Bir Kuzuda Erkek Psödohermafroditizm Olgusu
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 65 - 67, 01.03.2009
Şule Yurdagül Özsoy
Osman Kutsal
- Aksoy Ö, Kılıç E, Öztürk S, Özaydın İ, Kurt B, Baran V (2006). Buzağı, kuzu ve oğlaklarda karşılaşılan doğmasal anomaliler: 1996-2005 (262 Olgu). Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 12(2), 147-154.
- Alam MR, Cho YG, Cho SJ, Lee JI, Lee HB, Tae HJ, Kim IS, Kim NS (2007). Male pseudohermaphroditism in dogs: three case reports. Vet Med, 52, 74–78.
- Baştan A, Güngör Ö, Çetin Y (2003). Bir köpekte yalancı erkek hermafrodizm olgusu. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 50, 245.
- Bunch TD, Callan RJ, Maciulis A, Dalton JC, Figueroa MR, Kunzler R, Olson RE (1991). True hermaphroditism in a wild sheep: A clinical report. Theriogenology, 36,185-90.
- Dennis SM (1979). Urogenital defects in sheep. Vet Rec, 105 (15), 344- 347.
- Goldman AS, Eavey RD, Baker MK (1976). Production of male pseudohermaphroditism in rats by two new inhibitors of steroid 17alpha-hydroxylase and C 17-20 lyase. J Endocrinol, 289-297.
- Hafez SA, Huckle W R, Caceci T (2005). Anatomical, histological and genetic investigations of a sexually anomalous goat. Vet Rec, 157, 5, in: Weng et al. 2005-516.
- Just W, De Almeida CC, Goldshmidt B, Vogel W (1994). The male pseudohermaphrodite XX polled goat is Zfy and Sry negative. Hereditas, 120, 71-75.
- Kennedy PC, Miller RB (1993). The female genital system. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals, Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N (Ed), 349-357. Fourth Ed. Academic Press, San Diego.
- Kenny DE, Cambre RC, Fhram MW, Bunch TD (1992). Freemartinism in a captive herd of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). J Wildlife Dis, 28, 494-498.
- Milliken JE, Paccamonti DL, Shoemaker S, Green WH (1995). XX male pseudohermaphroditism in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 207, 77-79.
- Sysa P, Bernacki Z, Kunska A (1975). Intersexuality in cattle--a case of male pseudohermaphroditismus with a 60.XY karotype. Vet Rec, 94, 30-31.
- Weng Q, Murase T, Asano M, Tsubota T, (2005). Male pseudohermaphroditism in a Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procynoides). J Vet Med Sci, 67, 603-605.
- Hermaphroditism Information on Healthline (2002), Available at: Access date: 25.03.2009 tism-1/
Bir Kuzuda Erkek Psödohermafroditizm Olgusu
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 65 - 67, 01.03.2009
Şule Yurdagül Özsoy
Osman Kutsal
Bu çalışmada; 4 aylık, Akkaraman ırkı bir kuzuda erkek psödohermafroditizm makroskobik ve mikroskobik olarak tanımlandı. Kuzu görsel bakıda sahip olduğu dış genital organ vulvası ile dişi görünmekteydi. Ancak kuzu iç genital organ olarak testislere ve epididimise benzer yapıya sahipti. Histolojik incelemede normal vulva dokusu görüldü. Testiste ise olgunlaşmamış seminifer tubullerin sadece sertoli hücreleri ve primitif eşey hücrelerine benzer yapılar ile döşeli olduğu gözlendi. Epididimisin mikroskobik incelemesinde kistik tubul benzeri yapılar ile primitif ve degeneratif eşey hücrelerine benzer hücreler görüldü
- Aksoy Ö, Kılıç E, Öztürk S, Özaydın İ, Kurt B, Baran V (2006). Buzağı, kuzu ve oğlaklarda karşılaşılan doğmasal anomaliler: 1996-2005 (262 Olgu). Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 12(2), 147-154.
- Alam MR, Cho YG, Cho SJ, Lee JI, Lee HB, Tae HJ, Kim IS, Kim NS (2007). Male pseudohermaphroditism in dogs: three case reports. Vet Med, 52, 74–78.
- Baştan A, Güngör Ö, Çetin Y (2003). Bir köpekte yalancı erkek hermafrodizm olgusu. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 50, 245.
- Bunch TD, Callan RJ, Maciulis A, Dalton JC, Figueroa MR, Kunzler R, Olson RE (1991). True hermaphroditism in a wild sheep: A clinical report. Theriogenology, 36,185-90.
- Dennis SM (1979). Urogenital defects in sheep. Vet Rec, 105 (15), 344- 347.
- Goldman AS, Eavey RD, Baker MK (1976). Production of male pseudohermaphroditism in rats by two new inhibitors of steroid 17alpha-hydroxylase and C 17-20 lyase. J Endocrinol, 289-297.
- Hafez SA, Huckle W R, Caceci T (2005). Anatomical, histological and genetic investigations of a sexually anomalous goat. Vet Rec, 157, 5, in: Weng et al. 2005-516.
- Just W, De Almeida CC, Goldshmidt B, Vogel W (1994). The male pseudohermaphrodite XX polled goat is Zfy and Sry negative. Hereditas, 120, 71-75.
- Kennedy PC, Miller RB (1993). The female genital system. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals, Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N (Ed), 349-357. Fourth Ed. Academic Press, San Diego.
- Kenny DE, Cambre RC, Fhram MW, Bunch TD (1992). Freemartinism in a captive herd of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). J Wildlife Dis, 28, 494-498.
- Milliken JE, Paccamonti DL, Shoemaker S, Green WH (1995). XX male pseudohermaphroditism in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 207, 77-79.
- Sysa P, Bernacki Z, Kunska A (1975). Intersexuality in cattle--a case of male pseudohermaphroditismus with a 60.XY karotype. Vet Rec, 94, 30-31.
- Weng Q, Murase T, Asano M, Tsubota T, (2005). Male pseudohermaphroditism in a Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procynoides). J Vet Med Sci, 67, 603-605.
- Hermaphroditism Information on Healthline (2002), Available at: Access date: 25.03.2009 tism-1/