Abeyta CJR, Charles AK, Wekell MM, Sullivan JJ, Stelma GN (1986). Recovery of Aeromonas hydrophila from oysters implicated in an outbreak of foodborne illness. J Food Prot, 49(8): 643-646.
Araujo RM, Arribas RM, Pares R (1991). Distribution of Aeromonas species in waters with different levels of pollution. J Appl Bacteriol, 71, 182-185.
Bernardo Prado B, Jara A, Del Moral A, Sánchez E (2001). Numerical taxonomy of microorganisms isolated from Goat cheese made in Chile. Current Microbiol, 43, 396-399.
Biscardi D, Castaldo A, Gualillo R, De Fusco R (2002). The occurence of cytotoxic Aeromonas hydrophila strains in Italian mineral and thermal waters, The Science of The Total Environment, 292, 255-263.
Brunner B, Stolle A (1997). Computer aided assigment of motile Aeromonas strains to genospecies level by standard biochemical tests. J Vet Med B, 44, 221-233.
Buchann RL, Palumbo SA (1988). Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria as potential food poisoning species. A Review, J Food Safety, 7, 15-29.
Delamare APL, Costa SOP, Silveira MMD, Echeverrigaray S (2000). Growth of Aeromonas species on increasing concentrations of sodium chloride. Letters in Appl Microbiol, 3, 57-60.
Encinas JP, González CJ, Garcia-López ML, Otero A (1999). Numbers and species of motile Aeromonads during the manufacture of naturally contaminated Spanish fermented sausages (Longaniza and Chorizo). J Food Prot, 62(9): 1045-1049.
Erdem B (1996). Tavuklardan hareketli Aeromonas’ların izolasyonu ve identifikasyonları ile faj duyarlılıkları toksijenite ve patojenite testleri. AÜ Vet Fak Derg, 4, 91-98.
Falcão DP, Lustri WR, Bauab TM (1998). Incidence of Non-01 Vibrio cholerae and Aeromonas spp. in freshwater in Araraquara, Brazil. Current Microbiol, 37, 28-31.
Falcão JP, Dias AMG, Correa EF, Falcao DP (2002). Microbiological quality of ice used to refrigerate foods. Food Microbiol, 19, 269-276.
Fernandez MC, Giampaola BN, Ibanez SB, et al (2000). Aeromonas hydrophila and its relation with drinking water indicators of microbiological guality in Argentine. Genetica, 108, 35-40.
Fong KPY, Tan HM (2000). Isolation of a microbial consortium from activated sludge for the biological treatment of food waste. World J Microbiology&Biotechnology, 16, 441-443.
Galindo CL, Sha J, Fadl AA, Pillai LL, Chopra AK (2006). Host immune responses to Aeromonas virulence factor. Current Immunology Reviews, 2, 13-26.
Gill CO, Baker LP, Janes T (1999). Identification of inadequately cleaned equipmant used in a sheep carcass breaking process. J Food Prot, 62(6): 637-643.
Gray SJ (1984). Aeromonas hydrophila in livestock incidence, biochemical characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility. J Hyg Cam, 9(2): 365-375.
Hao YY, Brackett RE, Doyle MP (1998). Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas hydrophila by plant extracts in refrigerated cooked beef. J Food Prot, 61(3): 307-312.
Holt JG, Krieg NR, Sneath PHA, Staly JT, Williams ST (1994). Genus Aeromonas, Bergey's Manuel of Determinative Bacteriology 9th ed, 190- 191, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Hudson WR, Roberts TA, Whelehan OP (1987). Bacteriological status of beef carcasses at a commercial abattoir before and after slaughterline improvements. Epid. Inf, 98, 81-86.
Isonhood JH, Gerard P, Leenanon B, Drake MA (2002). Stress response of Aeromonas hydrophila following environmental challenges. Food Microbiol, 19(4): 285-293.
Ivanova EP, Zhukova NV, Gorshkova NM, Chaikina EL (2001). Characterization of Aeromonas and Vibrio species isolated from a drinking water reservoir. J Appl Microbiol, 90, 919-927.
İbrahim A, McRae IC (1991). Incidence of Aeromonas and Listeria spp. in red meat and milk samples in Brisbane, Australia. Int J Food Microbiol, 12(2-3): 263-269.
Jacxsens L, Devlieghere F, Falcato P, Debevere J (1999). Behavior of Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas spp. on fresh-cut produce packaged under equilibrium-modified atmosphere. J Food Prot, 62(10): 1128-1135.
Janda JM, Abbot SL (1990). Evolving concepts regarding the genus Aeromonas: an expanding panorama of species, disease presentation and unanswered questions. Clin Infect Dis, 27, 332-344.
Kirov SM (1993). The Public health significance of Aeromonas spp. in foods. Int J Food Microbiol, 20, 179-198.
Küplülü Ö, Sarımehmetoğlu B, Kasımoğlu A (2000). Sığır kıymalarından hareketli Aeromonas türlerinin izolasyon ve identifikasyonu. Türk J Vet Anim Sci, 24, 423-428.
Landre JPB, Gavriel AA, Rust RC, Lamb AJ (2000). The response of Aeromonas hydrophila to oxidative stress induced by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. J Appl Mic, 89, 145-151.
Majeed KN, Egan AF, Mac Rae IC (1990). Production of exotoxins by Aeromonas spp. at 5 oC. J Appl Bacteriol, 69, 332-337.
Marriott NG (1995). Meat and poultry processing and product sanitation, Principles of Food Sanitation 3rd ed, 230-265, Chapman&Hall, New York London.
Martins LM, Marquez RF, Yano T (2002). Incidence of toxic Aeromonas isolated from food and human infection. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 32, 237-242.
Massa S, Altieri D, D´Angela A (2001). The occurence of Aeromonas spp. in natural mineral water and well water. Int J.Food Mic, 63, 169-173.
Mazurkiewich M, Wachnick Z (1981). Coligranuloma-tosis of geese with secondary Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Panigraph BJ, Mathewson JJ, Hall CF, Giumbles LC.:Unusual disease conditions in pet and aviary birds. J Am Vet Med Assos, 178, 394-395.
McMahon MAS, Wilson IG (2001). The Occurence of enteric pathogens and Aeromonas species in organic vegetables. Int J Food Microbiol, 70, 155-162.
Melas DS, Papageorgiov DK, Mantis AI (1999). Enumeration and confirmation of Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae, and Aeromonas sobria. Isolated from raw milk and products in Northern Greece. J Food Prot, 62(5): 463-466.
Messi P, Guerrieri E, Bondi M (2003). Bacteriocin-like substance (BLS) production in Aeromonas hydrophila water isolates. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 220, 121-125.
Nishikawa Y, Kishi T (1988). Isolation and characterization of motile Aeromonas from human, food and environmental specimens. Epidemiol Infect, 101, 213-233.
Okrend AJ, Rose BE, Bennet B (1987). Incidence and toxigenicity of Aeromonas species in retail poultry, beef and pork. J Food Prot, 50, 509- 513.
Palumbo S, Abeyta C, Stelma G (1992). Aeromonas hydrophila Group, Chapter 30, in “Compendium of Methods for The Microbiological Exemination of Foods, 3rd Ed.” Editörs, Carl Vanderzant PhD, Don F Splittstoesser PhD. American Public Health Association, America.
Papageorgiou DK, Melas DS, Abrahim A, Koutsoumanis K (2003). Growth and survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in rice pudding (milk rice) during its storage at 4 C and 12 C. Food Microbiology, 20, 385- 390.
Pilar Hernández S, Rodríquez de García R, Di Egidio D, Estrada M (1997). Chlorination treatment as a control of Aeromonas spp. in drinking Water Int J Environ Health Research, 7, 355-359.
Poffe R, Op de Beeck E (1991). Enumeration of Aeromonas hydrophila from domestic wastewater treatment plants and surface waters. J Appl Bact, 71, 366-370.
Popoff M (1984). Genus III. Aeromonas, Kluyver and Van Niel 1936, 398, 545-548, İn N.R Krieg and J.G. Holt (eds.), Bergey's Manuel of Systematic Bacteriology, 1, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Roberts RJ, Shepherd CJ (1986). Bacterial Diseases. Handbook of Troutand Salmon Diseases. 2 nd Ed, 116-119, Great Britain At The Alden Press, Oxford.
Sachan N, Agarwall RK (2000). Selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Aeromonas spp. from chicken meat. Int J Food Mic, 60, 65- 74.
Sautour M, Mary P, Chihib NE, Hornez JP (2003). The effects of temperature, water activity and pH on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila and on its subsequent survival in microcosm water. J Appl Microbiol, 95, 807-813.
Singh U (1997). Isolation and identification of Aeromonas spp. from ground meats in eastern Canada. J Food Prot, 60, 125-130.
Suñen E, Aristimuño C, Fernandez-Galian B (2003). Activity of smoke wood condensates against Aeromonas hydrophila and Listeria monocytogenes in vacuum-packaged, cold-smoked rainbow trout stored at 4 °C. Food Research Int, 36(2): 111-116.
Tayar M, Çetin C, Şen C, Şen A, Eyigör A (1994). Bursa Et ve Balık Kurumunda kesilen koyun ve keçilerin hareketli Aeromonas’lar yönünden incelenmesi. UÜ Vet Fak Derg, 13(1-2-3): 65-71.
Ternstörm A, Molin G (1987). Incidence of potential pathogens on raw pork, beef and chicken in Sweden, with special reference to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathia. J Food Prot, 50, 141-146.
Tsai GJ, Tsai FC, Kong ZL (1997). Effects of temperature, medium composition, pH, salt and dissolved oxygen on haemolysin and cytotoxin production by Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from oyster. Int J Food Microbiol, 38, 111-116.
Uyttendaele M, Neyts K, Vanderswalmen H, Notebaert E, Debevere J (2004). Control of Aeromonas on minimally processed vegetables by decontamination with lactic acid, chlorinated water, or thyme essential oil solution. Int J Food Microbiol, 90, 263-271.
Uzel A, Uçar F (2000). İzmir İlindeki çeşitli kaynaklardan Aeromonas hydrophila'nın izolasyon, identifikasyon ve toksijenik özellikleri. Türk J Biol, 24, 25-32.
Wang C, Silva JL (1999). Prevalence and charecteristics of Aeromonas species isolated from processed channel catfish. J Food Prot, 62 (1): 30- 34.
Yu SL, Palumbo SA (2000). Enumeration of Aeromonas for verification of the hygienic adequacy of swine carcass dressing processes. J Food Safety, 20(1): 43-52.
Yücel S, Erdem B, Kaya D (2005). Some virulence properties and characterization of motile Aeromonas species from milk and white cheese. Int J Dairy Technology, 58 (2): 106–110.
Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas'lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri
Çevrede ve özellikle taze su kaynaklarında yaygın olarak bulunan hareketli Aeromanas’lar; et ve et ürünleri, balık ve deniz ürünleri, ve süt ve süt ürünleri ile sebzelerde yaptıkları kontaminasyonlarla halk sağlığı açısından ciddi problemlere yol açmaktadırlar. Hareketli Aeromonas’lar özellikle de A. hydrophila, sitotoksik ve hemolitik ekzoenzimleri ile insanlarda başta gastroenteritis, kusma, ateş ve epigastrik ağrılar olmak üzere, septisemi, artrit, menenjit, peritonit gibi enfeksiyonlara neden olmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalarda oldukça önemli bir gıda patojeni olduğu ortaya konulan hareketli Aeromonas’lardan kaynaklanan tehlikeleri önlemek için; gıda işletmelerinde temiz ve kaliteli su kullanılması ile üretimin tüm aşamalarında HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) gibi kalite kontrol uygulamalarına ve üründeki mikrobiyolojik kalite standartlarının etkin bir şekilde sağlanmasına dikkat edilerek ortaya çıkabilecek sağlık riskleri en aza indirilmelidir
Abeyta CJR, Charles AK, Wekell MM, Sullivan JJ, Stelma GN (1986). Recovery of Aeromonas hydrophila from oysters implicated in an outbreak of foodborne illness. J Food Prot, 49(8): 643-646.
Araujo RM, Arribas RM, Pares R (1991). Distribution of Aeromonas species in waters with different levels of pollution. J Appl Bacteriol, 71, 182-185.
Bernardo Prado B, Jara A, Del Moral A, Sánchez E (2001). Numerical taxonomy of microorganisms isolated from Goat cheese made in Chile. Current Microbiol, 43, 396-399.
Biscardi D, Castaldo A, Gualillo R, De Fusco R (2002). The occurence of cytotoxic Aeromonas hydrophila strains in Italian mineral and thermal waters, The Science of The Total Environment, 292, 255-263.
Brunner B, Stolle A (1997). Computer aided assigment of motile Aeromonas strains to genospecies level by standard biochemical tests. J Vet Med B, 44, 221-233.
Buchann RL, Palumbo SA (1988). Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria as potential food poisoning species. A Review, J Food Safety, 7, 15-29.
Delamare APL, Costa SOP, Silveira MMD, Echeverrigaray S (2000). Growth of Aeromonas species on increasing concentrations of sodium chloride. Letters in Appl Microbiol, 3, 57-60.
Encinas JP, González CJ, Garcia-López ML, Otero A (1999). Numbers and species of motile Aeromonads during the manufacture of naturally contaminated Spanish fermented sausages (Longaniza and Chorizo). J Food Prot, 62(9): 1045-1049.
Erdem B (1996). Tavuklardan hareketli Aeromonas’ların izolasyonu ve identifikasyonları ile faj duyarlılıkları toksijenite ve patojenite testleri. AÜ Vet Fak Derg, 4, 91-98.
Falcão DP, Lustri WR, Bauab TM (1998). Incidence of Non-01 Vibrio cholerae and Aeromonas spp. in freshwater in Araraquara, Brazil. Current Microbiol, 37, 28-31.
Falcão JP, Dias AMG, Correa EF, Falcao DP (2002). Microbiological quality of ice used to refrigerate foods. Food Microbiol, 19, 269-276.
Fernandez MC, Giampaola BN, Ibanez SB, et al (2000). Aeromonas hydrophila and its relation with drinking water indicators of microbiological guality in Argentine. Genetica, 108, 35-40.
Fong KPY, Tan HM (2000). Isolation of a microbial consortium from activated sludge for the biological treatment of food waste. World J Microbiology&Biotechnology, 16, 441-443.
Galindo CL, Sha J, Fadl AA, Pillai LL, Chopra AK (2006). Host immune responses to Aeromonas virulence factor. Current Immunology Reviews, 2, 13-26.
Gill CO, Baker LP, Janes T (1999). Identification of inadequately cleaned equipmant used in a sheep carcass breaking process. J Food Prot, 62(6): 637-643.
Gray SJ (1984). Aeromonas hydrophila in livestock incidence, biochemical characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility. J Hyg Cam, 9(2): 365-375.
Hao YY, Brackett RE, Doyle MP (1998). Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas hydrophila by plant extracts in refrigerated cooked beef. J Food Prot, 61(3): 307-312.
Holt JG, Krieg NR, Sneath PHA, Staly JT, Williams ST (1994). Genus Aeromonas, Bergey's Manuel of Determinative Bacteriology 9th ed, 190- 191, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Hudson WR, Roberts TA, Whelehan OP (1987). Bacteriological status of beef carcasses at a commercial abattoir before and after slaughterline improvements. Epid. Inf, 98, 81-86.
Isonhood JH, Gerard P, Leenanon B, Drake MA (2002). Stress response of Aeromonas hydrophila following environmental challenges. Food Microbiol, 19(4): 285-293.
Ivanova EP, Zhukova NV, Gorshkova NM, Chaikina EL (2001). Characterization of Aeromonas and Vibrio species isolated from a drinking water reservoir. J Appl Microbiol, 90, 919-927.
İbrahim A, McRae IC (1991). Incidence of Aeromonas and Listeria spp. in red meat and milk samples in Brisbane, Australia. Int J Food Microbiol, 12(2-3): 263-269.
Jacxsens L, Devlieghere F, Falcato P, Debevere J (1999). Behavior of Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas spp. on fresh-cut produce packaged under equilibrium-modified atmosphere. J Food Prot, 62(10): 1128-1135.
Janda JM, Abbot SL (1990). Evolving concepts regarding the genus Aeromonas: an expanding panorama of species, disease presentation and unanswered questions. Clin Infect Dis, 27, 332-344.
Kirov SM (1993). The Public health significance of Aeromonas spp. in foods. Int J Food Microbiol, 20, 179-198.
Küplülü Ö, Sarımehmetoğlu B, Kasımoğlu A (2000). Sığır kıymalarından hareketli Aeromonas türlerinin izolasyon ve identifikasyonu. Türk J Vet Anim Sci, 24, 423-428.
Landre JPB, Gavriel AA, Rust RC, Lamb AJ (2000). The response of Aeromonas hydrophila to oxidative stress induced by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. J Appl Mic, 89, 145-151.
Majeed KN, Egan AF, Mac Rae IC (1990). Production of exotoxins by Aeromonas spp. at 5 oC. J Appl Bacteriol, 69, 332-337.
Marriott NG (1995). Meat and poultry processing and product sanitation, Principles of Food Sanitation 3rd ed, 230-265, Chapman&Hall, New York London.
Martins LM, Marquez RF, Yano T (2002). Incidence of toxic Aeromonas isolated from food and human infection. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 32, 237-242.
Massa S, Altieri D, D´Angela A (2001). The occurence of Aeromonas spp. in natural mineral water and well water. Int J.Food Mic, 63, 169-173.
Mazurkiewich M, Wachnick Z (1981). Coligranuloma-tosis of geese with secondary Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Panigraph BJ, Mathewson JJ, Hall CF, Giumbles LC.:Unusual disease conditions in pet and aviary birds. J Am Vet Med Assos, 178, 394-395.
McMahon MAS, Wilson IG (2001). The Occurence of enteric pathogens and Aeromonas species in organic vegetables. Int J Food Microbiol, 70, 155-162.
Melas DS, Papageorgiov DK, Mantis AI (1999). Enumeration and confirmation of Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae, and Aeromonas sobria. Isolated from raw milk and products in Northern Greece. J Food Prot, 62(5): 463-466.
Messi P, Guerrieri E, Bondi M (2003). Bacteriocin-like substance (BLS) production in Aeromonas hydrophila water isolates. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 220, 121-125.
Nishikawa Y, Kishi T (1988). Isolation and characterization of motile Aeromonas from human, food and environmental specimens. Epidemiol Infect, 101, 213-233.
Okrend AJ, Rose BE, Bennet B (1987). Incidence and toxigenicity of Aeromonas species in retail poultry, beef and pork. J Food Prot, 50, 509- 513.
Palumbo S, Abeyta C, Stelma G (1992). Aeromonas hydrophila Group, Chapter 30, in “Compendium of Methods for The Microbiological Exemination of Foods, 3rd Ed.” Editörs, Carl Vanderzant PhD, Don F Splittstoesser PhD. American Public Health Association, America.
Papageorgiou DK, Melas DS, Abrahim A, Koutsoumanis K (2003). Growth and survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in rice pudding (milk rice) during its storage at 4 C and 12 C. Food Microbiology, 20, 385- 390.
Pilar Hernández S, Rodríquez de García R, Di Egidio D, Estrada M (1997). Chlorination treatment as a control of Aeromonas spp. in drinking Water Int J Environ Health Research, 7, 355-359.
Poffe R, Op de Beeck E (1991). Enumeration of Aeromonas hydrophila from domestic wastewater treatment plants and surface waters. J Appl Bact, 71, 366-370.
Popoff M (1984). Genus III. Aeromonas, Kluyver and Van Niel 1936, 398, 545-548, İn N.R Krieg and J.G. Holt (eds.), Bergey's Manuel of Systematic Bacteriology, 1, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
Roberts RJ, Shepherd CJ (1986). Bacterial Diseases. Handbook of Troutand Salmon Diseases. 2 nd Ed, 116-119, Great Britain At The Alden Press, Oxford.
Sachan N, Agarwall RK (2000). Selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Aeromonas spp. from chicken meat. Int J Food Mic, 60, 65- 74.
Sautour M, Mary P, Chihib NE, Hornez JP (2003). The effects of temperature, water activity and pH on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila and on its subsequent survival in microcosm water. J Appl Microbiol, 95, 807-813.
Singh U (1997). Isolation and identification of Aeromonas spp. from ground meats in eastern Canada. J Food Prot, 60, 125-130.
Suñen E, Aristimuño C, Fernandez-Galian B (2003). Activity of smoke wood condensates against Aeromonas hydrophila and Listeria monocytogenes in vacuum-packaged, cold-smoked rainbow trout stored at 4 °C. Food Research Int, 36(2): 111-116.
Tayar M, Çetin C, Şen C, Şen A, Eyigör A (1994). Bursa Et ve Balık Kurumunda kesilen koyun ve keçilerin hareketli Aeromonas’lar yönünden incelenmesi. UÜ Vet Fak Derg, 13(1-2-3): 65-71.
Ternstörm A, Molin G (1987). Incidence of potential pathogens on raw pork, beef and chicken in Sweden, with special reference to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathia. J Food Prot, 50, 141-146.
Tsai GJ, Tsai FC, Kong ZL (1997). Effects of temperature, medium composition, pH, salt and dissolved oxygen on haemolysin and cytotoxin production by Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from oyster. Int J Food Microbiol, 38, 111-116.
Uyttendaele M, Neyts K, Vanderswalmen H, Notebaert E, Debevere J (2004). Control of Aeromonas on minimally processed vegetables by decontamination with lactic acid, chlorinated water, or thyme essential oil solution. Int J Food Microbiol, 90, 263-271.
Uzel A, Uçar F (2000). İzmir İlindeki çeşitli kaynaklardan Aeromonas hydrophila'nın izolasyon, identifikasyon ve toksijenik özellikleri. Türk J Biol, 24, 25-32.
Wang C, Silva JL (1999). Prevalence and charecteristics of Aeromonas species isolated from processed channel catfish. J Food Prot, 62 (1): 30- 34.
Yu SL, Palumbo SA (2000). Enumeration of Aeromonas for verification of the hygienic adequacy of swine carcass dressing processes. J Food Safety, 20(1): 43-52.
Yücel S, Erdem B, Kaya D (2005). Some virulence properties and characterization of motile Aeromonas species from milk and white cheese. Int J Dairy Technology, 58 (2): 106–110.
İşleyici, Ö., & Sancak, Y. C. (2009). Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 69-74.
İşleyici Ö, Sancak YC. Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2009;20(2):69-74.
İşleyici, Özgür, ve Yakup Can Sancak. “Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Haziran 2009): 69-74.
İşleyici Ö, Sancak YC (01 Haziran 2009) Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20 2 69–74.
Ö. İşleyici ve Y. C. Sancak, “Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 69–74, 2009.
İşleyici, Özgür - Sancak, Yakup Can. “Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20/2 (Haziran 2009), 69-74.
İşleyici Ö, Sancak YC. Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2009;20:69–74.
İşleyici, Özgür ve Yakup Can Sancak. “Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, 2009, ss. 69-74.
İşleyici Ö, Sancak YC. Gıdalarda Hareketli Aeromonas’lardan Kaynaklanan Sağlık Riskleri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2009;20(2):69-74.