavioral impairment and seizures from formaldehyde, Arch Environ Health, 49, 37- 44.
  • Kilburn KH, Warshaw R, Thornton JC (1987). Formaldehyde impairs memory, equilibrium, and dexterity in histology technicians: effects which persist for days after exposure, Arch Environ Health, 42, 117-120.
  • Kriebel D, Myers D, Cheng M, Woskie S, Cocanour B (2001). Short term effect of formaldehyde on peak expiratory flow and irritant symptoms, Arch Environ Health, 56, 11-18.
  • Ku R. H, Billings R. E (1984). Relationships between formaldehyde metabolism and toxicity and glutathione concentrations in isolated rat hepatocytes, Chem Biol Interact, 51(1), 25-36.
  • Kuş İ, Zararsız İ, Yılmaz H.R. Türkoğlu A, Pekmez H, Sarsılmaz M (2004). Sıçan prefrontal korteksinde formaldehit maruziyetiyle oluşan oksidatif hasara karşı melatonin hormonunun koruyucu etkisi, Erciyes Üniv Sağ Bil Derg, 13(2), 1-7.
  • Kuş İ, Zararsız İ, Akpolat N, Ögetürk M, Kuş M. A, Aslan O, Sarsılmaz M (2008). Deneysel Formaldehit Zehirlenmesinde Omega-3 Yağ AsitlerininTestislerdeki Antiapopitotik Etkileri: İmmunohistokimyasal Bir Calısma, Fırat Tıp Derg, 13(3), 162-166.
  • McLaughlin JK (1994). Formaldehyde and cancer, A critical review Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 66, 295-301.
  • Morgan KT, Patterson DL, Gross EA (1983). Formaldehyde and the nasal mucociliary apparatus, In: Formaldehyde Toxicology, Epidemiology and Mechanisms, Edited by Clary JJ, Gibson JE, Waritz RS. New York, Dekker, pp.193-210.
  • Özen OA, Akpolat N, Songur A, et al (2005). Effect of formaldehyde inhalation on Hsp70 in seminiferous tubules of rat testes: an immunohistochemical study, Toxicol Ind Health, 21, 249- 254.
  • Sarnak MJ, Long J, King AJ (1999). Intravesicular formaldehyde instillation and renal complications, Clin nephrol, 51, 122- 25.
  • Schlink K, Janßen K, Nitzsche S, Gebhard S, Hengstler JG, Klein S, Oesch F methyltransferase in mononuclear blood cells of formaldehyde- exposed medical students, Arch Toxicol, 73, 15-21. of
  • O6-methylguanine DNA
  • Shaham J, Bomstein Y, Meltzer A, Kaufman Z. Palma E, Ribak J (1996). DNA-protein crosslinks, a of exposure to formaldehyde in vitro and in vivo studies. Carcinogenesis, 17, 121- 125.
  • Smith, A.E (1992). Formaldehyde. Occup Med, 42, 83-88.
  • Soffritti M, Maltoni C, Maffei F, Biagi R (1989). Formaldehyde: An experimental multipotantial carcinogen, Toxicol Ind Healty, 5, 699- 730.
  • Stroup NE, Blair A, Erikson GE (1986). Brain cancer and other causes of deaths in anatomists, J Natl Cancer Inst, 77, 1217-1224.
  • Thrasher JD, Kilburn KH (2001). Embryo toxicity and teratogenicity of formaldehyde, Arch Environ Health, 56, 300- 311.
  • Usanmaz SE, Akarsu ES, Vural N (2002). Neurotoxic effects of acute and subacute formaldehyde exposures in mice, Envir Toxicol Pharmacol, 11, 93-100.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Çolakoğlu N, Pekmez H, Yılmaz H. R, Sarsılmaz M (2004a). Formaldehit Maruziyeti Sonucu Sıçan Akciğerinde Oluşan Oksidatif Hasara Karşı Melatonin Hormonunun Koruyucu Etkisi Işık Mikroskobik ve Biyokimyasal Çalışma, Van Tıp Derg, 11(4), 105-112.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Yılmaz H.R, Pekmez H, Ögetürk M, Sarsılmaz M (2004b). Sıçan prefrontal korteksinde formaldehit maruziyetiyle oluşan oksidatif hasara karşı omega-3 yağ asitlerinin koruyucu etkisi, Fırat Tıp Derg, 9, 35-39.
  • Zararsız İ, Sönmez M. F. Yılmaz H. R, Pekmez H, Kuş İ, Sarsılmaz M (2004c). Sıçanlarda formaldehit uygulamasıyla akciğerlerde oluşan histolojik hasar üzerine omega-3 yağ asitlerinin koruyucu etkisi, VIII. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi, Cilt I, P114, Konya-2004.
  • Zararsız İ, Sarsılmaz M, Sönmez M. F, Köse E, Yılmaz H. R, Ozan E (2005). Kadavra tespitinde kullanılan formaldehitin sıçan karaciğerinde oluşturduğu hasar ve buna omega-3 yağ asitlerinin etkisi, Fırat Tıp Derg, 10(3), 103-107.
  • Zararsiz I, Kus I, Akpolat N, Songur A, Ogeturk M, Sarsilmaz M (2006a). Protective effects of O-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats, Cell Biochem Funct, 24, 237- 244.
  • Zararsiz I, Sönmez MF, Yilmaz HR et al (2006b). Effects of omega- 3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced nephropathy in rats, Toxicol Ind Health, 22, 223-229.
  • Zararsız İ, Kuş İ, Yılmaz H R, Köse E, Sarsılmaz M (2007). Deneysel Formaldehit Toksisitesi Sonucu Hipokampusta Oluşan Doku Hasarına Karşı Omega-3 Yağ Asitlerinin Antioksidan Etkileri, XI. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi, 26-29 Ekim 2007 Denizli.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Esin Ünsaldı Bu kişi benim

M. Kemal Çiftçi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünsaldı, E., & Çiftçi, M. K. (2010). Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 71-75.
AMA Ünsaldı E, Çiftçi MK. Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Mart 2010;21(1):71-75.
Chicago Ünsaldı, Esin, ve M. Kemal Çiftçi. “Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri Ve Koruyucu Önlemler”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 21, sy. 1 (Mart 2010): 71-75.
EndNote Ünsaldı E, Çiftçi MK (01 Mart 2010) Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 21 1 71–75.
IEEE E. Ünsaldı ve M. K. Çiftçi, “Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 71–75, 2010.
ISNAD Ünsaldı, Esin - Çiftçi, M. Kemal. “Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri Ve Koruyucu Önlemler”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 21/1 (Mart 2010), 71-75.
JAMA Ünsaldı E, Çiftçi MK. Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2010;21:71–75.
MLA Ünsaldı, Esin ve M. Kemal Çiftçi. “Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri Ve Koruyucu Önlemler”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 1, 2010, ss. 71-75.
Vancouver Ünsaldı E, Çiftçi MK. Formaldehit,Kullanım Alanları,Risk Grubu,Zararlı Etkileri ve Koruyucu Önlemler. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2010;21(1):71-5.